понедељак, 27. јул 2015.

Twin Flames: The Highest Pathways of Love and being Loved: EN-LIGHT-EN-MENT

Twin Flames: The Highest Pathways of Love and being Loved: EN-LIGHT-EN-MENT

To love and be loved is an infinite Precious gift.
If this gift is not nurtured, treasured, and truly honored from deep within, it will dissipitate and ultimately cause more woundedness.
It is the sublime gift of the first coming together in love, harmony and union of the Divine Masculine in total balance and bliss with the Divine Feminine – those moments of Creative Oneness which spans the whole cosmos and brings wonder and awe.
As the male found awe and wonder in the first union with the female, she felt the awe, wonder and bliss of being filled with his male-ness, and being brought into a greater expansion of awareness WITHIN, as she in turn gave back to him, the expansiveness she had just experienced, which he, in his maleness could not experience as that expansive force.
There is a hidden Mystery here, that was taught in the Ancient Mystery School, and which added to the Christed consciousness and awareness, if such a union was within done with in purity, and with the purity of Love rising into a new dimensional expansion and therefore into the Higher States of God Awareness for BOTH partners.
Therefore they had to be in total balance and harmony.
One perfect whole, meeting another perfect whole, and therefore the awe-inspiring expansive gift, of conscious awareness expanded within and without.
Such was the gift of those who trained in the profound Mysteries, that they knew, that unless the INNER man, the INNER woman, was in harmony and balance WITHIN, then they could manifest this WITHOUT with their Divine Union.
In fact, one was taught that to attain the ultimate of En-Light-en-ment one had to fist understand of the depth of what it means to be a man within and without, and what it means to be a woman within and without, and then, only then, such union was possible.  Without doing the INNER work, the outer could not manifest into form.
In the Garden of Eden, both male and female were in the state of Innocence.  They knew this type of union as they knew the Ultimate bliss.  However they appreciated it not.
The Fall from Grace, was in a higher sense the fall from INNOCENCE.
The Minute that man started to divorce the sexual energy from the very life force WITHIN and from the Loving state of highest SOUL consciousness within, they started to feel SEPARATE from each other, and therefore separate from God.
Since then mankind has sought WHOLENESS again, and most of all the male and female sought WHOLENESS in their loving relationships with each other.
But God/Goddess declared that that they will only be able to return to the Higher States of Innocence, when they used their WOUNDEDNESS in order to heal themselves, and when they healed themselves, they would be find the keys and codes back to wholeness within.
But the central key here is WHOLENESS and BALANCE WITHIN.  Meaning, that unless one is willing to work on the INNER WOUNDEDNESS one would not be able to return to the INNER states of Bliss, and Innocence, and only when one attained this state, would one be able to bond again with the Divine Other, as he or she has worked through their own woundedness.
It is in our own WOUNDEDNESS, our ability to stand naked and stripped to the core of our heart, mind, soul and Being, that we can achieve the ultimate state of awareness and also the ultimate state of Bliss.
The truth is that unless one is willing to do the INNER work, the outer will not manifest into form.
In Ancient Mystery Schools one was taken through a whole series of INITIATIONS (meaning one had to do the INNER work to regain the state of Innocence) before one could experience ultimate union, in DIVINE PARTNERSHIP with the Divine Other.
It was a true and deep UNION, which was then of two souls, equally whole and balanced, and who had been taught the way back to experience wholeness through the coming together on ALL levels, MIND, BODY, SPIRIT AND SOUL.
Therefore the physical body became a TOOL in which one could experience the physical union, but SIMULTANEOUSLY amplified, with the union of mind, spirit and soul – thus the WHOLE man and WHOLE woman.
In such union then lies the ultimate EN-LIGHT-TEN-MENT, as then one could ignite the THIRD force, the God-Force, the Creative Force, that which brought the Christedness, the CENTRAL SUN CONSCIOUSNESS into the state of ILLUMINATION through union.
It was no accident that Jesus had Magdalene, Simon the Magus had Helena, the Pharaoh and her consort in the beginning were the highest initiates of the Mystery School and evenly matched, thus the Cobra as sign of the state of the ENLIGHTENMENT within, and the true use of the Creative Force.  Shiva and Shakti, the list goes on and on.
It was union between a man and woman as in the Ultimate State and then the higher pathways of Loving Union would ignite the HIGHER SERVICE in BOTH partners and not just in one.
Here two people had a greater vision, and greater purpose to work towards.
They looked and worked outwards into the same direction, feeling the profound calling to highest service in tandem with each other. 
True Love.
True Partnership.
Equal partners.
Walking hand-in-hand, working shoulder-to-shoulder and ever moving towards the greater Creation that they were creating together.
Thus one was not less than the other. 
THEY ENHANCED EACH OTHER – thus bringing out the Higher Cosmic Consciousness within each other, and then AMPLIFYING this through merging of all their bodies into ONE single force.
Two mighty Rivers of Life flowing into ONE, but like a double helix strand, and then the THIRD, the GODFORCE as a LIGHTNING ROD upholding and IGNITING the two, as they all merged into ONE SINGLE ENERGY FORCE.
Jesus could not have done his work on earth without Mary Magdalene, for she was the force behind his force.  Jesus and Mary Magdalene were in fact the characters created out of the TRUE GNOSIS, TRUE UNION, which had been known to mankind since the Garden of Eden, but only taught and understood by a very few, and most of those trained in the Ancient Mystery Schools of yore.
It is the highest path of purity, innocence and the ultimate path of En-light-en-ment.
It was something very much kept under wraps, secret, for most human beings work with the lower animal nature, and lower sexual energy force, and never attain the ultimate in union, because they refuse to do the inner work.  Most are just ignorant and believe all that society has programmed them to believe.
Only the true seekers ever attained this, and then had the discipline and focus to do the work INNER work required.
Here lies an Ancient Hidden Knowledge and this awareness expands the more one understands the Mysteries within and is given them by truly SEEKING.
Let those who have inner eyes – see.
Let those who have inner ears – hear.
Let those who are ready to receive this message, receive.
I have spoken.
(Judith Kusel)

