недеља, 25. август 2013.

Mother ship Earth moving deeper and deeper into the vortex energy….

source :  http://judithkusel.wordpress.com/2013/08/25/mother-ship-earth-moving-deeper-and-deeper-into-the-vortex-energy/

Mother ship Earth moving deeper and deeper into the vortex energy….

Moving into the massive Vortex on Mother ship Earth
In the midst of earth and cosmic whole there is intense flux and there is a moving, a creation and re-creation going on which is beyond the scope of what has happened over millions of light years and now culmination into a new rebirthing and a new re-creational order of life itself.
As the planet is and never was an entity on her own, her own rebirth and re-emergence is therefore now happening and there is not form of life on and within her which will go untouched. She is moving in higher state of Being, as this whole solar system and Universe is being transformed. Our sun is being transformed and the great Sun too. So there is not one particle how small or big which is not being transformed in its own essence.
This is not the first time the planet and greater cosmic whole has gone through massive transformations like this – it has happened before and therefore one must understand that in essence all the souls who are now in this planet KNEW this before they were born. They also knew that the old order would disintegrate and that a new one would be formed and will emerge as there has to be a new 72 000 year cycle and with it a new way of life.
In this one has to understand that all souls, in some measure have trigger mechanisms deeply ingrained and built into them. Some have prepared this planet for this shift through a number of lifetimes, working in tandem with other souls from their own soul group, and then now having returned to see this work to completion.
Sometimes ideas or concepts were brought to fore in a form when the planet had slipped into forgetfulness, and the majority were not prepared as yet for the changes. Often they were persecuted, or burnt or simply cast out of society, because what they were trying to bring across was not understood and what is not understood is feared and what is feared is then cast out or exterminated. However, the concept will move forward and on, until those are not able to suppress or stem the tide anymore.
At this moment there are two major forces at work and this need to be understood in order for the rest to be understood:
1. The ancients worked with two powers and one of these was the vortex sound energies, which emitted sound. These vortex energy centers were essential to the greater well being of both the planet and masses. It was controlled by those who used this for the greater good of all at the time. And this energy is now making itself felt again, in ways which most human beings still do not understand. They stand in front of stone emitting sound frequencies and energies and measure them and look at them from all angles, wondering how they got there and were assembled, when they fail to HEAR the messages and songs these stones are singing. LITERALLY SINGING for they are emitted messages from the stars and relaying them, for they are TRANSMITTERS of cosmic energies, and are reactivated by the vortex energies.
2. The pyramids and such-like structures were never used as tombs or whatever other purposes, than ENERGY places and higher healing and energy transmitting stations.
3. The human body is undergoing immense changes at this time, and therefore the entire old karmic residue, the unbalanced emotions and all the old stuck patterns which were created over thousands of years, and often by the self-same souls now returned, have to be dissolved. There is reluctance on the part of some to let go of spouses, or others whom they have trodden a long path with. However, if the soul is not free and thus tied down by those who are not as evolved or as tune-in as they themselves are, and then such relationships are not serving their highest soul purpose anymore. Some like to brag about the fact that they have withstood all the storms for many years – when in reality this is a sham and the relationship is shaking and disintegrating at the seams. Now is the time, when those foundations will truly crumble and disintegrate, for what is not authentic and real, no matter how much glue is used, will just disappear. It is to free these souls up to move into a new reality where a new way of relating and loving is now being born and this is essentially a totally new way of life and living. Why cling to the old when the new is being born?
4. Never underestimate the power of your own soul to guide you home to the truth and to the heart of whom and what you are. It is your own heart and soul that are connected to the Over soul and the Divine Blueprint for your life. Even if you have lived your life a certain way for 50 or so years, it does not mean that you have done and lived it all and know it all. Far from it – it is now that you are only getting activated to the fullest, and therefore what served you even five years ago, is no longer serving you now. Be prepared for all to dissolve and move into something totally new.
See this as a portal in cosmic time having opened up, and spaceship earth, like a great Mother ship, moving into a new galaxy which it has never explored before and therefore now moving into life and life forms and coming across such as she has never encountered before. Therefore and she, and those abroad her are moving deeper and deeper into the new they find that their old tools, the old way of thinking, feeling and being of nil and void in this new space. Therefore they now have to adapt and create a totally new of life, and invent new tools and new ways of living, relating and being.
See yourself as pioneers, as adventurers and then just go with the flow. Stay firmly centered and anchored in the heart and let the mind not lead you astray.
Hone into your inner guidance system – it is true and the greatest instrument of navigation you have and know that the art of moving into the new, is to be open to re-create, to re-think and re-love and re-invent a totally new life and new way living.
This is the greatest moment of time-travelling, of being a pioneer explorer into the infinite new space being opened up now with this massive vortex the planet is now moving deeper and deeper into.
All is disintegrating at its seams, but the new – the new is being created and what a journey of exploration this is!
(Judith Kusel)

четвртак, 22. август 2013.

