четвртак, 30. јануар 2014.

New Study: Meditation Alters Genes Rapidly, Triggers Molecular Changes

New Study: Meditation Alters Genes Rapidly, Triggers Molecular Changes

January 30, 2014 | By  
Flickr - Meditation - Icrontic.comElizabeth Renter, Natural Society
Waking Times
If you are a practitioner of meditation, the results of a new study published in Psychoneuroendocrinology will likely come as no surprise. But for some scientists, the revelation that meditating can actually trigger molecular changes is groundbreaking.
The researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Institute of Biomedical Research in Barcelona, Spain found subjects who partook of 8-hour intensive mindfulness meditation showed significant molecular changes.
A group of experienced meditation practitioners spent an 8-hour day in mindfulness while a control group spent the day in quiet but non-meditative activities. The meditation group experienced genetic changes including reduced levels of inflammatory genes like RIPK2 and COX2, indicating faster recovery from stressful situations.
As Medical News Today reports:
“The extent to which some of the genes were down-regulated was associated with faster cortisol recovery to a social stress test, where participants were challenged to make an impromptu speech or complete mental calculations in front of an audience.”
In other words, the meditation helped participants keep cool under pressure.
“The regulation of HDACs and inflammatory pathways may represent some of the mechanisms underlying the therapeutic potential of mindfulness-based interventions. Our findings set the foundation for future studies to further assess meditation strategies for the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions,” explained Perla Kaliman, co-author of the study.
Far from the first study on meditation, this is the first to demonstrate molecular changes caused by the age-old practice.
“Our genes are quite dynamic in their expression and these results suggest that the calmness of our mind can actually have a potential influence on their expression,” said Dr. Richard J. Davidson of the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds.
Meditation has been used for centuries and longer to assist humankind with their spiritual and health endeavors. In other words, this study is catching up with what many people have known for a long time—that the mind can influence the body.
Other studies have linked meditation practice with stress reduction, IBS and digestive relief, the easing of cold symptoms, and helping to regulate blood pressure. Meditation was even shown to beat morphine in reducing pain in one small study. These studies didn’t explain how the meditation was working, but this most recent one seems to tap a new expanse of potential.
When it comes to the world of science, evidence is king. Anecdotes and surveys that reveal meditation to have physical benefits are not as convincing as genetic proof. Practitioners of meditation may not need that sort of laboratory evidence, but for scientists it provides a foundation of legitimacy for a practice they may have previously doubted.


Stars, Moon and Consciousness-Thich Nhat Hanh Dharma Talks

Stars, Moon and Consciousness

Originally given in Vietnamese, available from Lang Mai, the talk from the Upper Hamlet of Plum Village is dated Thursday, January 23, 2014 and is the twentieth talk of the 2013-2014 Winter Retreat. English translation, available below, is by Sr. Tue Nghiem. A great teaching today that includes a story of Mara and the Buddha followed by the tradition of earth cake making in Vietnam. The second half returns to our sutra study on subject/object and store consciousness.
0:00-9:30 Chanting
9:30-46:18 Mara and the Buddha
46:18-1:02:05 Tet and Earth Cakes
1:03:00-1:18:38 Subject and Object
1:18:38-1:28:40 Christian Theology and Ultimate Reality
1:28:40-end Characteristics of Seeds
After the Buddha became enlightened, he continued to practice. Sitting. Walking. Solo retreats. Why did he continue to practice after he became enlightened? If we don’t continue to nourish, then we can lose our happiness. Everything is impermanent. It’s called conditioning.
There is a priest in New York, Father Daniel Berrigan. Thay has been friends with him since 1965 and they have enjoyed practicing together many times. We here a story of their friendship, walking meditation, and dualistic thinking.
We learn a story of Buddha and Mara to illustrate our dualistic thinking. The story is then linked to a practice during the lunar new year. We need to remind ourselves to practice to turn this place into the territory of the Buddha. Today, in Vietnam, people put up a pole with a piece of the sangati robe to remind themselves to practice happiness.
Today we have a Flower market and a ceremony for putting up the pole. The beauties of Mother Earth invite us to come back to ourselves and the flowers are an expression of this beauty. A few words on earth cake tradition in Vietnam – what do the earth cakes represent? The lunar new year is an occasion to be in touch with our ancestors and be grateful. After lunch today, we will make earth cakes together. This is how we begin to celebrate Tet.
We return to the sutra study of the 30-verses. Stars and moon are an object of consciousness. They are in store consciousness. In the world of the oyster, they have no-eye consciousness and no-ear consciousness. The things that we see, the oyster cannot see. So, sense organs are one condition to give birth to consciousness. The object gives rise to consciousness. And these are manifested from seeds. And store consciousness holds all the seeds. The sense organ and the object rely on each other to create consciousness. Object and subject. They are divided into two parts but this isn’t exactly correct. We cannot take one out of the other. This is called Interbeing.
Some say there is a world that is objective whether we look at it or not. There is also consciousness and it is also there. This is a dualistic view and called double-grasping. The stars and moon are not independent of our consciousness. Just like the left and right. This is the most important teaching of manifestation-only teaching. When we look at the object we have to see the subject and vice-versa.
We are learning store consciousness. Store consciousness cannot be described with ideas of wholesome/unwholesome, being/nonbeing, pure/impure, etc. And the seeds that store consciousness hold are the same. How does this apply in Christian theology?
Right View and Right Thinking. Transcends the idea of being and non-being. Our Five Skandhas also have this nature. So, when we look at the characteristics of the seeds, we have to see they have the same nature as store.
Two kinds of impermance.