субота, 11. јул 2015.

chi energy

Tai Chi Principles in Daily Life
There’s a fighting game in Tai Chi called, “push hands”. It’s to learn how to read another’s energies and use it to your advantage. The goal is to break their footing (root to Mother Earth) and move them. Contact must be maintained at all times, if there’s a disconnect - game’s over.
The goal is to match energies. When person A and person B are equally balanced in force, they become one. Stay empty. One subtle movement from the one that is egoless can them move the other. The power beyond just the physical force is where’s it’s at.
Ego = force; Higher Self = Power
It takes very little energy, subtle energy is a better description of what it takes to drop another to the floor. Where the legs just go out from under them and their down without any pain. Before one realizes what happened, they are picking themselves up off the floor. You find their center and shift it.
Awareness is the secret. By overcoming the fear and blinders, we awaken to that subtle yet powerful resource. We step into what is sovereign and available.
It’s a whole new energy game. It’s doesn’t take decades to build energy from martial arts training or meditations. There’s an energy shift that is to our advantage. We are awake enough now to know, it’s about belief and trust of Yourself, Higher Self. Cultivate right mind, body, and spirit and the energy is quickened.
Awareness is the secret. Then we can get on with the business of co-creation; create other ways of seeing, inventions, solutions, assisting others across time, etc.
This is one of the most illustrative videos about the practical use and effect of the subtle energy body.
This is Lama Dondrup Dorje, this video was filmed 2004 at a workshop at the Singapore police headquarters.

source- http://awakeningtimes.com/unbelievable-chi-energy-bubble-manipulation/
Developing an awareness of this energy and cultivating it is of key importance.

недеља, 5. јул 2015.

Duhovni rast, usamljenost, masovna svest

Duhovni rast, usamljenost, masovna svest

Intenzivnijii duhovni rast se, takoreći po stereotipu, ne vezuje uz radno mesto, uz mnoštvo obaveza, društvenih, profesionalnih, porodičnih... Nije nemoguće i tako, ali, što se čine veći pomaci u svesti, to su pritisci okruženja masovne svesti sve veći, sve strašniji, nepodnošljiviji. Na svest koja je sve suptilnija, sve viših vibracija, sve senzibilnija - uslovi običnog  života su sve grublji, postaju, kao što reče T. Mikušina, slično čekiću kojim se udara po nekom osetljivom elektronskom instrumentu.

Iskorak iz obične životne pozicije u neki manastir, u neko tiho, usamljeno mesto u prirodi, uz učitelja ili bez njega, nije samo iskorak ka "specijaliziranju" duhovnosti, već može da bude i bekstvo iz sve nepodnošljivijh uslova savremenog života, koji je... znamo kakav. Nekima je život u raljama masovne svesti pakao, odlazak u  manastir, ašram ili u neku sličnu individualnu izolaciju može da znači pronađenu "obećanu zemlju". Čak i ne mora da se radi o posvećivanju duhovnosti.

Ima tv-reportaža o bračnim parovima intelektualaca koji su napustili velike gradove i prešli da žive i rade u nekim dalekim seoskim sredinama. Ili, jedan od zanimljivih primera: Čovek od osamdeset i nešto godina, koji kao da je tek prevalio šezdesetu, živi negde u planini, nekoliko kilometara od prvog naselja, do njega se dolazi samo na konju ili pešice, govori reporterki o svom životu, a na njeno pitanje, maltene sažaljivo postavljeno, da li bi rado prešao da ima uslove, u neko naselje, neočekivano odgovara: "Ovaj raj na Zemlji ne bih menjao ni za šta na svetu!"

