петак, 29. новембар 2013.

Top 10 Spiritual Truths We Weren’t Taught in School

Top 10 Spiritual Truths We Weren’t Taught in School

November 28, 2013 | By  
Michelle Walling, CHLC, In5D GuestWaking Times
What would our world be like today of these top 10 spiritual truths were taught in our schools, in the mainstream media, and in our history books? How can we change the system to introduce these topics to our future generations? What will the world be like after successfully recognizing these spiritual truths?
1. We are spiritual beings on a human journey. Before we came down into this physical body, we planned out the point in time that we would begin to awaken to who and what we are. The womb of our mother was the tunnel of forgetting, and we knew the challenge of remembering would be tough. The biggest risk we took was never remembering. We were never disconnected from our source of light, however the connection was stretched very long and thin to reach this part of the universe in density. Our challenge is to strengthen this connection and to grow our pillar of light in remembrance and recognition of who we truly are.
2. Our souls never die- we just change our focus. As a spark of light from Source, we are infinitely connected to the flow of experience. When it is time to disconnect the cord of life from our physical body, our spark rises up and out of the human physical body. We take the experience of our lifetime with us, but our focus is changed to a slightly different level of vibration. We still exist as the person we were in human form as well as the many people we have been before. Every lifetime builds experience and wisdom.
3. Everything is energy vibrating at a certain frequency. All living things on earth have consciousness, even rocks and trees. Every-thing and every-one is connected to a “tree of life” or an infinite energy source. We can connect to the consciousness of trees and rocks and can carry on conversations with them by tuning in to their particular vibrational frequency. Our bodies are 90% water and can be programmed and molded to a certain vibrational frequency via thoughts, sound, color, and love. When we understand vibration, we can understand how alternative and holistic treatments can cure any disease or ailment in the body by changing the water vibration.
4. Our thoughts create our reality. All thoughts are energy which manifest into what we see as reality. Always being aware of your thoughts is one of the first steps in responsible co-creation of your reality. It is a simple concept but takes awareness and work. If every person on earth changed their thoughts towards peace and freedom there would be no war or tyranny. Focusing on negative thoughts will create a lower vibrational frequency and focusing on positive thoughts can raise the vibrational frequency. Our reality is a manifestation of what we create through thought patterns.
5. We are the ones we have been waiting for. There are many races and dimensions of beings on the planet at this time. Cherubim angels, Seraphim angels, Archangels, Pleiadians, Orions, Sirians, Arcturans, Anunnaki..…just to name a few. We volunteered to be here at this time, answering the call from the consciousness of Planet Earth as she cried out for help. We came here from other galaxies, universes, and cosmoses. Many came here each time there was a chance to achieve a “golden age” after the “fall”. Although those times were not completely successful, they were all preparation for this time.
6. Most of us incarnated here before- many times, in order to prepare for this current lifetime. There are souls who are here to be wayshowers and leaders and there are souls here who just wanted to be here to witness the raising of vibration of the human race in concert with the planet, which will affect the solar system, the universe, the cosmos, and beyond. For those who lead by example, our schooling never stops. We had many “classes” to take in order to prepare to master ourselves in this incarnation.  The scope of the effect this event will have on all of creation is one of the biggest secrets of all. Some say that the incarnation cycle has ended and this lifetime is the opportunity to release ourselves from the wheel of karma, or the need to balance our actions.
7. We are never alone. We could not exist here without help from our spirit guides and angels, or high vibrational beings of light who made agreements with us to help steer us on the path toward the goal of ascension. They exist in another vibrational level or dimension higher than ours- thus most of us cannot see them. They are always with us and are waiting patiently for us to ask for help, as we live on a free will planet. They abide by laws of interference because of our free will, but if we ask with our highest and best interest they do have creative ways of manifesting what you ask for. Most guidance comes from within- through a process of telepathy where you get an idea in your head. Messages can also come from other people- those who can tap into that vibrational level in order to hear what they have to say.
8. Time is an illusion. We have a past and we have already been to the future. The majority of our energy particles (our souls) exist in a place of “no time”. Time is created in order to experience and is part of the controlled experiment. Meditation or “going within” is the key to returning to the place of “no time” where all the answers lie.
9. Ascension does not involve going anywhere. It is a state of being, a focus of awareness and consciousness into a higher vibrational frequency. It is what we were created for- to “go forth and experience”, and return the experiences back to Source in an infinite loop of co-creation and mastery. The main reward of incarnating in the depths of “hell” at this time is rising like the phoenix from the ashes into the bliss and light of love. This is achieved by being love itself.
10. Love is all there is. Finding and reconnecting to love again is the most important thing we can do as humans. Source is unconditional love, and we are sparks of source- which means we are also love. Therefore we are that we seek. Loving ourselves unconditionally is the key to returning to source.
Change starts with each individual person recognizing these truths. We are not responsible for trying to convince others of our own truth, but instead all we have to do is to “be” truth and the rest will follow. How do we do this? Be the example by speaking your truth, and watch the world change before your eyes. By becoming responsible for ourselves, our thoughts, and our actions, we will have made one great leap toward the future of our children and the future of humanity as spiritual beings on a human journey. We have the greatest opportunity ever in the history of the earth to be the best version of a human being we can be. It is simply up to us as to how glorious we create the future of humanity existing on the spaceship we call Earth.
This article was written within the ten hours of hours of power of the author’s astrological solar return, inspired by a reading by Lavandar.
About the Author
Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach.  She has devoted her life to being a bearer and grounder of the light in service to others. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world. She is also a hands-on healer, a distance healer, an empath, and an intuitive. Michelle has recently joined forces with Gregg Prescott as an admin for the In5d Facebook page and as a contributing author forwww.in5d.com. Michelle also supports Gregg’s endeavors in many other areas including alternative and holistic healthcare.
source: http://www.wakingtimes.com/2013/11/28/top-10-spiritual-truths-werent-taught-school/

среда, 27. новембар 2013.