source- http://tnhaudio.org/2014/01/30/stars-moon-consciousness/

Urgent Message for Ground Crew – Next 72 Hours 1/29/14 – 2/1/14

Urgent Message for Ground Crew – Next 72 Hours 1/29/14 – 2/1/14

Based on the information that I have received from Andromeda and Pleiades, the visions that I was pulled into and the channeling that I have received, a major wave of new information and the destruction of the matrix energies in those who are still sleeping is about to occur which will allow for major intergalactic events to take place.
We are asked to once again regroup. What this means is to enter a meditative state for the next 72 hours. This means not to actually sit in the meditation, but become completely balanced and completely aware of every single second, to fully and completely be in the NOW as each and every single one of you will be receiving information from your respective galactic links. This energy influx is to come from those stationed above GAIA, the planetary alignments and the energies from our divine higher selves.
Many of key ground crew light workers are going to be tested. Pay attention and know that no matter what is happening, you are NOT to react. Do not allow yourself to react in the negative way. Keep your vibrations high, as hard as it might be for you, you must remove yourself psychologically from the negative situations and rise above.
You need to keep your tranquility and balance and light, and unconditional love for the next 72 hours.
Please understand and remember that you as light workers hold tremendous powers and sphere of influence. You are here to anchor the light and it’s incredibly important to do so in the next 72 hours.
The reason is as I’ve mentioned above, much cleansing energy is about to enter our planet yet again. And as you all already know that awaking to the truth of who we are is not an easy thing. Many people get scared when they begin to experience ascension symptoms, they begin to panic and that energy of fear is exactly the energy that we are trying to transform into a light and love.
Please pay attention to everything that goes on around you, as most of you will be visited, and you will need to discern whom you are visited by. That is why it’s important to keep your vibrations high. If you begin to feel anything but love or density in the air around you which is not coming from love, instead of getting frightened, think love, and only love. Activate the ultraviolet light all around you, and your whole area of influence.
I was told that 1 light worker, has the influence of at least 18 miles radius around them. When you walk around, you are influencing at least 18 miles in any direction.
Since the energies are going to hit people once again and awaken them from deep sleep, much chaos may unfold. Our light is going to be needed by those who are awakening, by keeping our vibrations high whomever will awaken in our vicinity will not be hit as hard, and the fear will automatically be transformed and leave them faster allowing them to peacefully resolve their awakening instead of trying to hurt themselves or others around them. Thereby influencing you in the process in a negative way. Just think of this like this, when you are walking down the street and you see other people smiling you can’t help but smile yourself. If you see everyone frowning you are going to frown too. So be the one that is smiling as you are walking around your day, and I mean INTERNALLY, ENERGETICALLY, spreading love to ALL who are on your path.
I know it might not be easy, once again I understand that we are living in a demanding world, BUT I know that we can do it! If we couldn’t we wouldn’t be here! So it’s time for every single one of you reading this message to ACTIVATE YOURSELVES, LIGHT UP THOSE INTERNAL FLAMES. YOU ARE GRATELY NEEDED!
Please do everything possible to keep your energy in balance, in peace, in harmony, in light, in unconditional love. I As soon as you begin to feel that you are shifting out of balance please find a way to re balance yourself, do whatever works for you.
A really good way that works for many instantaneously because what it does is aligns every single chakra energy point in your body, is the following:
  • Stand up straight and put your palms together in a “prayer” position with your feet and legs touching each other.
  • Close your eyes and begin to SLOWLY breath in and out, 7 times.
  • As you breath in you are to think of each of the Chakra colors, and breath into the chakra corresponding to each color. So if you begin with your crown chakra breathe in the violet/purple color and feel your chakra activate by fully focusing on it, completely feeling the tingling sensation of activation and peace spread throughout that area of your body, as you breathe out think of everything that is not working for your highest good leaving your body.
  • Continue to do so until you are done with all 7 breath. 
  • Then lift your hands up with the palms still touching and spread them open and place your palms on the side of your legs.
That is all, you should feel your peace and harmony and balance restore!
Do whatever you must in order to feel only love, light, peace, joy, harmony and BALANCE in the next 72 hours. Thank you !!! I love you all!!!    Xoxoxo
Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

source- http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/2014/01/29/urgent-message-for-ground-crew-next-72-hours-12914-2114/

среда, 29. јануар 2014.

Die Without Any Question and Without Any Answer

Die Without Any Question and Without Any Answer

Nobody knows the question, nobody knows the answer. In fact there is no question and there is no answer; there is only a way of living in confusion, in the mind.
To solve your problems means to give you an answer that intellectually satisfies you; and to dissolve your problem is to give you a method that makes you yourself aware that there is no problem at all: problems are all our own creations and there is no need for any answer.
The enlightened consciousness has no answer.
Its beauty is that it has no questions.
All its questions have been dissolved, have disappeared. People think otherwise: they think that the enlightened man must have the answer for everything. The reality is he has no answer at all. He has no questions. Without questions how can he have any answer?
Gertrude Stein, a great poet, was dying surrounded by her friends when suddenly she opened her eyes and asked, “What is the answer?”
Somebody said, “But we don’t know the question, so how can we know the answer?”
She opened her eyes a last time and she said, “Okay, so what is the question?” and she died. A strange last statement.
It is very beautiful to find out the last statements of poets, painters, dancers, singers. They have something tremendously meaningful in them.
First she asked, “What is the answer?”…as if the question cannot be different for different human beings. The question must be the same; there is no need to articulate it. And she was in a hurry, so rather than going through the proper channel – asking the question and then listening to the answer – she simply asked, “What is the answer?”
But people don’t understand that every human being is in the same position: the same question is everybody’s question. So some stupid person asked, “But how can we answer if we don’t know the question?”
It looks logical, it is not: it is simply stupid – and to a dying person…. But the poor woman opened her eyes once more. She said, “Okay, what is the question?” And then there was silence.
Nobody knows the question, nobody knows the answer. In fact there is no question and there is no answer; there is only a way of living in confusion, in the mind. Then there are millions of questions and millions of answers, and each answer brings hundreds more questions in, and there is no end to it.
But there is another way of life: living in consciousness – and there is no answer and no question.
If I was present as Gertrude Stein was dying I would have said to her, “This is not the moment to bother about questions and answers. Remember that there is no question and there is no answer: existence is absolutely silent about questions and answers. It is not a philosophy class. Die without any question and without any answer; simply die silently, consciously, peacefully.”
Osho, The Path of the Mystic, Talk #43
source- http://oshotimes.blog.osho.com/2014/01/die-without-any-question-and-without-any-answer/#more-1888

