среда, 2. јул 2014.

Zapovijesti sreće

Zapovijesti sreće

 "Zapovijesti sreće - mnogim tragaocima omogućavaju da steknu razumevanje prirode, energije izobilja, ispune svoj život savršenom radošću, otkriju u sebi izvor sreće i mudrosti."

"Kada je car Solomon sišao sa planine, posle zalaska sunca, okupljeni u podnožju su mu rekli:

- Ti si izvor nadahnuća, za nas. Tvoje riječi preobražavaju srca, a mudrost tvoja prosvetljuje um. Mi žudimo da te slušamo. Reci nam: Ko smo mi?
 On se osmjehnuo i rekao:

- Vi ste svjetlost svijeta. Vi ste zvijezde. Vi ste hram istine. U svakom od vas je Vaseljena. Zaronite um u srce, pitajte svoje srce, slušajte kroz ljubav svoju. Blaženi su oni koji znaju jezik postojanja.

- Šta je smisao života ?

- Život - to je put, cilj i nagrada. Život - to je ples ljubavi. Vaša predodređenost je da procvjetate. Postojanje - to je veliki dar dat svijetu. Vaš život je istorija Vaseljene. I zato je život ljepši od svih teorija. Odnosite se prema životu kao prema prazniku, jer je život vrijedan sam po sebi. Život se sastoji od sadašnjosti. A smisao sadašnjosti - je biti u sadašnjosti.

- Zašto nas proganjaju nedaće?

- Što ste posijali, to ćete i požnjeti. Nesreća - to je vaš izbor. Siromaštvo - je ljudska tvorevina. A ogorčenost - je plod neznanja. Optužujući gubite snagu, a žudnja raspršuje sreću. Probudite se, jer je siromašan onaj ko nije spoznao sebe. A ko nije našao unutar sebe Carstvo Božije - je beskućnik. Siromašan je onaj ko gubi vrijeme uzalud. Ne pretvarajte život u životarenje. Ne dozvolite masi da uništi vašu dušu. Da bogatstvo ne bude vaše prokletstvo.

- Kako prevazići nedaće?

- Ne optužujte sebe. Ne odričite se sebe, jer ste božanstveni. Ne poredite se i ne razjedinjujte se. Za sve blagodarite. Radujte se, jer radost čini čuda. Volite sebe, jer voleći sebe volite sve. Blagodarite opasnosti, jer smjeli postižu blaženstvo. Molite se u radosti - i nesreće će vas zaobići. Molite se, ali ne trgujte sa Bogom. I znajte zahvala je najbolja molitva, a sreća - najbolja hrana za dušu.

- Koji je put do sreće?

-Srećni su oni koji voli, srećni su oni koji su zahvalani. Srećni su oni koji su smireni. Srećni su oni koji su pronašli raj u sebi. Srećni su oni koji daruju sa radošću i primaju darove sa radošću. Srećni su tragaoci. Srećni su probuđeni. Srećni su oni koji slušaju glas Boga. Srećni su oni koji ostvaruju svoju predodređenost. Srećni su oni koji su spoznali jedinstvo. Srećni su oni koji su spoznali ukus spoznaje Boga. Srećni su oni koji borave u harmoniji. Srećni su oni koji su spoznali ljepotu svijeta. Srećni su oni koji su se otkrili Suncu. Srećni su oni koji teku kao rijeke. Srećni su oni koji su spremni da prihvate sreću. Srećni su mudri. Srećni su oni koji su spoznali sebe. Srećni su oni koji su zavoljeli sebe. Srećni su oni koji su zahvalni životu. Srećni su tvorci. Srećni su slobodni. Srećni su oni koji praštaju.

- U čemu je tajna izobilja?

- Vaš život - je najveća dragocjenost u riznici Boga. A Bog - dragulj ljudskog srca. Bogatstvo unutar vas je neiscrpno a izobilje oko vas je beskonačno. Svijet je dovoljno bogat da svako može da postane bogat čovjek. Zato što više dajete, više i dobijate. Sreća stoji na pragu vaše kuće. Otvorite svoje misli izobilju, i pretvorite sve u zlato života. Blaženi su oni koji su pronašli blago u sebi.

- Kako živjeti u svijetu?

- Ispijajte svaki trenutak života, jer neproživljeni život rađa tugu. I znajte kako je unutra tako je i spolja. Tama svijeta - je od tame iz srca. Čovjek - je sjeme Sunca. Sreća - to je izlazak Sunca. Spoznaja Boga - to je rastvaranje u svjetlosti. Prosvetljenje - to je sjaj od hiljadu sunca. Blaženi su oni koji žude za svjetlošću.

- Kako steći harmoniju?

- Živite prosto. Nikome ne nanosite štetu. Ne zavidite. Neka se sumnje očistite, da ne donose nemoć. Posvetite život ljepoti. Stvarajte zbog kreativnosti, a ne zbog priznanja. Odnosite se prema bližnjima kao prema otkrovenjima. Preobrazite prošlost. Donosite u svjet novinu. Napunite tijelo ljubavlju. Postanite energija ljubavi, jer ljubav sve produhovi. Gdje je ljubav - tu je i Bog.