"The Recalibration of GAIA"

source: http://americankabuki.blogspot.com/2013/08/kryon-recalibration-of-gaia.html

"The Recalibration of GAIA"

As channelled by Lee Carroll for KryonThis live channelling was Given in Melbourne, Australia
March 18, 2012

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Melbourne, Australia 2012.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The family before me is known and I will say it yet again, that there is no mystery about who sits here and who may be listening or eventually who may be reading. It comes together in a timeless state, which is not the reality that you share at this moment. It's a reality that I have of a timeless place in a quantum state filled with the potentials of those I know who will hear and read this message. So, although it may seem for you in the room to be now, it is all now for me.

I wish I could take you back several thousand years. Slowly, as the time goes backwards, the buildings would disappear and everything would be reduced to dirt, and the indigenous would show themselves. If you took a look at what the indigenous were doing then, they had two things that they emphasized and two things that occupied all that was important to them. The first was the honoring of their ancestors, and the second was the honoring of Gaia.

The energies of the indigenous were focused on the land, but not just a land that would give them water or food, but the actual energy of the dirt of the earth. Many of you know of what I speak if you have studied their lives. It is no different from the indigenous all over Earth, for this was intuitive that Gaia is the energy of what you would call Mother Earth, and it was aligned with humanity in a society that was not nearly as complex as yours is now. Instead, they experienced the overwhelming energies of being in alliance with the planet and with those ancestors who had gone before.

I tell you this because the object of the lesson this day is how that alliance is still alive and changing. You may not see as they did, but the alliance is still there and it's there in ways that are mysterious to you. I'm going to help clear this up, and describe the system and how it all works. So do not be shocked or surprised if I start at the molecular level of the Human Being. I have to, for therein lie the mysteries.

The Connection Between Gaia and the Human 

Here is the premise, dear ones: "As goes consciousness, goes Gaia. As goes Gaia, goes DNA." There is a partnership involved that is more than you think. The indigenous did not pray for rain. They did not pray for good crops and did not worship any deity. In their reality, they felt the planet and they knew that it was part of them. It was all there was. So they were always one with the planet, and the appearance of rain and crops were an alliance with Gaia, and they used ceremonies of alignment, not prayers of asking. If they didn't get what they wanted, they knew they were out of alignment. You are missing that attribute today, but the process of this alignment is still alive and it still works.

Let us speak of DNA yet again. The DNA molecule sits there and is unique. It is unique to all things, for there is a complement of divinity in it that the animals do not have. There are certain animals that have so many things - there are even animals designed to reincarnate, specific ones that do so for you as Humans. Yet they do not have souls as you, and they do not have the divine spark that you do. Their cycle is a cycle of love to support you.

The Reincarnation of Pets - A Gaia System

I speak now of something that I rarely speak of and you should know this: All of the systems of the planet revolve around you. This is a support system for Human Beings to make their lives easier and better as Gaia responds to what they give it. If you love an animal, you probably are aware that the animal's life is short - too short. Let me give you some information, and if you believe that this channelling is real, then believe this: Those animals that you fall in love with will come back to you. The very soul continues the love affair and, if you want to, it is there for you to find again - and that is a compassionate support system that honors that divinity inside a Human. Did you know that in your DNA is a quantum attribute that we have discussed for many years? My partner spoke of it just yesterday.

DNA Has a Quantum Field

Science is starting to see that it is it possible that the DNA molecule has attributes that actually give information to the spin of quantum structure in the Universe. So this means that DNA is a quantum engine. But now I wish to expand that picture for you, for DNA does not sit alone. It is a family, and in the Human body that family is more than 100 trillion strong in one Human Being. But you have the puzzle before you that science has never even looked at: How does DNA all "know" together? At the moment, science does not even see the need to study communication between DNA molecules. They haven't seen the field yet; they haven't seen the structure yet; and they haven't seen the shadows yet. [From Lee: The "shadows of the atom" were discovered one month after this channelling.]

DNA must work together in the Human body for the intelligence of what we call the innate of the Human body to function. All of DNA must work as one. From the top of your head to your toes, these molecules must act as one set of instructions. This is unique information, and there is no other Human Being on the planet that has your DNA. Therefore, you must acknowledge that there is something that must happen within your body that connects all DNA together. Otherwise, you could not function.