Jedan od razloga zašto se okrećete od trenutka je zato što ste programirani da odbacite život takav kakav je. Vi želite život prema vašim vlastitim uvjetima, no to nikada ne može biti tako. Čak i ako bi ego imao život prema svojim vlastitim uvjetima, što ego doživljava kratko i povremeno, uskoro bi zatražio više ili različito ili bolje od toga. Ego ne prihvaća život, a to je jedan od razloga zašto mu ego ne želi dati pozornost.
Ego bi radije dao pozornost svojim fantazijama, snovima, sjećanjima, mišljenjima,
osudama, pa čak i strahovima, nego li stvarnoj stvarnosti bilo kojega trenutka, a što, osim što je nesavršeno (sa stajališta ega), je nemoguće kontrolirati ili predvidjeti.
Nepredvidivost života i egovo pomanjkanje kontrole duboko uznemiravaju ego. Stupanje u kontakt sa stvarnošću čini da se ego osjeća neugodno, zato jer je suočen s istinom da nije on taj koji pokreće život. Dok god ego ostaje u svojoj izmišljenoj stvarnosti, on se može igrati kralja. On se pretvara da može navesti život da ide njegovim putem. On negira očitu stvarnost i odabire vjerovati ono što on želi vjerovati o stvarnosti.
Prihvaćanje bilo čega što se događa uvodi vas u Suštinu, te u stanje sreće, mira i
zadovoljstva. To stanje je odmah neugodno za ego, tako da stanje sreće i mira obično ne traje dugo. Ego pronalazi grešku u miru, izjavljuje da je on dosadan, te smišlja problem o kojem bi mogao razmišljati i kojeg bi mogao rješavati. Ako se složite s procjenom ega o tom trenutku, opet ste natrag u identifikaciji s njime, umjesto u Suštini. Na sreću, prihvaćanje vas može opet dovesti u trenutak. Jednom kada ste svjesni moći prihvaćanja da vas uvede u Suštinu, možete svjesnije koristiti prihvaćanje za tu svrhu.
Prihvaćanje je sinonim za ljubav. Ljubav prihvaća. Mogli biste reći da je
prihvaćanje definicija ljubavi. Kada prihvaćate nešto što se događa, nalazite se na teritoriju ljubavi. Međutim, kako biste ovdje ostali, morate nastaviti prihvaćati ono što se događa, a to može biti izazovno, zato jer um skoro u svakom trenutku pronalazi razlog da ga napusti.
Morate reći umu ne uvijek iznova prije nego li on popusti. Što više govorite ne umu, to on postaje slabiji, i što mu više govorite da, to jači on postaje.
Odvajanje od uma zahtjeva brigu, posvećenost i izbor, vi ste jedini koji možete
preuzeti tu obvezu i napraviti taj izbor. U određenoj mjeri, vaša duhovna evolucija je u
vašim rukama. Drugi čimbenici određuju kako i kada ćete se otvoriti duhovno, no kako brzo napredujete je uvelike na vama i vašim izborima.
Prihvaćanje onoga što jest nije toliko teško koliko vam se može činiti. Samo
morate prihvatiti ono što se događa u sadašnjem trenutku, a ne u svakom trenutku kroz vrijeme. Ego ima poteškoća prihvatiti ono što se događa, zato jer raspreda negativnu priču o tome što to znači za buduće trenutke. Na primjer, ako se osjećate bolesno, ego vas navodi da patite govoreći vam kako je grozno biti bolestan i kakav negativni učinak to ima
na vaš život. Priče koje on priča su sve laži. On nikada ne predviđa budućnost točno.
Prihvaćanje onoga što jest također nije tako teško koliko mislite, zato jer
prihvaćanje ne znači da vam se to mora svidjeti. Sve što morate napraviti je prihvatiti da vam se ne sviđa ono što se događa, ako je to slučaj. Prihvaćanje onoga što se događa jednostavno znači da ste voljni pustiti to tako kako je. Na kraju krajeva, koji drugi izbor imate, obzirom da je to tako kako jest?
Jedini drugi izbor je svađati se s onim što se događa, žaliti se na to, pokušati to
ignorirati ili pokušati to promijeniti, što je ono što ego radi u skoro svakom trenutku. To je recept za patnju i to ne mijenja ono što se događa; to samo čini ono što se događa neugodnim. Dopuštajući bilo čemu što se događa da se događa, usklađujete se sa životom umjesto da mu se suprotstavljate, a to čini svaki trenutak mirnim, bez obzira što se događa.
Kada je neki trenutak u redu takav kakav jest, a vaša energija nije zarobljena u
tome da mu se suprotstavljate, tada zaista možete biti prisutni s onime što se događa. Ono što otkrivate je da u svakom trenutku ima više od onoga što vam se u njemu sviđa ili ne sviđa. Svaki trenutak je bogat sa svojom složenošću, dimenzijom i ljepotom. Ego boji trenutak kao crni ili bijeli, dobar ili loš. On ima pojednostavljeno gledište onoga što se događa prema svojim sklonostima, ali trenutak nije u najmanju ruku jednostavan. On je zanimljivo promjenjiv, nepredvidiv i inteligentan. Tko zna što će se sljedeće dogoditi?
Nikada ne znate. Iz perspektive Suštine, nepredvidivost života je izvrsna, uzbudljiva i
fascinirajuća. Kada ste u prihvaćanju, tada tako osjećate i za vaš život.
Kada ste u prihvaćanju, vi izražavate vašu Suštinu. I kada ste prihvaćeni od drugih,
vi doživljavate Suštinu. Sjetite se svih vremena u jednome danu kada ste u prihvaćanju ili
doživljavate prihvaćanje od drugih. Svaki puta kada se dogodi prihvaćanje, Suština se
pojavljuje u vašem životu. Ljubav je svugdje u obliku prihvaćanja: Vi prihvaćate nebo,
prihvaćate gravitaciju, prihvaćate disanje, vi prihvaćate boju drveća, prihvaćate tišinu
između zvukova, prihvaćate prostor između predmeta. Prihvaćate većinu onoga što jest.
To ste VI koji volite život i dopuštate mu da bude na način koji jest.
Um prekida ovaj mir, ovu ljubav, govoreći vam da nešto nije u redu, da nije dobro,
nije poželjno:“Taj pas ne bi trebao lajati.“ „Sunce ne bi trebalo biti tako vruće.“ „Ne bi
trebalo biti tako vjetrovito!“ Ako se složite s umom, tada patite. Ako se ne složite s njim, ostajete u Suštini, dopuštajući onome što jest da bude takvo kakvo jest.
Egoistički um će vam reći da prihvaćanje života znači da nikada nećete ništa
učiniti. On vas pokušava prestrašiti kako ne biste ništa prihvatili, prikazujući vam
prihvaćanje kao pasivnost, lijenost i pomanjkanje diskriminacije, koje ego smatra
opasnima za preživljavanje. Prihvaćanje je opasno, ali ono nije opasno za vaše
preživljavanje. Prihvaćanje je učinkovitija strategija za preživljavanje od onoga što ego ima za ponuditi. Prihvaćanje je ljubav, a ljubav vas povezuje sa svime, zato jer vas povezuje s onime tko vi stvarno jeste, a to je sve. Što bi moglo biti ljepše za preživljavanje od toga da ste povezani sa svime i da znate da ste vi sve? Ima li ikoji razlog da se Vi, kao Božansko, ne biste brinuli za sebe, kao kreaciju? Vi ste zbrinuti i tako su i svi drugi. Ego ne samo da ne može uzeti zasluge za vaše preživljavanje, nego se u njega uplitao više nego li je pomogao.
Nešto drugo osim vašeg ega živi vaš život, a što više to dopuštate, to više će to
preuzeti. Suština živi kroz vas i doživljava se kroz vas onoliko koliko joj to dopuštate.
Svaka osoba je izraz Suštine u većoj ili manjoj mjeri. Božansko se kreće, govori, radi,
stvara, smije se, igra, te radi kroz sve vas u onoj mjeri u kojoj mu to dopuštate, no ono je u svakome od vas. Ako želite imati iskustvo Božanskoga, imate ga! I tako je za sve druge ljude.
Vi niste odvojeni od Božanskoga. Ego je osjećaj da ste odvojena osoba, odvojena
od Božanskoga, no to je samo ideja. Ego je samo ideja, „Ja postojim kao odvojeni entitet.“
To nije istina. Vi ste Božansko prikriveno kao ljudsko biće. Što više uvidite da niste ono
što mislite da jeste, to više ćete doživjeti ono tko vi stvarno jeste i tko su svi drugi.
Božansko je svugdje.
izvor-  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1738977179574601/permalink/1801758196629832/

недеља, 24. новембар 2013.

RemovingTheShackles – Sing A Song Of Synchronicity – 24 November 2013

RemovingTheShackles – Sing A Song Of Synchronicity – 24 November 2013

Today we’re going to do things a bit differently than I usually do.  Many times I post an article and I post my comments on the article first, followed by the message that inspired my comments.  Today I am going to post the article first and then follow it with my comments.  I will add my own highlights to the article as well to direct attention to some of the points that really jumped out for me- that isn’t’ to say that other things won’t have greater meaning to other people, lol- and some of my own comments in blue.

