понедељак, 30. јун 2014.

First Scientific Proof Of God Found

First Scientific Proof Of God Found

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635px-Creation_of_the_Sun_and_Moon_face_detail2W.I.T. scientists, in conjunction with the Human Genome Project and Bob Jones University, have made what may be the most astounding discovery of this, or any generation. While working to understand and map the function of sequences of DNA in the human genome known as “Junk DNA” (for their lack of known function), scientists at W.I.T. noted that while the DNA sequences they were seeing bore little resemblance to the coding for biological function, they bore a striking similarity to the patterns of human language. Contacting and working closely with linguists and philologists from Bob Jones University, W.I.T. set out to analyze and decode the areas of Transposons and Retrotransposons which seemed indicative of human language.
Linguistic professors at Bob Jones University, long noted for its intellectual rigor, began to attempt to translate the decoded segments that W.I.T. was providing. The structure was notably and demonstrably human in nature. The coding language found, which utilized sequences of twenty-eight independent values, fell easily into the incidence range of known alphabets. Sequences of independent connected values likewise mirrored the structure of word composition in human languages. The Linguistic and Philology team at Bob Jones began an extensive comparison of the quizzical script found in the “Junk DNA” with the catalog of every recorded human language; hoping to find similar lingual threads so that they could begin to formulate translations of the message laying hidden in the DNA. Professors were rocked with sheer awe when they found that one existent language, and one language alone, was a direct translatable match for the sequential DNA strands.
The Language in the “Junk DNA”, the DNA that scientists had for years discarded as useless, was indistinguishable from ancient Aramaic. Even more amazingly, as linguists started to translate the code within the human genome, they found that parts of the script it contained were at times remarkably close in composition to verse found in the bible. And at times contained direct biblical quotes.
On the human gene PYGB, Phosporomylase Glycogen, a non-coding transposon, holds a linguistic sequence that translates as “At first break of day, God formed sky and land.” This bears a stunning similarity to Gen 1:1 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Gene Bmp3 has a Retrotransposon sequence which translates to the well-known 1 Cor 6:19 “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.” This is repeated over and over throughout the entire sequence of human DNA: embedded equivalent genetic code of ancient Aramaic that seems to translate as the word of god to his people.
Matthew Boulder, chief linguist for the project and professor of applied creation sciences at Bob Jones University, issued this statement: “As for the evidence- it is there and it is, to my view, undeniable. The very word of God, elegantly weaved in and out of our very bodies and souls, as plain as day. And the beauty of it, that God would lay down the words of truth in our very beings, shows his love and The Miracle.”
Scientists at W.I.T. await replication of our own research extracting and sequencing “Junk” DNA and verification of translation into Aramaic by independent sources before we move forward on the peer review process and the release of our total research and discovery to date.
- See more at: http://witscience.org/first-scientific-proof-god-found/#sthash.hrQYUrYo.dpuf

25 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Buddha

25 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Buddha

“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.” ~ Buddha
There are so many beautiful, powerful and life changing lessons I have learned from studying Buddhism and from reading many of Buddha’s quotes. And today I want to share 25 of these beautiful lessons with you.
Here are 25 Life Changing Lessons from Buddha:

1. Love heals all things.

“Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.”

2. It’s not what you say but what you do that defines you.

“A man is not called wise because he talks and talks again; but if he is peaceful, loving and fearless then he is in truth called wise.”
“A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker.”

3. The secret of good health is to live fully in the NOW.

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”
“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.”

4. Who looks inside awakens.

“The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.”

5. Words have the power to both hurt and heal.

“Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world.”

6. Let it go and it will be yours forever.

“You only lose what you cling to.”

7. No one can walk your path for you.

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”

8. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

9. Be kind to all.

“Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant with the weak and wrong. Sometime in your life, you will have been all of these.”
“Have compassion for all beings, rich and poor alike; each has their suffering. Some suffer too much, others too little.”
“Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.”

10. Don’t believe everything you are told to believe.

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”

11. As you THINK so shall you be

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts and made up of our thoughts. If a man speak or act with an evil thought, suffering follows him as the wheel follows the hoof of the beast that draws the wagon…. If a man speak or act with a good thought, happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves him.”

12. Let go of fear.

“The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed.”

13. The truth has a way of always leaking out.

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”

14. Control your mind or it will control you.

“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.”
“It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.”

15. Doubt separates. Trust unites.

“There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills.”

16. Nobody is more deserving of your love than you yourself are.

“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

17. Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.

“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.”

18. Spirituality isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity.

“Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.”

19. Replace jealousy with admiration.

“Do not be jealous of others’ good qualities, but out of admiration adopt them yourself.”

20. Look for peace within yourself.

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”

21. Let go of attachment.

“To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one’s own in the midst of abundance.”

22. Choose your friends wisely.

“An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.”

23. There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.

“There is no path to happiness: happiness is the path.”

24. Give up labels.

“In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.”

25. Love. Live. Let go.

“In the end these things matter most: How well did you love? How fully did you live? How deeply did you let go?”
What is your favorite quote from Buddha? What is one lesson you have learned from this incredible man? You can share your comment in the comment section below.

About the Author

Luminita is the author of the fantastic blog, Purpose Fairy, where this article was originally featured.

source: http://themindunleashed.org/2014/06/25-life-changing-lessons-learn-buddha.html

NAUČNICI DOŽIVELI ŠOK: Pronađen dokaz da Bog postoji!

NAUČNICI DOŽIVELI ŠOK: Pronađen dokaz da Bog postoji!

U DNK zapisu naučnici su otkrili poruku koja može da se dekodira pomoću aramejskog jezika, kojim je govorio Isus Hrist!!
isus hrist, rojters
Dok su istraživali zapise iz sekvenci DNK u ljudskom genomu poznatom kao "džank DNK" (zbog nedostatka poznate uloge), naučnici Instituta za tehnologiju Vajominga (WIT) došli su do spoznaje koja je naučni i ostali svet ostavila bez reči: lingvistički stručnjaci identifikovali su informaciju u formi staroaramejskog "Na prvo svitanje zore, Bog stvori zemlju i nebo."
Naučnici kažu da su u nizovima DNK videli rupe koje malo podsećaju na kodiranje za biološku funkciju i nose sličnost s uzorcima ljudskog jezika. Zato su angažovali profesore sa Univerziteta "Bob Džouns", poznate po izuzetno strogim kriterijuma. Dali su im dekodirane segmente DNA da ih prevedu, piše Dnevno.hr.
Pronađen je kodni jezik koji koristi nizove od dvadeset osam nezavisnih vrednosti, nađen u rasponu učestalosti poznatih pisama. Nizovi nezavisno povezanih vrednosti odraz su strukture sastava reči u ljudskim jezicima.
Jezična i filolološka ekipa na "Bobu Džonsu" započela je opsežno poređivanje pisma pronađena u "džank DNK" s katalogom svakog ljudskog jezika čije je postojanje zabeleženo. Želeli su da nađu slične višejezične teme kako bi mogli da počnu da oblikuju prevode poruka koje leže skrivene u DNK.
Profesori su bili potreseni kada su otkrili da zaista postoji jedan jezik pomoću kojeg se direktno može prevesti sekvencijalna DNK.
Jezik u "džank DNK", koji su naučnici godinama odbacivali kao beskoristan, potpuno je identičan sa antičkim aramejskim. A kad su počeli da prevode, lingvisti su otkrili su da su delovi poruke gotovo prepisani iz Biblije. Ubrzho su locirali citate.
Na ljudskom genu PYGB postoji jezički sled koji se prevodi kao "Na prvom počinku dana, Bog, stvori nebo i zemlju." Ovo je u zapanjujućoj sličnosti s prvim stihom Knjige Postanja: "U početku Bog stvori nebo i zemlju."
Gen Bmp3 ima retrotransposon sled koji se prevodi u 19. stihu šeste glave Prve poslanice Korinćanima apostola Pavla: "Zar ne znate da je vaše telo crkva Duha Svetoga, koji je u vama, koga ste primili od Boga? Niste sami".
To se ponavlja iznova i iznova tokom celog niza ljudskog DNK: ugrađen ekvivalentni genetski kod drevnog Aramejca koji izgleda kao da se prevodi kao Božja reč svom narodu.
Metju Bulder, glavni lingvista za projekat i profesor primenjene nauke stvaranja na Unverzitetu "Bob Džons" izjavio je:
"Što se tiče dokaza - on je tu. Ovo je, po mom mišljenju, neporecivo. Sama reč Božja, elegantno utkana u naša tela i duše, jasna je kao dan. A lepota ovoga - da je Bog utkao reči istine u naša bića - pokazuje svoju ljubav i čudesa."
Naučinici na Institutu za tehnologiju iz Vajominga sad čekaju replikaciju svojih istraživanja i vađenje sekvenciranja "džank" DNK, kao i da nezavisni izvori verifikuju prevod na aramejski. Tada će započeti proces potpune revizije dosadašnjeg istraživanja i objaviće sva istraživanja i otkrića do danas.

source:  http://www.kurir-info.rs/naucnici-doziveli-sok-pronaden-dokaz-da-bog-postoji-clanak-1441943

уторак, 24. јун 2014.

