среда, 10. јул 2013.

Kosmički mufljuz

Razmišljala sam jedno tri sekunde da li da napišem uopšte ovaj post....i da ga stavim u ovaj blog. Ali, kao i uvek,ideje mi padaju na pamet za vreme tuširanja (informativno-pobuđujuće-krativna uloga vode!) te brže bolje dođoh za laptop polumokra....i rekoh: ima da pišem, pa kud puklo da puklo!


Postoji jedna grupa vanzemaljskih inteligentnih bića otelotvorena isključivo u čovekolikom obličju muškog pola...koja sebe navodno veoma ceni, kao razvija prahistorijske obrasce ponašanja nekadašnjih džentlmena....
...kaže da mu nedostajete, a ne javlja se po tri nedelje....
...želi da vas fascinira po svaku cenu, i neprekidno najavljuje senzacije, ali nikada ne pređe na STEP TWO - tj. izvođenje same senzacije ili kreiranje iste....
....priča o svesnosti a zaboravlja sopstvene ključeve...
....govori o duši a omalovažava ljubav...
....poručuje da vas voli a onda se ženi drugom....
....stalno ima potrebu da on vodi glavnu reč, da on bude u pravu, da on bude u centru pažnje, a kaže da nema Ego....
.....ne može bez duvana, alkohola i mesa, a navodno je neprekidno u meditaciji...
Kada sretnete dotični primerak, drage moje, (jer ovaj post je zaista namenjen isključivo damama), znajte da ste nabasale na odličnu lekciju. Posmatrajte i uživajte. Pamtite šta priča a kako se ponaša. I bez obzira na mufljuzov šarm, jer oni znaju da budu jako, jako šarmanti, uočićete kako zna da bude manipulativan, i kako gleda da vas iskoristi na sve moguće načine. A ako je malo postariji i izanđali primerak, znajte da nema šanse da vas zloupotrebi....jednostavno, ispod svake prepotencije krije se...znate već šta! Mada će on probati svašta: to nešto znanja što je napabirčio sa raznih kurseva i seminara....ali jednostavno, on je suštinski nalik fizičkom čoveku, ni traga od vidovitosti, telepatije, intuicije, osećanja energija. Sve to on nema. I svemu tome se podsmeva. Kao i svim ženama sa kojima je nekada, u mladosti bio. A naročito onim ženama sa kojima nikada nije bio!
Ali je on odlična prilika da saznate svašta o sebi i o svom egu. I o tome želite li moć, umete li da kinjite muškarca, pristajete li na "trgovinu"....pitajte samu sebe: da li mi ovo treba? I zašto?
Sada, kada sam napisala toliko toga ružnog o njima, pomalo mi je žao....To su ipak zabludele ovčice, Božija stvorenja....Ne uzimajte ih ozbiljno; to su zapravo zarobljeni dečaci u telima staraca, dečaci koji nikada nisu nadrasli svoje emotivne rane još iz detinjstva, koji nikada nisu oprostili majci, pa sad šatro glume velike ljubavnike....a plaše se pravog, suštinskog zagrljaja.
Imaju hiljadu žena, a zapravo nemaju ni jednu sa kojom bi pogled bio dovoljan....
Žele da budu čuveni, a zaboravljaju da prvo treba da se vrate sebi i postanu autentični.
Kreću se svetom nalik na tamni, teški oblačić koji nikako ne može da se olakša kišom. Muče sami sebe najviše.
I eto. Pitate se čemu je služila lekcija poznanstva sa takvim likom? Verovatno da vidite kakav je muškarac sa kojim nikada ne biste delili ni postelju, ni parče hleba, a kamoli život.
Da razvijete empatiju: pa on nikada neće biti ravnopravi partner u nečemu što se zove zrela veza: ljubav bez vezivanja. Ne može da se otrgne posesivnosti, ni ljubomori, ni potrebi da kontroliše. Siromašak.
Zašto se uopšte pojavio u vašem životu? Karmički dug?
E, to važno pitanje vam ostaje da sami otkrijete!
Moje je bilo da predočim odgovarajući vanzemljaski otelotvoreni entitet.

Profesorka Rajna Dragićević održala govor koji će studenti pamtiti celog života

Profesorka Rajna Dragićević održala govor koji će studenti pamtiti celog života

Rajna Dragićević, profesorka Filološkog fakulteta u Beogradu, dokaz je da pravi i predani profesori poput legendarnog Koste Vujića postoje i danas. Umesto uobičajenog čestitanja, ona je za apsolventsko veče svojim studentima posvetila govor kakav će pamtiti celog života.

U vreme kada se obrazovni sistem urušava, testovi za male maturante prodaju na ulici, a društvo doživljava moralni krah, profesorka Dragićević podseća studente da prave vrednosti ipak nisu izumrle i da je na njima da ih sačuvaju i osnaže.

Studente je govor toliko inspirisao da su ga prosledili redakciji “Blica”, a mi Vam ga prenosimo u celosti. Skromna profesorka obećala nam je intervju čim se, kako je rekla, stiša pompa koja se zbog njenog govora digla u javnosti.