There must be communication between DNA molecules. This is where the genes are produced, and this is where the information is that is your Higher-Self. This is the Akashic Record and it must all vibrate together as one, trillions of parts as one. So we say it to you, for physicists to see, and for them to understand finally that the Human Being has DNA that is in an entangled state*. That is to say it is locked into one state and the parts behave as one.

The Entangled DNA of the Human Body

There is an attribute of physics that has not been seen or discussed yet and I give it here for the first time so you will understand a little bit more about how it works. But more than that, when it is discovered you will remember where you heard it. If you have multiple quantum fields around molecules, that means that they must overlap. So the fields overlap one another and you already have the science that shows you what happens - multiple overlapping magnetic fields occur. Magnetics is a quantum energy, so the results of the DNA are similar. There's magic that takes place, which even science does not understand, called inductance. In your everyday life, you see this when you look at the magnetic field of the sun, which is called the heliosphere (solar wind), interfering with the magnetic field of the earth, which is the magnetic grid. You get sparks! The Aurora Borealis. That is what happens when magnetic fields overlap. In this state, information is transmitted, and in electronics this attribute is well known and used every day.

Now, if you were then to have not a magnetic field, but a quantum field around every molecule, I will tell you that you don't get sparks, you get a designer entangled state. Overlapping quantum fields are attributes that have not yet been studied, recognized, or measured. When they do, they will see the mechanics of an entangled state that then creates an overall field that is much larger around the Human Being. What might be in that field around the Human Being, which is measured at 8 meters wide? And, has it ever been seen? The answer is yes! You'll find it in your scriptures, the old ones in Second Kings [Holy Bible]. For again we say it was Elisha who saw the master Elijah ascend of his own will, and on the ground his field glowed. It illuminated and he left the planet in a bubble of light, a vehicle that took him. Elisha named the vehicle (in Hebrew), which means "to ride." It became the Merkabah. So now you have a name for it, and one that is recognized not only by the ancients in spiritual lands, but also to this day by those who see it with second sight. It is the quantum field of the Human Being - the Merkabah.

So the Merkabah is really a quantum field, and this field is filled with information. The information that it is filled with seems to be non-structured to you, but it actually is quite structured as we see it. It is the matrix of the templates of the Human Being himself, and it is ready and waiting to be altered by another quantum field, and that field is called consciousness. Now I haven't mentioned Gaia yet, have I? All of this is leading up to tell you something that I have only hinted at before on how it works.

So there sits the Human Being with all of this intact, which you can't see, that we just tell you about. Intangible, unmeasurable things are laughed at by science. Fields around humans? Next time a scientist starts to walk away from you, ask him for his compassion meter or his anxiety meter or his love meter. What? He doesn't have one? Does that mean none of those chemistry-altering emotions exist? No. Not only do they exist, but yes, they also can be measured, but not yet. Perhaps in the near future, the "what can't be measured, can't exist" paradigm will change.

The Human Quantum Field and the Innate System

Around every single Human Being is a beautiful field that some have even called magic, for in this field is your Akashic Record, and even the attributes of your Higher-Self (soul). It echoes what's inside the DNA molecule itself, and if you had quantum eyes you could look at a Human and read who they were, and who they used to be, and what their issues are. You would see what we would call the innate of the Human Being, the very intelligence of cellular structure. There are those in the room who have that sight, and they are what you would call medical intuitives, past life readers, and more. Healers in this room depend upon this second sight, and they see it around the Human Being. It is no mystery. It's not magic; it's science. I still haven't mentioned Gaia yet, have I? I'm getting there.

The innate of the Human Being is the bridge between the intelligence of your cellular structure (and your DNA) and your 3D Human consciousness. There are those in the room that practice something called kinesiology. Now, kinesiology is a way to talk to innate. The Human Being is smart, but oddly enough, still not smart enough to know what is going on in his own body. We have said it before, and it's a mystery, isn't it? You can have a disease growing in your body right now, yet you're just smiling and having no idea about it until it hurts. Isn't that odd? But innate knows it at the outset.

You might have to use muscle testing (kinesiology) in order to find out what you're allergic to or what's going on in your system - a yes or no process. Isn't it interesting that you have to go through that process to discover what is happening in your own body? So you might say to yourself, "Maybe something is missing? We should be able to know what is happening in our own cellular structure!" You'd be right. Indeed, there should be a bridge between all that information, which is quantum, and your consciousness. You'd be right. I haven't mentioned Gaia yet, have I? And here's where it gets good.