O duhovnosti u svakodnevici – ZEN parabola

O duhovnosti u svakodnevici – ZEN parabola

zenJedne noći u pokrajini gdje se nalazio hram pao je veliki snijeg. Ujutru, učenici doslovno upadajući do struka u snijeg, okupili su se u dvorani za meditaciju. Učitelj je počeo svoj govor:
- Recite mi, što da radimo u ovoj situaciji?
Jedan učenik je rekao:
- Treba se moliti da bi se snijeg otopio.
Drugi je rekao:
- Treba sjediti u svojoj sobi, a snijeg neka ide svojim putem.
Treći je rekao:
- Onom tko spoznaje istinu treba biti svejedno,  ima li ili nema snijega.
Učitelj je tada rekao:
- Sada čujte mene …
Učenici su se spremili da čuju najvišu mudrost.
Učitelj ih je pogledao u oči, uzdahnuo i rekao:
- Lopate u ruke – i van!
Pouka: Ne zaboravi da je najveći katalizator mijenjanja – djelovanje.

source: http://alternativainformacije.com/2014/06/24/o-duhovnosti-u-svakodnevici-zen-parabola/

понедељак, 23. јун 2014.


“God is nowhere”

“God is nowhere”

Živio jednom okorjeli ateista.
U svojoj dnevnoj sobi napisao je: “Boga nema nigdje (God is nowhere) “.
Jednog dana, njegov mali sin igrao se u sobi, i gledajući prema natpisu pokušavao ga je pročitati. Zadnja riječ, nowhere, mu je predstavljala problem, jer je bila predugačka, pa je djete rastavilo na dvije riječi….now here (sada ovdje)… God is now here…Bog je sada ovdje. Otac je bio zaprepašten, ovu rečenicu nikad nije tako pročitao. Cijeli se prizor promjenio. Rečenica glasi: Boga nema nigdje, a djete je pročitalo: Bog je sada ovdje. Velika je razlika između nigdje i ovdje.
Po prvi put otac je čitao tu rečenicu očima djeteta, nevinošću djeteta. Kažu da od tog dana, tu rečenicu više nije mogao pročitati na prijašnji način. Kad god bi je pogledao, pročitao bi: Bog je sada ovdje. Ta rečenica, postala je nešto ustaljeno. Takav je bio utjecaj djeteta.
via alternativne infoormacije

Using energy balls


The Law of Vibration

четвртак, 19. јун 2014.

Svijet je u nama

Svijet je u nama

Piše: Iva Solarević Jeličić
Piše: Iva Solarević Jeličić
Ne postoji svijet izvan nas kao takav. Postoji toliko svjetova koliko je promatrača. Cijeli doživljaj našeg života jest percipiranje vanjskih signala (boja, mirisa, oblika i raznih drugih frekvencija) kroz naš filter osobnosti koji je onda prevodimo u svoj doživljaj stvarnosti.
O svijetu zaključujemo na temelju svega što smo doživjeli od začeća (a možda i prije) do trenutka u kojem percipiramo. Sve što smo doživjeli, sve što su nam govorili o nama, o svijetu, o sebi postalo je dio naše stvarnosti i doživljaja svijeta u kojem živimo.

Manipulacija vlastitog uma
Energije u kojima smo se kupali cijeli život itekako su dio našeg energetskog sustava, uvjerenja koja smo izgradili slušajući i promatrajući druge, definiraju naš svijet i manipuliraju našom stvarnošću. Što ste najviše slušali (verbalno ili neverbalno) u svojem životu: “Život je težak”, “Ljudi su pokvareni”, “Za bogatstvo se treba pomučiti”, “Prvo budi takav i takav pa možeš dobiti to što želiš“, “Nesposoban si i nespretan“, “Nema ništa bez škole i diplome“ ili “Život je igra“, “Divan si ovakav kakav jesi“, “Obilje je naše prirodno stanje“, “Budi slobodan pratiti želje srca“, “Mi smo slobodna bića i kreiramo vlastitu realnost“ itd.?
Sve čemu smo bili izloženi dio je nas i našeg svijeta. Ako ste sve to uzimali zdravo za gotovo i niste kroz vlastito iskustvo otkrivali istinitost ili neistinitost svih tih uvjerenja onda je vrlo vjerojatno da živite zaglibljeni u iluziji stvarnosti. Zapravo ne živite svoj vlastiti život već ste u manipulaciji vlastitog uma koji je od najranijih dana bio (namjerno ili nenamjerno) manipuliran, a Vi se ponašate skladno download-anim programima i živite automatiziran i prilično nesvjestan život.
Takav život u principu nema svoju punoću, duboki osjećaj ispunjenosti, povezanosti, radosti, zaigranosti, ljepote, ljubavi. To i nije život u pravom smislu riječi. To je preživljavanje na traci. Obavljamo neke zadatke, stalno se nešto mora, uvijek je sreća “tamo negdje“, nikada se ne osjećamo da smo baš tamo gdje želimo biti i stalno postoji unutarnji rascjep. Stalno nešto nedostaje.
U tome osjećaju nedostajanja povežemo se sa vanjskim stvarima i mislimo kako će kada to i to napravim, završim, kupim, budem imao, budem bio, budem doživio i bla, bla….doći sreća. A ona nikako da dođe. Ili dođe nakratko pa opet ode za sljedećim “trebanjem nečega“.
I tako prođe život. A zapravo, radi se o tome, da smo nepovezani sa svojim istinskim potrebama, čežnjama i na kraju sa samim izvorom života. Najčešće smo povezani sa uvjetovanom misli koja kaže da nam nešto treba za sreću i onda mi jurimo za time ko’ muhe bez glave. Puno je kvalitetnije biti povezan sa istinskom potrebom, jer tada smo bliže istini. No najdivnije je kada je jedina čežnja; biti život koji jesmo i dopustiti mu da spontano teče.
Ne treba nama novac kao takav, već osjećaj obilja, opuštanja, sigurnosti, neograničenosti, lakoće i slobode da radimo ono što želimo.
Osvještavanje onoga kako se zapravo želimo osjećati jest put prema istinskoj potrebi. I što više slojeva osvijestimo to smo bliže istini. To smo bliže sebi i izvoru života. Jer što dublje u sebe zaranjamo jasnije uviđamo, da zapravo ne trebamo vanjske stvari, već određene osjećaje/stanja.
I kada shvatimo da je naš unutarnji osjećaj najvažniji i da on ne mora biti vezan za vanjske “stvari“ postajemo slobodnI. Sve više imamo mogućnost kreirati stvarnost kakvu želimo. Više nismo ovisni o svijetu izvan nas. Znamo da je svijet u nama.



And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
TS Eliot, Four Quartets
Imagination is the real and eternal world, of which this vegetable world is but a faint shadow.
William Blake
MAY 15, 2011. You could say the universe was built with an option switch.
Option One: It can be approached as a series of layers, pattern hidden beneath pattern, shape within shape, message under message, code inside code. Starting from any point of reference, you can work your way in, until you reach the core.
At the center is a shape or energy or mystery that generates the whole.
At every step of the exploration, every piece of code suggests the whole.
Many harmonious, mathematically pure patterns emerged on the way to the core, intimating an intrinsic order.
Option One is the PR the universe broadcasts about itself. It is a story of sacred symmetry.
Many proofs are offered in the form of examples. The intricate designs of leaves, of shells, of natural sounds, of galaxies…
Proponents of Option One claim that, despite the dynamism of energy in the universe, the underlying structure is about perfection.
Option Two: This is far more esoteric. Universe is confessing, “I’m a work of art. Everything you can find through Option One confirms that. As such, I’m only one in an infinity of potential creations. Admire me, adore me, shrug your shoulders at me, I’m one ‘picture in the museum’. I was invented according to the aesthetic inclinations of the artist(s), but nothing about me is end-all or be-all. True, the artist(s) who made me poured a great deal of effort and planning into his work, with the intent of producing a masterpiece, but his design choices and his ‘painterly preferences’ and his determination for underlying Order are his and his alone. I could have been built in an entirely different way. It may seem that space and time demand order, balance, harmony, so that the creation, the painting holds together and doesn’t spin off in chaotic directions, but that space and that time are actually part of the work of art.
You have come to accept this pattern, this harmony in the work of art, in me, as inevitable—and therefore, you believe I am more than just another painting—but the sense of inevitability is present in many different kinds of paintings designed in radicallydifferent ways. What has happened is this: you have filled your minds with THE REFLECTION OF THE STANDARDS BY WHICH I WAS CREATED.
This is very important to understand. You’ve embedded in your minds the aesthetic according to which I was created—and then, playing a shell game with yourself, you’ve convinced yourselves that I am somehow sacred and perfect, because I MATCH WHAT IS IN YOUR MIND, WHAT YOU BELIEVE TO BE ULTIMATE BEAUTY.
You’ve hypnotized yourselves into all this. You’re like an art critic who has convinced himself that there is only one pattern, one kind of beauty, and then forever pursues only that which reflects the pattern, the beauty.
You have become, by secret choice, the ideal audience to appreciate and venerate me. You have tuned yourselves to me, to me alone.
You’ve invested a great deal of energy in this enterprise of yours, and you’re not about to throw it all away. But you haven’t noticed the sacrifice you’ve made.
You’ve buried, downplayed, avoided, postponed YOUR OWN IMAGINATION AND CREATIVE POWER AS AN ARTIST, which power happens to have no limit. Which happens to have an infinite freedom to invent any reality/universe based on any standard or no standard at all.
It may seem you’ve made a small sacrifice, but that is because you are so dedicated to me. Your dedication is misplaced.”
Option One and Two are, in this metaphor, both present in any work of art, any creation. The painting pulls you in, on the one hand, to see and feel fully the universe of itself—and on the other hand, it makes clear that it is only one of an infinity of possible creations.
Following Option One, you feel magic.
Following Option Two, you make magic.
Option One results in eventual boredom, which seems to be mysterious.
Option Two results in making magic after magic after magic, without end. This path, as a side effect, answers all questions and delivers all of what is called, in modern terms, paranormal abilities.
…This is all found and implied in the astonishing 1600-year-old tradition of Tibet—squashed by its leaders, who loaded on their rocket ship the humorless heavy baggage of rituals, ceremonies, cosmological bric-a-brac, theocratic absolutism, and arbitrary contradictions so familiar in other religions.
Bad art to conceal great art.
Visit the site, sign up for the email list and receive free articles, and order a copy of my e-book, THE OWNERSHIP OF ALL LIFE, in pdf or Kindle format.