- Kako postići savršenstva života?

- Srećan čovjek preobražava mnoge. Nesrećni ostaju robovi, pošto sreća voli slobodu. Istinska radost je tamo gdje je Sloboda. Spoznajte osjećaj sreće. Otvorite se svijetu i svijet će se otvoriti vama. Odričući se sukoba, vi postajete gospodar.

I pogledavši sve sa ljubavlju, dodao je:

- Ali, mnogo više će vam otkriti tihovanje ... Samo budite sa sobom..."

Tekst "Zapovijesti sreće" sam preuzela iz časopisa "Tajna doktrina" iz juna 2012. Evo je prevod samo teksta Solomonovih zapovijesti sreće, mada je i prvi dio teksta o torzionim poljima koje su otkrili akademici Akimov i Šipov zanimljiv. Oni kažu da pozitivne misli oko čovjeka stvaraju torziona polja koja se rotiraju u smjeru kazaljki na satu tj. udesno, a negativne misli stvaraju torziona polja koja se rotiraju suprotno od kretanja kazaljki na satu tj. ulijevo. Nije samo stvar u smjeru rotacije torzionih polja već u kvalitetu energije koju stvaraju, te energije bivaju stvaralačke i rušilačke. Negativno misleći ne samo da odvajamo sebe od Kosmosa i prirode, već ih i uništavamo...

Prevod: Beba Mur
source:  http://www.bebamur.com/blog/march-14th-20144

уторак, 1. јул 2014.

140,000 Year Old U.F.O Discovered – The Baltic Sea Anomaly – Still dont Believe in UFO’s? – Watch This

140,000 Year Old U.F.O Discovered – The Baltic Sea Anomaly – Still dont Believe in UFO’s? – Watch This

Friday, May 30, 2014 8:29


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“It is not an object which is man made in modern time. What ever it is it’s either from during the ice age or pre-ice age.” – Peter Lindberg, February 24, 2013 “The object is older than 140.000 yrs. Older than that… with straight angles/lines – rounded corners… much like a “dinner plate” and separate from the base below.” – Dennis Asberg, September 28, 2012
There are THREE objects of interest – 1) the main 60 meter circular anomaly, 2) a smaller secondary object lying approx. 200 meters from the 1st anomaly with an area shaped like two “Gothic church windows” and 3) a third anomaly – a 28 meters high and 275 meters wide rock outcrop with a crack running through it, lying some 1500 metres South of the circular object, direct on the other end of the “trail”. The team has stated Anomaly 2 might turn out to be the most interesting than the first, and they plan to dive on it this time around