The other thing that will be a bit different is that this is a channeled message I am posting.  We all know that it’s a rare thing that I post these type of messages, but this one really really resonated with me and followed several conversations I’ve been having for the past couple of months.  While there were a few things I didn’t agree with, in my own internal resonance heartometer, over all, the brilliance with which  the information is laid out is, well….. brilliant.
Of all the various Channeled messages out there, I will admit that Kryon is one of the few that I generally find contains information that I resonate with.  You can read information about the 7 times that Kryon has been invited to the United Nations buildings in New York to deliver messages to the S.E.A.T. Council, UN staff and Delegates and Guests HERE
“SYNCHRONICITY – THE WAY IT WORKS”This live channelling was Given in North Carolina.
Aug 24, 2013 To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Asheville, North Carolina in 2013.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Once again my partner steps aside. We’ve described channelling before as a process that honors the Human Being. It uses a multidimensional, biological portal called the pineal, and it allows that which is the creative source inside you to expand. This is channelling. Channelling is available to humanity and always has been. In this new energy, however, it is available for very new information, new thought, and new processes that are coming your way
Before we begin the message or anything that is going to be taught, I wish to ask a question: Is it possible that there is an intelligent source in your Universe, in your galaxy, that has helped put together what you see here today? Is it possible that there is a plan that is benevolent for the Human Being because the Human is part of that creative source? * ETERNAL ESSENCE*  Is it possible that you are never alone? Is it possible that the family is a little different than you think? Maybe it’s even larger than you think? Is it possible that the entire message I’m about to give you is accurate, true, and real and from a source that is outside of your body and outside of your reality?
It took my partner [Lee] a long time to understand that there is no trick here. It took him a long time because the mind-created “reality” box he came out of demanded it would have to be false and there would be negative consequences for what he is doing. “God doesn’t talk to Humans this way,” many said. “It’s a trick from the darkness of the planet and it wishes to invade and capture your soul,” many said. However, he learned quickly that every single time he opened his pineal, it became the portal for the love of God. That’s all he received at first. It was pure – the purest thing he has ever experienced – and it was consistent, always the same. It never tainted itself, never biased itself, and never told a Human to do anything out of integrity. It was always congratulatory, benevolent, and represented the real spiritual family. It never changed in 23 years.
That’s the way it should be, dear ones, and if you need some kind of proof that this is real, maybe, just maybe, you might open that part of your heart that you have the ability to open and make a statement, “I would like to feel something. I would like some validation within my cells that this is correct and true.”   * “What do I know?” *  That is when you might begin then to feel the chills that you can only receive when you know the truth is being revealed. The truth is simple: I know you; I know your many lives; I know what you’re going through, old soul. You are known to me. I see you now.   * I AM I.  I am ONE.  The chills (or whatever physical manifestation you perceive) of true inner resonance with your heart that tells you the greater truth of what is real and true.
We have done so much together, yet you have never seen my face or my real name. I’m with you all the time, within the entourage that you can count into the trillions. We are with you in the hardest times you’ve had, through the tears, through the sorrow and, yes, also when celebrating those moments you choose to toast in victory. Sometimes that victory is health and sometimes it is solutions over problems you’ve carried for a lifetime. We know who you are. You’re never alone.
The System
There is a system that my partner has taught in these meetings for years. It’s a system we have mentioned in countless messages, and we’ve never really dedicated an entire channel to it in the way we are doing today. This is a system that most of you don’t even know how to use, yet some of you use it all the time. You just don’t know when you’re using it, since it’s not intuitive to what you have learned.
This message is going to be about the way synchronicity works, * Following the energetic trail* and we’ll sub-title it, “The Demise of the Bell-shaped Curve”! [Kryon laugh] When something happens to you that is good, your friends around you may say, “What a lucky person you are! What are the chances that this would happen to you?” When you go into a difficult situation, something that is common to humanity like surgery, and you come out with results that are positive beyond expectations, your friends may again exclaim, “What a lucky person you are!” Then somehow you continue to be “lucky” over and over.
Perhaps you go someplace and you accidentally meet just the right person who knows someone else who has just the right information that you were looking for. This leads you to end up with exactly what you wanted. What are the chances of this? Your friends are amazed! “What an incredibly lucky person you are!” That’s all a Human can say, since there simply is no other explanation in their reality. The idea that you might actually be bending the bell-shaped curve of average and, by chance, using an available system will never occur to them.
Humans do not see the structure of synchronicity. It is not part of any kind of system that they use. They believe it is simply chance. The only structure that is used is goal setting, planning, and forward-looking systems. Only through these does the Human believe they can help control their lives. Indeed, this is the only way a Human can achieve things in a linear fashion so that they will arrive at a pre-set goal. In this linear system, no matter what kind of process you have studied that will get you from A to B, there must be a goal. Some of you take those goals and you will paste them to the refrigerator so you’ll see it every day. This is a linear process for a linear Human Being and is well known.
What if I told you that there is a process that is not linear and has only conceptual goals? A conceptual goal is one that says, “Dear God, *Jehovah, Allah, Buddha, Shiva, Source, Universe, ONE*  put me in the right place even though I don’t know where it is. Dear God, when you do it, make it comfortable for me and help me to see the sense of it. Make it easy and bring me the right situations and synchronicities to put me in this place I don’t know about.” How about that? *Letting go of expectations and programming, letting go of the clutching and grabbing onto the set in stone “rules” of HOW it MUST be- preplanned, preordained, fully structured within the boundaries of what is allowed/condoned/acceptable/able to exist *
If you told that statement to someone off the street, they would say, “You must be New Age!” They see you as silly and floating around without a goal, hoping the Universe will somehow show you the way. They laugh. But the Human who begins to use synchronicity as their life’s path is simply changing the box of belief to include something that is available to all but is not in 3D. In fact, some of you have been using this process a very long time, but you’re just not aware of it.
The Truth About the Power of Synchronicity
So today’s channelling is about the power of synchronicity and the truth about it. Now you know what it is, so we will discuss where it comes from, who is involved in it, and what you can do to help make it happen for you. The Human Being creates synchronicity with intent and belief. *INTENT, THE WILL AND THE WORD * That is how it starts.
Now this next item comes from my partner, who loves to talk about the Parking Angel. [Laughter] This is the example he uses, so we’ll do the same thing. Many Lightworkers like to use that which they conceive as a special angel who has powers to overlook a giant parking lot to see who is pulling out and where it’s taking place. The idea is that the Human will then ask the parking angel to help guide the car to find a good parking place. Now, this is not forward planning, is it? It is a different concept, a concept that has you placing yourself or an angel that becomes your eyes, far above the parking lot to see the parameters of the entire lot and what is going on. If that were possible, then in 3D you could direct your automobile to arrive when someone is pulling out, and it works! It actually works. Over and over, it works. It works because this is the definition of synchronicity. There is no planning ahead, but rather a concept that you assign and believe in that requires an overview of a situation that you cannot work out in 3D. Most people just circle within the lot, expecting chance.
Now, I cannot close this parking angel discussion without giving you the rest of the story that my partner demands I give you. There is no such thing as the parking angel! It’s you, assigning your power to a mythological creature that stands on your car with a P on its chest. [Laughter]
Humans are very good at this. They don’t believe they can do it, but they believe angelic powers can do it. Therefore, they assign their power away to a higher entity. However, it’s you doing it, dear one! It’s you finding that parking place, but you just don’t believe it. * ALL is ONE- There is no hierarchy *
Now, let us put that entire example in a larger capacity, which is the scale of life and living. Here you find yourself in a situation where you wish to move forward in an area you don’t know about. All you want to do is park. Parking is a metaphor for putting the vehicle of a Human Being in a place that is appropriate for your life, wherever that would be. It gets you there so that you can then move on with what you came for. That is the metaphor.
Humans have an idea where that would be. It’s normal for you to build goals and expectations. Humans say, “I want to write a book; I want to create a healing center; I have this, I want to have that.” It is absolutely normal. So the next question I have to ask you is this: Are you OK if what you receive is not what you imagine? Is it OK if it’s better? Is it OK if it matches the Akash you came for or the talents you have that perhaps you are not even aware of? That’s the first step, to have the intent to create synchronicity in your life to bring you to a place that matches an invisible ability.
When you used the parking angel, did you specify the place for your car? No. You said, “Anywhere!” So the goal was conceptual, not specific. This is what it is all about.
How It Works in 3D
Here’s how synchronicity works: You come to a meeting like this and you meet somebody for the first time. Perhaps you meet them in a place in the back or in the hallway. You get to talking and you find out that you have common interests. Often they have information you need or you have something they need, and you both leave with a connection you didn’t expect. Then the connection leads to something else, for they know people that you don’t know and vice versa. Later, you might call them or meet with them. Then, outside of what you originally thought about, you might find yourself working in an area you didn’t expect to work in, which fulfills a lot of the things that you originally wanted. * I have spoken of this quite often in the past year.  Asking yourself “What do I know?” and then LISTENING and WATCHING for the answer- not limiting the source of the answer you want to receive……  from a book, movie, song, story your child tells you, the words of a stranger at the park, the billboard at the mall…..  LISTEN AND WATCH and the answer is ALWAYS ALL WAYS there- but first you much open your ears and eyes and hearts to SEE it. *
Sometimes you arrive with no expectation at all, but you meet a partner of your life! This happens over and over to many, because they decide to come to where family is. Over and over, Human Beings have resigned themselves to being alone in life. Then they’ll come to a meeting of like minds and they’ll find somebody that fits them. Life changes, and there is sometimes romance and synchronicity. You didn’t plan it! Do you see the difference? *Sometimes you meet the family of your life, the family (soul family?) that is not brought together through blood and genetics, but through heart and soul- inner resonance of meeting a person/people with which you are free to BE you, to DO what you BE, with full acceptance and love*
The Human who steps out of the door on the way to this meeting does what? He shows up and has a great time, but all the while, he/she is open to synchronicity. “Dear Spirit, if I’m supposed to meet somebody, then let me have the signals within my intuition to at least look for it.” Do you see the difference here? Synchronicity is planning for concepts that you cannot define. *This has been driven home to me several times over the past few months in Morocco- needing something, setting the intent, then literally meeting someone within hours who not only can answer the question, but is of greater help than anticipated to begin with*
I am sitting in a room of old souls and at least a quarter of you know exactly what I’m talking about. You’re here because of it; somebody showed you something that perhaps made you look at things differently. It didn’t give you a doctrine, did it? It only made you look. Can you put a price on that? It made you look into a place that showed you that you are divinely built, and perhaps biology has something more in it, something called innate. Innate is body intelligence and knows who you are. It works with the Human Being whenever asked. It is a consciousness within a consciousness, and it hooks you up with synchronicity. It does it way beyond the laws of average and way beyond the bell-shaped curve. So I just gave you the scenario that can happen over and over in meetings like this, in small gatherings, and in large gatherings. Now, let us talk about how it works. These are things that we have seldom discussed and never within a channelling like this. But first, we’ve got to talk about the majesty of the Human Being.
It wasn’t that long ago that we gave you a channelling called the nine energies of the Human Being. It’s what I want my partner to begin teaching soon. It’s esoteric, it’s complex, and it’s time. There are conceptual parts of these nine attributes that go beyond what the Human Being is used to hearing and here is one of them.
The Human is Part of the Creative Source of the Universe