Dependence vs. Independence

How to Raise Your Frequency


Ljubav nije nešto što možete dobiti izvana. Ljubav je glazba vašeg unutarnjeg bića. Nitko Vam ne može dati ljubav. Ljubav može nastati u Vama, ali ne može doći u Vas izvana. Ne postoji trgovac niti trgovina gdje možete kupiti ljubav. Ljubav se ne može kupiti po nikojoj cijeni. Ljubav je unutarnje cvjetanje. Ona proizlazi iz neke uspavane unutarnje energije, ipak mi je tražimo u vanjskome svijetu. Svi mi tražimo ljubav u voljenome – što je potpuno krivo i uzaludno djelovanje. Tražite ljubav u sebi. Mi ne možemo niti zamisliti kako možemo naći ljubav u sebi jer ljubav uvijek asociramo sa nečim voljenim. To nam daje ideju nečeg drugog što dolazi izvana. Budući da se ne sjećamo kako ljubav može nastati unutar nas, energija ljubavi ostaje uspavana i potisnuta. Mi ne shvaćamo da konstantno tražimo nešto izvana, a to nešto je unutar nas samih. I upravo zato što to tražimo izvana ne gledamo unutar nas, tako da ono što možemo naći nikada nećemo. Ljubav je najveće blago s kojim je svaki pojedinac rođen. Čovjek se ne rađa s novcem – novac je društvena akumulacija – ali čovjek se rađa s ljubavi. To je naše urođeno pravo, to je naše individualno bogatstvo, to je u nama. To je suputnik koji nam je dan po rođenju i koji nas može pratiti cijeloga života. No, vrlo je malo ljudi dovoljno sretno da pogleda unutar sebe i pronađe ljubav – kako ju može pronaći i kako ju može razviti. Dakle, rođeni smo, ali naše bogatsvo ostaje neistraženo; uopće ga nikada niti ne istražimo. I krećemo u prošenje pred tuđim vratima, držimo ruke jedni drugima, jer želimo ljubav. Diljem planete postoji samo jedna želja “Mi želimo ljubav” i diljem planete čujemo samo jedan prigovor “Ne dobivamo ljubav”. I kada ne dobijemo ljubav optužujemo druge da su u krivu jer nam ne daju ljubav. Žena govori mužu “Nešto s tobom nije u redu, zato mi ne daješ ljubav.” Muž govori ženi “Postoji u tebi neka greška, ne primam od tebe ljubav.” I nitko se ne pita da li je uopće moguće dobiti ljubav izvana. Ljubav je unutarnje blago, i ljubav je sama po sebi glazba Veene srca (Veena-indijski glazbeni instrument). Veena ljudskoga srca je postala vrlo uznemirena. Glazba za koju je stvorena jednostavno se ne pojavljuje. Kako možemo stvoriti ovu glazbu? Koja je to prepreka koja stoju na putu te glazbe? Što je to da nam ne dopušta to stvaranje? Jeste li ikada razmišljali o toj smetnji? Da li ste ikada pomislili koja bi to smetnja mogla biti? Glumac koji je bio odličan dramaturg i pjesnik je umro. Mnogi ljudi okupili su se u krematoriju na njegovom sprovodu. Režiser filmske kompanije gdje je radio također je bio tu, te je izrekao par riječi sućuti. Režiser je rekao: “Napravio sam glumca od ovog čovjeka. Ja sam bio taj koji ga je pronašao na sporednim putevima i doveo ga na autocestu. Ja sam mu dao prvu ulogu u filmovima. Ja sam mu prvi objavio knjigu. Ja sam razlog zašto je on postao pozant po cijelome svijetu.” Toliko je rekao – ja sam bio prisutan na sprovodu, možda i neki od vas – režiser je rekao toliko kada se odjednom leš uzdigao i pitao “Oprostite gospodine, koga pokapamo ovdje – vas ili mene? O kome vi govorite?” Režiser je govorio ” Ja sam taj koji ga je učinio poznatim, Ja sam taj koji je izdao njegovu knjigu, Ja sam taj koji mu je dao prvu ulogu u filmu… Ja sam taj…” Čak niti leš nije mogao tolerirati ovu buku izraza “Ja”. Digao se i rekao je “Tko će upravo biti pokopan ovdje – vi ili ja? O kome vi govorite?” Čak niti leš ne može tolerirati ovu buku koju proizvodi “ja” – jer čovjek konstantno prizvodi buku “ja”. Kako to živi ljudi mogu tolerirati? Unutar čovjeka mogu postojati samo dva glasa. Glas ljubavi ne postoji unutar osobe koja je ispunjena glasom “ja”. I ne postoji glas “ja” u čovjeka koji je ispunjen glasom ljubavi. Ta dva glasa unutar čovjeka nikad nećemo zajedno naći. To je nemoguće. To je ista vrsta nemogućnosti kao i postojanje svijetla i tame odjednom. Jednom, tama je otišla Bogu i rekla mu “Sunce me stalno naganja. Zadaje mi puno problema. Prati me od jutra do mraka i do večeri sam vrlo umoran. I kad dođe noć prije nego sam završio svoj san i odmor, počinje me opet pratiti. Mislim da mu nikada nisam učinio ništa nažao. Mislim da ga nikada nisam naljutio. Zašto me onda stalno prati? Zašto me stalno maltretira? Što sam mu krivoga učinio?” Tada je Bog pozvao Sunce i pitao ga je “Zašto stalno natjeravaš jadnu tamu? Uvijek bježi, skriva se, posvuda traži utočište. Zašto ju pratiš 24 sata? Koja je potreba za time?” Sunce je reklo “Tko je tama? Još ju nisam sreo. Čak je niti ne poznajem. Nisam ju još vidio, ali ako sam u neznanju učinio nešto pogrešno spreman sam zatražiti oprost. I kada je jednom prepoznam, više je