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The object lies at approx. 85-90 meter depth in international waters between Sweden & Finland
Conditions at site are poor – visibility is low – 2-3 feet, low light levels, low temperatures.
60 meter in diameter, 4 meters thick
Perfectly round, somewhat flattened dome-shaped object made of a “rock-like” substance, although it is not a rock formation. There are rock formations, which appear on the surface of the object. (This is what a sample was taken of on the second expedition, NOT of the circular object itself. “They hammered off a couple of pieces from a huge rock formation on top of the circle, but it seems like that part is not really a part of the larger circular body. We were thinking that if it is a volcano the material with the smooth surface maybe was basalt and that the rocks on top were ordinary rock that has been broke and pushed up on top of the magma. But since the divers hardly could not see anything they just took samples from where they landed and that was on the highest point.” – Peter Lindberg, July 22, 2012)
The object seems to be very very old, rare and something the crew has never seen before. (Peter Lindberg feels that it could be Pre-ice age.) “I think you must think of this object being there for a very long time, natural or made in some way.” – Peter Lindberg, July 22, 2012
“When I say the anomaly is not a rock i mean that it is not a solid block of granite or some other “stone”. (like ayers rock in Ausralia) That is the definition I have of a rock. The anomaly is made of some other material which I do not know what it is but I´m sure there are several different materials @ the sight, you have 5-10 meter deep layer of clay, that lies on top of the Scandinavian rock. On top of the clay lies this anomaly, and on top of the anomaly small stones of different kind.” ~ Stefan Hogeborn November 13, 2012  When asked if the anomaly was metal, Peter Lindberg answered, “Nothing like any metal I know any way.”  June 8, 2012
It seems like the circle is covered in a very thin layer of sediment, but at certain locations the silt is thicker, nearly like clay. I guess that the currents can stir the silt up at these locations. When the divers scraped it off a blackish surface appeared underneath.
Nearly the entire anomaly seems to be of the same material except a piece of cliff where I have marked the black ring for the hole and the blue ring where the the drop weight landed on the second dive. (south on the anomaly).  The team is not sure if it is just rocks which are laying on the anomaly or if it is a part of it.
The surface of the circle is not entirely smooth, in some places it is cracking.  It appears to be covered in some type of hard cement-like substance, mineral deposit. After being chipped, the interior of object is black, like volcanic rock, almost petrified inside. Material is very hard, not simple stone, described as “preserved rock”. Hogeborn describes the sense of carbonized material.
The object has rounded sides with rugged edges (not smooth). “It’s like someone has pinched the mountain at the edge, as if you have moulded together two molds, and it sticks out stones between the molds”,- Stefan Hogeborn. “We can see this phenomena at several different points on the anomaly. It appear to occur where we have these structural corridoors, cracks and such things.” – Peter Lindberg
There are two round holes in the circle. One is 30 cm wide, and the other is approx. 2 meters wide and surrounded by a square formation of 2 x 2 meters.
There are not only straight lined formations on the circle, there appear to have construction lines and boxes drawn on it.
90 degree angle corridors 1.5 meters in height and 3 meter wide, which are cut into the object.
Divers said there was a “blackish” powder that had been attracted to the cameras.
Looks like something has been very hot down there, so that the stone has melted.  Dennis believes this to be true because “some stones look like their up side is burned. Also the blackish material which looks like it has been poured out gives the sense that it might been some heat down there.” – Peter Lindberg, July 4, 2012“The surface of the (circular) object has cracks in it in some places 1-2 inches wide, and in these cracks, it looks like something has poured out like magma…If the magma had come out before the ice age, it should have been scraped away by the ice, but now it’s there like it poured out yesterday.” – Earthfiles interview with Peter Lindberg ” As you understand it is very much in this that points toward this not being just a “stone formation”. “The cracks seams not to be irregular, they seams to go vertically or horizontally. Behind them you can see a blackish colored mineral(?) with the structure of old wooden planks.” – Peter Lindberg, June 21, 2012
Dennis said that a volcano is possible, however according to researchers, there has never been a volcanic activity in the Baltic Sea.  Also, the object they found doesn’t look like a volcano  because of the perfect circular form of it and also because of the 90 degree angles. Peter Lindberg, on the other hand feels they have found volcanic activity (see below) and this volcano-like mountain (approx. 2 km away from the anomaly) will be looked at on their next expedition.
“The entire anomaly has a thin layer of silt on it and when the divers scraped it off a blackish surface appeared underneath. Nearly the entire anomaly seams to be of the same material except a piece of cliff where I have marked the black ring for the hole and the blue ring where the the drop weight landed on the second dive. We do not know if that rocks just lays on the anomaly or if it is a part of it.“There is nearly no silt at all on the anomaly, just a very thin layer. You can clearly see the structure of the surface through the silt. I as diver would refer it to what you find on ships hull. You can clearly see the color but when you brush with your hand over the surface you notice it is a “slimy” layer on it.
The circular object rests upon a 8 meter tall pillar/foundation.  “The foundation is more that it has “popped up” like a cork or it has always been there but being partly exposed by the ice or currents. It is more of a solid cliff than bottom being pushed together to a conglomerate”- Peter LindbergThe foundation increases in thickness, to a dimension of 56 meters near the top where it meets the object. On one side of circle (front), the object is extending approximately 4-6 meters off from pillar. The object does not appear to be connected to the pillar. There is a wedge formed gap between the upper part (the circle) and the lower part (pillar foundation). Looks like granite, surface of anomaly is made of different material than pillar. “During the last expedition it was confirmed that there is a wedge formed gap between the upper part (the circle) and the lower part (foundation/pillar). However, if the two parts are completely separated or if the upper part and the lower part are the same object has not been clarified“.

source: http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2014/05/140000-year-old-u-f-o-discovered-the-baltic-sea-anomaly-still-dont-believe-in-ufos-watch-this-2966068.html?utm_source=direct-b4in.info&utm_medium=facebook-post&utm_term=http%3A%2F%2Fb4in.info%2Fsc88&utm_content=awesmsharetools-fbshare-small&utm_campaign=

Shanta Gabriel – The Gabriel Messages – Accessing The Wisdom Of The Heart – A Message Of Inspiration And Hope – 2 July 2014

Shanta Gabriel – The Gabriel Messages – Accessing The Wisdom Of The Heart – A Message Of Inspiration And Hope – 2 July 2014