Prelazak u izolaciju u drugom slučaju baš može da bude težak i traumatičan. Usamljenost može kod nekih da izazove mentalnu dezintegraciju, jer mogu da krenu procesi često nimalo lakog suočavanja sa sobom i sa onim što nosimo nešto dublje zakopano u sebi. U egipatskim školama misterija jedna faza života u izolaciji je bila istovetna silasku u pakao sopstvene duše, pročišćujući proces na putu intenzivnijeg duhovnog rasta.


Ako neko "specijalizira" duhovnost van stega masovne svesti i obaveza i trošenja energije u okviru nje, pa ostane i dalje van intenzivne uključenosti u društvo, ne vraćajući se u svoju "običnu" životnu poziciju iz koje je otišao, u redu je, jer čak i ponovna duža zalaženja u masovnu svest mogu biti teška. Razumljivo je da je takvima potrebno izvesno vreme, koji dan, za energetsko čišćenje od svega čime su se informaciono-energetski "inficirali" u masovnoj svesti.

To treba razumeti, ali onda imamo problem sa prenošenjem duhovnih ideja, teorija, objašnjenja, a osobito sa davanjem saveta i preporuka za praktičnu primenu ljudima koji su ostali u "običnoj" životnoj poziciji. Dakle, imamo problem kada takav neko, ko se duhovno usavršio van masovne svesti, i ostao da živi van nje, nastoji da savetima pomaže onima koji su ostali unutar nje. Lako je reći (na primer): "Samo budi! Ne delaj, delanje je od ega! Nadiđi um, poistoveti se sa Bićem! Posveti se meditaciji!", itd.

To svakako nije problem da izvede neko ko je van običnih porodičnih, profesionalnih i društvenih obaveza. Onome ko je u njihovoj mreži - ne da je izuzetno teško da se takvi saveti primene i uklope u sve dnevne, svakodnevne obaveze, nego je uglavnom i nemoguće da se to dosledno učini. Njega ne samo da mogu posao i uslovi u kojima radi da iscrpljuju tako da je hronično van elementarne ravnoteže za primenu bilo kakvih duhovnih saveta, već u njegovoj situaciji može da deluje i mnoštvo drugih ometajućih faktora (na primer, često i banalnih - naći, imati tiho mirno mesto za meditaciju u stanu, u višespratnici,  u kojem bruji televizor, galama ostalih članova porodice, te brujanja sa ulice, iz drugih stanova, itd, što je mnogo više od galame koja smeta, to je pritisak grubih vibracija na um-duh-telo koji su rastom svesti postali prefinjeniji i osetljiviji).

Onaj ko daje takve savete, a ko više nije sputan masom takvih obaveza i ometajućih faktora, svoju duhovnu moć, stečenu u izolaciji, uz učitelja ili u manastiru, najneposrednije bi demonstrirao kada bi se ponovo vratio u životnu poziciju iz koje je otišao na duhovno "usavršavanje". Kada bi nam on dokazao da su svi saveti koje sada daje "sa strane" primenljivi i uz njegovo funkcionisanje u "običnoj" životnoj poziciji - morali bismo mu verovati.


Konstatacija kojoj se opravdano može prigovoriti: A zar već nema dosta onih koji su postigli visok ili viši duhovni nivo, pa se vratili u "običnu" životnu poziciju i nastavili da žive i deluju u njoj, ili koji su ostali u njoj (u slučaju da se ceo proces tu i izvodio).

Pitanje koje se raščlanjuje na dva potpitanja:

a) realno stanje u vezi sa nečijim, ili našim, postignutim duhovnim nivoom, u slučajevima "rada na sebi" i u slučajevima duhovnih težnji i kretanja na duhovnom putu;

b) realna efektivnost saveta koje takav neko, bilo ko drugi, mi sami, daje drugima, vrednost iskustva koje im prenosi.

Složena pitanja čije razmatranje zahteva prostor u posebnom tekstu...

Autor: Miroslav Prvulović

miroslav prvulovic

source- http://novasvest.com/vesti?id=368&cat=1436005893&v=duhovni-rast-usamljenost-masovna-svest

The Stages of a Twin Flame Journey

The Stages of a Twin Flame Journey

Written by: Deane Thomas
There is much information in the Spiritual Community regarding the Twin Flame orTwin Soul phenomena. There are an increasing number of individuals that have awakened to the realization that a person in their life is capable of triggering an amazing sequence of feelings and sensations.  These are often inexplicable within the confines of a traditional “connection or relationship”, and then the search for answers begins. 
What can be said of the Twin Flame connection is the deep feeling inside that just keeps forcing its’ way through to the surface.  Into one’s conscious and unconscious mind. For those that have lived very busy and preoccupied lives, this feeling can be amplified at a point of crisis.  The crisis can trigger a deep realization that the connection is not ordinary. It has, in lots of cases, a higher purpose.  At this time one begins to seek answers, but where does one begin?