nikada neću pratiti.” Priča se da je prošlo milijune i trilijune godina od ovog događaja. Ovaj slučaj je “u tijeku” u božjim datotekama. Bog još nije uspio spojiti svjetlost i tamu zajedno i kažem vam nikada niti neće moći, bez obzira koliko on bio svemoguć. Čak niti “svemoćni” nema sposobnost da stavi tamu pred svjetlost jer tama i svjetlost ne mogu postojati zajedno. Postoji razlog zašto oni ne mogu zajedno egzistirati. Razlog tome je što tama nema vlastito biće, tako da ne može postojati ispred Sunca. Tama je izbivanje svjetlosti – dakle kako odsutnost i prisutnost iste stvari mogu zajedno postojati? Tama je odsutnost Sunca. Tama nije ništa sama po sebi. Ona je samo odsutnost Sunca, odsutnost svjetla. Kako se odsutnost svjetla može pojaviti? Kako obje stvari postoje? Bog to nikada neće moći urediti. Na isti način Ego i Ljubav ne mogu postojati zajedno. Ego je kao tama. To je odsudstvo ljubavi, ego nije prisutnost ljubavi. Ljubav unutar nas je odsutna tako da unutar nas odjekuje glas “Ja”. I sa ovim glasom “Ja” mi govorimo JA želim voljeti, JA želim dati ljubav, JA želim primiti ljubav. Zar ste poludjeli!? Nikada nije postojala bilo kakva veza između “ja” i ljubavi. I taj “Ja” nastavlja govoriti u ime ljubavi – JA želim moliti, JA želim doseći Boga, JA želim biti oslobođen. Ovu istu stvar govori i tama, JA želim zagrliti Sunce, JA želim voljeti Sunce, JA želim biti gost u sunčevoj kući. To je nezamislivo. “Ja” je potpuno odsudstvo ljubavi. “Ja” je manjak ljubavi, i što više radimo na jačanju glasa “Ja”, manja je mogućnost da pronađemo ljubav unutar nas. Što je više Ego prisutan, to je više ljubav odsutna; tamo gdje ego prevlada, ljubav će potpuno umrijeti.
Ne može postojati ljubav unutar nas, zato jer ako počinjemo tražiti unutar nas naći ćemo samo gals “Ja” koji konstantno odzvanja 24 sata. Mi dišemo sa tim “Ja”. Mi pijemo vodu sa tim “Ja”. Ulazimo u hramove sa tim “Ja”. Što još postoji u našim životima umjesto toga “Ja”?
Naša odjeća je odjeća našega “Ja”. Naše društvene pozicije su pozicije našega “JA”. Naše znanje je znanje našega “Ja”. Naša duhovna praksa, naše pomaganje drugih, je pomaganje našega “Ja”. Naše sve, čak i naša Sannyasa, je također Sannyasa našega “Ja”. “Ja” nisam običan čovjek. “Ja” sam pomagać. “Ja” sam osoba sa znanjem. “Ja” sam bogat. “Ja samo ovo, “Ja” sam ono… Kuća koja je sagrađena oko “Ja” neće biti upoznata sa ljubavi. I onda ta glazba koja dolazi iz unutarnje jezgre našeg srca, koja nas može upoznati sa istinom života, neće se uzdići iz Veene srca. Vrata se neće otvoriti, zauvijek će ostati zatvorena. Moramo u osnovi shvatiti koliko je jak naš “Ja”, koliko je on dubok. I moramo jasno vidjeti da ako ga produbljujemo, ako mu dajemo snage, da je on jači i jači svakodnevno. Ako ga jačate onda ostavite nadu da će ljubav narasti unutar vas ili da možete raspetljati čvor ljubavi, ili da možete dokučiti blago ljubavi. Odbacite svaku ideju o tome. Ne postoji način da se to dogodi. Znači ja vam ne govorim da počnete voljeti jer vam ego govori “Ja volim”. Ova ljubav koja dolazi od ega je apsolutno kriva, stoga sam rekao da su sve naše ljubavi lažne – jer dolaze od ega, one su njegova sjena. I zapamtite da ljubav koja dolazi iz ega je mnogo opasnija od mržnje, jer mržnja je čista, direktna i jednostavna, ali ljubav dolazi promjenjenog lica i biti će je teško prepoznati. Ako ste voljeni s ljubavlju koja dolazi iz ega nakon nekog vremena osjećat ćete se kao da ste držani u lancima umjesto u rukama ljubavi.. Nakon nekog vremena doći ćete do saznanja da ta ljubav koja izgovara prekrasne govore i pjeva prekrasne pjesme je samo primamljiva u početku. U tim slatkim pjesmama puno je otrova. Ako ljubav koja dolazi u obliku cvijeća je samo sjena ega, kada dodirnete cvijeće, naći ćete trnje koje će vas probiti. Kada ljudi žele uhvatiti ribu, stave mamac na udicu. Ego želi postati gospodar drugih, želi ih posjedovati, tako da ih probada sa mamcem ljubavi na udici. Tako mnogi ljudi završe u boli i patnji upravo zbog svojih iluzija o ljubavi; čak niti u paklu ljudi ne pate toliko. Zbog ove iluzije ljubavi cijela Zemlja, cijelo čovječanstvo pati. I još uvijek mi ne shvaćamo da je ljubav koja dolazi iz ega pogrešna… To je razlog zašto smo stvorili ovaj pakao. Ljubav na koju je spojen ego je oblik ljubomore – zbog toga nitko ne može biti toliko ljubomoran kao zaljubljena osoba. Ljubav koja je spojena na ego je urota i trik da bi se posjedovali drugi. To je urota – upravo zato nitko ne guši toliko ljudi kao oni koji govore o ljubavi. Ova situacija je stvorena zbog “ljubavi” koja dolazi iz ega – ne može postojati veza između ljubavi i ega.
source- http://vesnamihajlovicblog.wordpress.com/2014/01/29/osho-o-egu-osho-o-ljubavi/