Eliza: On Self-Love

Eliza: On Self-Love

Eliza: On Self-Love
Oh, my… a ton of “stuff” emerged for me today. Most of it was having to do with being resistant to following rules, feeling judgmental or being judged, feeling a little lost and so on. Sound familiar anyone?
Self-love… when you fully love self, you do not feel the judgments of others and likewise, you do not judge others as wanting, which is a consequence of projecting your inner feelings out into the world around you. Obviously, I understand this intellectually, but still, there emerges this kind of “stuff” to be looked at, hopefully dispassionately, but certainly with interest. In, “like I’m still doing that?”
We’re human and as humans we have taken on quite a load of s**t to turn into usable compost, reformatted and transmuted as energy for the good of the world. Love does have to enter into the process as being the only solvent to dissolve self-hatred and transmute it into self-love.
Without loving self, you cannot truly love others. And without loving others, you cannot fully serve unconditionally. If the tiniest particle of self-hatred and/or resentment remains, there is always a condition about your love and your service to others.
So, I’m learning as I go. At least I am willing to look at myself and see what can be changed. And if I allow myself some time and a little slack, I can also return to balance.
While I have a lot of gifts to offer, I need to take care of myself first… and in so doing, I’m still able to be resolutely honest with my readers. No, I’m not perfect.
I came here to experience NOT being perfect, to experience polarity in all its permutations and so far I feel I’ve done pretty well… I have survived without going completely nutty.
On another topic, I’m becoming quite telepathic these days and registering with high sensitivity the feelings and thoughts of other people, which makes it quite challenging to maintain an inner balance, as well.
It’s so important to become well acquainted with YOUR frequency signature so you know when you are receiving some outside “interference” and/or communications from others. We are so connected, although most of us hardly realize it during our waking moments. I am becoming even MORE sensitive than I already was… and striving to learn to handle that “gift”. It should come in useful should I ever take it upon myself to do personal readings and/or healings for other people… which is not on the agenda right now, given I have plenty to do with my work schedule.
Journaling assists me in moving out of an unbalanced state. I would suggest that everyone find something, an activity or hobby that assists them in coming back to balance and clarity, as well. It’s only a suggestion; you’re welcome to ignore any advice coming from me.
I guess there is journaling and what I do… sharing my inner thoughts and process with others all over the world. In person, I’m actually quite modest and quiet… well, I used to be, LOL. I can be quite silly and friendly as well.
These energies that are squeezing the old energies out of our four lower bodies are to be appreciated and thanked. Remember everything is energy and vibration; the cosmic waves of light that slap us so hard are also aware and sentient. I’m sure that they would appreciate a little love now and then, as a change from all the inner whining that has been going on from some folks.
I was reminded a few days ago, by one of my quiet guides that spiritual development comes in waves, as in ebb and flow. The big wave comes in and then it recedes. Another wave comes in and then it recedes. We reach a point of bliss and then come down. We reach a really low point or feel under stress for a while, then return to a state of balance and calm. By allowing yourself a more natural flow of feelings, being aware of that flow, you can return to balance if you get a bit off now and then.
Being a double Libra (sun/rising) balance is important to me. And obviously, it’s a challenge as well, as it will be and has been one of my greatest tests.
We are constantly being tested to see if we learned our lesson well. And sometimes, that lesson is simply to learn to accept self as you are now, as you will be and as you have been. Forgive and forget; let go of what has been. Release the need to worry about the past. Forgive yourself and others for any perceived wrongs and move on in your life. And understand that you will not always be in agreement with other’s opinions, but allow them the right to state them and then choose what you want to do with the information. You’re not obligated to “like” everything “out there”, as each of us has preferences and likes. Those preferences will change as you allow your inner being to change and adapt to new situations that enter your life.
These are challenging times to be sure, but all of us have what is necessary to get us through them successfully if we but put some trust and love towards self and allow that love to flow forth from us.
Many of us have been taught about scarcity… that there isn’t enough love, food, jobs, money, etc., in the world to supply everyone with “happiness”. There is, but that’s a whole other story… and not for right now. Starting with self-love, we can bring abundance into our life that wasn’t there before, because we blocked it out due to our belief in lack and our non-acceptance of self. The Universe “hears” your feelings about self and obligingly gives you what you believe. Change your belief and your world will change; it is cosmic law.
If you believe that you are worthy to receive love that you are love and capable of giving love, then your world will begin to reflect those qualities back to you within the interactions you have with those around you in your daily life. I get the oddest smiles from people I don’t know! And give them a big smile, back!
Love is all there is. Love is where it’s “at”. Learn to love self. Meanwhile, I’ll do my best and attempt the same. Shouldn’t give advice on something I haven’t tried on myself!
We’re changing… bit by bit, molecule by molecule. Focusing on clearing self of old energies, thought-forms and what have you, will allow you to feel ever clearer in your outlook on life. I wish you all well.
And if you’re already there… well, good for you; you don’t need these humble words of mine, do you!
Hugs and kisses,
Eliza Ayres, your sister in light and love.
© All Rights Reserved, Elizabeth Ayres Escher, @ http://bluedragonjournal.com

Fran Zepeda – Archangel Zadkiel – Transcendence – 18 June, 2014

Fran Zepeda – Archangel Zadkiel – Transcendence – 18 June, 2014

Greetings fellow travelers into the 5thDimension and beyond. I AM Zadkiel, your guide in transforming your energy into the pureness of the higher dimensions. I stand with you and beside you in this endeavor as we embark together, exploring the higher dimensions in the purest degree.
I help you absorb all impurities and transmute them as they make way for more pure energy to remain in your Light Bodies. I implore you to stay within these higher aspects of yourself, in the pure energies of your True Divine Essence, and to welcome all impurities to show themselves to you and thus be lighted and transmuted to clear the way for your Emergence into the higher dimensions.
I am your guide, I am your example, and I am your mirror for complete transcendence as you clear the remaining impurities of the 3rd Dimension to find your gateway to the 4th, 5th and Higher Dimensions waiting and open for your transcendence.
Take these building Solstice energies and utilize them now, dear ones. Allow them to mingle within you and to fill your heart and your cells with purity as you invoke the violet flame of purity and transmutation, wiping away all traces of yesteryear, all traces of what once was, of what used to define you.
See the clear mirror now of your existence – The clear pure essence of your existence. Switch over to that version of yourselves, now, dear ones, for it is time. Feel the purity and clarity of you, of all your aspects, of your I AM Presence descended now and engulfing your existence, of your divine perception of yourself, your true self, forever and always, dear ones.
I take you on a little journey now. Encompass and utilize this intense energy of the incoming Solstice Gateway and touch it, feel it, and welcome it as your true guide to Transcendence. Feel the clear purity of the energies and allow them to infiltrate you, to saturate you, to bring you along a path of least resistance to pure Love and Harmony and Balance and Peace.
You are ready, dear ones. You are prime for it. Just allow it. Sit with it in quiet still moments of innocent curiosity and acceptance of your new identity, becoming more and more apparent to you now. It is not always going to be apparent, but if you will it so, it shall be so.
And so this journey I take you on is to get you acquainted with your New Self, your wide expanse of energy and brilliance that is touching everything around you. Allow it to touch everything around you, to color your perceptions now, this clear pure energy of Transcendence, of arrival into the higher dimensions. I take you there with me now.
Feel the purity of it. Feel the softness of it, feel the highest vibration of it. This feeling is not new to you. For you experienced it as your norm many eons ago. So get acquainted again. Live in it again and don’t forsake yourself. Don’t analyze it, but just allow it to overtake you as you sit in your quiet moments and embellish yourselves with it.
I give you a little prayer to use as you sit quietly in your meditation, as you get acquainted with your New Self:
   “I welcome my higher aspects, I welcome my I AM Presence, I welcome my Christ Consciousness, I welcome Love into every cell of my body and I allow the vibration of each of my cells to attune to the pure essence of my Soul, to the pure essence of Source, and I welcome and become accustomed to the higher vibration that this entails, now and forever, and in this Now Moment of pure Love Essence, affecting every part of me now, every cell in my body, every fractal of myself, every aspect of myself, as I merge with all of me, now and forever.
    I AM attuned to Source and I accustom myself to this vibration, now and always, and in this Now Moment, now and forever.
     I AM pure essence, I AM Source Essence, I AM complete and full in my experience of Source now, forever and always and in this Now Moment.”
Now feel the purity of this invocation and be with it now in your incoming breath and in your outgoing breath. Breathe with Source, BE Source, Now and forever, complete and always.
Now feel yourself become aware of every cell coming alive and bright and shining in your new Purity and Divine Essence that has always been yours. Feel it rise above the depths you have been living in since your Fall into the lower dimensions, and reclaim your rightful essence and identity as pure clear Souls of Divinity, meshing with Source and becoming alive within it.
I AM Zadkiel, at your service.