Gaia Energy is Driven by Humanity

Gaia cooperates with humanity. Gaia is always measuring the attributes of group humanity. When there were only a few Human Beings on the planet and when they were in touch with Gaia, Gaia responded. So did your DNA. It took its cue from Gaia in how well it worked. DNA, which is the blueprint of a Human, is designed to work with Gaia, and Gaia is designed to be reactive to Human consciousness. They are a closed system, and one always affects the other.

DNA is designed to give the Human Being a very long life and is also designed for full rejuvenation and self-healing. DNA is designed so that the bridge between you and the innate is always there. Yet that's not the way it is, is it? You've heard of those Human Beings of old who lived a great distance of years? Was that a misprint in scripture? No. So what allowed some Human Beings to actually have more health years back then than now? Was that true about their ages? I will tell you: Yes, it was, and here's why. The field around you and others is so aligned with Gaia that you cooperate and shift according to one another. It's what the ancients knew, and it is why they were one with the planet. This is something that you are going to start discovering as well.

Gaia takes its cue from Human consciousness for the energy to create on the planet. We have told you that for 22 years. It also goes the other way, for your DNA as a whole responds to something called the Crystalline Grid of the planet. It's an esoteric "memory grid" and is the stored energy and events of humanity. We've given you teachings about the Crystalline Grid before, but you might say it is a shell around the dirt of the earth that is not seen but that holds all of the energies and history of anyone who has ever lived on the planet. When you are born, and at your first breath, the quantum field of your humanness looks at the Crystalline Grid and adjusts its efficiency for the energy of the planet. This energy is what humanity has been created in in the time it has been here.

Right now, the energy on this planet is filled with millenniums of war, old energy fighting, machismo, and intolerance. This, then, is what the DNA adjusts to at your birth. Whereas you are designed for 100 percent DNA efficiency, right now it's at 30 percent. And that, dear one, is what is changing, for the DNA is now starting to operate at a higher efficiency because there's a consciousness shift going on. You're seeing it first, of course, with the ones who are currently being born. At their first breath, they're now at 35 percent, and this translates into a Human Being that is far more aware and more conceptual at a far earlier age. It's almost as though they have an instinctual awareness of overall Humanism, instead of having to learn it all over again, as you did.

We have told you about these new children, and that is why your children are so unusual and you know they are. Many in the audience who have grandchildren are really seeing it; the kids are different. So you might say, "Well it's too bad that we can't do that ourselves, raise our DNA efficiency." Well, you can! For the energy of the planet is alert and ready to send the signal to the old soul who starts to understand that they can change their own fields through the templates that float in them, through consciousness, pure intent, and through that which is compassion. You can change the quantum "print" of DNA with compassion! We have said that from the beginning, so let me summarize this in simple words that are not scientific. Go slow, my partner. Make this succinct. [Kryon talking to Lee]

New DNA Adjustment to New Gaia Energy

You're DNA adjusts itself for what has happened on the earth when you're born. It has created a reality for you that you call Human Nature. The earth changes, the Crystalline Grid is actually lifting the veil slightly, and your DNA is starting to respond. The first response will be seen within your children, and they are already coming in with a different conceptual Human attribute. They don't think in the same linear fashion you do. Have you noticed?

This is going to change more and more as time goes by. Eventually, there will be a much more efficient DNA that creates the missing bridge between the innate and the normal Human brain. That means that you will have more intuitive thoughts about what is wrong and right within your own cellular structure. Some of you will discover different eating habits for the first time, and you'll be tuned in to a cellular structure that says, "If I will change this and that, I'm going to live longer." The result will be instinctive eating changes that have no explanation. Innate is starting to communicate.

Habits that you've had for years will start to drop away because your cellular structure will start to help you eliminate them, knowing they don't suit you. Don't be surprised if one of them is overeating and metabolic adjustments to bring your body weight into line without the discomfort of extreme diets. Others are the dropping of substances that you are addicted to, and within that process, an allowance that lets you live much longer.

You will see regeneration of cellular structure that will surprise you. You'll heal faster and you'll know it. You'll start to see a situation where you're less sick than you've ever been in your life. The prevailing 3D wisdom will tell you, "Well, you're older now, so you're going to get sick more." But you won't, and you'll know that something is changing. So what we're saying to you, dear ones, is that you can have the same things that the youngsters have. You will now slowly awaken to a new energy on this planet, which will allow you to live longer. Your DNA is going to start cooperating in a more efficient way. 35 percent? Perhaps even 40 percent, old soul? It's on its way to something far higher.