уторак, 28. јануар 2014.

Where do souls come from and what is soul?

Where do souls come from and what is soul?

Where do souls come from and what is soul?
The Cosmic whole thrives on perfection:  perfect balance, harmony and the immensity of Being itself.
Life itself never strives nor pushes, it exists as pure radiant energy.  It energizes all around it, and it forms fractals, patterns and sacred geometries, and within these sacred forms of life, life itself is involved in an intricate and beautiful dance of love and light.
The patterns themselves are called the Divine Blueprint of Creation.  Thus all of creation in itself bears a particular stamp (Blueprint pattern) which is uniquely its own.
When in a burst of immense creative energy, birthed from the womb of the Divine Mother, the first sparks of Light were formed, these sparks in themselves then formed the nucleus of what we now know as SOUL GROUPS.
The Soul Group itself, has extensions, or other Soul Groups which are forming as a cluster around it.  This means, that as Creation itself is always in the state of creation, that new souls are born, from the original 12 Master Soul Groups which we given life to. These 12 Master Soul Groups, then form the nucleus of the 12 first Master Galaxies which were created.
The 12 Master Galaxies in turn form the nucleus of the Great White Brother and Sisterhood, which is the governing force of the cosmos.  It in turn falls under the direct rulership of the Avatar of Synthesis, the Mahatma, the Cosmic High Masters, the 24 Divine Beings who look after the greater cosmic whole, and the 12 Master Beings who surround the Throne of God.  They form the nucleus which surrounds the Godhead itself and the Threefold Flame of Love, Power and Wisdom with the Archangels and the Elohim, the Seraphim, the Cherubim, the Powers, the Thrones, and angels.
As each soul group then has is unique TONE or TONAL chord harmonic vibration, it also as distinct energy and pattern: – this means each soul group transmits a certain cosmic frequency band, colour and ray.  It reflects a Divine Attribute back to the Divine Source.  I use the word Attribute here but some would say VALUES, or an emotional tone, or an expression of life.
I sometimes battle to find the correct words, for we are talking here of pure energy.  A soul itself consists of pure CONSCIOUS energy, thus is energy conscious of itself and the Divine Creator and conscious of its soul group.
There are many millions of the soul groups now in existence, and all then emit frequency and light and they of course inhabit the whole cosmos ad infinitum.
However, only certain soul groups have been involved with this planet since the beginning of time, and most of the souls now incarnated here, who have karmic links to the planet then stem from a certain core group of souls.  These souls were attached to the confederation of galaxies and star systems, a confederate branch of the Great White  Flame Brother-and Sisterhood.  The airforce wing of this Federation is the Intergalactic Fleet under the High Command of Lord Ashtar.
I will not go into the subsequent history of how this planet was formed and what happened, (that is in my book:  “Why I was born in Africa”), but most souls currently incarnated have been involved here for millions of years.  These come from the core Galaxies of Sirius, Orion, Andromeda, Pleiades, Arcturius, Lyra, Lukuma, the Bear Constellation, the Milky Way Galaxy, Pegasus,  and two other galaxies which were dispersed of when the Wars of Heavens started.  One of them was Lyra, and the other one was Xenon.
Many thousands of years later, after the first fall of the first civilization and evacuation of the planet, and then resettlement, the Annunaki arrived, and without galactic permission started their invasion of the planet, as had happened before from Marduk, the planet between Mars and Jupiter which blew itself up and put the rest of this solar system and universe into a different orbit and re-arranged the planets around this sun.
Your soul then is a pure energy spark, which forms part of the greater whole, which is the soul group you belong to, and then of an even greater soul cluster group, and then ultimate forms part and particle of the Divine itself and the greater cosmic whole.
Ultimately all souls have a Divine blueprint or pattern and within this pattern they carry the blueprint of the soul group and that of the Divine.
In order to understand the journey of your own soul and why you are here on this planet at this time, it is therefore vital to understand who and what that Divine blueprint is, and why you are a pure form of energy, which has a unique harmonic tonal chord and colours and more than this, is centrally energized not only from your soul group but also from the galaxy of origin.
In Ancient times, you always WORE on your person, and mostly over your third eye, a crystal from your galaxy of origin, so that its cosmic energy frequency band could transmit to you, and you could receive its transmissions.
You also wore a BIRTH crystal which was programmed with a soul reading at birth and an astrological chart – programmed in conjunction and you were then allowed to develop your inherent genius from the moment you were born.  Your talents and abilities were nurtured and constantly monitored, so that you could develop to your full potential and greatness when you stepped into adulthood and maturity.
(This is then Part 1)
For soul reading information: http://www.judith-kusel.com
Judith Kusel

source: http://judithkusel.wordpress.com/2014/01/28/where-do-souls-come-from-and-what-is-soul/

недеља, 26. јануар 2014.

The Power of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness

January 25, 2014 | By |
Flickr - Flower - CJ Schmit1Mary Rivas, Contributor
Waking Times
The act of forgiveness is a strategy to become neutral, to reset the game, to start fresh.
Forgiveness is a decision, an intention to get out of guilt, to clear all the debt and baggage that keeps us stuck in self-destructive patterns.
Forgiveness does not mean that you condone the bad behavior nor does it mean that you accept that the insult be repeated. Forgiveness merely takes the charge off and neutralizes it so it does not drain your energy anymore.
From a shamanic perspective, the act of forgiveness is a frequency, not the emotion that accompanies the act of forgiveness.  When we forgive, we can feel an incredibly sense of relief or cry tears of happiness, but the emotion is not the forgiveness. Forgiveness is a choice we make.
The act of forgiveness raises our frequency, our energy. It’s one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal!
Take a moment to recall an experience where someone insulted you.  Chances are that whenever you think of that situation you feel bad.  This is what shamans refer to as an “energy leak” because disturbing emotions drain our energy.  If our energy leaks continue, we only harm ourselves.  We need sufficient energy in order to be healthy, happy and to manifest!
When you recall such an experience that makes you feel bad, ask yourself, “Do I want to continue to give that person the power to control me and deplete my energy?”  At any moment, you can choose to forgive and free yourself of burdens that rob you of happiness and freedom.
Imagine how you will feel when you no longer allow that person to drain your energy.  Think of the relief you will experience when you finally experience forgiveness.  You eliminate a huge energy leak that keeps you stuck.
The purpose of life is to gain experiences, make choices, learn from choices and acquire wisdom and understanding. Forgiveness is a self empowering technique—a healing process that enables us repair damage to our energy bodies. This includes the damage and energy drain that comes from mental complexes, heavy emotions and attachments.
Forgiveness is one of the most powerful tools we have to raise our frequency and spiritually evolve. I invite you to watch a free 4 part video series on forgiveness.  You’ll expand your perspective, nourish your soul and hear amazing forgiveness stories that will positively lift your heart!
About the Author
Visit www.UnlimitedInnerPower.com/blog and sign up to get a free Theta audio to deeply relax the body and mind + an e-book on manifesting + monthly wisdom tips.
Mary Rivas is the founder of www.UnlimitedInnerPower.com, a website that helps you discover how to use mind powers to eliminate negative thinking and realize your life dreams.  Mary is the author of The Warrior Spirit: How To Use Mind Powers & Ancient Wisdom To Create Wealth and Much More! She has a degree in psychology and attended graduate school in clinical psychology. For over ten years, she has immersed herself in ancient wisdom teachings, including shamanism.
source- http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/01/25/power-forgiveness/