"Dragi moji studenti, poštovane kolege, budući profesori,

Na dan kada smo proslavljali vaše apsolventsko veče, odložen je maturski ispit malih maturanata jer su se testovi koje je trebalo da popunjavaju pojavili u javnosti. Ovaj događaj samo je jedna od brojnih manifestacija urušenosti našeg prosvetnog sistema, kao i društvenog sistema u svim oblastima.

Dolazeći na vaše veče i gledajući vas onako doterane, nasmejane, mlade i pune pozitivne energije, razmišljala sam o tome hoćete li uspeti da zadržite taj optimizam i kada diplomirate i kada se suočite s niskim platama, nedovoljnim uvažavanjem profesorske profesije, prilično nezainteresovanim učenicima, roditeljima koji su uvek na strani svoje dece (čak i ako je to na njihovu štetu), različitim pritiscima i omalovažavanjem.

Mnogo toga oko vas ubijaće vam motivaciju. Ipak, ako mene pitate, na listi vrhunskih zanimanja nalaze se sledeća: profesor, lekar, advokat, sudija, inženjeri, još jednom, profesor. Ako pitate sve roditelje ovog sveta čime bi želeli da se njihova deca bave, odgovoriće vam na isti način.

 Raznorazni nepismeni i polupismeni ljudi danas sebe olako mogu nazvati nekakvim pi-arovima ili menadžerima, neobrazovane voditeljke sebe zovu novinarkama, a folk-pevačice umetnicama, da i ne govorim o art direktorima, biznis konsultantima, bek-ofis administratorima, velnes konsultantima, ivent koordinatorima, kopi-print operaterima, marketing konsultantima, ofis-asistentima, portfolio-menadžerima, produkt dizajnerima.

Iza zvučnih naziva zanimanja najčešće se kriju foliranti koji misle da se ugled može steći preko noći, kriju se oni koji nisu imali izdržaj da završe fakultet koji su započeli, oni koji menjaju zanimanja i profesije kao prljave čarape. Nemojte zaboraviti da se profesorom, lekarom ili sudijom niko ne može samoprozvati.

Ponosite se svojim zanimanjem koje se može steći samo upornim, vrednim radom, odricanjem, nespavanjem i višegodišnjim samosavladavanjem i samoodricanjem. Ne dozvolite da vam bahati, hvalisavi i samouvereni vlasnici raznoraznih restorana, firmi, privatnih aviona, luksuznih stanova drže lekcije o uspehu, jer VI STE PROFESORI, a oni su samo vlasnici kvadratnih metara!

Pokušavaju da omalovaže profesorsko zanimanje. Imajte na umu to da ste vi čuvari dostojanstva svoje profesije. Zvanje profesora stiče se sa puno truda, ali još više muke treba uložiti u znanje kako nositi tu važnu titulu. Vodite računa o načinu na koji se ponašate i kada niste u školi,razmišljajte o svom odevanju, stavu, odnosu prema kolegama, prema učenicima i njihovim roditeljima.

Ako sebe srozate u sopstvenim očima, onda će vas i okolina gledati sa omalovažavanjem. Budite ponosni, samouvereni, budite spremni da učite i da se doživotno usavršavate, jer VI STE PROFESORI!
Volite svoje učenike. Upoznajte ih sa onim plemenitim što nose u sebi, a čega često nisu svesni. Izvucite ono najbolje iz njih. Podignite im ugled u njihovim sopstvenim očima. Nipošto im ne poklanjajte ocene, ali im stalno omogućavajte da poprave ocene koje imaju. Prepoznajte i poštujte njihov trud. Pokažite im da mogu biti uspešni ako rade. Ne ubijajte im volju.

Profesorski autoritet ne stiče se preteranom strogošću i samovoljom, već pravednošću i nedvosmislenim dogovorom kojeg obe strane treba da se pridržavaju. Hvalite najbolje jer ćete time inspirisati i ostale da se potrude i ponekad budu najbolji. Pružajte šansu mnogima da ponekad budu najbolji.

Nemojte biti drugari sa svojim učenicima i pokušavati da im se na taj način približite. Vi treba da postavljate pravila u svojoj učionici, da određujete granice, da držite konce u svojim rukama, jer oni su učenici, a VI STE PROFESORI!

 Ne zaboravite da ćete predavati glavni predmet, prvi u rubrici u dnevniku, i da ćete sa svojim učenicima provoditi više vremena od svih ostalih profesora. Vaš uticaj na učenike biće najvažniji. Budite svesni te odgovornosti. Kao profesori srpskog jezika, vi ste čuvari našeg jezika i kulture.

Učite učenike da vole svoju zemlju. Često se može čuti kako profesori svojim najboljim učenicima savetuju da što pre odu odavde. Počelo je da se podrazumeva da je najbolji uspeh u školi sigurna propusnica za odlazak iz Srbije. Hajde da preokrenemo perspektivu! Ukažite najboljim učenicima na to da treba da ostanu u Srbiji jer će joj, kao najbolji, pomoći da se oporavi i postane bolje mesto za život. Ne dozvolite im da odu i da prepuste zemlju svakojakom ološu!