If it’s true, dear one, that you are a part of the creative source, do you then logically understand that your soul is enormous and that only a piece of it is inside your 3D biology? If all of this energy was in your body, you’d vanish! You’d turn into light itself with more power than all the masters of humanity. You’d have that which Elijah experienced as the only Human to ever ascend while another watched and recorded it. According to the account, Elijah vaporized because the power of God cannot live in the Human Being at full strength.  * This is one of the few things in this message that I disagree with- though it might only be a disagreement in terminology, I would have to ask Kryon for clarification, lol-   This is steeped in the old paradigm of the past, not the new paradigm that we are currently in/entering.  To limit Source is to place limits on the unlimitable. * .Do you understand? And if you understand this, you will understand that you are only experiencing a small portion of the God in you, which is the creator in your body. So here is what begs another question: Where is the rest of your spiritual self? It’s with me, dear one. It’s on the other side of the veil as part of the creative source. It never left.  * This is such a huge eye opener to many people- words that explain the unexplainable that we experience continuously- The KNOWING that you’re not just here, that you are not just in this perceived moment, that you are experiencing far more in your perceived “Dream” state than you are in your perceived “3D” waking state. *
Now, here is what is difficult for your perception in your 3D box. You carry around a corporeal identity that is singular. We have said before that you’re really not singular at all. Instead, you are part of a very large group that is God. When you get to Earth, a piece of you separates out and becomes corporeal. It has one body with one face, and this is how you see things. But the rest of you – which is still you – stays with God.  * We are our Perception of Self, and yet we are ONE*
Now let me tell you the revealed truth: You are a multidimensional being and part of you is on the other side of the veil. Get used to it. Your soul is not separated out, but in 3D it seems like it. There is not a soul somewhere with your face on it on the other side of the veil, tapping its toe waiting for the rest of it to come home. You are always together.
There are Humans, however, who believe in this separation, because all they can do is project their linearity onto the majesty of God. We’ve talked about that as well. So get used to the fact that there is a quantum God and a (perceived) linear Human Being, and you cannot put them together easily in your mind. The truth is that you’re part of the sacred soup of God and those sacred parts look down upon you and are always available, always available. Just like the parking angel, your soul parts see everything. Imagine! A part of you is available from the other side of the veil. Let’s put this in your 3D perspective: It’s a spy in the sky and it looks at everything all the time. It knows who you are and everything about you because it’s part of you. It broadcasts information to you that you receive through intuitive thought. Are you here, are you understanding? It informs you to get up and go places, if you’re listening.
It’s a Divine System in All Humanity
Here is what you need to know: Every single Human Being on the planet has it because every single Human Being is a part of the whole. Do you understand that? What would happen, however, if there is a broadcast done, but 90  percent of the people don’t have a radio? That means 90 percent never receive it. The broadcast is still there with their name on it, but they don’t have a radio because they don’t believe it.
Then, here comes you. Some of you got your metaphoric radio a long time ago and some of you are just getting it now. Believing it exists activates it. The “radio” is the pineal gland opening up into a multidimensional portal that tunes right into that which is you. This is difficult for a Human Being to understand. When you receive this broadcast from the “multidimensional you”, it guides you left and right; it knows who you are; it’s benevolent; it’s part of God; it’s part of me. It’s hard to explain. That’s why it feels so good, dear ones. Did you ever wonder why profound messages and meditations feel so good? It’s you with you! It’s beautiful! If you’re part of the creative force and you are quantum and multidimensional, it means that these intuitive messages have your face on them and would never lead you into a place for other reasons other than benevolent ones. That’s the system.
Why Are You at This Meeting?
Now, let’s go back to the point at which you decided to come to this meeting. Some of you are sitting here today yet you didn’t know about the meeting until the last minute. I want to tell you, you’re tuned in. Your radio is working because your intuition spoke to you enough for you to look around and go somewhere and find out this meeting was happening.
I’m going to ask you a question: Who haven’t you met yet in this room? Now that is a hard question, since you can’t meet everyone, can you? So now we’re getting into the process of synchronicity and a process that is guided through intuitive thought. It’s what you would call the innate intelligence of the body allowing you to be in the right place at the right time and talk to the right people. You can’t really plan ahead for that, can you? Instead, you must be tuned to it, and some of you may have discovered things today here that will make a change in your life. Perhaps you met others who have similar interests? That’s what it’s about.
So when another person says to you, “You must be New Age”, just smile and admit it. You are using intuitive thought and listening to it as much as possible to put you in the right place at the right time. This should also dispel the notion that a New Age person just sits at home doing nothing but meditation and waiting for God to speak to him/her. That is not the way it works. Instead, go places that your intuition says to go to. Then discern, was it right? Was it not right? What does it feel like when it’s right and what does it feel like when it’s not right? Put all this together and, pretty soon, like a muscle in the body when exercised, it starts to work better for you.  *DO!!!!!!  BE & DO!! *
Innate works with you to fine tune it. It knows what you are trying to do and helps the process along. Sometimes you can look at somebody and they look back and suddenly it seems like you could say, “Hello, old friend! It’s good to see you.” You might hug for a moment or shake hands, depending upon the culture, and know that you’ve just met a best friend again. They may have something for you or they may not. It just may be for a moment so you can intermingle in a quantum way and acknowledge the fact that you are old souls. That’s good enough.  *Heather once made this analogy to me about the paths we are all on:  We each have our own path that we follow, and at times our paths cross, at times our paths might join together for a while, and then separate again to perhaps come back together at a later point in our journey.  Some paths might criss-cross back and forth, almost like weaving a web- and yet each is distinct.  Our paths cross for a purpose- to aid each other, maybe to deliver an important message or lesson that we wanted to learn, or maybe for us to help someone else on their own journey- and the time spent together might be measurable in minutes, hours, days, or even years or decades. *
Hard Concepts
The hardest things for Humans in all this is what I’m going to present next. The process is different than you think. First, we have established that it’s not linear. It’s a conceptual attribute that you cannot plan on. The timing is not known, so you cannot paste a goal for something you don’t know about on your refrigerator. Instead, it requires the Human Being to be in faith and with no clock. That’s number one.  *This is what I and Heather call working from the Order Continuum instead of the TIME Continuum.*
Then we’ve established that the information comes from a part of you that is on the other side of the veil, because you cannot hold all of the mastery that you have in the corporeal body.  * I disagree with this, as I mentioned above.  I believe that the perceived lack of mastery or information is due to the choices made to EXPERIENCE UNKNOWING, to further understand separation/oneness, to experience all that IS. *  You are part of the creative source and always will be. Part of you is on my side of the veil – the part that talks to you intuitively and says, “Go left, go right, stand up, sit down, go over there and meet that person.”
And the next one, it’s the hardest concept of all. How do we describe it? There are seven billion souls on the planet and they all have the same attribute as you do – all of them. They are all on the other side of the veil as well as being here, just like you. They’re all talking at the same time and broadcasting things, just like you. The things they are broadcasting are using the same “mind of God” that you have because they are on my side of the veil. The divine parts of humanity are still divine, no matter what the corporeal and intellectual parts are believing or doing. Are you understanding this?
So even if they have a corporeal self on Earth that is completely and totally unaware and has no radio to receive, it doesn’t make any difference. They’re still broadcasting potentials and loving intuitive messages. These messages are benevolent and for all humanity. This means you can listen to them as well and they’re tuned to your frequency, since that frequency is not proprietary. The result? They’ll tell you things that intuitively will help guide you and help you to work with their corporeal counterparts. This is difficult to understand. Think of it this way: The divine parts of Humans you may never meet know you are listening. Therefore, by broadcasting to you, they help their own soul counterparts, for you are working on peace on Earth and compassionate action.  *this is also the reason that a person who is perceived to be “sleeping” might be the one that delivers a message to you that you are looking for ;>)  *
In your 3D singularity, you’re hooked up to one soul – you – right? On my side of the veil? No. On my side, you’re hooked to all of them. So, therefore, even the soul parts and pieces of complete nonbelievers are still broadcasting information that will help humanity. It’s a hard concept. Think of it as a collective, intuitive force.
“Wow!” people say. “Look at that tragedy you escaped. Why did you leave the building before it fell down?” You might say, “I don’t know. Something told me to go and I did.” This happens over and over, dear ones, and now you know why it works. Is it possible that the Human soul is connected in such a way that it talks to everybody at the same time? The answer is yes.
When an intuitive healer sits before a totally dense and stubborn unbeliever, do they still get messages to help heal that person? Yes! So the intuitive innate of every Human Being is working no matter if that Human has the ability to “hear” it or not. It’s broadcasting to the healer! It’s broadcasting to all. This alone should show you that intuition does not come from the synapse of the brain, but rather the portal of the pineal.
What are you supposed to do with this information? Well, we’ve already covered a little of it. First, understand the process and believe it. Do not get disappointed that your planning is not working. You can’t have both, dear ones. You can’t have plans in the corner waiting, just in case. The synchronicity won’t work, since you’ll void it if you try to plan around it. Do you see that?
*That one deserved BOLD and UNDERLINING *
Second, understand that synchronicity may take you to a place you didn’t plan on. Is that OK? The old soul will sit in the chair and say, “Of course. Yes, it’s OK. Anything is good.” Really? Really? Humans like it their way. You might be pushed and pulled to uncomfortable situations and places you would not have initially chosen on your own. Can you honor this? Can you say, “It is well with me. I know I’m supposed to be here because this is where synchronicity placed me”? Feel the love of God surge through your heart and all the cells of your body. Then say, “Thank you God for putting me in the right place at the right time.” It may take awhile to figure out the “whys” of it all, but eventually you will see it clearly and smile. You will realize that you could never have planned it, and it was perfect.
Let me tell you something: Perhaps your 3D goal will never be accomplished. Is that OK? Instead of settling into a final goal, you’ll always be in motion, always. Is that OK? There’ll always be the ladder to climb in knowledge, in awareness, and energy. New things will always be coming your way. It will be this way until the moment you take your last breath. You will feel that you “never arrived” at your goal, but that’s not true, for each day you have arrived. It’s a mindset – and you don’t like that either, do you? Instead, you want to arrive in a place and say “I made it!” Then you wish to purchase a T-shirt that confirms it. [Laughter]
Synchronicity can put you in places that are beautiful. It can save your life, and often does. It voids all the karmic attributes that have pushed and pulled you around forever. It changes the way people think about you because you change. It changes the way you think about others because you are put in the places to see who you are. It rearranges that which you believe because you start to have reinforcement of action, and you know that it is working. You can stand tall and tell the others that you have no idea where you are going and you are proud of it! All the while, you are healthier than they are, and you’re happier than they are, and you love people they won’t love. Do you see what I’m saying?
This is a change in perception of life. It’s a change in everything that the Human Being has been taught in 3D, and it’s not “let go and let God”. It is a partnership – a new arrangement that’s conceptual and demands work on your part, demands it.
Expect synchronicity, but if it doesn’t come when you think it might, don’t be disappointed. It simply wasn’t supposed to! Humans are funny. Look at the phrases that many in your culture use. They know about this! “Well, I guess it was supposed to happen.” They have no idea! Yes!! [Kryon laugh] Or, “The universe had a message for me.” They have no idea, that’s exactly right! Exactly right.
So I’ve just given you the mechanics of it and it’s beautiful and it’s just for you. Benevolent, helpful Information is being broadcast all the time, even from the non-believing souls. Their “God part” is active and knows that you are hearing them. It helps the old soul to go from A to B. More than that, it helps you find processes and principles and people who can make a difference on the planet. This is what’s new.
There’s going to be a beginning of a marriage not just to help Humans navigate the now but to navigate that which is coming. These are set-ups for the next time around Akashically. What did we tell you the last time we spoke? We discussed Akashic Inheritance. What you learn this time carries into the next time, so the set-ups you have in this life will carry into the next. You’ll remember them and you’ll keep going. Today’s synchronicity is tomorrow’s future. It’s important, old soul, that you start to learn how to use it and to carry it. Learn how to expect it, how to believe in it, and change the way things work for you. As part of this new teaching, we tell you it’s time to void the bell-shaped curve of 3D that tells you about averages and the probability of your life. All you have to do is nudge that curve a little with a multidimensional energy called synchronicity and you design your own curve. Synchronicity is learning to acknowledge the Higher-Self and the fact that God is inside. It shows a willingness to listen in a way you never have before to a source that is personal, loving, benevolent, and beautiful – an energy that will never change.
And so it is.