shanta-gabriel-teacher-guideAccessing the Wisdom of the Heart
A Message of Inspiration and Hope
Dear Ones,
On the Solstice June 21, 2014, a new awakening occurred as the Stargate of the Heart was opened through the dedication of Lightworkers all over the world. Access to the Wisdom of the Heart was created within the field of consciousness for all who will listen.
The Heavenly realms were opened with the assistance of the Archangels and Beings of Light from the home stars of the committed souls who came together in sacred ceremony to honor the Light on that most auspicious day. Those who participated received the most powerful download of Divine Love ever received to this date. As the codes of the Stargate were activated, a new opening to the starry realms occurred.
For the first time, you were freely offered access to the gifts that seeded your soul before your incarnations into the physical world.
Each person that participated felt the calling in their soul from their home star. The sacred ceremony that accompanied the powerful intentions of millions of beings allowed the precious gifts and the talents latent within your soul to be brought into present time within your heart. The Angelic Dimensions, Ascended Masters and the Beings of Light from the starry realms offered direct connection to the core of Awakened Light.
Your soul gifts were illuminated and activations were provided so you could bring these precious talents and skills home to your heart where you can access them in daily life.
Anchoring Light
Since December 22, 2012, you have been anchoring Light in your physical bodies at an unprecedented rate. Your new awakening energy has impacted the lower 3 chakras especially. The sloughing of the old systems caused what you may have considered to be tremendous pain and upheaval in your lives. The truth is that you have been purified by the force of these tremendous waves of Light frequencies so you could become a vessel to hold the power of Divine Light. This is what you have been asking for. Any associations with past emotional trauma have been lifted. It is only your old habitual patterns that will reclaim this trauma into your present life.
Throughout the remaining months of 2014, you will find yourself having a certain Knowing, your inner resources have been enriched, and your life will begin to feel more purposeful. Invite your Soul gifts to manifest in your life. The doorway is now open. Access to the wisdom of your heart has begun, and this inspires you with ways to use your gifts. You will feel lighter now. Divine Light was blasted into your cellular structure on the Solstice. You are vibrating at a higher frequency. You may even feel a bit airborne for a while until this new frequency is integrated and anchored within your body.
With conscious active awareness you will be able to rise like a phoenix from the ashes of your old life, freed and connected to Source energy through the core of your being. Your physical body is now your vehicle for awakening consciousness. Do not mistake the sloughing of old patterns as the old ways coming back to haunt you. They are surfacing to be released. Just let them go without attention. Become more attuned to your heart’s intelligence and be aware that you are blending your most eternally connected Divine Self with your most human self. You can now allow your soul’s gifts to surface and bless the world in new ways.
Here is a helpful prayer:
Divine Presence,
Thank you for the blessings and gifts given to my Soul. May I gain awareness so I can access these gifts and expand my perception of new life. Help me to know clearly in my heart what I came on Earth to offer. May I recognize the value of the gifts I have been given. Thank you for the strength and courage to use these gifts wisely. I ask that my I AM Presence and that of all beings on the planet awaken in our hearts right now as this Divine Light illuminates our consciousness.
Thank you for opening the way for the Earth to be honored and cared for in true cooperation and love. For these and all our blessings I AM truly grateful, And so it is.
The Assistance of Nature
Your heart’s awakening during the Solstice affords new access to the wisdom laying dormant inside. Create a daily spiritual practice of opening the channels to receive your heart’s wisdom. Know that within your heart is the Truth of your journey on Earth at this time.
Your heart holds the connection to your Soul’s Destiny. Each person who is awakening in this time is asking for this pure alignment within their beings. Those who may not be so awakened are very conscious of a longing within them that aches to be fulfilled. Many ways are found to fill this longing — none of them are satisfactory until one comes back into the heart, the only place of true fulfillment.