Zacrtajte im kao životni zadatak da se bore protiv živog blata u koje tonemo. Usadite im osećaj za društvenu odgovornost i objasnite im da ovu zemlju niko ne može očistiti osim njih. Ako se potrudite, videćete da će vas đaci poslušati, jer VI STE PROFESORI!

Budite uvereni da seme svih ekonomskih, političkih, kulturnih, moralnih reformi u ovoj zemlji može da proklija samo u porodici, ali i u vašoj učionici, i to upravo na časovima srpskog jezika i književnosti! Zato se trudite da budete uzor svojim učenicima.

Krenite u rat protiv svih starleta, sponzoruša, pevačica, manekenki, tajkuna, biznismena i pobedite ih. Vi im morate postati orijentaciona tačka, svetionik u životu! Za taj rat imate 45 minuta dnevno skoro svakog radnog dana, a to nije malo. Pobedićete tako što ćete dati sve od sebe da saržaje koje treba da predstavite svojim učenicima učinite zanimljivim, uzbudljivim, svežim. Uspećete u tome samo ako mnogo znate, ako volite ono što radite i ako ste posvećeni.

Učenici to mogu da prepoznaju, i to nepogrešivo. Ne obazirite se na činjenicu da se neke vaše kolege ne pripremaju za časove, da mnogi ništa ne rade, a primaju platu, ne obazirite se na trulež oko sebe i ne predajte mu se! Neka vaš čas bude oaza znanja u sveopštoj pustinji, svetla tačka u mraku, zrno smisla u besmislu.

Vi imate misiju: ako uspete da povratite autoritet škole i znanja (a to se ne može postići nijednim zakonom, već entuzijazmom profesora), padaće kao domine sve prepreke ka boljem životu u Srbiji. Od časa srpskog do ekonomskih reformi! Od časa srpskog do borbe protiv korupcije! Od časa srpskog do kosmosa!

Vaša moć je ogromna i vaš zadatak je od strateškog značaja. U tome je razlika između vas i raznoraznih menadžera, konsultanata, koordinatora, administratora, operatera, bogatih vlasnika lokala i ostalih eksperata za prodavanje magle. U njihovim rukama su projekti, lokali, avioni i kamioni, a u vašim rukama je budućnost ove zemlje. Nikada nemojte zaboraviti: VI STE PROFESORI!

уторак, 9. јул 2013.