I found it very “Synchronistic ” that this message, though originally channeled in August of this year, wasn’t published until 3 days ago.
I would like to speak of my own journey to where I am in this moment of now and how this message of “Synchronicities” and manifesting- because that is a major part of what manifesting is- has played such a huge part of who I BE now.
As I said last week in my article: “Journey of Truth and Tooth”, the two weeks leading up to our adventure and the actual trip itself played itself out as a huge spotlight on everything I’ve been learning and DOing over the past while.  Some of this learning has been of the conscious type and some of it has been of the unconscious type- the type of learning that you don’t necessarily understand or recognize as “learning” until you look back on the experiences of years and see the journey in hind sight in one grand “Ahhhhaaaaaa!” moment.
The journey was a continuous stream of moments, one after another, of  intense clarity and some moments were so huge in their transparency that it was like being hit over the head with a baseball bat.
“Do you SEE?!?  Do you get it now?!” …… whack whack!
One of the biggest Whacks upside the head was to understand fully that I KNOW what I KNOW, when I need to KNOW it, and when that I KNOW it, I  KNOW IT!  I learned the final lesson to listen  myself and to DO what it tells me to do, because it doesn’t  guide me wrong.
I learned over this past year to stop planning and just DO.  Brian Kelly posted an excellent article several months ago called “The Law of Detachment” that outlined a few aspects of Kryon’s words above:
“The law of conscious detachment accelerates all areas of our evolution. When we live aligned with this law, we do not feel the need to force solutions. We understand that with focused intention, patience, and faith, the right solutions arise on their own. It is not that we take no action; we take action aligned in faith and detachment.”
A few days after we landed in Malta I got into a conversation in the RTS skype room with someone who was lamenting all that hadn’t happened- in his perception- and the “failures” that he perceived in anything changing or manifesting in the past year.  After a lengthy discussion, this is what I responded to him and a couple of others who were questioning:
“that’s one thing nick and I don’t have: attachments.
and we have also lost a home and almost lost a car, and drove a car till it fell apart because we couldnt’ afford another one.  we live in second hand clothes, I bake because it’s cheaper than buying  in a store, I make soup twice a week because it’s very nourishing and very very cheap……  I dont’ sing the song that I sing because I’m sitting in a big house eating bon bons and snorting coke with $100 dollar bills and don’t give a shit about the “little people” or “the monkeys”. My best friend just saved our asses by giving us enough second hand clothes to give nick and quinlin and keira clothing to keep them warm this winter and her friend is giving me clothes tomorrow for Logan. Generous people have donated some money to help pay for me to get my tooth removed- after 4 abscesses…..
I don’t sing this song because I like the sound of my own voice.  I sing this song because I LIVE THIS SONG.  No- I don’t pay for rent.  I manifested the houseing we have because I KNOW that my family will never BE without shelter.  I exchanged value with a friend last month to get money to buy groceries.  The house we live in in Morocco is right by the beach and in a gorgeous country….. any many grumbled about that, gossiped about me living the “good life”.  Oour house is 2 minutes walk from the beach.  it has two broken toilets,  it has no hot water on the main floor so I have to boil water on the stove to wash dishes, I wash all the laundry in a plastic tub in the yard with a hose, and the only oven is a broken toaster oven that I figured out how to juryrig so that I could bake bread it in for my family.  The nearest shop/store/bakery/market of ANY TYPE is a 5 km walk up the beach to the nearest town.  Heather’s house is a 2 Km walk up the beach.  nick walks to town at least 4 or 5 times a week- just to buy WATER, or propane for the stove!
I sing this song because I Live This Song.  I live in the Now moment of detachment from expectation.  I live in the NOW moment of Everything works out exactly as it should and I know Know KNOW inside what I need to do in every moment and I KNOW that in everymoment I will KNOW what to do in that moment. And I ALWAYS ALL WAYS DO KNOW.  Always All Ways. I know that I AM I, the Value Infinite and I LIVE that life because I don’t just speak the words…. I LIVE IT.
two months ago I DID “shop like a boss”….. at the local Souk (market) and I bought about 15 pieces of second hand clothing for the the kids and I for a grand total of about $15. (including the taxi to get there).  I “shop like a boss” when I bargin with the vegitable sellers on the Souk to get the best prices possible.  and I love it.  BUT…. that is just me.  I don’t expect anyone else to agree with me or to be me.  I’m just giving you my own experiences.
I have manifested every. single. thing.  in the past 10 months of our lives.  Including money to do what we need to do to live.  That’s my choice.  I live that song.
I am here to DO what I DO.  I chose this path before I was even conceived.  I DO.  and I DO.  When I DO what is in my HEART….. it Always All WAYS IS what I am suppose to DO. My value IS infinite and it IS mine and I live my life KNOWING that I will make ANY THING happen that is suppose to happen and that needs to happen. I have no expectations and tie my self to NO plan other than what my Heart tells me is the path I should be on.  I am not hungry and neither are my husband or children.  I am not cold and neither are they.  We have everything we need and Always ALL WAYS will have, because I SAY SO.
I guess you could say that I sing the song of Synchronicities.  The thing is, when I look back on my life I realize that I have ALWAYS ALL WAYS sung that song…. I just didn’t know it or recognize it for what it is.
This past year has been a year of refining the process so to speak.  Of learning to ask “What do I KNOW?” and then learning to actually LISTEN for the answer, regardless of where it comes from. (did you know that songs in Disney movies actually hold the key to Life, The Universe and Everything?  Seriously!  Go back and listen to the words of some of your favorite Disney Movie songs!)(yes, I have kids and you wouldn’t believe how many times the answers I was seeking came directly from them!).
I learned three other exceptionally life altering things this past year:
1- to follow the energetic trail to wherever it leads, without expectations of who, what, where, why, when, and how.
2- to listen to my heart in all matters, because my heart is never wrong.  I mind will try to bend the situation to something that is logical, or acceptable, or is easily known…. but my heart always knows the truth and is always right in the end.
3- I am a multidimensional BEing that moves in the perceived NOW without linear shackles of time or space.  I AM I. ONE. Who I have been, who I will be, and whatever roles I have played in the past is of no importance, because I am…… ME.  Just me.  Just ONE.  In  KNOWing  that, I have the freedom to BE me and to DO what I DO, because I will always kNOW what to DO in every moment of NOW.
Singing the Song of Synchronicity.
(Lucas: For the highligthed parts in colors you have to go to the article.)
www.removingtheshackles.blogspot.com / link to original article