The prophet Elijah, Jesus, the master Christ, Budda, Mohammad, Paramahansa Yogananda, and many more had DNA working at 90 to 100 percent. All of them chose the way they wished to use it, and you could see it in them and feel it in them. The prophet Elijah chose to leave the planet through an ascended status of his own design and choosing. That's how powerful it is. Jesus the Christ decided to do the same thing in his own way, for the reasons that made sense for those around him, whose DNA was working poorly.

There are energies within the Human Being that are catalysts to enlightenment. One of them is compassion, and you felt it this day, did you not? [speaking of the earlier presentation of the 33 miners story in Chile] It touched your heart. So what would you say was the energy in the room, and what color was it, and how thick was it? Well, many of you would say there was no color at all. Some might ask, "What do you mean by thick, Kryon?"

As you sat there in the chairs, energy sat upon you and you felt your hearts squeezed a little bit. You had empathy for those who got their lives back, and you saw the hearts of relatives filled up to the point of weeping in joy. This is what I speak of - something invisible and yet "thick" with emotion. It is profound what you can create around you that will change lives in the room. Gaia knows you, and every compassionate moment is recorded.

Some of you have come for healing this weekend and I know this. So this would be a very good time to receive it. Those readings are no different, and perhaps you are in the chair for this reason also? There is an entourage here; there is compassion here; there is profundity of old souls here; this is a quantum soup of opportunity, dear one. Why don't you claim it right now - that you're going to rise from that chair of yours and have the seeds planted within you, by your own choice, for the health that you've asked for? Claim the beginning of the healing that you know has always been available, for you are starting to be in touch with the intelligence of your own Merkabah.

Spiritual organizations are filled with miracles. Hospitals are seeing documented results of that which is called spontaneous remission. This is where, suddenly, cellular structure does something that science cannot begin to explain. A total remission of disease occurs, sometimes almost overnight. But I'll tell you what it is: It's DNA temporarily going 100 percent for a moment and cleaning the body of disease. You've seen it, but you just didn't know what it was.

So why don't you do it right now? If you can imagine it, then you can have it. See yourself with pure cellular health. It serves the earth, dear Human Being, for you to live longer than you think you're going to live. We need your light. So why not do it now?

Let all of those in the room join in compassionate consciousness right now in a quantum state that is entangled with all those here and reading, sending the compassion of healing to the ones who need it without even knowing their faces or their names. It's beautiful. Some day you'll see what the ceremony of Human Beings together can do when you all walk out healed! Why not? When you can go to a meeting for half a day and come out younger than you've been - why not? Then you'll start to see all of what I have said today is accurate and true. It is against all logic of prevailing scientific thought, but well within the purview of the love of god.

We leave this place and yet we don't. There'll never be a meeting like this again, with this exact number of souls, with the names that you have, with the Akash you have, so it's a unique meeting much like you are unique. Go from this place different than you came, and know that Kryon does not exist within the Human Being who is sitting on this stage.

Kryon exists in the quantum soup that is God and that walks out with you if you choose. If you choose.

And so it is.


*Entanglement is an attribute of quantum physics that is just now being seen and explored at a macro level. Some kinds of entanglement create "quantum locking" and some do not. In the case of DNA, the information is "locked" between DNA molecules through the quantum attributes of the field.

среда, 21. август 2013.

"Magical" DNA- quantum fields and communication

source: http://americankabuki.blogspot.com.au/2013/08/magical-dna-quantum-fields-and.html

"Magical" DNA- quantum fields and communication

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

"Magical" DNA- quantum fields and communication

I've put together a smorgasbord of articles that we have been reading, re-reading and discussing over the past month or so.  Suddenly more and more of these topics are coming out into the lime light of the almost main stream and main stream media.  Our DNA holds the key to the universe. Literally.

I've posted excerpts of several articles below, with their corresponding links.  Take a wander through the information and ask yourself "What do I know?" then sit back and enjoy the information over load.

Homework:  Look up Melanin - with special attention to neuro melanin- and melatonin.  Connect the dots to the pineal and pituitary factories... I mean, glands. Follow the dots to what "they" don't want you to know and how they've tried to keep you from finding out.

As usual, my comments are in blue.

Can Our DNA Electomagnetically Teleport Itself?

...Essentially, they took two test tubes - one containing a fragment of DNA about 100 bases long, another containing pure water - and isolated them in a chamber that muted the earth’s natural electromagnetic field to keep it from muddying the results. The test tubes were housed within a copper coil emanating a weak electromagnetic field.