Energy Forecast – The Great Emotional Cleanse

source: http://spiritualconnectedness.wordpress.com/category/energy/clearing/

Energy Forecast – The Great Emotional Cleanse

Peace and Blessings my friend,
It’s such an honor for me to connect with you in this way again. Wow, are we in some extraordinary times or what? There is simply no holding back the love that’s pouring into our planet at this time.
When this much love and light manifest all at once, it can really rock us to the core. It can feel very confusing because a lot of past emotions and challenging situations we thought we had taken care of come right back up in front of our beautiful faces seeming more present than ever. This confusion also comes up because the mind is being nudged to expand out of the limitations it had once created for itself.
This actually happens to give us the opportunity to ‘react’ in a different way than we may have in the past. If we find ourselves still reacting in the same or a similar way as we did before, then it means there’s still quite a bit of healing for us to do especially around strengthening our letting-go muscles.
On the other side of this downpour of energies, many of us are becoming more mindful by catching ourselves in the act as we realize that past emotions and situations coming back up are just here to show us how far we’ve already come. With this state of non-reactive mind it becomes much easier not to overreact as we once used to, because we are no longer identifying ourselves with whatever it was that caused us so much anger in the first place. This allows us to surrender to the flow of life instead of swimming upstream. It allows us to become more neutral.
The Great Emotional Cleanse
Right now, we are individually and collectively being asked to let go of the recycled stories we created for ourselves that prevented us from fully being in our power. Some of these stories may include:
• The idea that we or anyone else is lacking in any way, believing we or they are less than, broken, victims, not good enough, or unworthy
• The idea that we need approval that comes from outside ourselves, that we need something or someone outside of us to fulfill a desire
• The idea that we have to put ourselves last
• The idea that only others are blessed and lucky
• The idea that we only have one soul mate or twin flame
• The idea that money and spirituality are separate and that as a spiritual person it’s wrong to experience financial abundance
• The idea that we have to keep hiding and playing small
• The idea that we must be hard on ourselves and others or criticize
• The idea that we are unsafe and have to live in a world where it’s about survival of the fittest
• The idea that we are separate in any way from anything for any reason
Any of these energetic patterns we carried for ourselves and for our ancestors are coming up to the surface to be released once and for all. As mentioned earlier in this update, this can really feel amplified and leave many people feeling as if they have lost their sense of self. This is simply the mind’s way of protecting itself, so just know that it’s absolutely normal. We are loved and supported through everything in ALL ways, even if our mind may not recognize it right away.
The key ingredient to moving through this period is to simply remain flexible with ourselves, others and the world around us. This will allow us to surf the energy waves much more smoothly.
The Crazy Meter Turns Up a Few Notches 
After moving through the Eclipse Trinity back in April/May combined with the heightened Sun activity, and astrological alignments including the recent Solstice on June 21st, we’ve probably noticed by now that the crazy meter has been turned up a few notches.
Because we are all so unique in the way we experience our realities, it’s important to understand that not everyone processes in the same way. When referring to the ‘Crazy Meter,’ the word crazy in this case has nothing to do with what most standard definitions in the dictionary lead us to believe.
The biggest difference is that in most dictionaries, there is an insinuation that when someone is ‘crazy’ they are lacking something in some way. In most cases it would be a lack of sense or being out of one’s mind. If this is the correct definition, then being crazy would actually be quite a beneficial energy to tap into because it moves us out of the limitations of the mind and into the heart where our core essence resides and where we can always find peace.
However, the kind of crazy I’m referring to here is the kind that has a person so stuck in their mind, that they begin to imprison themselves into thinking that the circumstances around them actually decide who they are in the world. They begin to fall into the mind set of survival and victim consciousness. Many of us are noticing that this type of ‘crazy’ behavior is finally coming to the forefront and making its presence known.
We may not have noticed this type of crazy before in certain people (family, friends, colleagues or even strangers) because it’s usually managed or hidden well, even for an entire lifetime for some. Don’t take it personally even if the crazy is directed at you. The energies we are in right now are just NOT going to allow this type of crazy to continue for much longer, so it’s looking for a focused outlet to reaffirm to itself that it’s still the driver. This energy prevented us from being our truest selves for too long. The tides have turned and there’s just no looking back anymore.
In the case of this kind of crazy, tough love is necessary. Tough love is not to be confused with judgment, being mean or intentionally hurtful in any way. Tough love does however mean we remain steadfast in choosing to embody who we are in all circumstances to such a degree that in time others are empowered to align with who they really are as well. Some manifestations of tough love include:
• Creating healthy boundaries
• Letting go of the need to fix or change others
• Releasing ourselves of responsibilities that kept us co-dependent
• Expressing ourselves freely, honestly and openly in a mindful manner, speaking up
• Being more compassionate instead of feeling sorry for ourselves and others
• Choosing to be authentic, stepping into power
• Taking care of our well-being
• No longer sitting on the sideline of our lives
• Sharing our full gifts with the world
• Making peace with and releasing relationships that no longer serve our greatest good
The energies we are moving through are Divine Love in action. It may feel otherwise at times but these energies are in full effect. The energies have been fine-tuning us and will continue to do so for each of us personally and for all of us as a collective in EVERY way from the inside out until we ALL operate and shine from our highest state of being.
We are all in this together!
Till next time,
Miraculously yours,
©2009-2013 Emmanuel Dagher/Magnified Manifesting. All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com – You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


source: http://spiritualconnectedness.wordpress.com/2013/07/09/indigo-crystal-and-rainbow-soul-groups-increase-awareness/


Free will and darkness are only found in lower vibrational worlds, planets or dimensions. Illusions are only found in the 3rd and lower 4th dimensional realities. Free will means the human get to choose when, how, why and where they want to experience their lessons. What spiritual wisdom you need to gather is decided or determined before your birth on earth. You must incarnate or transfer a soul aspect into a human biology to join the earth illusion. At the exact time of your birth or when a soul transfer happens, the magnetic characteristics of Gaia and you as an individual are placed in your DNA. This placement in your DNA dictates the percentage of light you will carry or your personal magnetic and electrical frequencies or the spiritual wisdom you will start out with as a human.
When Gaia was only carrying around 40% light or less the last 12 thousand years and the individual soul was darkish, the child created was darkish. Add the lack of wisdom and truth that the parents carried to the darkish child and things get very challenging in a dark reality.
SOUL GROUP INCARNATIONS happen when a higher vibrating group wants to assist a lower vibrational group to increase the light they can carry. Volunteers from the higher vibrational group come into biology at the same time as a group to create and support spiritual awareness of truths through example. During any civilization that evolved faster than the rest of earth civilizations there was a group incarnation of volunteers for example the golden ages of the Roman Empire, Egypt and Greece. Some group incarnations challenged the political, economic and religious DOGMA and darkness of the time to increase hope and awareness of universal truths.
The volunteers were not perfect and were subjected to the same dark pressures and fears of living on earth the rest of us need to cope with. Many of the Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow soul groups of children raised in violence and trauma here on earth have gone dark. The edge that the lighter soul group incarnations have is their higher vibration and their connection with their soul aspects that give them information and support when they asked for it. They must ask because this is a planet of free will. FEAR holds us in this dark illusion and fear leaves when you gather more knowledge and compassion for you first. Expanding to the upper 4th and 5th dimension makes it easier for you to discern what is illusion and what is truth.
Gaia was carrying around 41% light at the time of birth of the Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow soul groups of children and each group was increasingly lighter than the population on earth. Indigo children had gathered their spiritual wisdom on earth. Crystal children came from other planets vibrating higher than earth and had a rough time adjusting to our darkness, lack of self-love, guilt and fear. Crystal, Rainbow and the Integrated children are from other planets like Sirius, Pleiades or the whales, dolphins and elementals.
- Source unknown

What is an Indigo?

source: http://spiritualconnectedness.wordpress.com/2013/07/09/what-is-an-indigo/

What is an Indigo?