source: http://lucas2012infos.wordpress.com/2013/11/24/removingtheshackles-sing-a-song-of-synchronicity-24-november-2013/

петак, 22. новембар 2013.



Tvoje SRCE (srčana čakra) je deo tvog bića, koji je zadužen za ISTINU. Ovu sposobnost gledanja SRCEM ima svaki čovek, a isto tako i svako stvorenje, biljka, životinja, kamen….sve sto živi i postoji. Srce zna da razlikuje istinu od neistine, vodjstvo od zablude, intuiciju od nagadjanja, …
Ovo uputstvo za prepoznavanje istine srcem je veoma jednostavno, kao što je istina uvek jednostavna :)
Prvi put pročitaj uputstvo i tek onda predji na vežbu. Možda bi ti bilo još lakše ako legneš i zatvoriš oči i neko ti čita ovaj tekst. Neki ljudi snime svog glas i onda slušaju svoj snimak. Ako još nemaš puno iskustva sa otvaranjem srčane čakre ili osećanjem istine, bilo bi dobro da se duboko opustiš, pre nego što kreneš sa vežbom. Što je um mirniji, to srce može tačnije da čuje. Dok radiš ovu vežbu, biće ti sasvim lako da se jasno koncentrišeš na svoj osećaj, umiriš i istovremeno ostaneš u sasvim budnom stanju.
Neki to zovu meditacija, trans, samohipnoza, duboko opušteno stanje …izaberi reč koja ti se najviše dopada i primetićeš da već veoma dobro znaš o čemu se radi.
Pratiš svoje disanje… lagano… udahni…izdahni…nekoliko puta i posmatraj svoj dah. Onim tempom koji tebi prija, primeti kako se sve dublje i dublje opuštaš i kliziš u jedno veoma prijatno…nežno..stanje…
Kad osetiš da si smiren(a) lagano pomeri svoj fokus na svoju srčanu čakru. Ona se nalazi u sredini grudi, direktno ispod grudne kosti. Otvara se od kičme ka napred i predstavlja tvoj centar za istinu. Nekim ljudima pomaže da zamisle kako se cvet lotosa otvara ka napred.
Zamoli mislima ovu čakru da se otvori i posmatraj sa radoznalošću, kako se širi. Uroni u ovaj osećaj. Možda je ovo za tebe prvi put da osetiš svesno jedan proces koji nije samo telesni. Da osetiš promenu u svom energetskom telu.