The Undistorted Power of Attention

The Undistorted Power of Attention

January 25, 2014 | By  
Flickr - Attention - Juliana CoutinhoSoren Dreier, Guest
Waking Times
Our attention is the most powerful instrument we have: That’s why everybody wants it.
That is why the Matrix does its best to distract it.
Maybe turn the Matrix off and consciously choose what you would like to see or hear.
If not you´re a sitting duck for their brainwasher while they and you are undermining one of the most powerful tools you have: The undistorted attention.
Attention as I use it here: Centering the mind in a specific direction and only that direction, without any distractions.
No more background noise like leaving the radio or TV on as a poor excuse for avoiding the feel of: Something’s missing or just a really bad habit. In stillness or silence our minds expand, and it will pull unfinished business up to the surface for our consciousness to solve from the deep lake within.
Noise is very interesting since we are extremely sensitive to sounds or the absence of it. The absence of it can only be within controlled environments. That is why sounds or the absence of sounds can be used to torture people.
Too much sound has a huge impact on both the emotional and the physical immune system and it obviously is used in the context of sleep deprivation.
Are you having trouble sleeping? Do you use Radio and TV as a background carpet to avoid the void in the stillness? The subconscious stores all that ‘noise’ and it merges in a very hidden way with your way of thinking.
Stillness or the absence of sound stimuli is equally as dreadful as torture by noise.
Stillness pulls unprocessed emotional debris up from the lake of copiousness and if it goes on too long, we will start to hallucinate.
What we will hallucinate depends on the consciousness of the person impacted by it. We can pull up the dark stuff and we can manifest an altered distorted universe.
These are very powerful mechanics, so powerful that they can be used to take us down and they sure can be used to lift us up to higher state of mind. So powerful.
I haven’t yet met anybody who really was very heavily into meditation, self-development and spiritual esoterics, who at some point didn’t break the silence. That is the tipping point; it’s the custodian of sanity.
I have often been asked when teaching meditation: “Can I enforce the meditation by using a drug?”
My answer to that is very simple: “You will drug the custodian. You will need him sober… because it’s a safety mechanism.”
Not the most popular answer if you think that spirituality and self-knowledge is a race.
It isn’t a race.
That’s pumping spiritual iron and it can make your sanity fuses go off and: Light out. Ding!
It is much like if we think we could use some physical strength: A poor strategy would be to hit the gym on steroids. Maybe the smart approach, and the long term solution would be: Go sober to the gym for 30 minutes a day for 30 days, say – and we will build up a long lasting benefit.
Stuart Wilde said: “Life isn’t meant to be a struggle.”
Neither is spiritual self-development. I would like to add: Life isn’t meant to be a struggle – but some common sense or discipline never hurt anybody, as long as it is not outer controlled. It has to be a product of self guidance.
Don’t give your life to Gurus. Learn what you think is necessary for you and go for the exit sign. Never buy into the whole design, its not yours see, it’s the Guru’s so that seat is taken.
There’s a saying: “Where attention goes, energy flows.” I agree, but in this world of distraction, the task can be somehow difficult. If you decide to give it a go and want to examine the ‘goes/ flows’ doctrine, you might find that it’s not a cliché, it is a metaphysical fact. It can be a cliché if we´re not aware of the mechanics behind the statement and if we don’t know how to manifest:
Undivided attention.
Lots of people are saying: My life is a mess.
What they really are saying is: I cant focus my attention. Because the minute they do, order will come into place. It can be very important to understand: Internal chaos will provide external chaos. So little effort it really takes: Maybe not a 2 weeks Ashram in Goa, India, but maybe get the vacuum cleaner and clean the house. Good therapy – but maybe not ‘spiritual’ enough.
It is, and its free.
Sometimes we don’t need our eyes to stray to distant horizons, the solution is usually right before us. Again it is a matter of attention.
If the attention is focused very deeply, the object we focus our attention on will start to change. We see it differently. It transforms and so do we in the process. This process impacts at a very felt and experienced level in our whole body and consciousness, so as it evolves, we will not make that distinction anymore between body and consciousness or the distinction of: being the observer or the observed.
Some spiritual traditions use, as mentioned, drugs in order to get that effect – focused attention does the same to the consciousness: expands it into a state I would like to label as Conscious Awareness. That is the esoteric point of focusing attention, which will bring this internal paradigm shift out in the open:
Who are we? The observer or the observed?
When we don’t make that distinction anymore, another ‘we are separated’ Matrix will die.
Jesus said: “I am in this world, but not of it!”
On one level, He meant: I come from the heavens. The Son of God. (Jesus – religion)
On another level: I am the observer. ( Jesus – Yogi)
When we awake to being the observer, we see things for what they are. Being the observer certainly doesn’t mean that we won’t intervene in the drama of existence. It means that we will intervene with more awareness, with more surgical precision, and avoid the distraction of noise of things we have no business intervening in anyway.
We can’t see things as they really are if we identify too strongly with them. We have to detach, leave the ‘room’, observe in silence and disengage or really engage.
I think that’s a very interesting spiritual puzzle to solve, also in a world of boring gossip, what the neighbor does, and who kisses who and who left a dog poop on the pavement. Not worth the attention. Leave it be.
As long as we are caught up in that, the Matrix prevails because to the matrix little snitches are preferable.
People who see the Matrix as an solid entity have observed it for some time, and they are the spiritual whistleblowers stubbornly relying on their perception of it and their vision of a world where everybody thrives.
We need to re-conquer our Power of Attention.

source- http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/01/25/undistorted-power-attention/