Creating access to the wisdom of the heart becomes an adventure. As always, Nature is providing tools and inspiration to provide direct connection. Your life becomes a process of opening to the Light like the face of a flower turns to the sun. When the hard knots of the heart are allowed to be the buds of new awakening, the pure light of Heaven encourages them to gently open and receive.
All the trees, in a perfect demonstration for humans learning how to be, share their strength and alignment from Heaven to Earth. They show you how this alignment appears within your body by their strong and straight trunks. Those trees whose trunks have a pronounced curve are demonstrating for you how they follow the Light, a wise choice for all.
When you let your roots permeate deep into the Earth, you can take in the nourishment being offered by the Mother who nurtures all. When you allow yourself to receive from the heart of the Mother, you bring new vitality and well-being into the core of your body. This stirs the dormant seeds at the base of your spine and fresh juices begin to flow. You start to feel a new connection to life which sparks your curiosity and opens your eyes to the beauty all around you. Mother Nature is offering a sparkling, magical dance nowadays that is enticing you to come home to your body in a whole new way.
The trees show you what it means to be strong and stay in alignment with Source energy. They demonstrate the power that all can have with vertical access between Heaven and Earth. As branches of a strong oak tree expand, new leaves open to receive pure Light, which is converted into nourishment. Letting yourself be fed by the light of God feeds you in a way that nothing else can.
When you can sit with your back against a tree, your spine is reminded of this vertical access between Heaven and Earth. Your cerebral spinal fluid starts to flow with greater awareness. You feel like you can stand tall and be strong in a new way. Your heart receives this nourishment and a higher frequency of energy sweeps through your blood stream into every cell and fiber of your being.
At Home at Last
This new nourishment sparks your creativity. There is a new settled feeling inside that allows you to feel more at home in your body. There is a bright sense of well-being awakening in the base of your spine, and many are beginning to feel safe to be in a human form for the first time in this life. The coveted element of safety will not be fed by any situation or person in the outer world. Well-being only comes from the nurturing aspects of the Earth when you allow yourself to receive them deeply into the core of your being. These frequencies prepare you to receive your heart’s wisdom.
Nature is a great awakener and can bring you into present time in a heartbeat. Only in this holy instant of the Now will you have access to the wisdom of your heart. Seek out places in Nature to inspire you in this process of coming home to yourself. For indeed a new process of awakening is underway and since 2012 Nature is playing a key role. The elemental beings and the realms of the Earth are offering you an opportunity to know yourself. When you ask for the light of the Divine to flow through you and consciously anchor it to the Earth, you are turning the key to Wholeness. While you are in this space of healing, spend some time basking in the wonder of life, drink in the beauty, and be grateful that there are trees to learn from and flowers to inspire you.
When your heart opens to these gifts, you are blessed with a resourceful passage into the wisdom of the heart where your soul awaits and truth abounds. The vertical access to your divine nature brings you into wholeness in a way that has never been offered before. The Universal Presence of Nature is offering you a new sense of well-being so you can begin to thrive in life. When you attune yourself to Nature, a magical quality is there that sparks your creativity. Your love expands to include new qualities of consciousness. When you bring light through your being and allow yourself to receive nurturing from Nature, there is a blending of your most Divine Eternal Self and your most human.
Divine Love now permeates every cell of your being in a way that you can feel whole for the first time in this life. Be aware of this precious gift and let yourself receive access to your heart’s wisdom. Here, love will permeate your world and new life will awaken. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
Copyright June 27, 2014
http://www.TheGabrielMessages.com /via newsletter received 1st july 2014