Bez sumnje, ti to možeš, kao što može svako od nas.
Ti već svakodnevno osećaš puno stvari koje nisu samo telesne. Svi tvoji osećaji su promene na energetskom telu i njih osećaš veoma dobro. Zar ne? Sada kreni svojim fokusom ka istini.Pomisli “Sad sam u skladu sa ISTINOM” i ostavi pažnju na tvojoj srčanoj čakri. Ili reci “Moje srce sada ulazi u sklad sa ISTINOM”. Istog trenutka ćeš primetiti kako se tvoje srce otvara široko. Istina ima veoma visoku frekvenciju i tvoje srce reaguje na istinu time što će se otvoriti i proširiti. Pomisli na bezgraničnu ljubav i posmatraj kako se srčana čakra otvara i širi. Pomisli na nekoga koga voliš bezgranično…Sad, možda možeš na kratko da pomisliš i na neki manje lep osećaj, kao što je recimo sumnja ili ljubomora i istog trenutka ćeš primetiti kako se tvoje srce zatvara. Menjaj par puta svesno fokus tvojih misli sa istine i ljubavi u sumnju i ljubomoru i posmatraj šta se dešava u tvom srcu. Da, sad po prvi put možda zaista primećuješ kako u sebi imaš jedan nepogrešivi senzor za istinu. Upamti osećaj koji imaš kad misliš na ljubav. To neka od sad bude tvoja mera za istinu. Ljubav = Istina – Može biti, da još nisi uvežban i ne osećaš puno pri ovoj vežbi…ali ćeš sigurno osetiti nešto, i to nešto će ti otvoriti vrata za sve sledeće vežbe. Posle samo nekoliko dana, imaćeš jasno i glasno vodjstvo u sred svojih grudi. Znaš, sve ovo ima i puno veze sa iskrenošću. Da li želiš da znaš da li je nešto prava istina za tebe ili ne? Šta ako saznaš da nije dobro za tebe? Da li si spreman/spremna da se odvojiš od stvari, ljudi, ponašanja i navika koje ti ne čine dobro? Da li si spreman da se oprostiš od verovanja o sebi i ovom svetu koja ti nisu od koristi? Da li je došlo i tvoje vreme da ostaviš iza sebe kukanje, kritiku i negodovanje? Da li je došlo vreme da se promeniš? Odluka je tvoja.
Probaj sad sledeće. Uporedi srcem par verovanja:
1 Na ovoj planeti ima dovoljno za sve nas – Količina svega je ograničena i svako mora da se teško bori za svoj deo
2 Savršeno zdravlje je normalno stanje – Svako mora kad tad da se razboli
3 Svako, pa i ja ima jednistvene talente – Neki su rodjeni srećni, neki ne
Sledećih dana, nedelja i meseci, ćeš primetiti kako u svakodnevnim situacijama pitaš svoje srce, da li je nešto istina. Pitaj da li su reči koje upravo izgovaraš zaista istina, da li je hrana koju kupuješ dobra za tebe, da li je odeća koju nosiš u skladu sa tobom, da li je knjiga koju čitaš dobra za tebe.Uvek kad nisi siguran/sigurna…zamoli svoje srce da se uskladi sa istinom i ljubavlju, da se podsetiš kakav je to osećaj i onda se fokusiraj na pitanje ili odluku koju želiš da doneseš. Ako tvoje srce ostane podjednako otvoreno…onda je to to. A ako ne…budi dovoljno hrabar/hrabra da okreneš ledja situaciji, vratiš knjigu na policu, vratiš jelo na regal, ne kažeš to što si hteo da kažeš ili kažeš ono što se ranije nisi usudio da kažeš.
Što više živiš u skladu sa ovim osećajem, to će tvoje vodjstvo biti jasnije. Kao što rekoh, trebaće ti hrabrosti na par mesta…i sve će biti lakše nego što ti se čini. Niko nije ostavljen bez vodjstva. Svako je podjednako vredna kap u ovom velikom moru.
Prati svoje srce ;) http://www.carobnemisli.com

izvor: http://vesnamihajlovicblog.wordpress.com/2013/11/20/uputstvo-za-otvaranje-srcane-cakre-istina-i-intuicija-kako-ih-srcem-prepoznati/

среда, 20. новембар 2013.

The Absolute cannot really be known. - Mooji

The Absolute cannot really be known.
It cannot be known phenomenally like one thing knowing another thing for it is not an object of any sort.
It cannot be known like that because you, yourself, are It.
Your core being is that Absolute Being—absolutely.
You have been thinking that you are a particular kind of person from a particular country, and that you have been meditating and practising to reach the Absolute. But the one who is apparently doing all these things is just an identity that is created or imagined in the Absolute.
It is not the Absolute.
The Absolute, which is unchanging Awareness, is behind all of this.
Actually it is not even behind anything, and it is also not in front of anything; it is neither in the middle of anything nor outside of anything.
None of these terms apply to It.
And yet it is not a mystery.
If it is a mystery, then for whom is It a mystery?
The one for whom it is a mystery is merely an appearance arising in pure Awareness.
From the realm of the mind the Absolute can never be grasped.
No one can grasp it.
To be able to comprehend something that is not inside the mind's bubble is almost impossible.
It is similarly difficult for the consciousness that has assumed the human form to be what It is, to see through the illusion that It is not the body form but pure awareness.
This could be said to be the highest challenge or invitation in life: to discern the real from the unreal and to discover one's eternal nature.
When you are guided by a true master/teacher or the grace of God/Self, it all becomes sublimely simple.
If my words resonate with you, then take what I just said and leave everything else; go home and don’t let go of what I’ve told you.
Everything needed is encapsulated in these words.
Keep thinking about them, keep contemplating them and they will guide you home and set you free.
As this flower opens up its fragrance inside you, It is going to blow off everything that is untrue.

~ Mooji

November 2013

четвртак, 14. новембар 2013.

The Secret Protects Itself

The Secret Protects Itself

November 14, 2013 | By | Reply More
Flickr-secret lock-austensDr. Stewart Bitkoff, ContributorWaking Times
The sight of someone eating will not appease your hunger.
The spiritual experiences of others cannot satisfy your yearning.

Q: Daily, I pray, regularly give to charity, do good works and always try to be a good person, yet spiritual experience eludes me. O I am so frustrated. Please, how do I go about having spiritual experiences?
Additionally, I feel unless I have these, I will remain incomplete. O how I yearn to draw closer to God. I thought by following my birth religion and the Path, spiritual experience would be natural outcomes?
A: The answer to this question, like so many others on the spiritual path cannot be thought out or answered by ordinary reasoning (ego). The answers must be experienced or perceived through another mode of consciousness; intuition or Higher Knowledge must provide a personal answer. The Secret Protects Itself.
In this situation, mind questions so heart might respond. Or stated another way;
Imagination blocks you like a bolt on a door,
Burn that bar. -- Rumi
Substitute for the word imagination, expectations, ordinary thoughts, emotions and comparison with others.
The task of the spiritual traveler is to learn to ask the question in one mode of thought, and listen too or experience the answer in another. Like pre-setting the stations on your radio; Station #1 presents the inquiry-where are my spiritual experiences? Click to Station #2, spiritual awareness; which answers the question: spiritual experiences are natural outgrowths of a higher state of consciousness. They present at their own time. This higher state of consciousness is Love of God and a heart that is empty of all else. Again, The Secret Protects Itself.
Remember while the every day consciousness (ego) may be filled with all kinds of concerns, the traveler must learn to still them, for a time, so the heart- that burns for God- might come forward.
In this example, presetting the device for spiritual awareness, often with the help of a teacher, facilitates the change of station.
You must learn to listen to the quiet whisperings of your heart to perceive these answers and have these experiences. Often this training is supplied through right study, with right people, and in the right place. It usually involves freeing oneself of expectations and strong emotions.
Second, seeking spiritual experience is different than seeking God. Our teacher used to say: ‘When you come to me, come to me about God. Do not come here for anything else.’ Often this deception, in the spiritual search, about outcome is buried so deep that it requires continual work to offset its effect. The Secret Protects Itself.

Expectations and Emotions

Each spiritual traveler is born into a world of expectation. Daily behaviors and societal standards are presented by family, friends, co-workers, country, religion and self.
Overtime, these expectations form our operating system and world view. We want to go and do based upon what we have been taught and what we desire for self and others; expectations set standards for behavior that have attached to them a whole series of emotions. For example, joy at accomplishing our goal or sadness as we fail.
This set of personal expectation or goals, in time, can entrap and bind- yet serves an essential function for society as a whole; and is often the basis for our daily behaviors.
For the spiritual traveler, these are the chains that must be temporarily broken- for the Higher Consciousness to work. Cognitively and emotionally they are a door that blocks the inner awareness.
As indicated above, attached to expectations are emotions: both enrich our lives and help make us human. However, in a spiritual quest, they fill our consciousness and must be stilled temporarily so the Higher Impulse can be perceived and heard. Emotions and expectations are ‘a noise’ in our consciousness: blocking other things from happening.