Iboga, the Matrix, and Pineal Gland Decalcification

Iboga, the Matrix, and Pineal Gland Decalcification

January 24, 2014 | By |
WIKI - Third Eye1Daniel Raphael & Dylan Charles, Staff
Waking Times
The pineal gland has been at the core of spiritual traditions dating back thousands of years, spanning all inhabited continents. Prominently carved onto Buddhist statues, ceremoniously painted onto tribal faces, and deceptively displayed in the Vatican square, the pineal gland, known as the Third Eye, or Seat of the Soul, is still shrouded in mystery.
One of the culprits to the endless poverty, warfare, and illness in society today lies in humanity’s collective disconnection from their soul and their true divine nature. The key to awakening from this destructive dream lies in the pineal gland, a crystalline, cosmic antenna integrating multidimensional life-source into our five sense reality. Throughout the past few decades however, fluoride and other toxins have calcified this soul-gate, blocking many human beings from their divine guidance and limiting their personal power.
Iboga is an ancient shamanic plant medicine derived from the root bark of a curious tree, the Tabernanthe Iboga, which has been used for millenia by the Bwiti tribe of Equatorial West Africa as a ceremonial sacrament. Taken for its vast physical and psychological healing properties and as a right of passage and introduction to the spirit world, it opens the third eye and awakens one to their true spiritual nature. When ingested, the spirit of the plant awakens, projecting a celestial film within the mind’s eye of the initiate, teaching experientially through holographic vision and divine dialog. Also ridding the body of mind-numbing toxins, and freeing the mind from detrimental programming and limiting beliefs, this plant medicine offers serious promise as a tool for Western seekers in our collective quest to break free from the matrix and reconnect with Mother Earth.

Fluoride and the War on Consciousness

As renowned author and historian Graham Hancock explains in his banned TED talk, The War on Consciousness there is a deliberate effort to prevent sovereign individuals from exploring the vast potential of their own minds. To control a population, the masses must be programmed through spells conjured up by a corrupt corporate media, cultural programs of self-destruction, and the diabolical manipulation of the noosphere. The operating system of the mind is accessed through language, and one’s reality is a combination of the filters, biases and belief systems learned from the dominant conversations in a society. Whom ever controls the language of a society creates the reality for its members.
To further influence the consciousness of human kind in our seemingly backwards world, the mind is targeted and weakened by an onslaught of toxicity. Sodium fluoride, an inorganic chemical compound and toxic waste product of the aluminum industry, is one of the main toxins used by the elite to increase our susceptibility to subliminal messages and mind control. By narcotizing an area in the left occipital lobe of the brain, fluoride makes people docile, passive, disconnected, and obedient.
Click to Enlarge
Fluoride is widely used nowadays as one of the basic ingredients in Prozac (Fluoxetene Hydrochloride) and other psycho-tropic drugs, and is also a key ingredient in rat poison and sarin nerve gas (Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl Fluoride). Oddly it is also a common additive to municipal drinking water in the United States and other nations, ostensibly to protect public health by fortifying teeth. Multiple scientific studies in recent years have proven that fluoride causes a slew of health conditions as well as significantly lowering the IQ points of its unsuspecting victims, which is why there is a growing popular movement to end fluoridation of public water supplies. The first use of fluoridated drinking water occurred in Germany’s Nazi prison camps by the Gestapo who used fluoride to sterilize humans and force people into submission.
Charles Perkins, a US chemist explains the dangers of fluoride in 1954:
“I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official of the great IG Farben chemical industries and was also prominent in the Nazi movement at the time. I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years research into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorine–any person who drinks artificially fluorinated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person mentally or physically.” [Source]
An even more damaging effect of fluoride exposure is calcification of the pineal gland, which separates a person from their spiritual nature. Fluoride encapsulates the pineal gland in an artificial shell, physically disconnecting the soul and higher consciousness from the bio-computer known as the brain. Without access to the soul, the human brain becomes mechanical, robotic and conscienceless in it’s operation, rendered a tool easily controlled by social programming and mind control.
The end game of mass fluoride poisoning is the creation of a population of submissive, obedient, un-intelligent workers, rather than true thinkers, warriors, artists, and heroes. This is evident in our modern cities where once lively human beings now appear as self-regulating zombies, slaves in a spiritless matrix of consumerism and competition .

Decalcification Protocols: Unlocking the Soul

Most people’s pineal glands are heavily calcified by the time they are 17 years old, so much so that it appears as a solid lump of calcium during an MRI scan. There are many practical methods and supplements available to seekers who wish to fully reawaken their spiritual essence, and for seekers on the path toward truth and enlightenment, purification of this spiritual organ is an absolute must.
IbogaLove 300x250Skate liver oil for pineal decalcification was popularized by government insider Pete Peterson and contains a compound known as Activator X which allows the body to remove calcium deposits from various locations. Iodine has been clinically proven to increase the removal of sodium fluoride from the body via urine as calcium fluoride. Tamarind also helps in releasing fluoride through the urine. Boron, found to be powerfully effective in the form of Borax Decahydrate, reduces excessive calcification of the pineal gland while also helping magnesium access cells to further remove calcium deposits. While supplements can be effective at detoxifying the pineal gland, however, people often report mixed results with them as it may take years to achieve noticeable results.
In addition to modern supplements for cleansing the pineal gland, the plant medicine Iboga is undoubtedly a very effective agent in re-awakening one’s connection to spirituality, and initiates routinely have powerful spiritual experiences within just a few sessions with this ancient medicine teacher.
Studies with Iboga for pineal decalcification have yet to be conducted, however, anecdotal evidence has raised attention to its potential. Various paranormal and spiritual phenomena occur during Iboga journeys, from out of body experiences, remote viewing and seeing through walls, vivid full spectrum life review, speaking with spirits and ancestors, and accessing outside information. These mystical phenomenon are linked to the powerful spiritual awakening induced by Iboga journeys, and the detoxification of the body’s spiritual organs.