Several hours later, the contents of both test tubes were put through polymerase chain reactions to identify any remnants of DNA - a process that subjected the contents to enzymes that would make copies of any DNA fragments they found. According to Montagnier, the DNA was recovered from both tubes even though the second should have only contained water.

Montagnier and his team say this suggests DNA emits its own electromagnetic signals that imprint the DNA’s structure on other molecules (like water).

Ostensibly this means DNA can project itself from one cell to the next, where copies could be made - something like quantum teleportation of genetic material, a notion that is spooky on multiple levels.


DNA Discoveries - Gregg Braden

These were experiments done by the military. Leukocytes (white blood cells) were collected for DNA from donors and placed into chambers so they could be measure electrical changes. In this experiment, the donor was placed in one room and subjected to "emotional stimulation" consisting of video clips, which generated different emotions in the donor. The DNA was placed in a different room in the same building. Both the donor and his DNA were monitored and as the donor exhibited emotional peaks or valleys (measured by electrical responses), the DNA exhibited the IDENTICAL RESPONSES AT THE EXACT SAME TIME. There was no lag time, no transmission time. The DNA peaks and valleys EXACTLY MATCHED the peaks and valleys of the donor in time.

The military wanted to see how far away they could separate the donor from his DNA and still get this effect. They stopped testing after they separated the DNA and the donor by 50 miles and STILL had the SAME result. No lag time; no transmission time.

The DNA and the donor had the same identical responses in time. What can this mean?

Gregg Braden says it means that living cells communicate through a previously unrecognized form of energy. This energy is not affected by time and distance. This is a non-local form of energy, an energy that already exists everywhere, all the time.



The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of DNA.

In brief, the bottom line was: "Living chromosomes function just like a holographic computer, using endogenous DNA laser radiation."

This means that they managed, for example, to modulate certain frequency patterns (sound) onto a laser-like ray, which then influenced the DNA frequency -- and thus altered the genetic information itself.

Since the basic structures of DNA-alkaline pairs and language (as explained earlier) are similar, no DNA decoding is necessary. One can simply use words and sentences of the human language!
This, too, was experimentally proven. Living DNA substance (in living tissue, not in vitro) will always react to laser beams that have been modulated by language, and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies (sound) are being used.

This scientifically explains why affirmations, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects on humans and their bodies. It is entirely normal and natural for our DNA to react to language....


[This is the same problem we have with Masaru Emoto's experiments where water freezes into beautiful crystals in the presence of positive emotional energy and / or creates discordant structures in the presence of negative emotional energy -- as featured in "What the Bleep Do We Know" and other sources.

Some of these experiments involve water that was stored in tubes with writing on them that said "I love you" or "I hate you."

We have not yet seen conclusive evidence that Emoto has found a way to insure that the person operating the microscope, observing and photographing the crystals as they form, isn't mentally affecting how the water crystallizes in real time, thus producing the desired results with his / her own intent.


The Emoto experiment with sound, emotions and water crystals is an interesting one.  My husband and I discussed this for quite a while - using the choices of music as a basis, and I have to agree with Nick: if the scientist doing the study loves classical music and hates hard rock, then quantum physics supports the theory that his intense emotional response to the types of music used in the experiment would absolutely effect the final outcome of the experiment!  Our question is:  Did he have people with different tastes in music do the experiment?  Did he have someone who loves heavy metal music test his theory about the effects of sound on water crystals?  Or someone who loves fusion jazz?  Compared to someone who loves Mozart? 

The Law of Vibration

The Law of vibration might not be as well known as the Law of Attraction. However - the Law of Vibration serves as the foundation for the Law of Attraction.
To understand this it is important to know that everything is energy. Science, through Quantum Physics, is showing us that everything in our universe is energy.
When we go down on a sub-atomic level we do not find matter, but pure energy. Some called this the unified field or the matrix. Others talk about pure potentiality - all being energy

Everything vibrates

This Universal Law states that everything in the Universe moves and vibrates - everything is vibrating at one speed or another. Nothing rests. Everything you see around you is vibrating at one frequency or another and so are you. However your frequency is different from other things in the universe - hence it seems like you are separated from what you see around you - people, animals, plants, trees and so on. BUT you are not separated - you are in fact living in an ocean of energy - we all are. We are all connected at the lowest level - a level professor John Hagelin calls the unified field.