Psychological Needs

652f2978552280bbedfb216b6bdcf6a4It is essential one takes the brave step of examining the patterns, and looking at life with a microscope. One begins to process and unravel these events to get to the secrets at the very places our psyche has blocked or denied access to.
The confrontation of oneself becomes apparent, we are staring at things that have been bottled up. In most cases for most of our lives.  Our ego will be playing havoc, it will do everything in its power to prevent us from unravelling the truth.
The ego is an amazing asset, but one that needs to be tamed during life crisis’s.  It is the making and breaking of humans. It is the very root of a lot of today’s’ social problems.
Just look at the boom in counseling, psychology, psychic and meditation businesses.  This is a good indicator that there is a real demand from society to understand their problems and situations from an external source.
When we confront our truth for this life time, we will begin to heal the wounds. We will forgive those that need to, we will disconnect from those we need to. We will make the changes within our psyche necessary, and we will begin to reprogram our thought processes. Effectively healing our inner child, and allowing him or her to grow up and become a teenager.
At this point we are in a new phase of evolution as a person. We have to learn really how to communicate or respond to situations in life.  This is a difficult task sometimes, yet we have new tools to rely on. It is very easy for the ego to keep coming back and trying to force us to revert to our old ways and methods.  We are graduates of life, and at whatever age we are, this is all about growing up.

Spiritual Growth

This psychological work will undoubtedly cleanse us of the emotional and physical baggage of this life experience.ZwizekIVwymiaru Then, more often than not comes the spiritual growth and/or awakening.  This is a whole new process of evolution – and we ask ourselves again, what is happening to us?  This is the point one again asks questions about the person that keeps coming back into your thoughts, your dreams, and your day-to-day activity.
Some do have very powerful telepathic connections, others have the ability to sense and feel this person. Others are connecting through traditional 3D ways, despite having gone through deep psychological purging. You are not crazy; this is something far bigger than us.
One should be careful not to believe what is written in all the media about love; it’s dangerously skewed. Look at the synchronicity’s with this other person, what do you have in common?
How did you meet, what experiences you shared whilst you were physically together? One of the most profound sensations is during a sexual connection, when one describes the encounter as “out of body”, “the best experience”, “multi-dimensional” and many more.
Many twins have met in the strangest of situations and have different cultural backgrounds. Sometimes they have a big age difference between them as well. Each journey is unique and can never be compared to another. There are certain common attributes to twin connections, and predominantly the validation comes from within.
alexgrey-loversThe spiritual awakening is again one of cleansing, purifying the very core of oneself. A purging of all ill feelings, to enable one to reach a heightened awareness of the gifts we truly possess.  The ability to keep the ego in check, to recognize when the ego is coming out to play.
Recognizing our desire to drastically change our lives, to accept that we have a mission and purpose. To grow internally with a sense of peace and harmony, the refilling of our life with love, self-love.
There comes a time when we are able to be in zero point of consciousness.  We become more in-tune of what is going on around us in nature, we are in touch with who we are.
As our spirituality grows, our psyche begins to intertwine. In effect they merge and create a whole new template, the template of Oneness. In the end it defines who we are.
We are truth, we are love, we are, you are, and I AM.

The Reality

The Twin Flame journey is not a relationship in the typical definition. It is an amazing adventure that leads us to oneness. Through healing and growth the twins blossom, they raise their vibrations, they begin to realize their mission and purpose together.  It is intended for twins to reunite for a final incarnation.
Ultimately this is pre-agreed in the contracts between the Divine and the twins.  The label Twin Flames has become somewhat main stream these days, it is important to continue to live life, to grow and mature, remembering the connection is in the higher realms.twin-flame-oneface
Never lose touch with who you are, as we grow we recognize our twin is always with us, they are with us in all dimensions.
Should you have experienced a physical encounter with your twin, and you have managed to evolve yourself, or are having signs or synchronicities’. It may be an idea to reach out to that person, particularly at this time.
If it is possible to physically meet them, do so – at that time you will know. We have been brave and warrior like until now to get to this state of oneness. Should your twin be in your minds’ eye – ask for guidance and confirmation, and then follow your heart.

source- http://thespiritscience.net/2015/07/04/the-stages-of-a-twin-flame-journey/

Proof That the Human Body is a Projection of Consciousness

Proof That the Human Body is a Projection of Consciousness

holographic consciousnessBrandon West, Contributor
Waking Times
In this article we will explore how your body is a holographic projection of your consciousness, and how you directly influence that hologram and thus have complete control over the physical health of your body. We will also specifically explore the exact mechanism behind this principle, and don’t worry, I will provide scientific evidence so let your rational mind be at ease. But first … how is this even possible?