Eliza: Head or Heart?

Eliza: Head or Heart?

Eliza: Head or Heart?
The world is lighting up with creative intelligence and the people are responding each in their own unique way.
Some are swimming joyfully in a sea of bliss, while others are struggling with the undertow of doubt, fear and self-judgment. Are you still clinging to the old ways of doing things like a life preserver that is losing air? Or are you swimming with the otters and dolphins, moving with the ebb and flow of the tides of change?
The cosmic rays bombarding the planet, as well as the powerful planetary movements across the Zodiac are influencing an era of tremendous change upon our world and within each of us. You can resist and persist in attempting to utilize the old ways of being or you can let go and be.
Moving into learning or adapting to “being” when all your life you’ve been expected to perform and do can be quite a challenge for many of us, even the system busters. Let’s face it; we’ve all been conditioned in one way or another and if we resisted when young, were punished and branded rebellious and even possibly drugged into obedience.
Now, we have to re-adapt to being flexible and able to respond in the moment to what the energies are conveying to us. This means we have to learn how to be in our higher heart space all the time, so our sensory “heart” mind can pick up on the energy flows around us and adjust accordingly.
Experiences that once took lifetimes to complete are now being compacted into hours and minutes. Lifetimes are being lived in one year. And “time” is accelerating or at least it appears to be doing so… which really isn’t the case. Sooner or later, time will become meaningless and we will not need clocks or measurements to define our day; we will simply respond in the moment to whatever the energy is communicating to us.
Basically this development means relinquishing all planning for the “future” and living fully in the “now”. Yes, there is still a necessity to plan a bit, for instance if you have to go shopping, but that kind of activity can flow more, too. And plans can be adjusted if you sense that the present energies do not support the planned activities.
Compassion can be overwhelming to someone who has never felt worthy of being loved in their entire life. I have met people who have lived really difficult lives. They are treated worse than some animals and have few advocates. We all know people like that, even though they may not live in our neighborhood or town. Then, again, some of us can see “those people” when we look in the mirror at home.
Compassion is breaking down the barriers between people. We are starting to sense that we are interconnected. That breaking realization can be scary especially to those who have rejected everything and everyone who didn’t “fit” into a certain paradigm and suddenly are faced with their own perceived misguided thinking. Ouch! Self-judgment, shame, bitterness, resentment, fear, confusion… all of these suppressed emotions will come leaking to the surface once the barriers of resistance are breeched.
People think love and compassion are soft and fluffy emotions. Oh, they’re so misguided! Love and compassion are powerful forces that wear down and break down, dissolve and disappear any resistance one might raise to changing and opening one’s heart.
So love and compassion are working on each of us now, by illuminating what must be released and let go of. We all have a choice to surrender and comply or to resist and attempt to cling to the old paradigm. Sorry… the old paradigm is a swiftly sinking ship. Ever watch the movie “Titanic”? The process starts slowly, and then quickens and the end comes swiftly and irreversibly. So it is with the old way of doing things… the systems that cannot adapt to the new more fluid energies of the higher frequency levels will simply disappear.
Fortunately, although most humans tend to be resistant to change, when push comes to shove, they can usually adapt. You can see this kind of behavior when a community undergoes a severe challenge. People drop their barriers and fears and learn to work together.
First, however, we need to work on ourselves and to learn and allow ourselves to adjust to a whole new way of interacting and responding to the world. We are learning, moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day, step by step, a whole new way of “being” in the moment.
Your old way of linear “think” will no longer work or you will find yourself struggling to “make” it work. I’ve been watching this phenomenon play out where I work. Seems like no one knows what to do or is trying to force others into their way of thinking which just creates resentment and rebellion.
Using your expanded higher heart sensory “brain” will work in this new energy. It takes practice and allowing yourself time to adjust, to let go and to rest.
Our egoic brain is no longer in control. So if you’re feeling a bit muddle-headed, tired, frustrated, confused, you certainly are not alone. Just realize that it’s not personal; there is no need to judge yourself as being a failure or attempting to live up to any old measurements. We’re just going through a rather chaotic transitional period where everything that used to be up is down and vice versa.
Allow yourself time to rest in nature. Stare at the blue sky or trees. Work in the garden. If you live in the city, spend time at the beach or in a park. Walk the dog. Play with children. Smell the roses and allow yourself to adjust to a new way of being “soft” and “flowing”.
Water is soft as it flows over rock, but it also has the capacity to create deep canyons over the centuries. Now love is wearing away all the barriers around our hearts that we have put up in order to survive in a frankly tough environment. Allow love to sweep away your fears and light your heart flame. Allow love to seek out the darkest secrets and bring them to the surface to be released and transmuted by the Violet Flame or through the gift of grace emanating from the heart of the Divine Feminine.
We are moving into an era of love, grace, harmony and abundance, but first the corners and cupboards need to be cleared out and cleaned. No shadows will be allowed to remain, no dust, no secrets, no fear or self-judgment.
The heart is now the ruler of the body, but in a way not imagined by the old paradigm. With a delicately tuned sensory perception you will know what to do and when to do it… and when not to do anything. And this awareness will emanate from your high heart center, not your logical mind. You will know without having to read tons of books or follow directions. You will discover your own path and pave the way for others to follow in your footsteps. And as we go through these periods of pause, allow yourself to receive the refreshment of the spirit from those small wonders that surround us daily if we but take a moment to look.
For me, I just spent a bit of my quiet evening listening to the delighted chatter of a goldfinch nibbling away on the sunflowers and watching the light hot breeze stir the upper branches of a nearby tree. Peace is within and reflected without if you take a moment to come to a still place.
For the readers who look forward to the messages here, they may be coming or not. Depends on the flow of energies within and what I feel like doing next. I will be gone part of next week, so you folks who live in the States, enjoy your 4th of July holiday and family get-togethers. I’m going hiking with a friend or rather rambling on a ridge top to see the summer flowers there and gaze off towards the Wallowas and Seven Devils Range in Idaho. And maybe see some of you in the etheric retreats at night as we sleep.
Eliza Ayres
© All Rights Reserved, Elizabeth Ayres Escher, http://www.bluedragonjournal.com