The main purpose of the Indigos is to raise the level of human consciousness and the vibration of our planet and therefore help humanity to ascend to a higher level of consciousness. They are therefore the next step in human evolution. They have a purpose and it is to break down limiting, restricting patterns of thought and behaviors and to restore beauty to our Earth and create a new and different world.
Indigos are very intelligent and creative, but also rebellious towards authority and systems in general. Their nonconformity makes it difficult for them to get through their childhood years and perhaps even adulthood. They are often mislabeled with disorders such as ADD or ADHD.
They have extreme levels of sensitivity, which is hard to understand and appreciated by others who do not share this trait. They can be very empathic and caring, although they can become insensitive should they suffer from any kind of emotional abuse.
Indigo children
Generally Indigo children feel huge amounts of rage and frustration and react aggressively towards their environments both at home and school. Often they themselves do not understand their responses and don’t know where it stems from. They often cannot express themselves adequately and become over stimulated and anxious. It is important that they find safe and acceptable outlets for this as the anger and frustration they feel is often not even their own, but the unexpressed emotions of the people around them. They are unable to cope with any type of discord, anger, or imbalance in their environment and it is therefore important that they are provided with some sort of outlet and a place where they are able to go calm down.
Indigo’s vary differently in their appearance, but there will be a certain something about them that sets them apart from everyone else. They have wise eyes that see right into your soul. It is extremely difficult to lie to them because they have the ability to see through the dishonesty. They have heard every lie, every scheme and done everything there is to be done since the beginning of time. But they have volunteered to come back with all of their wisdom and experience intact.
- Indigo Pathways
“They have very unique characteristics that set them apart from previous generations of children. The name itself indicates the Life Color they carry in their auras and is indicative of the Third Eye chakra, which represents intuition and psychic ability. These are the children who are often rebellious to authority, nonconformist, extremely emotionally and sometimes physically sensitive or fragile, very often labeled ADD, either very empathic and compassionate OR very cold and callous, and are wise beyond their years. Indigos have come into this world with difficult challenges to overcome. Their extreme levels of sensitivity are hard to understand and appreciate by parents who don’t share this trait. The Indigo children are the ones who have come to raise the vibration of our planet! These are the primary ones who will bring us the enlightenment to ascend.”
– Wendy H. Chapman
Indigos are also known as Children of the Indigo Vibration, People of The Indigo Ray, and The Blue Ones. It is believed that the first wave of Indigos started incarnating after the late 1970s, but some, also know as “scouts”, are believed to have been born before.
Indigos are extremely brave, courageous, beautiful souls; some of the first to incarnate when the planet was truly dark and heavy. Their committment to the Light and their courage, strength and willingness to come to a place that was so dark in order to bring light, truth and change, deeply touches my heart. We owe so much the Indigos. They paved the way and were not afraid of change or to stand out in society, to speak and live their truth. They did not conform. Incredible, inspiring and brave souls.

Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children and Auras

source: http://spiritualconnectedness.wordpress.com/2013/07/09/indigo-crystal-and-rainbow-children-and-auras/

Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children and Auras

Auras are our energy fields around ourselves all day everyday since birth and until death. They will change with our mood and they change with our spiritual growth. Generally we have a “life color” I like to call them, it can tell who we are deep in the soul. As we because more spiritually in-tune this color goes up the spiritual ladder of color. The colors of course start with red and end with the rainbow. Rainbow being the most spiritual.
Some say that and indigo, crystal and rainbow still posses another “life color” and the term indigo, crystal and rainbow is just a form of spirituality that is shown through the aura, i believe this is for the individual to decide, as i do not believe it matters at this time.
The purpose of learning our auras and our spiritual level is to be able to grow and become a better spiritual person. To better help our world in the transition, to better help those around us learning about spirituality for the first time and to better learn about ourselves, our true selves, the self we have been even before this present life.
Auras and Their Meanings
***I could not find a list that I felt was accurate so the following was compiled by me from Pagans Path and The Soul Element ***
Red is nature’s warning color. Red can indicate a high level of emotion, such as anger, impulsiveness, aggression or hate. I think of red as “heat” and it can also indicate pain, swelling, or injury on the physical body. Red on occasion can indicate a very strong willpower or energy being directed to achieve a goal. This is usually seen as red ball type shapes in the upper part of the aura.
Can indicate fear or anger.
Vibrant Red: When seen in a clear, vibrant and constant state, it represents fear or strong anxiety.
Dull Red: Generally represents anger. The deeper the red, the stronger the emotion.
A Consistent Red: A consistent dark red indicates a violent nature, a selfish and deceitful attitude.
A Red Spike: A spike of red, either vibrant or dull in appearance, indicates the same meanings as above. However instead of representing the consistent nature of the subject, the spike indicates the sudden emotion in the current conversation or situation the subject is engaged in at that moment.
I always think of Orange as “outgoing”, warm, spontaneous, courage, joy and someone very “social”, they like to be around people. If a muddy shade of orange is seen on the body, nearing a brown color, this can mean a severe condition. Muddy shades elsewhere in the aura can indicate emotional imbalances, pride, vanity, worry, and around the head can mean “laziness”. Pastel shades of orange can indicate searching for new spiritual paths, aspirations.
Confidence, ambition, pride.
Vibrant Orange: Indicates ambition, pride, self-sufficiency.
Dull Orange: A lack of warmth, but a strong desire for success and popularity
Yellow is a mental color in the aura. You will see this color around the head more often than probably any other color. It signifies concentration, thinking, learning, studying. It can also indicate spiritual development, usually on the very pale to white shades. The muddier shades of yellow can signify fussy, over analytical behavior. It can reflect being overly critical about others or life. It can also mean the need for attention, or feeling they need recognition.
Success, creativeness, jealousy, selfishness.
It has been my experience that a person with a thin line (1-4 inches) of yellow takes on the characteristics of this color in either their personal or professional life, but not both. A yellow aura wider then 5 inches, indicates characteristics in both aspects of the subjects life.
Vibrant Yellow: Clear yellow denotes intelligence, wisdom, and success.
Dull Yellow: A dull yellow indicates jealousy, a selfishness and negative outlook
Nature’s GROWTH color. I always think of growth when I think of green. It’s the color of renewal, the color of healing. Many healers (doctors, psychiatrists, etc) have green in their auras. Most people with this color in their aura also have a balancing and calming effect on others. They are generally well balanced themselves, strong, straightforward and protective. They are generally concerned about the well being of everyone. The heart is the focus. The shades of bright green, almost a seafoam, that blends into an electric blue tend to be seen in those who have healing ability, healers who generally work with energy. I’ve also seen green in areas where people are healing from something, this can be on an emotional, physical or mental level.The muddier shades of green can indicate untrustworthiness, jealousy, and possessiveness.
Light Green shades, indicate the onset or potential for injury and the subject should be cautious for the next few weeks.
Darker Green shades, generally indicate the injury has already occurred and is in the process of healing.
The lighter brighter shades of blue, as found in the throat chakra, generally reflect a good imagination, creativity and good intuition. It’s a calming and peaceful color. It can indicate the ability for clairaudience. The deeper shades of blue can indicate loneliness. The muddier shades can indicate blocked perceptions, worrying, over sensitivity, fearfulness. Royal Shades of blue indicate honesty, truth and good judgment.
Spiritually searching. A dissatisfaction or a feeling that there’s something more.
Vibrant Blue: Pride, adoration, dedication.
A subject with any shade of the lighter blues is generally beginning their spiritual quest. (This does not mean a metaphysical quest, but rather a journey that will fill the ‘missing’ pieces of their current existence. This can just as easily be accomplished through any fundamental religion).
Darker blues typically indicate the subject has found their spiritual path and is continuing their education in the chosen realm.
Dull Blue: Taking life for granted, being too content, can appear to be selfish, narrow minded, arrogance, or self-righteous. There are many traits which accompany religious zeal, such as self-righteousness, dedication, pride, adoration and worship. These wide variations are usually indicated by some shade of blue.
Indigo, Violet, Purple
Spiritual Colors, associated with the Third Eye/Brow Chakra, and the Crown Chakra. Basically spiritual knowledge put into action. these colors will be present in people who meditate a lot, channel, and work on spiritual purity. These colors I must note too are normally found around the head. Those who go from shades of violet into lavender and white have attained the highest spiritual path. The muddier shades can reflect erotic imaginations, overbearingness, needs for sympathy.