Colours of Sound and Light: Energy, Frequency and Vibration

...Consciousness Layers Reveal Significance

Every layer of consciousness above the lesser ones, has the awareness of all the lower-level layers too. For example, when we are trapped in a traffic jam, we feel much like part of a herd. We are feeling the layer of Stimulus Response. Yet when we are feeling like we are an individual, there is an extreme difference in our awareness. This understanding of higher levels of consciousness is very important. The importance lies within the fact that Consciousness is the Source of Everything and we have the awareness of every layer of consciousness in existence. This is significant because it allows us the privilege to attract and to attach to any energy field. We have the ability to vibrate at different frequencies and manifest different energy fields into matter depending on our level of consciousness.


Using the principle of resonance, we can actually increase the speed at which the energy field of our bodies and minds vibrates, through higher frequency thoughts of love, joy and gratitude and accessing even higher consciousness states via meditation.  Modern science demonstrates that when pure energy slows down, lower dimensional matter is created; conversely when the vibration field speeds up, the higher dimensions of consciousness can be accessed.  And the higher our consciousness is raised, the closer to the Source we become.  “In the beginning was the Word”, the primordial vibration of sound and light, which according to thousands of years old Vedic science resonates to different phonetic sounds at different levels including the original “Aum”!

This is a channeled message by Kryon (yea, I know, I don't usually post channeled messages, but this one from 2 years ago jumped out at AK and I with it's relevance to our current discussions)

DNA Has a Quantum Field

Science is starting to see that it is it possible that the DNA molecule has attributes that actually give information to the spin of quantum structure in the Universe. So this means that DNA is a quantum engine. But now I wish to expand that picture for you, for DNA does not sit alone. It is a family, and in the Human body that family is more than 100 trillion strong in one Human Being. But you have the puzzle before you that science has never even looked at: How does DNA all "know" together? At the moment, science does not even see the need to study communication between DNA molecules. They haven't seen the field yet; they haven't seen the structure yet; and they haven't seen the shadows yet. [From Lee: The "shadows of the atom" were discovered one month after this channelling.]

DNA must work together in the Human body for the intelligence of what we call the innate of the Human body to function. All of DNA must work as one. From the top of your head to your toes, these molecules must act as one set of instructions. This is unique information, and there is no other Human Being on the planet that has your DNA. Therefore, you must acknowledge that there is something that must happen within your body that connects all DNA together. Otherwise, you could not function.

There must be communication between DNA molecules. This is where the genes are produced, and this is where the information is that is your Higher-Self. This is the Akashic Record and it must all vibrate together as one, trillions of parts as one. So we say it to you, for physicists to see, and for them to understand finally that the Human Being has DNA that is in an entangled state*. That is to say it is locked into one state and the parts behave as one.

The Entangled DNA of the Human Body

There is an attribute of physics that has not been seen or discussed yet and I give it here for the first time so you will understand a little bit more about how it works. But more than that, when it is discovered you will remember where you heard it. If you have multiple quantum fields around molecules, that means that they must overlap. So the fields overlap one another and you already have the science that shows you what happens - multiple overlapping magnetic fields occur.

Magnetics is a quantum energy, so the results of the DNA are similar. There's magic that takes place, which even science does not understand, called inductance. In your everyday life, you see this when you look at the magnetic field of the sun, which is called the heliosphere (solar wind), interfering with the magnetic field of the earth, which is the magnetic grid. You get sparks! The Aurora Borealis. That is what happens when magnetic fields overlap. In this state, information is transmitted, and in electronics this attribute is well known and used every day.

Now, if you were then to have not a magnetic field, but a quantum field around every molecule, I will tell you that you don't get sparks, you get a designer entangled state. Overlapping quantum fields are attributes that have not yet been studied, recognized, or measured. When they do, they will see the mechanics of an entangled state that then creates an overall field that is much larger around the Human Being. What might be in that field around the Human Being, which is measured at 8 meters wide? And, has it ever been seen? The answer is yes! You'll find it in your scriptures, the old ones in Second Kings [Holy Bible]. For again we say it was Elisha who saw the master Elijah ascend of his own will, and on the ground his field glowed. It illuminated and he left the planet in a bubble of light, a vehicle that took him. Elisha named the vehicle (in Hebrew), which means "to ride." It became the Merkabah. So now you have a name for it, and one that is recognized not only by the ancients in spiritual lands, but also to this day by those who see it with second sight. It is the quantum field of the Human Being - the Merkabah.

So the Merkabah is really a quantum field, and this field is filled with information. The information that it is filled with seems to be non-structured to you, but it actually is quite structured as we see it. It is the matrix of the templates of the Human Being himself, and it is ready and waiting to be altered by another quantum field, and that field is called consciousness. Now I haven't mentioned Gaia yet, have I? All of this is leading up to tell you something that I have only hinted at before on how it works....