Lee Harris Energy : July-August 2014 Energy Forecast – Consciousness Dancing And The Brain Of The Heart – 1 July 2014

Lee Harris Energy : July-August 2014 Energy Forecast – Consciousness Dancing And The Brain Of The Heart – 1 July 2014

(Transcribed and edited from Lee’s live Video message.)
Hi everybody and welcome to the Energy Forecast for July and August 2014.
The first thing for me to touch on this month is humorous to me because it’s the very reason that I had trouble starting this forecast a second ago, which is: our brains – and how our brains are not functioning the way they used to.
Now, some of you will have been familiar with this from time to time over the last several years. It’s part of the awakening process that your brain no longer ‘thinks’ or operates the way the old you used to. So for a while, it can almost feel like your brain disappears from your life.
Symptoms are struggling with memory; struggling with concentration; struggling to string a sentence together; and some people are even noticing that their words are getting a little jumbled up.
This is quite common within a lot of people. A large number of people going through the awakening process right now will be experiencing this.
So it’s nothing particularly to worry about.
But the interesting thing for us to learn from it, is to notice how it makes us feel to lose our mental capacity.
Because the challenge, I believe, for all of us on the planet in the last few years is how do we find strength through increasing vulnerability?
It seems that every year there are more challenges for us as a people and as individuals that put us into situations that we haven’t been in before.
You see, if you think of the linear mind and the more masculine way of using the mind, it’s directional; and there is a progression of thought and logic leading to external actions and choices. The masculine mind perceives achievements and ‘happenings’ along the way and likes to see what we might call ‘measureable or provable success’.
Well, that’s a very human-trained way of living and using the old masculine mind.
So now more people than ever are opening beyond how they were ‘trained’ as a human – a training which, for all of us on this planet, has limited our actual potential and our capacity. Some people refer to this as ‘conditioning’.
As you open beyond your conditioned mind, and you start to bring your energy senses into play; your third eye, your heart at a new level, the whole energy field. Once this begins to happen, everything starts to change. And the old brain feels very out of place. And it can almost feel sometimes like you are saying things that you don’t quite understand, or that don’t quite reverberate with other people in the way that they used to.
So, many of you will be having a bit of an experience where you’re talking to someone, or in an engagement and you’re suddenly going, “What did I just say/do….?” You will be finding yourself surprised by your actions and sayings.
And this is just the brain ‘loosening’ it’s old grip on your behaviours.
Because you no longer have such a strong emotional connection to it as you did.
The brain starts to become more of a piece of service to you and your way of being, rather than the solo leader of your way of being, the more you awaken. The brain become a facility you go to, to use for the times that you need to organize, analyze or direct events. But actually what happens during awakening is the brain of the heart starts to become far more dominant.
So, you will experience this when you are, for example, sitting looking at a tree – something I can’t stop doing in the last 4 months. You will need that time to stop and be still in order to stay balanced, because at the moment so much energy is pouring onto the planet. We hear a lot about external influences right now – solar flare activity, universe shifts that are going on around us, but what you have to look at is how does that implode us internally?
So, the brain and also the physical body are two big areas that are being energetically affected in people right now.
Some people are experiencing physical issues or symptoms that are forcing them to stop, re-examine, slow down, change the way they operated.
Some people are just experiencing more tiredness or exhaustion or unusual needs to nap where usually their energy is more consistent.
Again, all of these things over the last 3 or 4 years will have been symptoms for everybody at certain stages. But, as with this fast growing time, these symptoms are getting stronger and more universal, so now the whole collective are experiencing it.
Now the whole collective is something to really take into account when you consider how you are feeling on a day to day basis.
I work with people every week, and I have done for 10 years. And what’s been so illuminating to me in that journey is you really understand that we all have a relationship to fear and we all have a relationship to love and to opening. And we might all be different in the details of those relationships, but underneath, the same core relationships to love and fear exist.
So for example, I might have fear about things that you personally don’t fear – and vice versa. But the point is they’re just different stories; just different ways of experiencing fear as a human being.
What many of you tend to forget, and I see this in questions I’m asked on my monthly live Q + A broadcasts in ‘The Portal’, is that many of you can make how you are feeling very personal. Many of you can feel that what’s going on for you is very much ‘all to do with you’.
And this often leads to judgment or lack thoughts toward yourself; such as, Why can I not overcome this? Why can I not make this work? What’s my problem that this creation I’m trying to create cannot come to fruition? What’s my issue? What’s the wound I need to heal?
Now, that way of thinking is really old in the self-development community from my perspective.
There is a time and a place to start burrowing into yourself and thinking it’s all about you. But it’s never all about us. We’re in a very interconnected web of life.
And right now, a lot of people in the world are panicky, exhausted, spinning off their center – so they’re often playing out unconscious actions in bigger or more reactive or more volatile ways.
This collective energy affects all of us, day-to-day.
This is why over the last few months I reminded you to know about your boundaries and know what’s okay with you and what isn’t. Because a lot of people right now will be behaving in ways that they never have before. Reactive, irritated, impatient, sad – responses to this time that may be unconscious in them and their behaviours.
So you need to learn how to be responsive to that in yourself. You also may need to make some changes in how you navigate people and relationships right now.
You may need to ask yourself questions such as “Do I want to get into an argument with this person or can I just walk away because they are really exploding right now? Is this the time where I talk to them about that thing I’ve never spoken to them about?”
But through all of this, and particularly when dealing with people who are having difficulties, just keeping coming back to this sensory heart that I mentioned earlier. You can use your feeling space a lot more than you are to intuit the world, and to navigate it in a more peaceful and conflict-free way.
So for example, if you are saying, “Well, why isn’t this thing working in my life right now?” Trust that things aren’t meant to work at this moment in time, but perhaps they will very soon. Or your plan needs to change and sitting back for a few days, will help you see that.
Our human minds have a very small view of this whole planet and our whole way of interacting. Our soul mind is vast and endless, but, in the experience of being human and bringing more consciousness to your life and the planet, we all inhabit our human ‘small mind’ at times. But beyond that there is consciousness. And consciousness knows EXACTLY the reason your book is not finished yet. And it will most often be not because you have a problem with writers block, but because the world is not ready for your book yet.