Human Thought Determines Reality

One of the key principles of quantum physics is that our thoughts determine reality. Early in the 1900’s they proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt with an experiment called the double slit experiment. They found that the determining factor of the behavior of energy (‘particles’) at the quantum level is the awareness of the observer.
For example: electrons under the same conditions would sometimes act like particles, and then at other times they would switch to acting like waves (formless energy), because it was completely dependent on what the observer expected was going to happen. Whatever the observed believed would occur is what the quantum field did.
The quantum world is waiting for us to make a decision so that it knows how to behave. That is why quantum physicists have such difficulties in dealing with, explaining, and defining the quantum world. We are truly, in every sense of the word, masters of creation because we decide what manifests out of the field of all-possibility and into form.
The thing is, the quantum level of reality isn’t a local and insignificant aspect of creation. It is all around us, and it is the most fundamental level of creation aside from the unified field itself. The human energy field is interacting and influencing the quantum field all around us at all times and the energy of our beliefs and intentions are infused into our energy field because they are defined by the energy of our thoughts and emotions.
Thus the fusion of our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and intentions, which I will call the human energy field for simplicity’s sake, is perpetually informing the quantum reality within us and around us at each moment of our existence.
And because reality is flashing in and out of existence (hypothetically at Planck time – 1044 times per second – as explained by The Resonance Project biophysicist William Brown), every time our reality oscillates between form, and the pure energy state of the field, our awareness which is constant and doesn’t flash in and out of existence informs the field what to reappear as when it makes its transition back to form at the quantum level.
Therefore each time we oscillate into formlessness, we have complete and total control and responsibility over what we choose with our attention to manifest out of the field in the next moment, and our power and ability to do so relies entirely what we believe, and on how we are feeling.
A dramatic example of this is the case of Vittorio Michelli. In 1962 he was admitted to the Military Hospital of Verona, Italy with a large tumor on his left hip. The doctors knew that they could not help him, so his case was deemed hopeless and he was sent home without treatment, and after about 10 months his left hip bone had completely disintegrated. As a last resort, he traveled to Lourdes, France and bathed himself in the spring there (which is a Christian holy site famous for producing miracles).
Immediately he started feeling better, he regained his appetite, and bathed himself in the spring a few more times before he left. After a few months of being home he felt such a powerful sense of well-being that he urged the doctors to x-ray him again, and they were astonished to find that his tumor had shrunk. Over the next several months they kept a close watch on him, and his X-rays showed that his tumor kept on shrinking, until it was gone. And once his tumor disappeared, his hipbone started regenerating.
After two months he was walking again, and several years later his hip bone had completely regenerated. The Vatican’s Medical Commission, in their official report said:
“A remarkable reconstruction of the iliac bone and cavity has taken place. The X-rays made in 1964, 1965, 1968, and 1969 confirm categorically and without doubt that an unforeseen and even overwhelming bone reconstruction has taken place of a type unknown in the annals of world medicine.” (The Holographic Universe, p.107)
Ordinarily this would be deemed miraculous, and indeed it truly is. But I find this miraculous in the sense of the true power of human intention and belief that it displays. Moreover, this is powerful evidence that suggests that there is an energetic structure which our ‘material bodies’ align with, because that is one of the only logical explanations for how Vittorio Michelli’s hip bone knew exactly which shape to grow back into unless there was some sort of energetic blueprint which was instructing its growth, which as the Vatican’s Medical Commission clearly stated, was “unknown in the annals of world medicine.”
In medicine, maybe this was unknown, but the same cannot be said for physics. At the atomic level atoms bond with one another to form molecules which have specific geometric structures as if there is an energetic blueprint which they are adhering to which dictates the shapes they maintain together.
If our bodies are a projection of consciousness, then our consciousness would create an energetic blueprint which our atoms and molecules align with to create our bodies. There is highly suggestive evidence of the existence of this energetic blueprint (or human energy field) in the new research on DNA which proves that it transmits, receives, and thus reads energy directly from the field.
Michelli’s case is a perfect example of our human ability to re-organize that vacuum structure with our energy and intentions, and thus manifest what we desire directly out of the field for truly miraculous results. The fact that he started to feel better and started to believe that he was healed is, I suggest, the key to his healing.
Some may want to stick with the belief that God healed this man, and I would agree to you. But you and I would probably disagree on the nature of this God. For I contend that you are god, as are we all, because the force we call God is the energy and infinite consciousness behind creation, and thus when we tap into ourselves as pure consciousness, i.e. without thought through meditation, then we open ourselves to the infinitude of our own awareness because we inseparably are that infinite creative consciousness. We are it and it is us.
And when we open up to that energy, we allow ourselves to be flooded with a “powerful sense of well-being” and knowing which has astounding power to create reality, and directly affects our biology.