©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. www.franhealing.com    www.franheal.wordpress.com  www.ouremergingdivinity.com

Blossom Goodchild – 19 June 2014

Blossom Goodchild – 19 June 2014

bloss arizona biggerOnce again I have the opportunity to communicate with you and Trusting that it is appropriate to do so at this time.
Indeed. We are able to resume communication and find it most pleasurable to do so.
Last night I dreamt of seeing a ship of coloured Lights in the night sky. Some had seen it, others hadn’t … Yet, even in my dream, it gave me such warmth in my heart. Again, I reiterate from the last link up … it’s not about proof … it’s about KNOWING that once you are around, things can shift and advance so much more.
This we appreciate. Yet, we too reiterate … that much is taking place … even though for you upon the Earth plane, it does not seem so. Let us express the fact that due to the vibration of many becoming Higher … the plans are well on course.
Do not underestimate the power of your Light. Each one of you stands as a beacon. Each one who is aware of the LIGHT and TRUTH of themselves, are able to diminish that which does not serve. You are working too, for the many that choose to remain asleep at this time. Rather like shift work … Yet, the shift does not change its workers.  
You are becoming that which you had only imagined. And NOW … that which you imagined is becoming reality.
KNOW within yourselves … that with each breath that takes in and releases LOVE … you are assisting ALL that is to move into that which is of the brightest LIGHT.
Dearest friends upon Earth … the darkness that dampens your spirit has reigned for too long.
NOW in the dawn of the New Age … you are able to let go of all that has brought you down.
Ok … These words are indeed beautiful and I thank you for them. Truly … they come from a place of LOVE and upliftment. Yet … with respect for giving this High vibration … which is your aim … may I say … I could probably click on any channelling over the past  six years and you would be saying more or less the same thing.  Six years for you … may be in the blink of an eye. Six years for us … is a very long time … for us to keep on keeping on … hearing the same uplifting words … yet not actually seeing much change … on the bigger scale that we are expecting.
How we admire your forthrightness. And indeed we have come to understand much. May we say … that WE have not changed in our perspective of that which we choose to offer in wisdom and KNOWING. For … for us … we are still on the direct pathway to that which we KNOW is coming about.
Really, we could go round and round in circles on this matter and we often do.  I just want our relationship to assist the planet and those upon it. That’s why we have it, I FEEL. My position frustrates many, as I do not ask you questions some feel are necessary and important. My feelings are … if there was something of GREAT importance you needed to impart … you would.
It has to be understood … that there is much that we may know that we are unable to impart. It does not sit well to do so … in the fact that there are rules and regulations that must be adhered to.
We have no intention of interfering in a manner that causes disruption of thought. We wish only to oblige in the raising of the soul’s FEELINGS into a place of Higher Love for the self and ALL.
This as you know, is why we come.
We did not have an agreement with you Blossom, to discuss matters that are not to be discussed. Even though one may have an inquiring mind on certain matters.
We are not at liberty to give you answers on such things that are not of our ‘agenda’. These rules are in place for good reason and we have no intention … indeed it is not within us … to consider breaching such rules.
This I understand. I agree and respect that. So … how’s the weather? Kidding! What matters WOULD you like to discuss, that you feel would benefit the whole?
That which serves the soul. That which enhances the beauty of that which you are. Why would we choose to speak of things that were not of this nature? How would it serve you? One would be wise to consider the same. For indeed … there is much in your world that is spoken of, that does not allow the betterment of mankind to shine through.
That’s probably because there is much in our world to speak of, that carries that energy. It’s all very well … KNOWING the right way ahead … yet, not always that easy to walk its path, when there are obstacles of such negativity to stumble on. Truly, the lives of many seem so ‘out of sorts’. The lives of some … seem ridiculously inhumane! Have we really progressed at all … when one considers the suffering that so many have to endure? We hurt deeply to FEEL the suffering of so many that live alongside us … WE WANT IT TO STOP … NOW. That’s why we appear to be so impatient. Do you see?
Yes, we see. Yet we are not the ones who can stop these atrocities.
Are we?
To a certain extent. Yet KNOW … that those who offer conclusions to such affairs … do so … on an advanced understanding. And although YOU OF EARTH may FEEL that so much is going by unnoticed … by those who are ‘in the know ‘ and have the power to change it … it is by no means being passed by. The Universal Laws CANNOT be broken … and if they are … then there are deep repercussions.
So … that which is knocking humanity about in such a huge way … those who wish to ‘take over everything’ and are doing quite a good job, by the looks of things … why are they allowed to carry on? Surely it is time … it has been time for a long time … to put a stop to it all … Instead of allowing the deep repercussions to carry on getting deeper. You say you cannot interfere… some think that by ‘your kind’ even talking to us … you already are. Sometimes in our world … when children get out of hand … the adults have to step in to sort the situation out … just saying!
We do not consider our talks with you to be interfering. We consider them to be of a manner that allows the soul to ‘get back to itself’. Offering wisdom … we assume to guide you. To offer a brighter way … a brighter day …
To intervene, on the other hand … is another matter altogether.
Yet … if we are the ONE FAMILY … you and I and everyone … being brothers and sisters of LIGHT … what’s the big deal? Intervene away! That’s what I say! In all ‘YOUR TRUTH’ … did you ever expect things on Earth to get so low?
We would say dearest Blossom … that we are not in control of anyone’s chosen action. That which comes from any soul … is their prerogative to project.
Even when one can see that it is doing such harm to another?
You can feel … can you not … that there is a much bigger picture that simply cannot be understood?
The grand scheme of things is far greater than that which your mind’s … in the human form … are able to comprehend.
Many of you have forgotten … and wisely so, at this juncture … that your world and those within it … have been in a similar situation before. This FEELING that burdens your heart has been with you before. You have carried it before … yet, the ending in before times … the climax to a world that has ‘got out of hand’ … has been very very different from that which is taking place in your world IN THESE TIMES.
IN THESE TIMES … You are not destroying yourselves.
IN THESE TIMES you are taking a different pathway and lifting yourselves OUT OF THE VIBRATION CREATED … instead of sinking alongside it, when it had gone too far.
Try to understand that for EVERY thought … there CAN be an action. EVERY possible scenario CAN be enacted … EVERY POSSIBLITY ONE CAN CONJURE UP … CAN become reality.
Therefore, there is NOTHING that cannot be exploited … if one chooses that to be their way.
On the other hand … there is NOTHING that cannot BE LOVED … if one chooses THAT to be their way.
Dearest souls … this Universe that is part of your existence, is but a small part of The Whole …
ALL that lies within EVERYTHING is created within each breath of each living thing.
There is the choice given to serve or to not serve .
Each one has that DIVINE RIGHT.
Learn to LOVE … LOVE … Be it of a High or low vibration.
As you understand that LOVING EVERYTHING is LOVING ALL THAT ‘YOU ARE’ … you understand that there is nothing else other than YOU.
Yet … how can one say ‘I Love war’… or ‘I love lies’ … because … I don’t! I would be lying!
Yet, allow the soul … the TRUTH of all that you are … to rise above that which is war … that which is a lie … and simply generate LOVE OVER EVERYTHING … In the KNOWING that LOVE ITSELF … in its HIGHEST FORM of itself … is the OVERALL ANSWER TO EVERYTHING.
LOVING WAR … does not mean you condone it … LOVING WAR means POURING YOUR LOVE INTO IT.
When LOVE … in its purest form is poured into /onto anything … the situation/circumstance is softened and offered PEACE.
When PEACE resides … there can be no war.
When LOVE is offered to the lies … when LOVE is poured into/onto that which is not TRUTH … that which emerges … HAS TO BE TRUTH … LOVE CANNOT PRODUCE ANYTHING OTHER THAN TRUTH.
You are of much concern upon your planet of all that is going wrong …
I know for me … that I know of you … and I FEEL YOUR TRUTH. Time for me to go now … I can feel that.  It maybe a while until next time … and I hope to get back in the swing with you on my return from England.
Thanks Guys … I really do appreciate it … And I’ll just keep on keeping on … I KNOW that’s what I came to do … IN LOVE AND RESPECT … Blossom xxx
Read the full story at: www.blossomgoodchild.com / link to original article