As someone who has been a regular creator for ten years, it’s been one of the greatest lessons I’ve learnt as a creator. If you’re creating something for the outside world, whether those people are already there and waiting for it (the family you are organising that trip for) or whether you’re hoping over the coming years it will be seen and experienced by people (the book you are writing for public release); you have to understand that your blocks can be as much to do with the audience that are waiting for it. And often it is that they’re not ready to receive this experience/ piece of information right now, as much as it is anything to do with you.
So if you are in that state of attacking yourself or judging yourself for what’s going wrong with you and your plans, try and take a breath. Surrender to the fact it isn’t working, breathe and you will start to release that tension and frustration you now feel.
Try to remember, daily, that there are a whole lot of crazy, rapidly tornado-ing experiences going on out there around you. And many people are spinning off their center unless they are aware; “Wow. This is a more chaotic time. So I need to adjust the way I’m operating”.
Not everybody is acknowledging this, so their unconscious behaviours are getting louder so that they might catch their own attention.
What’s happening as a result is a lot of people are running even harder in the outside world, thinking they can make it work if they put more effort in, which right now creates more chaos. It is also because they don’t want to slow down and feel what’s inside them, which is something we can all empathise with and understand from our own lives.
So be compassionate with your boundaries wherever you can, as you never know the size of fear that is driving someone’s reactive behavior.
So, final point for this month – and this applies to the month of August also.
In recent years, we have seen certain months and certain time periods where it has felt like the energy ceiling is limitless to us, and all of a sudden there is this wave of energy moving through, opening us deeply and quickly. And on a certain week or a certain month so much can happen in your life because of this. So much can suddenly arrive that felt like it was missing before.
What we’ve noticed in the last year or two as a people is everything that a few years ago may have taken a week to experience, now happens within half a day. And then in the second half of the day the energy has changed again and you are experiencing another strong energy experience. Most of us are getting used to this now, but it still means we have to learn to become very nimble on our toes and keep moving and not get attached to any one state. We need not get attached to the ‘joy’ state that you were in this morning; because if you have to let go of joy (because suddenly you feel tired and you serve the tiredness with a nap or a rest), the joy will come back later.
This is the way of ‘Consciousness Dancing’ that we’re all having to learn in a very human way on the planet right now.
How do I bring this sense of consciousness, this sense of my sensory ability out into the world? And every day, it is a new learning or experiencing.
And the truth is many of you feel frustrated about what you can’t bring out to the world or into your life.
But that’s because this is a delicate process. We can’t just wake up, feel more alive and conscious and suddenly throw that energy out at the world or force it on the world.
We’re still figuring out how to nurture it inside ourselves AND how to be in the outside world at an all new level than we’ve ever been.
Before we might have been running out there, running our energy through people and activities; nowadays we’ll still have our energy out there with people, but first and foremost how big is this part of you inside yourself? How full is this heart chakra feeling for YOU? As focusing in that direction, means you will naturally emanate more heart energy to others when in their presence.
So my point is: rather than you being able to do bold ventures out into the world at the moment, because the energy  climate is so tumultuous and it changes so quickly, the place to really learn to exist and create from now is in here (Lee points to his heart chakra).
If you can exist from this heart center and really allow yourself to feel everything that’s going on in the world, you’re going to be far more successful in how you operate.
I’ll give you an example.  If I came up to you at a party – and I’m going to demonstrate now – this is me excitable and in my head. (Excitedly and bouncing around) “Oh hi! Wow, it’s great to see you! Oh man, there is so much going on and da-da-da-da…”
Now, it’s really tempting if you had me in front of you, to start traveling to join that frenetci energy. Now I know some of your are laughing going, “Ha! I’d be pulling back!”  And I’d be like you, most of you.
But the point is: can you just stay here in yourself EXACTLY where you were, when this frenetic person is doing this in front of you?
Because, in the past so many of us got caught into other people’s energy pathways. Either being pulled into or repelled by them.
And that’s what the last few years have been all about. How do you remain connected to yourself while knowing that you are still connected to others? And how do you remain connected to your heart center in every moment, even if the person in front of you is not yet sitting in theirs?
So if you have ambitions or if you have big desires at this time, try and keep bringing them into the smaller reality, because that way big things will happen. Focus on one small step at a time. Large projects in the next few months will do best when focused on in a small, detail oriented way, and anything beyond that is likely to feel overwhelming.
And if you are frustrated as you have a big burning ambition or some massive change you want to employ in your life, ask yourself what’s really underneath it driving the frustration? Because there will usually be some discomfort you are trying to solve. For example, if the wish is “I wish I had an amazing career” you might find that the driving force in that sentence is “So I didn’t have to feel so depressed about the state of the world.”
Well, know that, if you get that amazing career, the depression about the world would rise in some other way at some point.
So be with your feelings about the world FIRST and clear how that feels in you as much as you can, so that your dreams aren’t being tethered to your sense of loss, fear or pain. As in these summer months, things won’t fly unless they have clear energy around them.
Daily practices: meditate, take ten minutes a day to be with trees, get ten minutes a day of sunlight – that’s really important. That was a message from The Z’s in last month’s Q + A broadcast.
Sunlight right now is really helping the DNA and the cellular changes that we’re going through to integrate. So, 10-15 minutes of sunlight a day as a practise.
So everybody, I hope you have a really good July.
I will be back in the fall. I’m not going to be doing an Energy Forecast in August so I designed this one to apply through August also.
And in the fall, I have an exciting new video series that we are working on right now that we will look forward to unveiling for you.
If you want to stay in touch with me in the meantime, there are daily quotes on Facebook, which you can find here. And I do a Live Q + A Broadcast in The Portal every month.
You can check out The Portal and all the great things in there here.
So have a great summer everyone and see you in Autumn.
Lots of love,

source: http://lucas2012infos.wordpress.com/2014/07/01/lee-harris-energy-july-august-2014-energy-forecast-consciousness-dancing-and-the-brain-of-the-heart-1-july-2014/