The Body as a Projection of Consciousness

I want you to really internalize the understanding that reality is flashing in and out of form. This is absolutely crucial in understanding our ability to heal, because if half of the time we are formless, then (1) Who are we really, because obviously our bodies and the material world is illusory to a degree; and (2) What is the blueprint which is guiding the rearrangement of our bodies each time we quite literally re-materialize?
The answer to both questions would be consciousness. Our bodies are a holographic projection of our consciousness, and they are the sum total of our beliefs about ourselves. If we can change our beliefs about ourselves, and thus if we can change the energy that defines our human energy field, then we can change the energetic blueprint which our body aligns with as it re-materializes back into form 1044 times per second.
(The exact structure and dynamics of our consciousness which make us both a fractal and holographic expression of this infinite God-consciousness can be found in Nassim Haramein’s Holofractographic Universe theory, and in his work Crossing the Event Horizon.)
Deepak Chopra told a story that illustrates this perfectly in his book, How to Know God. A friend of his injured his foot while working out in a gym because he was unaccustomed to using one of the machines and strained it. The pain in his foot increased over the next few days, and he found it increasingly difficult to walk, so upon “medical examination it was found that he had a common ailment known as planar fasciitis, in which the connecting tissue between the heel and the front of the foot had been stretched or torn.” (How to Know God, p.221)
His friend decided not to have surgery and instead to tough it out, but in time he found it so painful and difficult to walk that he sought out a Chinese Healer in desperation. This Chinese man was ordinary by appearance, and gave “no evidence of being mystical or spiritual, or in any way gifted in healing.” The injured friend of Deepak Chopra continues:
“After gently feeling my foot, he stood up and made a few signs in the air behind my spine. He never actually touched me, and when I asked what he was doing, he simply said he was turning some switches in my energy field. He did this for a minute or so and then asked me to stand up. I did, and there was no sensation of pain, not the slightest. You have to remember that I had limped in, barely able to walk.”
He continues:
“In complete amazement I asked him what he had done. He told me that the body was an image projected by the mind, and in a state of health the mind keeps this image intact and balanced. However, injury and pain can cause us to withdraw our attention from the affected spot. In that case, the body image starts to deteriorate; its energy patterns become impaired, unhealthy. So the healer restores the correct pattern – this is done instantly, on the spot – after which the patient’s own mind takes responsibility for maintaining it that way.” (How to Know God, p.222)
This story has fascinated and inspired me ever since I heard it. As we have seen, reality is flashing in and out of existence innumerable times every second, oscillating between form and formlessness, and quantum physics knows that our thoughts and beliefs influence the quantum reality which is the source of the material world. Therefore it is only natural to assume an energetic and formless source for all of creation, including our physicality.
I think it is absolutely clear that we must start to consider ourselves as more than a physical body. In truth it is much more coherent to think of ourselves as a luminous energy field organizing ourselves in a body, or as pure consciousness manifesting and temporarily experiencing this level of reality through our bodies. New evidence is clearly illustrating that our mind is non-local and is independent of the brain, which means it doesn’t need the brain, or the body for that matter, to exist.[1]
We are so much more than we think we are, and infinitely more than we have been lead to believe. The next step that we have to take, moreover, the next step in our human evolution now involves us learning how to use and hone this power we have to influence reality and literally manifest anything we want directly out of the field, from a new hip, to perhaps better eyesight, or a fit and healthy body, all the way to a new life.
But how is this done?