Iboga Neuroscience – the Tree of Life

Ibogaine, the active alkaloid in Iboga, influences the neurological processes involved in learning addictive behavior and can reveal the deepest layers of one’s mental and habitual programming. Through NMDA receptors, Ibogaine influences the process of long-term potentiation, a long-lasting enhancement in signal transmission between two neurons which increases neuroplasticity, strengthening the synaptic signals, therefore augmenting learning and memory.
Ibogaine has been found to increase levels of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, or GDNF, which promotes the survival and replenishment of many types of neurons. A single dose of ibogaine can increase GDNF expression for weeks, depending on dosage. Ibogaine is also highly lipophilic and remains in body fat for months, gradually being released, further extending its influence on GDNF expression. Patents are currently pending on Iboga alkaloids to reverse or treat dementia, Alzheimer’s, depression, and ADHD, and the compound is widely respected as an effective agent in treating serious drug addictions.
Furthermore, certain mental illnesses and psychiatric conditions may be remedied with Iboga. It is common for people with depersonalization, a relatively new psychological disorder where one feels disconnected from his or her own self and the outside world, to find immediate, powerful and lasting relief with Iboga. It is thought that this new psychological condition along with several others is caused at least in part by pineal gland calcification and often triggered by a traumatic event. Additionally, clearer, more three-dimensional vision, a new baby-like sensitivity to life, and feelings of having an open heart are often reported the day after a spiritual Iboga journey.
Long term, if not permanent effects include increased psychic sensitivity, the ability to visualize internally in crystal clarity, and an increased magnetism for manifestation. Greater intelligence, clearing of brain fog, eloquence in speech, and a lighter, more youthful energy are also often reported. The most important effect of Iboga is the reconnection to free will. Many go in thinking they are free and come out realizing the thousands of choices they make each day are a result of reacting to programming and cultural narratives that are fabricated deceptions aimed at limiting personal liberty.
Although the actual journey is intense, including possible purging and nausea if your body needs to clear toxins, the experience is rarely described as scary, although a common somewhat frightening aspect commonly occurs the day after when an initiate experiences thoughts such as, “what if I hadn’t done this? What blind path I would have continued on, if I didn’t see what I just saw.” One often wakes from a dream that she did not know was a dream, is left breathless and surrounded by a higher actuality. 
During the Iboga journey, many people do not experience deep spiritual journeys their first time since the medicine must clear and detox the body first, resurfacing cellular receptor sites, removing mercury and aluminum from the muscles and blood, and killing off parasites, candida, and other low-vibration microorganisms. Once the body is relatively clean, the medicine then can reach the mind and soul. Some people describe it as ten years of psychotherapy in one night since the rhythm of thoughts and revelations appear fast and frequently, unceasingly bursting one’s bubble with simple, objective dialog. Unlike the lyrical, abstract visions common to Mother Ayahuasca, Iboga teaches through direct, logical information downloads and is known as the “Father” teacher.

Holographic Teachings

Tapping into your own database of memories, memes, and anchor points, the spirit of Iboga crystallizes momentous visuals on your inner chalk board, while many also hear a telepathic voice of truth both answering questions and pointing out blind spots over the course of a single session which can last up to 36 hours depending on your sensitivity, dose, and current state of consciousness. During this time, arrows of truth incessantly pierce your dream-like bubbles, but these arrows are coated with love’s varnish, and shot by an omniscient bowman who already knows what you are ready to see. Your emotional body is also temporarily relieved through this experience so that you can observe and process past trauma in a near-instant and smoother process without getting caught up in old triggers and tears. This allows you to glide fast through the multitude of blocks you may have, for there is much work to be done.
pineal meme 1Time slows down on Iboga, and while you lie consciously awake and in control, your brain remains in an REM dream state where you have both read/write access to your subconscious mind’s hard drive. Virtually everyone the morning after Iboga who listens to music remarks that the music sounds twice as fast. This is because time actually stretches out in your personal reality, but music and clocks remain relative. Visual tracers are also quite common on the medicine, as you can see the reflection of the past in each moment, and each thought and lesson is processed in a more advanced, cyclical nature, instead of linearly.
When experienced in a group setting with absolute trust and love, a collective psychic grid is created where concepts, Matrix-busting revelations, and healing love-webs can be instantly shared with the group. Often times the group simultaneously voices the same revelation as information is shared freely and each member becomes open-source, as she opens up to source in a Golden Age bubble crafted by the experience. Seeing, moving, and speaking in this state can be best described as fractal, fluid, and holographic.

Do you Hear the Hero’s Call?

Do you feel the call to taste the tree of life? There are several options for experiencing an Iboga journey in a guided setting, as undergoing a journey alone is not recommended or safe. Handfuls of ibogaine clinics have popped up in recent years, mostly geared towards treating drug addicts, and largely devoid of the medicines true spiritual context. It is recommended to keep clear of medical-style clinics if spiritual awakening, heart opening, and soul connection is what you seek. Using the full root bark of the Iboga tree or at least the total alkaloid extract ensures the spirit of the plant is intact and available, while also holistically utilizing the dozen other alkaloids that the plant has to offer.
Some feel called to experience the full Iboga initiation in Gabon, Africa. A good place to start your research would be Ebando, which has offered heart-felt initiation ceremonies for many years. Full initiation ceremonies differ by tribe and region and can last several weeks and include ingesting 5-10 times more Iboga than a typical Iboga center in the West offers. Most people do not feel ready to fly to Africa and experience this intense journey.
Shamanic Iboga centers such as those in Central America offer a bridge for Westerners, as people from the West have their own set of problems including many new psychological ailments and toxicity-induced diseases. Some get what they want in one journey, but most require several journeys to cleanse their body before experiencing the spiritual awakening that can be breath-taking and unbelievably liberating.
In the end it is important to follow your own intuition, and realize Iboga, like other plant technologies, is simply a tool. As Aikido master Morihei Ueshiba once said, “Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery. Bravery leads to the spirit of self-sacrifice. The spirit of self-sacrifice creates trust in the power of love.” In the end your own dedication, self-inquiry, and openness to love will determine the speed and depth of your healing and awakening. Iboga simply lifts the fog, revealing the hero within.
About the Author
Daniel Raphael is a shamanic apprentice who currently co-facilitates shamanic journey retreats and pineal decalcification with Iboga at a plant medicine retreat center in Costa Rica. He splits his time between California, Costa Rica, and Gabon where he continues his training with the Bwiti tribes. He can be contacted at daniel@ibogalove.com.
Dylan Charles is a student and teacher of Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Qi Gong, a practitioner of Yoga and Taoist esoteric arts, and an activist and idealist passionately engaged in the struggle for a more sustainable and just world for future generations. He is the editor of WakingTimes.com, the proprietor of OffgridOutpost.com, a grateful father and a man who seeks to enlighten and assist others with the power of inspiring information and action. He may be contacted at wakingtimes@gmail.com.

source- http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/01/24/iboga-matrix-pineal-gland-decalcification/