Selacia – Prepare For 6/21 Solstice With Wesak Season Blessings – 19 June 2014

Selacia – Prepare For 6/21 Solstice With Wesak Season Blessings – 19 June 2014

SelaciaThis weekend’s June 21 solstice is an auspicious half-year marker, a time when you can reflect on where you are in life and connect with spiritual fuel for the upcoming months. It is a time, too, of celebrating the change in seasons and acknowledging natural rhythms that connect you to the pulse of the cosmos.
As you feel more connected to the natural dance of life, you become more resourced on all levels – gaining clarity about expressing your purpose, catalyzing your forward momentum, and having the higher frequency you need to be a potent healing force in the world. 
Solstice also coincides with the culmination of Wesak season, allowing you to tap into amplified levels of light and blessings available for several weeks each year. It’s not necessary to know anything about Wesak or the enlightened masters associated with it to be impacted by this beneficial energy. Knowing that these energies exist ahead of solstice, however, is of benefit because when the blessings on your radar, you can intentionally invite them in.
3 Solstice Contemplations
Ahead of solstice, consider contemplating the following themes and their relevance in your personal life.
First is a connection with the divine feminine – not related to gender but as the source of creation and creativity. Invite a stronger and more tangible connection with this essential energy. Ask to be shown through dreams and life happenstance how you can be more honoring of the feminine principle. Invite an understanding of where you are out of balance, where you block your own flow, and where you stop yourself from receiving.
Second is a connection with the gifts you as a soul are alive to express in the world. Ask to understand these from spirit’s perspective. Invite a knowing of how you discount your own gifts, how you hold back, or how you ignore natural rhythms when offering your gifts to others.
Third is a connection with the love that naturally abides within you, always present and available. Ask spirit to reveal examples of how this love is the most potent transformational force you have. Invite a knowing of the ways your love helps others awaken, helps bring comfort, and helps show people the way out of their own distress.
Copyright 2014 by Selacia – author of Earth’s Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * http://www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.  From newsletter 19th June 2014

source: http://lucas2012infos.wordpress.com/2014/06/19/selacia-prepare-for-621-solstice-with-wesak-season-blessings-19-june-2014/

Nevidljivi aspekti bogatstva: Zašto smo dužni i kako privući novac

Nevidljivi aspekti bogatstva: Zašto smo dužni i kako privući novac

Nevidljivi aspekti bogatstva: Zašto smo dužni i kako privući novac
S obzirom da mi uglavnom nemamo razvijenu novčanu inteligenciju, vrijeme je da počnemo raditi na duhovnom aspektu privlačenja novca. Prije svega, koliko je nas zaduženo u kreditima i pozajmicama da bi riješilo osnovne egzistencijalne potrebe? Mi, dakle konstantno živimo u minusu što nam dodatno pojačava strah od neimaštine i brigu da nećemo imati dovoljno novca za život. Ta briga konstantno uništava sve eventualne prilike i mogućnosti povećanja naših prihoda.
Život u minusu definitivno nije znak da smo pobrali svoje plodove i mogućnosti u ovom životu, već znak da smo preuzeli određeni karmički teret nas ili naših predaka koji su na neki način ostali “dužni” životu. Može jednostavno neka zarada na nepošten način našeg pretka ili nas u prethodnoj inkarnaciji nagomilati takav karmički teret i stvoriti zgusnutu energiju u našoj auri koja se ponaša poput čeličnog oklopa, pa ono što je unutra (strahovi, neimaština, uvjerenja) ne može vani, a ono što je vani (mogućnosti, prilike, obilje) ne može unutra. Takvi oklopi se formiraju i oko našeg karaktera i svih drugih životnih sfera.
Međutim, kada funkcioniramo na razini najniže čakre (seks, hrana, briga za sigurnost), to tako i bude. Ali, kada odlučimo raditi na sebi, kada osvijestimo određene situacije i otkrijemo njihove uzroke, te se komplikacije iznenada prestanu pojavljivati. Svaki problem koji osvijestimo u korijenu njegovog nastajanja, uđemo u srž i zakonitost funkcioniranja, mi preuzimamo njegovu moć i svjesno modificiramo stvarnost koju želimo. Ako smo oduvijek ulazili u problematične odnose i privlačili “isti” tip partnera, trebamo biti svjesni da se magnet za takve stvari nalazi u nama samima. Isto tako, ako su naša novčana primanja nedovoljna da pokrijemo životne troškove, onda smo namagnetizirani za konstantan život pod pritiskom i borbom s računima, kreditima, dugovima i sl. U oba slučaja, trebamo izaći iz takvih programa. Većini nas ustvari život predstavlja borbu između ostvarivanja uspješnog partnerskog odnosa i postizanja novčane sigurnosti, to je zato što živimo na razini neke uspavanosti koja jedva da zaokružuje funkcionalnost prve tri čakre. Sa takvim stupnjem razvoja mi smo duhovno i emotivno nefunkcionalne osobe. Svoj sistem vjerovanja utemeljili smo na opipljivim i oku vidljivim stvarima koje se opet temelje na prethodnim iskustvima i stalno donose isto. Zatomljena su nam glavna osjetila, ona spavaju potpuno neiskorištena.

Sve što je važno (dragocjeno) oku je nevidljivo

Prije svega, kada je riječ o preuzetim karmičkim teretima, ukoliko se oni odnose na financijski segment života, mi to možemo polako osloboditi darivanjem, davanjem i služenjem, nikada ne možemo previše dati niti trebamo znati koliki je naš karmički dug. Dovoljno je da u to ime konstantno darujemo, da dajemo iz čista srca i velikodušno, ne razmišljajući kasnije i ne dvoumeći o tome. Da li ćemo nahraniti mačku, ptice, ribe, pokloniti odjeću kome je to potrebno ili darivati neki novčani iznos, potpuno je svejedno, važno je da se odričemo nečega što mislimo da nam pripada. No, trebamo znati da nama ne pripada ništa, jer mi smo univerzum (mikrokozmos) koji također ništa ne prisvaja već se konstantno održava kroz davanje. Mi smo samo medij, posrednik energije i ništa više. Na taj način će se naš oklop istanjiti i potpuno osloboditi energije obilja da dopru u našu fizičku stvarnost. Tada ćemo mnogo jasnije moći vizualizirati šuškanje novca u našim rukama i njegov miris, opipljivost, boju, izgled.

Afirmacije za privlačenje obilja

Prije citiranja bilo koje afirmacije, treba reći sebi: “Prihvaćam ovu situaciju, mentalno ili emotivno stanje u kojoj se nalazim” -da bi se izbjeglo bilo kakvo stvaranje otpora ili osjećaj bijega. Znači, ja prihvaćam svoje siromaštvo, bolest, depresiju, ne bježim od njih, ali sam spremna da to promijenim. Promjena se treba očitovatie kroz kompletan naš stav, držanje tijela (kičme), govor, način razmišljanja, izražavanja svojih misli i emocija i sl. Mi trebamo ispoštovati namjeru da se mijenjamo, to ne smije biti prevara niti obmana, jer se radi o jako inteligentnim energijama koje mi ne možemo obmanuti.

Budi promjena koju želiš vidjeti

Promjena neće doći izvana i suludo je očekivati da će se neke vanjske okolnosti promijeniti i da ćemo ponovo osjetom vida, sluha ili dodira osjetiti tu promjenu. Promjenu trebamo osjetiti unutar sebe i znat ćemo da smo na putu da primimo ono što očekujemo i želimo. Ta promjena može biti pozitivniji stav prema drugima, odjednom nema ogorčenosti, zavisti, ogovaranja, svi su nam podjednaki i kao da smo jedno sa svima, nema jutarnje namrgođenosti, uspavanosti, umora, depresije, zabrinutosti, nema opiranja i još mnogo toga… ali sve dok ne osjetimo ovakve stvari unutar sebe, ne možemo se pomaknuti s mrtve tačke. Općenito, ne može se naglasiti koliko je za sve ovo bitna fizička aktivnost, posebno yoga.
I konačno, iz nas treba poteći snažna rijeka afirmacija. Dajmo sebi pravo i slobodu osjetiti ogroman novac u svojim rukama, stvarni novac koji se koristi u opticaju, zamišljamo ga u raznim vrijednostima novčanica, punu vreću ili kovčeg, igrajmo se s njim, planirajmo šta ćemo s njim napraviti, ostvarimo duhovni kontakt s njim, doživimo stvarnu emociju i radost, osjetimo se laganim i sretnim zbog njega, stvarajmo osjećaj da ga darujemo kome je potrebno, da kupujemo susjedu novi televizor i promatrajmo njegov ozareni izraz lica…
Najvažnije od svega – mi trebamo osvijestiti činjenicu da imamo pravo na bogatstvo, bez ikakvih prepreka, predrasuda i osjećaja krivnje unutar svog sistema razmišljanja!

Prije svega (neizbježna) molitva:

Bože, učini što više osoba u mojoj okolini bogatim i uspješnim, neka imaju što više duhovnog i materijalnog bogatstva, ispuni sve njihove želje i potrebe i učini me sretnim i radosnim zbog njihove sreće. Bože, pomozi mojim roditeljima i spusti na njih plimu izobilja, zdravlja i svoje milosti. Bože, učini mene spremnim prihvatiti ogromnost bogatstva i daj mi moć da pravilno koristim novac. Otvori vrata mog duha za veličanstveno obilje koje mi nudiš i koje je oduvijek tu, samo ga nisam znao prepoznati. Vodi me mojim stopalima u Tvoju neiscrpnu riznicu. Neka moja stopala budu Tvoja, a Tvoja moja.