In a spiritual quest, typical expectation sets run something like this. Many times, spiritual travelers are unaware, because these expectations are hidden, that it is precisely these sub-conscious thoughts, along with their emotional attachments, that are blocking spiritual progress.
  • I have been meditating for five years and surely something should have happened by now. Or I cannot meditate for more than 2 minutes and surely this inability must be holding me back.
  • Everyone knows, ‘we have been given enough for the journey;’ therefore I can pick and choose what I like from different paths. This technique has worked for me in so many areas of my life (i.e., picking a vocation, car and companion).
  • When performing spiritual exercises, praying, or doing good works we all have an expectation about how we will be rewarded; for example, this activity will make me a good person, I will gain in good works and I feel good helping others. When the spiritual traveler has these often hidden feelings; these feelings become their reward and they do not travel further. This mind set is a form of ‘spiritual greed’ and must be disarmed by a neutral mental posture.
  • When I reach a high level of spirituality, my life will be perfect and complete. Spiritual knowledge is one aspect of a healthy life; spiritual awareness serves as a catalyst to enable other things to happen.
  • I love to meditate and pray; it makes me feel so peaceful and I am one with everything. Or I feel so good when I work at the soup kitchen, helping the homeless. Think about the emotional attachment.
In order to maximize spiritual potential, the traveler must learn to recognize when their expectation set is operating. Also the traveler must learn to differentiate between an emotional and a spiritual experience. While expectations and emotions are an important part of healthy living, for many, because they have not been disarmed- both become an obstacle to spiritual experience. The Secret Protects Itself.
*          *
We are the means of reaching the goal. It is necessary that seekers should cut themselves away from us and think only of the goal.  -- Bahauddin Naqshband
*          *
If love manifests itself within you, it has its origin in beauty. You are nothing but a mirror in which beauty is reflected. Because beauty and its reflection are both from that one source, it is both treasure and treasure-house.  -- Jami ­
About the Author
Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, spiritual traveler, poet, is a student of Sufi Mysticism and the perennial philosophy. Professionally specializing in the healing applications of therapeutic recreation, psychiatric rehabilitation and mental health treatment; he holds a doctorate in education and served on the faculties of multiple colleges and universities.
Stewart is also the author of Sufism for the Western Seekerpublished in 2011, was nominated by ‘Foreword Magazine’ for Adult Non Fiction Religious Book of Year Book of the Year Award, placing 4th (honorable mention) and is a must read, as well as The Ferryman’s Dream. Both books are also in Kindle format and available on Amazon.com or local bookstore.
Register for an upcoming retreat weekend with  Dr. Steward Bitkoff atop Bangor Mountain, in the beautiful Pocono Mountains, Kirkridge Retreat Center on Sufism & Enlightenment, May 30- June I, 2014. For information is available here: http://kirkridge.org/programs/upcoming-programs/ - click on Detailed Information for full program highlights.
For more information about the author, please visit www.stewartbitkoff.com, and if you are interested in learning more about universal mysticism and Sufism contact: drbitkoff@yahoo.com.
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.


Free Will: A Guide to Conscious Being

Free Will: A Guide to Conscious Being

November 13, 2013 | By | Reply More
Adam Lanka, Contributor
Waking Times
Free will is the constant of all consciousness. The ability, the power, the great responsibility of choosing how we define, perceive and experience our reality. What we choose to concentrate upon, the ideas that we entertain, where we focus our attention, and the actions that we take are how we create and shape our shared existence.
Of the infinite possibilities that arise from the gift of free will, the most powerful vibration is harmony and unconditional love. This is unity, the inclusiveness of all beings, and the idea of ‘this AND that.’ The most insidious idea to arise from the infinite is the illusion of separateness. The idea of separation is responsible for all resistance, all conflict, and all of the darkness in the universe. It is the concept of ‘this OR that,’ that there is no middle ground and no balance to be found. Even so, it is essential to being.
Every situation, every event, every moment in space-time, is fundamentally neutral. How is this possible? The universe is composed of two energies, two primal forces that are polar opposites. This energy takes a myriad of forms and expressions throughout the infinite. Many schools of thought and philosophies have described this aspect of our universe. It may be called yin and yang, positive and negative, yes and no, love and fear, light and dark, male and female, empty and full, open and closed, up and down, or even left and right.
While these forces appear to be separate, this perception does not take into account the natural tendency of all energy. This is the tendency for energy to seek a balance, to come into a state of resonance or harmony, and reach a state of equilibrium. Once the universe separates into these polarities, a gradient is formed between the two opposing forces, the result of which is movement. This is the mixing of the universe that brings forth all of the infinite combinations and expressions of life.

Yes, the opposites do exist, but as does everything in between. The harmony of the universe is not a static process where it finds and remains in one particular information state forever. It does not reach a certain state of balance and then stop. The universe is in an endless, perpetual dynamic equilibrium. A complete spectrum of being is present that spans the two opposite perspectives and also encompasses everything in between.
The universe is not only light and order. The universe is not only darkness and chaos. The universe is a constant superposition of these two states, and together they form the complete whole. Chaos and order are inseparable, interconnected, integrated. They are in fact complementary to each other, and they are the building blocks of the universe, of All That Is, of unity.
Everything is fundamentally neutral, then, until we choose to add a charge to it. We choose to perceive this neutral event in a particular way, and then we attach emotions to it. This action is the culprit for the disparity, disagreement, and massive amount of resistance that we experience in our world.
In any situation where two realities are in opposition, resistance is present. The natural tendency for any such opposition is for a balance to be found. The mentality of separateness denies the nature of being and puts forth the idea that opposing forces cannot be balanced, with drastic consequences. Partisan politics, war, arguments, all of these are cases where the two perspectives are in opposition and have chosen to define their viewpoint as the only valid choice. Each side operates from the space of refusing to choose to compromise. The massive amount of emotional charge attached by each party to their respective realities only serves to exacerbate the situation and waste more energy.
From the viewpoint of separateness, situations in our lives happen to us. We are the victim, we are the judge, and these things are personal attacks upon us. From the illusion of separation arises the ego, the identity of the being as outside of the rest of the universe. Based upon our stories, our habits, our patterns of behavior, our conditioned reactions, we will choose to perceive a balanced reality from a grossly skewed perspective. While it is an illusion, it seems real to us because of the emotional charge we choose to express and attach to these events.
The only solution to opposition is balance, an integration of the two seemingly contradictory or opposing realities into a new, complete, harmonious perspective. This is not separateness, the ‘this OR that’ mentality. It is unity, it is inclusive, it is ‘this AND that.’ From this perspective, there is space for all other versions of reality, as they are in the endless process of achieving balanceprocess of achieving balance. Events in our lives happen for us, and as catalysts for the growth into the highest harmony and balance of the universe.
Harmony is inevitable; it is present in this moment as we speak. We are within it, we are a part of it. Nature embodies this principle and expresses it at every single level of existence. With our choices we can create an experience of harmony and flow, or one of chaos and resistance. Both are beautiful, both are necessary. Both are two sides of the same thing. One viewpoint is far more effective than the other, but choice depends upon our own personal preference.
The gift/burden of free will is ours to wield/carry. It is perspective, it is being, it is choice.
About the Author
Adam Lanka, originally from North Carolina, is a traveling philosopher, energetic arts healer, and physicist. His passion and interest are in bridging the gaps in the dominant paradigm, uniting science and spirituality into one journey of consciousness, and elevating the vibration of humanity. To learn more about Adam, please visit his personal blog, The Wanderlust. Find him on Facebook at Gateway Explorations.
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

source: http://www.wakingtimes.com/2013/11/13/free-will-guide-conscious/