Heightened spiritual awareness, self-esteem, and high ideals.
Light Purple: People with lighter shades of purple are refining or polishing their spiritual nature. They are actively working on the balance of each aspect of their lives (personal, spiritual, professional), their attitudes and acceptance of others, and their existence with other life.
Mid-Dark: Teachers of their chosen spiritual path. They maybe working on a few issues of balancing, but for the most part, they are patient, kind, and willing to go out of their way for people.
Pink means compassion. It’s associated with the heart chakra on an emotional level. It indicates and reflects love and a strong sense of companionship.
Affection, love, enjoyment, pity, guilt.
Vibrant Pink: Indicates love, affection and a resilient temperament.
Dull Pink: Denotes ‘care with caution’, pity or guilt.
Selfishness, deception, confusion or discouragement.
Light Brown: Indicates confusion or discouragement. The lack of confidence in ones self, the present situation or in the subject being addressed.
Dark Brown: Indicates selfishness, fault finding, and a tendency toward deception.
When white stands out in the aura, and I mean in a way that it is very apparent you are seeing an abundance of white, and not just white in the aura or a poor perception of the aura, this is indicating pure pranic energy, life force, truth and purity of spirit. This has been seen in yogis and gurus. It indicates that the energy of the individual is purifying and cleansing and of the greatest spiritual awakening. You may also witness white speckled lights around healers and mediums while they are healing or communicating. White speckled lights are a sign that spirit and healing energy are present. I’ve actually seen and witnessed this while at a John Edward seminar. It appeared as though someone had thrown glitter up around him with all of the little flashing sparkles of light around him. I’ve learned that I generally now see this when light beings or spirit is around, it’s always an indicator for me.
Indicates purity and/or protection. When detected in the outer layers of the aura, can indicate an area of the body which has been over energized, or is over active.
First, I’d like to say, black does not always mean death or terminal illness. Yes, it most definitely can indicate illnesses, diseases, injuries, and can indicate emotional imbalances such as depression. Yes, it is a warning sign in most cases, however, it is not the end all. It can also show holes in the aura, when detected by and worked with by those who have experience, can be closed and healed. So please, if you see black in someone’s aura, please do not blurt out that they are going to die or they are terminally ill. I have seen spots or areas of darkness on individuals, it could be something as simple as a cold in the chest, or a spot where they’ve had their appendix out. Be careful how you represent this. If you see something that looks wrong, gently nudge them to see a doctor.
Indicates hatred, negativity, depression and miserly. When this appears in an aura, it is usually localized or appears as wisps floating through the aura.
Spiritual Strength, spiritual energy. A great protection color from negative energies too.
Silver, much like white, is the color of the highest spiritual energies or spiritual forces. The highest realms of spirit. and angelic kingdoms. You’ll usually see this as twinkles or specks or flashes of light, similar to those I mentioned under “white”. I’ve actually seen gold, silver and white sparkles where energies are concerned and they all seem to be of the same cause. Now, one interesting thing to note here, pregnant women will have silver sparkles in their aura, that does not mean that all women with silver sparkles are pregnant, but you will notice, pregnant women will have silver sparkles.
What I Feel
I did a lot of meditation on this subject as I hold it near and dear, i have 3 children, one an Indigo, one a Crystal, and one a Rainbow. However i didn’t feel that was all they were. Sometimes i noticed the children taking on different characteristics and i wanted to know why, this is what i was shown.
Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow But What’s in Between
Written By: Danielle Garringer
OK so here is the deal, I have read book after book and article after article and they all say, INDIGO, CRYSTAL and RAINBOW…And i have yet to figure out WHY its so black and white. It shouldn’t be and i haven’t seen it that way. For example EVERYONE else has more than ONE color Aura..when i first got mine read it was Green with Blue, Pink and Indigo. Green and Blue were the dominant colors and pink and indigo were a little. So WHY is it that our children are being labeled with only ONE color??
Ever since i have been reading these children and working on them (because my life path are these children) i have discovered something. There are transition children. Below is a list. It is the order that these children come to us. You may wonder what the difference between and Indigo/ Crystal and a Crystal/Indigo is…but its simple, The Indigo/Crystal has more indigo traits and the Crystal/Indigo has more Crystal traits. The Aura color listed first has the more dominant traits.
Now you will also notice that i wrote “the order we transition” That is because we can start out ANY aura color and as we grow spiritually we change into these more spiritual colors. We can all become indigo, crystal or rainbow, what makes the kids so special is they are BORN this way, they are BORN with all the spiritual knowledge that we had to gain to get to indigo. (hope that made sense)
The Order They Come to us, and The Order We Transition
  • Blue/Violet/Indigo
  • Indigo/Blue/Violet
  • Indigo
  • Indigo/Crystal
  • Crystal/Indigo
  • Crystal
  • Crystal/Rainbow
  • Rainbow/Crystal
  • Rainbow
The next thing i noticed was the correlation of the Mothers Auras and the child. As the mothers grow spiritually they will give birth to higher spiritual children for instance..
  • A mother who is Blue/Violet Will give birth to an indigo
  • A mother who is violet/indigo will give birth to a crystal
  • A mother who is crystal will give birth to a rainbow
Of course if the mother is in a transition period the child may be born with the transition colors too. Either way the child is always born more spiritual than the mother.
Lastly i would like to say all this is from my own research and observations, this is MY work and is not to be used for anything other than helping people grow spiritually, i am happy to share my findings as long as they are used for good and not stolen, if you share these i would appreciate if you could link to me or this page.