  • Ja sam sada spremna prihvatiti neizmjerno materijalno i duhovno bogatstvo.
  • Ja sam kreator siromaštva i bogatstva. Ja odlučno otpuštam grč kojim sam sebe držala u siromaštvu i neznanju i otvaram svoje srce da prihvatim svo izobilje koje mi je na raspolaganju.
  • Ja prestajem obmanjivati sebe i prihvaćam da je moj neuspjeh (siromaštvo) moja vlastita kreacija. Sada kreiram bogatstvo i uspjeh, bogatstvo i uspjeh, bogatstvo i uspjeh.
  • Ja sam spremna da dajem i što više dajem to mi se više vraća. Što više dajem, to više imam novca i svega što mi je potrebno.
  • Oduvijek i zauvijek privlačim sve što poželim i bivam privučen svemu što zaželim.
  • Ja stalno doprinosim uspjehu drugih i to me čini sretnim.
  • Meni dolaze raznovrsna bogatstva bez ikakvog napora.
  • Moji prihodi se stalno uvećavaju.
  • Bogatstvo i obilje me prate i pronalaze uvijek i gdje god da se nalazim, u stanju budnosti i spavanja!
  • Ja sam sretna i bogata. Posežem sa božanskim izobiljem koje je svugdje oko mene!

source: http://atma.hr/nevidljivi-aspekti-bogatstva-zasto-smo-duzni-i-kako-privuci-novac/

четвртак, 12. јун 2014.

The Body’s Emotional Energy Centers

The Body’s Emotional Energy Centers

June 5, 2014 | By |  
Waking Times
Meme: A detailed image of the body’s emotional centers and how these impact your life.

Plant Intelligence


Plant Intelligence

June 10, 2014 | By
Stephen Harrod Buhner, Reality Sandwich
Waking Times
Stephen Harrod Buhner will be joining Dennis McKenna for the live, interactive video course, What Plants Can Teach You: Consciousness and Intelligence in Nature.”
A new paradigm is emerging that recasts how we relate to and understand nature, supported by new scientific evidence. Plants instruct us through their behavior, through their interdependence with the environment, and through direct transmissions conveyed by spirit.  Dennis will be joined by some of the leading experts in the emerging field of plant intelligence, including: Chris Kilham, Stephen Harrod Buhner, Tony Wright, Dayna Baumeister, and Simon G. Powell. This 5-part Evolver webinar starts on June 17. Click here to learn more.
**The following is excerpted from Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realmrecently published by Inner Traditions.**
The deep intelligence possessed by plants has been explored, and discussed, by many people of note over the past several centuries, including Goethe, Luther Burbank, George Washington Carver, Masanobu Fukuoka, Jagadis Bose, and the Nobel Prize-winner Barbara McClintock. Nevertheless, their research and findings have usually been dismissed, irrespective of its competence. As Brenner et al. comment about Bose (and the concept of plant intelligence in general) . . .
Bose’s overall conclusion that plants have an electromechanical pulse, a nervous system, a form of intelligence, and are capable of remembering and learning was not well received in its time. A hundred years later, concepts of plant intelligence, learning, and long-distance electrical signaling in plants have entered the mainstream literature. . . . Nevertheless, the concept of plant intelligence [still] generates a considerable amount of controversy. [1]
The discomfort among reductionists has been so extreme that, as Baluska et al. (2005) note, for a very long time, the reports of a sophisticated plant nervous system “was labeled as pseudoscience and ‘doomed’ for oblivion.” [2] Research indicating intelligence in plants, whenever it appeared, irrespective of the source, was consistently attacked by “mainstream” researchers as mystical, a romanticization of the natural world, or as anthropocentrism.
But really, when you think of it,
we have a lot more in common with a plant than a car.
Mechanomorphism—the projection onto Nature of a mechanical nature—is a lot more ridiculous than the idea of plant intelligence ever could be.
As Anthony Trewavas once put it, “The use of the term ‘vegetable’ to describe unthinking or brain-dead human beings perhaps indicates the general attitude [toward plants].” [3] In consequence, most of the work by Goethe and the others has been ignored, and in many cases forgotten. Even Barbara McClintock, whose work on corn transposons eventually earned her the Nobel Prize, was ostracized for over a decade, because of the discomfort her work caused. And while her work was eventually recognized, her methodology, like that of Goethe et al., has been dismissed. As one of her colleagues once put it . . .
I respect McClintock’s work; I just don’t like her mysticism
Despite this, plants, it turns out, really are highly intelligent and yes, they do have a brain. It’s just that no one ever looked in the right place. Oh, wait! There was someone, a long time ago, who did look in the right place.
His name was Charles Darwin.
Darwin commented in one of his last works, The Power of Movement in Plants, that
It is hardly an exaggeration to say that the tip of the radicle thus endowed [with sensitivity] and having the power of directing the movements of the adjoining parts, acts like the brain of one of the lower animals; the brain being seated within the anterior end of the body, receiving impressions from the sense-organs and directing the several movements. [4]
This book of Darwin’s, his second to last, has been long ignored. It contains some of the most powerful insights about plants since Goethe’s work nearly a century before. (Jagadis Bose, during the latter nineteenth and early twentieth centuries would take it considerably further.) Darwin had two genuinely deep insights that are paradigm altering: 1) that the root of the plant is in fact its brain; and 2) that the plant is using sensitive, and intelligent, analysis of it surroundings to navigate through the soil.
But Darwin’s insight was just the beginning; depth analysis of plants since the turn of the (new) millennium is finding that their brain capacity is much larger than Darwin supposed, that their neural systems are highly developed—in many instances as much as that of humans, and that they make and utilize neurotransmitters identical to our own. It is beginning to seem that they are highly intelligent—­perhaps as much or even more so than humans in some instances. (They can even perform sophisticated mathematical computations and make future plans based on extrapolations of current conditions. The mayapple, for instance, plans its growth two years in advance based on weather patterns.)
But, that can’t be true. They just sit there when we kill them
(yeah? and no matter how fast a human runs, the lion still finds him tasty.)
Increasing numbers of researchers, in a multiplicity of fields, are beginning to acknowledge that intelligence is an inevitable aspect of all self-organized systems—that sophisticated neural networks are a hallmark of life. Some researchers are becoming quite vocal in attacking what they call the “brain chauvinism” of the old-school (male) scientists who are still clasping firmly to their bosom (26A) the shreds of twentieth-century scientific certitudes. Kevin Warwick, a cyberneticist, observes succinctly that, “Comparisons (in intelligence) are usually made between characteristics that humans consider important; such a stance is of course biased and subjective in terms of the groups for whom it is being used.” [5] In other words, rationalists, who have long attacked the concept of intelligence and awareness in Nature as antirational Romantic projection, have been themselves been merely looking at and for their own reflection in the world around them—and, of course, finding the world wanting. But what especially activates their antirational subjectivity is whenever the organism in question appears to not have a brain, such as with bacteria, viruses, and most especially plants.