Healing Your Field, Healing Your Body

To heal, all that we need to do is purify our energy so that the energetic projection of our body is unobstructed. Then our atoms and molecules can align perfectly to this structure because there is no energetic interference to disrupt the image of our body as projected by our consciousness.
We do this by getting in the gap between our thoughts, where our beliefs no longer affect our reality, for, when we are not thinking, we are also free of beliefs and expectations. And by doing this we are aligning ourselves with universal principles, and matching our energy with the energies coming directly from the field of all-possibility – those high frequency energies of love, kindness, inspiration, passion, joy, and so on.
The first step is to consider the possibility that we are not only energy, but that there is infinite energy all around us which we can consciously tap into to promote healing in our body and mind, to become a more happy, healthy, vibrant and creative being. As soon as you start to connect to the infinite energy of creation and your own true nature as formless energy, then you start to become aware of these energies in your body which returns the projection of your body to its natural state.
The projection of your body can only be disrupted by a disturbance in your energy field – your consciousness – caused by unbalanced thoughts and emotions, and limiting beliefs. Our luminous energy field is naturally vibrant, and our energy naturally flows unhindered as a powerful stream of consciousness, but the lower levels of consciousness, which we have been conditioned to live in as part of our social indoctrination, disrupt this flow which if left unhindered would express its perfection everywhere.
Another key concept to understand is that your body is always regenerating. In a talk of Deepak Chopra’s that I listened to, he pointed out that atoms do not age. They do not die, and the same atoms that existed at the big bang around 14 billion years ago exist to this day, some of which are even within you.
Every year 98% of the atoms in your body are exchanged for ‘new’ atoms. You are constantly dying, and being reborn, and literally transforming at the atomic and molecular levels. Every three days you have a new stomach lining, every month you have new skin, every three months you have a new skeleton. And every year you have almost an entirely new body (Deepak Chopra from Living Beyond Miracles with Wayne Dyer).
Deepak Chopra described it beautifully by saying that our atoms “are like migrating birds”. They are not permanent, they are completely independent, and are drifting through space and time and merely being organized into structures such as our bodies by none other than our energy field which organizes them as a magnetic field organizes metal filings, only slightly more complex.
What more proof do we need in order to start looking at our bodies differently, and in general looking at the mechanism of health itself in a new light?
None of the raw materials that form your physical body age, moreover, they are constantly changing. Therefore I ask this of you. Is it really you that is changing? And what is the force that organizes these atoms and molecules back where they are supposed to be, and makes sure that they perfectly and harmoniously continue to do their jobs even while your cells and atoms are migrating by the billions?
Your body is not the real you. Your body is merely a projection of what you believe yourself to be. If you could discover that you are pure consciousness, and that who you really are is an infinite creative awareness that is manifesting reality and co-creating reality with other aspects of yourself (because every being is an expression of the infinite universal consciousness we have labelled as God), then you can start to take complete control over your body, your health, and your life.
Chronic pain, disease, illness, or the old injuries that you have in your body are not actually in your body, they are in your mind. More specifically, they are a function of your perception. Your atoms are always changing, and your molecules are too, but as new atoms come and as new molecules are formed, and as you flash in and out of existence, your energetic field is telling them where to go, what to do, and how to align with one another.
Therefore, you are holding disease, illness, pain, and injuries within your consciousness, and thus, they are imprinted in your energetic field, and only then do they proceed to manifest in your physiology.
If this is the case, then not only is our health completely under our willful control, but the rate at which we age may even be under our control as well. Now I am not suggesting that we can be immortal, because we already are as infinite beings of consciousness. What I am suggesting is that in a time long forgotten, and in the near future, human beings have had and will realize again the ability to live from this field, and live consciously from their nature as luminous beings of pure energy.
At that time human beings will realize that the body is a manifestation of our highest self, and we can not only consciously manifest anything in life, but anything in our bodies as well. And one day we will reach a point where we can continually regenerate our bodies at will because we live from the field of infinite energy, and thus our bodies simply operate at a higher frequency so that we can live in them until our work is completed and we choose to move on.
Fantastic? Yes. But these changes are noticeable within the human body and mind even after a little bit of practice and training, so decide to feel and experience it for yourself, and learn how to meditate. This is what evidence is clearly suggesting and my own experience also indicates to be true. The only hindrance to tapping into this nature of the universe is your own conscious awareness, your level of attention, and your beliefs.
Our ability to heal is directly related to our level of attention and our level of belief. For example we can heal ourselves of any affliction, illness, disease, or injury that is possible so long as we have absolute certainty, a knowing, that we will be healed. This is directly achieved by accessing the most fundamental level of reality through deep meditation.
This is because at the fundamental level of reality, anything is possible, and the restructuring of reality is dictated entirely by our beliefs and expectations. We are pure energy, and there is infinite potential in that energy. It is entirely up to us what we choose to manifest out of the field in our lives and in our bodies.
You have no limitations, and nothing is impossible. It is only your beliefs which dictate what you can and cannot do.
“Miracles happen, not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.” – St. Augustine

About the Author
 West is the creator of Project Global Awakening. A website dedicated to the research of a variety of scientific and spiritual disciplines, and applying that knowledge to help you live an inspired life and change the world. Follow Project Global Awakening on Facebook, and Twitter.
 – [1] Exploring the Nature of Mind and our Holographic Brain, from http://www.projectglobalawakening.com/2014/03/29/nature-of-mind/

source- http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/04/16/proof-human-body-projection-consciousness/

среда, 1. јул 2015.