Are you an Indigo?

source: http://spiritualconnectedness.wordpress.com/2013/07/09/are-you-an-indigo/

Are you an Indigo?

The Indigo generation has a collective purpose of ridding this world of corruption. Indigos are strong-willed leaders who have inner truth-detectors. Indigos only respect someone if they are in integrity. Indigos aren’t impressed by titles, wealth, or fame. They only care if that person is telling the truth or not.
We all have inner truth-detectors which tell us whether or not a person or situation is truthful. However, older generations have been conditioned to logically-override their truth detector. We tello urselves, “Oh I should give this person a chance. It’s not nice to judge them. If I can’t say anything nice, I shouldn’t say anything at all.”
The Indigo generation, in contrast, speaks up about what they see. They don’t — and can’t! — turn off their ability to sense truth or corruption. They are Knights and Knightesses, who are here to usher out deceit from our planet.
Indigo Children can sense dishonesty, like a dog can sense fear. Indigos know when they’re being lied to, patronized, or manipulated. And since their collective purpose is to usher us into a new world of integrity, the Indigos’ inner lie detectors are integral. This warrior spirit is threatening to some adults. And the Indigos are unable to conform to dysfunctional situations at home, work, or school.
Indigos don’t have the ability to dissociate from their feelings and pretend like everything’s okay . . . unless they’re medicated or sedated.
Adults who resist change and who value conformity may misunderstand the Indigos. They are often mislabeled with the pshychiatric diagnoses of Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Sadly, when they are mediacted, the Indigos often lose their beautiful sensitivity, spiritual gifts or warrior energy.
Indigos have a lot of indigo blue in their auras. This is the color of the third eye chakra, which is an energy center inside the head located between the two eyebrows. This chakra regulates clairvoyance, or the ability to see energy, visions and spirits. Many of the indigos are clairvoyant.
Now you’re seeing Indigos in the news as whistleblowers. Whether you think these Indigos are heroes or traitors, the fact remains that they are following their own inner course. If they see deceit, they speak up — regardless of consequences.
The Indigos will continue to speak up, protest, and make noise until all shreds of corruption are evicted from our planet.
- Doreen Virtue
What is an indigo Child? (by Kate Mitchell)
  •    They are extremely sensitive and very intuitive.
  •    They are “peace warriors” and can be very “edgy.”
  •    They have a tremendous desire to be of service to mankind.
  •    They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)
  •    They have a feeling of “deserving to be here,” and are surprised when others don’t share that.
  •    Self-worth is not a big issue with those in their power. They often tell the parents “who they are.”
  •    They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).
  •    They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
  •    They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented, outdated and don’t require creative thought.
  •    They often see better ways of doing things, both at home, work and in school, which makes them seem like “system busters” (nonconforming to old systems).
  •    They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. The old school system may be extremely  difficult for them socially.
  •    They will not respond to “guilt” discipline (“Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did”).
  •    They are not shy in letting you know what they need.
  •    They are often diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia and other learning challenges.
  •    Most are creative or intellectual geniuses.
- Brilliant with technology
- Peer-oriented
- Bored in school and easily distracted
- Multi-task effortlessly
- Blunt in communication
- Unswayed by previous social norms
- View entitlement as a right
- Androgynous
- Warrior temperate
- Determined
- Detect dishonesty from a mile away
- Absolute confidence
- They rarely need others to tell them who they are
- Are easily frustrated with routine or ritual
- They do not accept authority without explanation or choice
- Non conformist
- They have no trouble telling you what they need
- May seem anti-social if they are not around children like them
- Sensitive
- Intuitive
- Technologically orientated
- Highly intelligent, though may not have demonstrated in school
- Have deep empathy for others, yet not for stupidity
- Amazing memory
- Very creative
- Their first questions is WHY?
Life Purpose:
Indigos are here to free us from our past limitations destroying everything that stands in the way of a unified future ultimately raising the vibration of the planet.
Indigos have a warrior spirit, because their collective purpose is to mash down old systems that no longer serve us. They are here to squash government, educational and legal systems that lack integrity.
The Difference Between Indigo Children, Adults and Lightworkers
Indigo children and adults are special souls that incarnate here from other planets or dimensions. They are in this world, but they are not of it. There is a marked difference in their level of vibration to the vibrations of normal Earth souls. Contrary to what many people are saying nowadays, I believe Indigos to make up no more than 0,1% of the world’s population, possibly less.
Lightworkers are souls who decide to dedicate themselves to raising this world up in vibration. They are not solely Indigo children and adults, though they often are. A high level of vibration is needed to sincerely desire to heal the Earth, at the very least an open heart, which most Earth souls don’t have. Some Earth souls, nevertheless, achieve a level of vibration equivalent to the Indigo soul’s vibration in the space of a single lifetime, and choose to take up a place in the healing of this Earth. The difference between those people and Indigos is that indigos have a higher vibration at the soul level. Free will is a constant for all levels of vibration but when an Indigo gets tied up in negative energies, they will tend to feel even more unhappy than a normal person, which will push them even stronger than a normal person to raise their vibration. On the other hand to reach a higher level of vibration an Earth soul may need to use a sustained effort which isn’t necessary for an Indigo. In this way Indigos tend towards a different equilibrium, so to speak, and are much more likely to reach the vibration at which they can feel a strong desire to help out the Earth in its plight.
by Andrew Gubb