Plants and Perception

The old paradigm about plants, which is very common and (unfortunately) still believed by most people, is that plants are “passive entities subject to environmental forces and organisms that are designed solely for accumulation of photosynthetic products.” But as Baluska et al. continue . . .
The new view, by contrast, is that plants are dynamic and highly sensitive organisms, actively and competitively foraging for limited resources both above and below ground, and that they are also organisms which accurately compute their circumstances, use sophisticated cost-benefit analysis, and that take defined actions to mitigate and control diffuse environmental insults. Moreover, plants are also capable of a refined recognition of self and non-self and this leads to territorial behavior. This new view considers plants as information-processing organisms with complex communication throughout the individual plant. Plants are as sophisticated in behavior as animals but their potential has been masked because it operates on time scales many orders of magnitude longer than that operation in animals. . . . Owing to this lifestyle, the only long-term response to rapidly changing environments is an equally rapid adaptation; therefore, plants have developed a very robust signaling and information-processing apparatus. . . . Besides abundant interactions with the environment, plants interact with other communicative systems such as other plants, fungi, nematodes, bacteria, viruses, insects, and predatory animals. [6]
As with all self-organized systems, plants continually monitor their internal and external worlds for informational/functional shifts in the relevant fields. If they are focusing externally, once they note a shift, they work to identify its nature and meaning, and its likely impact on their functioning. Then they craft a response.
Plants continually monitor every aspect of their environment: spatial orientation; presence, absence, and identity of neighbors; disturbance; competition; predation, whether microbial, insect, or animal; composition of atmosphere; composition of soil; water presence, location, and amount; degree of incoming light; propagation, protection, and support of offspring (yes, they recognize kin); communications from other plants in their ecorange; biological oscillations, including circadian; and not only their own health but the health of the ecorange in which they live. As Anthony Trewavas comments, this “continually and specifically changes the information spectrum” to which the plants are attending.
That’s a brilliant phrase, “information spectrum,” and its deeper meanings deserve to be teased out a bit. It reflects the truth that every living organism is immersed in a bath of sensory inflows every moment of their lives. Every part of those sensory inflows contains depth information about what is going on around that organism; the sensory inflows are in fact encodings of meanings, communications from the complexity of the scenario in which the organism is embedded. And the use of the word “spectrum” is, well, brilliant. Just as light can be separated into a spectrum of colors, each with different impacts, so too the bath of sensory inflows is a spectrum of simultaneously occurring informational inputs, each of which can be teased apart and focused upon should the part of the organism that gates sensory data indicate it is important enough to do so. In one of his most insightful statements Trewavas comments that, in general, “There is no unique separate response to each signal in this complex [of informational inflows] but merely a response issued from an integration of all environmental and internal information.” [7] In other words, unless there is an informational inflow that the plant’s sensory gating mechanisms identify as crucial to respond to,
such as extensive leaf damage from spider mites which will stimulate the plant to focus more specifically
the plant normally does not use any form of linear cause and effect processing of data. It integrates the entire informational inflow that surrounds it into one holistic gestalt at each and every moment in time and generates a response that comes out of a unique, and very important, state of being.
It is actually a kind of dreaming
And not the kind of dreaming you are thinking about either
But a different kind of dreaming entirely
(It’s like the dreaming you do when you are reading this book)
That dreaming is the central core of what this book is about
It is the kind of dreaming that Goethe was engaged in
When he learned about plant metamorphosis
And Luther Burbank when he looked deep into the plant
And saw every environment its ancestors had ever lived in
And the same kind that Barbara McClintock did
When she watched individual chromosomes in corn shift their structure
It is the same state of mind that writers enter when they create worlds
It is also how Gaia dreams the world into being
And it is the kind of dreaming you can do, too, if you wish,
If you decide to walk through the doors of perception
And find out what is on the other side
As Trewavas continues, these plant responses are highly intelligent. “Given the plethora of signals that plants integrate into a response, autonomic responses do not occur. Signal perception is instead ranked according to assessments of strength and exposure.” In other words, typical sensory gating as it exists in all organisms. But then he notes, as researchers in so many other fields are now doing, that the living organism, in this instance a plant, actually chooses the optimum response from a plethora of alternatives. As he says, potential “responses can be rejected; the numbers of different environments that any wild plant experiences must be almost infinite in number. Only complex computation can fashion the optimal fitness response.” [8]
Some plants, such as sundew, are so sensitive to touch, for example, that they can detect a strand of hair weighing less than one microgram (one millionth of a gram) to which they then respond. But what is more revealing is that they can determine with great specificity what is touching them. Raindrops, a common experience in the wild, produce no response. This kind of mechanosensitivity, which is, in plants, similar to what we call our sense of touch, is used much as we use our own: The plants analyze what is touching them, determine its meaning, and craft a response. And that response many times involves rapid changes in their genetics, phenotype, and subsequent physical form. As McCormack et al. comment, “Plants perceive much more of their environment than is often apparent to the casual observer. Touch can induce profound rapid responses . . . in Arabidopsis, changes in gene expression can be seen within minutes after touch, and over 700 genes have altered transcript levels within 30 min. [9]
Many of the research papers that found a lack of intelligent response in plants, and that have been cited endlessly in the past by reductionists, were conducted in laboratories. Trewavas remarks succinctly that such results should have been expected. Laboratory studies will always misleading in this way, for wild plants live in wild not tame environments.
No such simplicity of circumstance is available to an individual wild plant, which in meeting an almost infinite variety of environmental states must construct individual responses to improve its own fitness. No genome could contain the information that would provide an autonomic response to every environmental state. And even cloned individuals do not exhibit identical responses. [10]
The only place that unintelligence, that systems of simple linear cause and effect, can reliably be found is in systems created by human beings—or in their laboratories. As Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers comment . . . .
The artificial may be deterministic and reversible. The natural contains elements of randomness and irreversibility. This leads to a new view of matter in which matter is no longer the passive substance described in the mechanistic world-view but is associated with spontaneous activity.[11]
In wild systems intelligence, free will, choice, innovation, sophisticated adaptation are inherent. These capacities in plants, as in us, are due to extremely sophisticated neural networks and are as Baluska et al., observe, “specialized for neuronal-like activities based on plant synapses.” [12] A “brain,” as we think of it, is just not necessary. Trewavas comments that
It is now known (1) that various steps in metabolism act like many Boolean compute logic gates such as AND, OR, and NOR and are termed chemical neurons, (2) that these chemical neurons can act as pattern-recognition systems, (3) that proteins can act as computational elements, and (4) that protein phosphorylation using about 1,000 protein kinases in both animals and plants provides for enormous numbers of complex elements of control, switching mechanisms and including both positive and negative feedback interactions. . . . Even in simple networks collective computational properties arose with parallel processing and extensive numbers of associative memories emerged as attractors occupying part of the network. . . . The cell in which zillions of molecular events occur at a time computes in parallel fashion, just like a brain. . . . The cellular network perceives continual environmental variation through a multiplicity of receptors. . . . Such networks learn either by increasing the synthesis of particular constituents or by changing the affinity between particular network steps by post-translational modification. Memory is simply the retention with time of the enhanced pathway of information flow and can be accessed by other pathways through cross talk. Cellular networks capable of these properties are entitled to be called intelligent. [13]
Plants, in fact, possess a highly sophisticated neural system and while it does not look like our “brain,” it really is, in actuality, a brain. In fact, once you get over brain chauvinism, it’s not all that different from our own.