Život je vibracija

Život je vibracija

Čuveni njemački psiholog, Ridiger Dalke, kaže da čovjek kao dijete raste na tjelesnom nivou, a kada tjelesno odraste, treba nastaviti da raste duhovno, no on nesvjesno zaustavlja svoj program rasta (širenja) i javlja se bolest kao odgovor, poruka duše.
Kada odrastemo, naš izbor širenja obično pada na širenje i potvrđivanje u materijalnom smislu. Činjenica da postajemo netolerantni i ograničeni svojim fosiliziranim uvjerenjima potvrđuje da smo zaustavili tok duhovnog rasta.
Visok tlak je reakcija centra (srca) koji poručuje da živimo pod pritiskom i da trebamo nešto popustiti, olabaviti, da smo emocionalno blokirani, no mi odlazimo doktoru koji samo gasi kontrolnu lampicu koja upozorava na problem, ali ne otklanja glavni kvar.
Rak, kao pošast novog doba, je vezan za destruktivan odnos prema sebi i razvijanje programa samouništenja, on je možda najdestruktivni odgovor na zaustavljanje duhovnog rasta.
Bubrezi i drugi parni organi su vezani za ravnotežu i odnose sa drugima, vještinu balansiranja između dvije krajnosti. Mnogi od nas nemaju razvijenu svijest o potrebama drugih i kroz odnose su vođeni egom, potrebom da nešto dobiju, a manje potrebom da daju. Ovo je posebno izraženo kroz konzumaciju seksa na način da se “objektu” prilazi sa ciljem da se dobije zadovoljstvo, a zanemaruju se drugi aspekti.
Osoba koja pristaje na neki kompenzacijski odnos, ja tebi seks, ti meni novac (tzv. sponzoruše), imaju razvijen program samouništenja, isto kao i osobe koje ulaze u komplicirane, paralelne ljubavne veze sa zauzetim osobama.
Svaka blokada je poruka kontrolne lampice da postoji kvar na aparatu i ne smijemo je ignorirati. Naša duša konstantno reagira na različite načine.
Loše i nerazjašnjene ljubavne veze mogu biti posljedica različitih uvjerenja o samom sebi, od uvjerenja da nismo vrijedni ljubavi do nesposobnosti da se bezuslovno voli i daje, straha da ćemo biti odbačeni i sl., i predstavljaju impuls, potrebu za otvaranjem i duhovnim širenjem.
Alternativne veze u kojima te šupljine kompenziramo seksom, poklonima i sl., su katastrofalni izlazi, gubici energije i najbolji način koroziranja duha, sa općim osjećajem nezadovoljstva. Žene često biraju alternativne odnose i postaju ljubavnice oženjenim muškarcima, jer sebe pogrešno vrednuju, kroz neko destruktivno uvjerenje stvoreno na osnovu neuspješnog odnosa ili se vuče iz ranog djetinjstva, do te mjere da počinje vjerovati da ne zaslužuje bolje od toga da bude alternativa oženjenom muškarcu.
Na božanskom nivou, ne postoji bezvrijedna duša,
Bog se ne bavi stvaranjem besmislenih pojava.
Čovjek koji u sebi ne vidi neki smisao, je velika tuga za Boga. I kada smisao svog postojanja prebaci na jednu osobu, stvar, novac i sl., on postaje izgubljen
i rezultat je patnja.
Patnja je odraz neznanja.
Ako uzmemo Boga kao referentnu točku, (ne kao neku natprirodnu pojavu), kao centar svog Bića, mi u svakom trenutku možemo znati da li smo na ispravnom putu, kroz refleksiju božanskog u nama.
Ako mi patimo, pati i Bog, ako se smijemo, i on se smije.
Mi smo odvojeni nedostatkom svijesti, paravanom neznanja, od onoga što je oduvijek u nama i za čime tragamo na pogrešnom mjestu.
Zato pogrešno vrednujemo sebe: u odnosu na ono što imamo, u odnosu na kvalitet veze, u odnosu na izvanjske faktore, umjesto da zagrebemo prema unutra i pustimo bljesak koji će sagoriti sva ta uvjerenja.
Nekima je prosto nezamislivo da se osjećaju sretno ili ispunjeno bez partnera i stvaraju duboki jaz straha unutar sebe, jer žive u stalnom strahu da ga neće pronaći ili ako ga pronađu da bi mogli ostati bez njega. Ljudi svaku priliku doživljavaju kao potencijalni gubitak i zato ne mogu uživati u sadašnjem trenutku, jer im Strah to ne dozvoljava. Taj gubitnički stav se stalno multiplicira na milijun različitih adresa, na naše stanice i s vremenom vodi ka materijalizaciji kroz bolest, nezadovoljstvo, neispunjenost i sl.
Ideja duhovnog rasta je za mnoge odbojna, jer podrazumijeva reprogramiranje odnosa prema životu, uživanjima, novcu i sl. i zato nije tako masovna pojava. Međutim, to je samo zamka, iluzija Ega koji želi zadržati vlast.
Ideja duhovnog rasta prije svega podrazumijeva reprogramiranje odnosa prema glavnom autoritetu, a to je prebacivanje težišta sa Straha na Ljubav. Jer, dokle god Strah ima dominaciju, mi ćemo svijet promatrati kroz aspekt tijela i grabežljivog skupljanja, prisvajanja i nastojati da grčevito zadržimo za sebe sve čega se dokopamo. Kako je naš osnovni program “zadržavanje” tako nismo u stanju otpustiti ništa, pa ni ono što nam nanosi štetu.
S druge strane, Ljubav djeluje kroz prizmu otpuštanja, davanja, širenja, kroz nju je nemoguće biti surovo bolestan, pohlepan, zavidan, netolerantan i ograničen.
Pitanje je zašto većina ljudi živi pod programom Straha?
Zato što Strah djeluje kroz mehanizam Uma.
On ne može ući u srce.
Anahata (srčana čakra) u prevodu znači “netaknuto”, nju ne dodiruje ni strah ni mržnja, niti ikakvo zlo.
Svo zlo je rezultat Uma, Ega i Straha.
Većina ljudi živi u ogromnom strahu zato što je otcijepljena svojom nesvjesnošću (neznanjem) od vlasitog Centra (srca) i tako zarobljena Umom, koji je pun programa.
Um je podložan svakojakim programima kojima smo izloženi na globalnom nivou, od onih koji vladaju svijetom.
Ali, ljudi Srca nisu podložni takvim programima,
i ovaj svijet opstaje zahvaljujući malom broju ljudi koji su Ljubav u ljudskom obličju.