The Plant Brain

It is common for people to view plants, for example a tree, as having a “head” and “feet,” the head being the tree or its canopy, the feet being the root system. But it turns out that our orientation is incorrect.
This kind of human misorientation is not uncommon. A well known environmental activist once told me, “Old growth forests are monocultures; there is very little diversity of life in them.” And many people have used that thinking to support the cutting of old-growth forests. But it turns out that he was (as are so many others) guilty of two-dimensional thinking. If you go upward, into the canopy of the forest, you will find one of the most complex and diverse ecosystems on Earth. There are plants and insects and animals there that make the diversity found in younger forests seem simplistic in comparison. And if you go into the soil surrounding those trees roots, you will find the same kind of complex community of life. Plants, in fact, construct within themselves a three-dimensional gestalt of their local space that includes not only the three-dimensional space of the rhizome world in which the root/brain exists but also of the canopy world that comes into being as the plant matures. Plants, in fact, negotiate both their form and behavior through a three-dimensional maze space—a topological surface that is continually changing in shape—that is constrained by the energy/movement of multitudes of other actors. And within those zones a diversity of life emerges that could not exist otherwise. Neither the Earth nor plants are limited to two-dimensional thinking it seems, just people.
In complex organisms the head, or anterior pole of the body, is the part that processes information, the posterior pole the part that engages in sexual reproduction and excretion of waste. From that orientation plants live with their heads in the Earth, their asses in the air. We love the smell, usually, of their reproductive organs and pick them to give to our beloveds (a highly suggestive though unconscious act). We don’t, most of us, really know plants at all.
If you can get your head around that picture, the root system of a tree being its brain, its head, and the part we normally see being its lower body, you will probably experience a sense of disorientation accompanied by nausea.
what we think of as “up,” isn’t
That, again, is the experience that accompanies the restructuring of software. It is a direct experience of how off our accepted pictures of the world generally are and just how different the world really is from what we have been taught. The plant brain does exist and it is just as elegant as our own, in many respects more so. As Frantisek Baluska et al. comment . . .
Although plants are generally immobile and lack the most obvious brain activities of animals and humans, they are not only able to show all the attributes of intelligent behavior but they are also equipped with neuronal molecules, especially synaptotagmins and glutamate/glycine-gated glutamate receptors. Recent advances in plant cell biology allowed identification of plant synapses transporting the plant-specific neurotransmitter-like molecule auxin. This suggests that synaptic communication is not limited to animals and humans but seems widespread throughout plant tissues. [14]
And as Trewavas amplifies . . .
Learning and memory are the two emergent (holistic) properties of neural networks that involve large numbers of neural cells acting in communication with one another. But, both properties originate from signal transduction processes in individual cells. Quite remarkably, the suite of molecules used in signal transduction are entirely similar between nerve cells and plant cells. . . . Learning results from the formation of new dendrites, and memory lasts as long as the newly formed dendrites themselves. The neural network is phenotypically plastic and intelligent behavior requires that plastic potential. Plant development is plastic too and is not reversible; many mature plants can be reduced to a single bud and root and regenerate to a new plant with a different structure determined by the environmental circumstances. [15]
In other words, if you take the cutting of a plant from one location and plant it in another, as the neural system of the plant develops in the soil, analyzing its surroundings all the while, it alters, as it learns, the shape and formation of emerging neural net and the plant body it develops. This, more effectively, fits it into the environment in which it is now growing. In short, plants possess a highly developed root brain which works much as ours does to analyze incoming data and generate sophisticated responses. But what is more, the plant brain that emerges always fits its functional shape to the environment in which it appears. The plant neural net, or brain, is highly plastic when compared to ours.
A unique part of the plant root, the root apex (or apices, which are the pointed ends of the root system) is a combination sensitive finger, perceiving sensory organ, and brain neuron. Each root hair, rootlet, and root section contains an apex; every root mass millions, even billions, of them. For example, a single rye plant has more than 13 million rootlets with a combined length of 680 miles. Each of the rootlets are covered with root hairs, over 14 billion of them, with a combined length of 6,600 miles. Every rootlet, every root hair, has at its end a root apex. Every root apex acts as a neuronal organ in the root system. In contrast, the human brain has approximately 86 billion neurons, about 16 billion of which are in the cerebral cortex. Plants with larger root systems, and more root hairs, can have considerably more brain neurons than the 14 billion contained in rye plants; they can even rival the human brain in the number of neurons. And when you look at the interconnected network of plant roots and micorrhizal mycelia in any discrete ecosystem, you are looking at a neural network much larger than any individual human has ever possessed.
I still remember seeing a great, ancient maple send shudder after shudder through its trunk one year—for days on end. The entire tree was undulating; I’d never seen or felt anything like it before. Some dimension of the world that I had never encountered before was intruding itself into my experience. It literally felt like the underpinnings of my world view were crumbling. It seemed as if the tree were having an epileptic seizure, something far outside my experience of trees. Then, with a great crash one day, a single giant, diseased limb came hurtling down from the canopy, at which point the shudders ceased. In a flash of insight then, I understood that trees self-prune, that they self-caretake, that I had only the barest understanding of the plant world and finally grasped Einstein’s observation that “we still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us.”
While humans and many other animals, for example, have a specific organ, the brain, which houses its neuronal tree, plants use the soil as the stratum for the neural net; they have no need for a specific organ to house their neuronal system. The numerous root apices act as one whole, ­synchronized, self-organized system, much as the neurons in our brains do. Our brain matter is, in fact, merely the soil that contains the neural net we use to process and store information. Plants use the soil itself to house their neuronal nets. This allows the root system to continue to expand outward, adding new neural extensions for as long as the plant grows.
Old growth plants then begin to take on a much different character than their younger offspring. There are states of being that only come into play with age, and with the extensive development of expanded neural fields; the neuronal structure in an ancient redwood or old growth Artemisia absinthium is different from that in younger plants . . . so are the memories and life experiences held within that neuronal structure. Plants become wise, too, as they age. We are not the only ones capable of it. You can literally feel the difference such maturity brings in encountering old growth trees—the young just don’t have it.
In addition, the leaf canopy also acts as a synchronized, self-organized perceptual organ which is highly attuned to electromagnetic fields. It can be viewed, in fact, as a crucial subcortical portion of the plant brain.
As Baluska et al. comment, the root apices
harbor brain-like units of the nervous system of plants. The number of root apices in the plant body is high, and all ‘brain units’ are interconnected via vascular strands (plant neurons) with their polarly-transported auxin (plant neurotransmitter), to form a serial (parallel) neuronal system of plants. From observation of the plant body of maize, it is obvious that the number of root apices is extremely high. . . . This feature makes the ‘serial plant brain’ extremely robust and the amount of processed information must be immense. [16]
Plant biologist Peter Barlow adds that the tips of the roots “form a multiheaded advancing front. The complete set of tips endows the plant with a collective brain, diffused over a large area, gathering, as the root system grows and develops, information” crucial to the plant’s survival. [17] And, as he continues: “One attribute of a brain, as the term is commonly understood, is that it is an organ with a definite structure and location which gathers or collects information, which was originally in the form of vibrations (heat, light, sound, chemical, mechanical, . . .) in the ambient environment and somehow transforms them into an output or response.” [18] By this definition, plants do have brains just as we do, but given their capacity to live for millennia (in the case of some aspen root systems, over 100,000 years) their neural networks can, in many instances, far exceed our own. Old growth aspen root systems can spread through as much as a hundred acres of soil creating a neural network substantially larger than Einstein’s or any other human that has ever lived. They are, sometimes, far, far more intelligent than human beings. Plants, it must be realized, possess a spectrum of neural networks, just as mammals do. Some plants possess extremely large networks, others possess smaller networks. In other words, “brain” size occurs across a considerable range, just as it does with mammals. Nevertheless, all plants are intelligent (just as are all mammals). They are all self-aware. They all engage in highly interactive social transactions with their communities.
So, that carrot?
It was murdered, yes.
For their neural networks to function, plants use virtually the same neurotransmitters we do, including the two most important: glutamate and GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid). They also utilize, as do we, acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, melatonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, levodopa, indole-3-acetic acid, 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid, testosterone (and other androgens), estradiol (and other estrogens), nicotine, and a number of other neuroactive compounds. They also make use of their plant-specific neurotransmitter, auxin, which, like serotonin, for example, is synthesized from tryptophan. These transmitters are used, as they are in us, for communication within the organism and to enhance brain function.
The similarity of human and plant neural systems and the presence of identical chemical messengers within them illustrate just why the same molecular structures (e.g., morphine, cocaine, alcohol) that affect our neural nets also affect plants. Jagadis Bose, who developed some of the earliest work on plant neurobiology in the early 1900s, treated plants with a wide variety of chemicals to see what would happen. In one instance, he covered large, mature trees with a tent then chloroformed them. (The plants breathed in the chloroform through their stomata, just as they would normally breathe in air.) Once anesthetized, the trees could be uprooted and moved without going into shock. He found that morphine had the same effects on plants as that of humans, reducing the plant pulse proportionally to the dose given. Too much took the plant to the point of death, but the administration of atropine, as it would in humans, revived it. Alcohol, he found, did indeed get a plant drunk. It, as in us, induced a state of high excitation early on but as intake progressed the plant began to get depressed, and with too much it passed out.
and it had a hangover the next day
Irrespective of the chemical he used, Bose found that the plant responded identically to the human; the chemicals had the same effect on the plants nervous systems as it did the human.
This really should not be surprising. The neurochemicals in our bodies were used in every life-form on the planet long before we showed up. They predate the emergence of the human species by hundreds of millions of years. They must have been doing something all that time, you know, besides waiting for us to appear.
The vascular strands that support the plant body, giving it its rigid structure, also act as the peripheral nerve system for the plant. The plant’s neurotransmitters travel along the nerve system carrying information to the periphery, just as they do in our bodies. The plant roots engage in finely detailed analysis of their environment and communicate with the rest of the plant via neurotransmitters. The leaf canopy, as well, is taking in considerable data about the exterior world above ground. That data is sent to the root brain system, again via neurotransmitters for analysis.
GABA is present in high levels in the mammalian brain where it plays a major part in neurotransmission. It is also involved in the development of the nervous system through the promotion of neuron migration, proliferation, and differentiation. GABA strongly affects neuronal growth during cortical development, promoting DNA synthesis and cell proliferation, stimulating neurons to assemble into functional networks of axons and dendrites. It, along with auxin, plays similar roles in the formation of plant root neurons.
The plant root neurons work through the use of synapses, very similar to our own. “Moreover,” as Baluska et al. comment, “not only have neuronal molecules been found in plants but plant synapses are also present which use the same vesicular recycling processes for cell-cell communication as neuronal synapses.” [19]
The neuronal plant cells in the root exist in what is called the transition zone of the root apex. Baluska et al. note that “as cells of the transition zone are not engaged in any demanding activities, such as mitotic divisions or rapid cell elongation, they are free to focus all their resources on the acquisition, processing, and storing of information.” [20] Storing of information,that means memory. As they continue: “Smart plants can memorize stressful environmental experiences and can call upon this information to take decisions about their future activities.” [21]  That is, they plan ahead.
The root apex is covered with a root cap which is designed to protect the apex and which also possesses sophisticated sensing capabilities. It screens the environment it encounters for large numbers of factors, processes the information, and alters its, and the plant’s, behavior accordingly. “As a result,” as Baluska et al. note, “roots behave almost like more active animals, performing very efficient exploratory movements in their search for oxygen, water, and ions.” [22]

1. Brenner et al., “Plant neurobiology: An integrated view of plant signaling,” 414.
2. Baluska et al., “Plant synapses: Actin-based domains for cell-to-cell communcation,” 106.
3. Trewavas, “Aspects of Plant Intelligence,” 1.
4. Charles Darwin, The Power of Movement in Plants573.
5. Kevin Warwick, QI, 9.
6. Baluska et al., “Neurobiological view of plants and their body plan,” in Baluska, Mancuso, Volkmann, eds., Communication in Plants, 31.
7. Trewavas, “The Green Plant as Intelligent Organism,” in Baluska, Mancuso, Volkmann, eds., Communication in Plants, 3.
8. Ibid.
9. McCormack et al., “Touch-Responsive Behaviors and Gene Expression in Plants,” in Baluska, Mancuso, Volkmann, eds., Communication in Plants, 256–67.
10. Trewavas, “The Green Plant as Intelligent Organism,” in Baluska, Mancuso, Volkmann, eds., Communication in Plants, 4.
11. Quoted in Midgley, Science as Salvation, 34.
12. Baluska et al., “Neurobiological view of plants and their body plan,” in Baluska, Mancuso, Volkmann, eds., Communication in Plants, 23.
13. Trewavas, “The Green Plant as Intelligent Organism,” in Baluska, Mancuso, Volkmann, eds., Communication in Plants, 4–5.
14. Baluska et al., “Root apices as plant command centres,” 1.
15. Trewavas, “Aspects of Plant Intelligence,” 2.
16. Baluska et al., “Neurobiological view of plants and their body plan,” in Baluska, Mancuso, Volkmann, eds., Communication in Plants, 28–29.
17. Barlow, “Darwin and the ‘Root Brain’” in Baluska, Mancuso, Volkmann, eds., Communication in Plants, 39.
18. Ibid., 48.
19. Baluska, et al., “Neurobiological view of plants and their body plan,” in Baluska, Mancuso, Volkmann, eds., Communication in Plants, 21.
20. Ibid., 27.
21. Ibid., 21.
22. Ibid., 28.

source: http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/06/10/plant-intelligence/