And of course, the work of GW Hardin on the subject of DNA, frequencies and quantum fields is beyond excellent and incredibly eye/mind opening!!  GW.... I hope you have a chance to read this compendium of articles that I've put together here.  My DNA is exploding with excitement right now- at this moment of NOW.


...Out of Germany comes the equally mind-boggling work with DNA by theoretical physicist Fritz-Albert Popp, PhD. His work with studying how the DNA of living cells stores and releases photons led Popp to the conclusion that “We now know, today, that man is essentially a being of light.” From the work done by Popp, he keyed the term “biophotons” to differentiate the astounding implications of ordinary light versus biophotonic light, or what others call “higher-dimensional light.” Not only does living DNA communicate with other DNA in the body with these biophotons, it also has the capability of communicating to other bodies, and even other lifeforms.

What I find particularly interesting, as you shall see, is that Popp was able to determine that DNA could send out a wide range of frequencies, so much so, that it looks like DNA is the “master tuning fork of the whole body.” In a wonderful article written by Dan Eden on ViewZone.com—“Is DNA the Next Internet”—he combines the findings of Popp and Garjajev in making a strong case that all of humanity is swimming in an ocean of light. So why don’t we see it?...

....The structure of the DNA molecule—the double helix, chromatin fibers, solenoids, and the hollow tube—all contribute to this fractal structure acting like an antenna capable of responding to frequencies of a wide range.

Blank concludes, “In a nutshell, the human body is constructed with a fractal antenna inside each and every cell, which responds to the entire range of frequencies on the EMF spectrum!” This is far-reaching in it’s implications as we shall see in section three.

Blank notes, in parallel fashion to the findings of Dr. Konstantin Meyl (who I write about regarding the DNA tesseract in my previous article), that the hydrogen electrons in DNA conduct electricity. Meyl shows how the spiral paths of these electrons in an electron cloud also creates scalar waves, which also turns the DNA into a transmitting antenna as well as a resonant receiving scalar antenna.

In a Nexus Magazine article (Aug/Sep 2012), Brendan D. Murphy writes an article, “JUNK DNA: Doorway to Transformation,” that furthers more unheard of connections in the research coming out of Russia, Germany, and the United States, by saying the following:

As a fractal antenna, DNA interacts with the vacuum/aether/zero-point field, transducing the zero-point energy which interacts with our consciousness. A greater interaction between our DNA and the torsion and/or scalar forces in the vacuum might equate to expanded consciousness, while a lesser interactivity would result in a contracted awareness. Thus, "certain modular arrangements of DNA would be more conducive to conscious awareness.

What does this mean? It’s a further affirmation of the notion expressed in Dr. Garjajev’s work ... that we hold within us the “godlike power to to create, alter, and shape things on Earth!” This is the hidden key ... if we choose to pick it up. This means that humanity may have stumbled upon the bridge that directly connects our humanity—our souls—to Source ... The Creator.....


The closing comments of this article from American Kabuki from Hardin open the door to a whole new universe.  Not New/Old tech, but Eternal/Internal Tech.... and no, we don't have to wait!!!!

...In the future I will reveal even more about how humans not only can learn about this great secret held within them, but how they can change reality with the DNA tesseract (those who have been to my lectures have seen me demonstrate this before an audience), how humanity has access to dimensions that make the idea of scarcity or “not enough energy” or the notion of continual pain in our world obsolete.

What Dr. Meyl has discovered is that human DNA can be the bedrock of telepathy, and scalar wave technology the source of an entirely new telecommunications system that can still work with cell phones but in a faster, cheaper, and far more environmentally safe way. Meyl has brought together the mystery of Tesla, the Black Hole/White Whole model of Nassim Haramein, and the mathematics of nature as found in Marko Rodin’s work. He has done this in such a way that humanity will soon find out that we possess within us a power we never dreamed possible—the Power of Wellness, the Power of Wholeness, and the Power of Oneness. And this power gives us the ability to collectively recreate Eden on Earth. And honestly, we don’t even have to wait.


четвртак, 15. август 2013.

Interview s D.N.Walschom: Moj posao je probuditi čovječanstvo

Interview s D.N.Walschom: Moj posao je probuditi čovječanstvo

Neale-Donald-WalschU veljači 1992. Donald Neale Walsch doživio je mistično iskustvo koje je preokrenulo čitav njegov život. To iskustvo priskrbilo mu je i novu karijeru, onoga koji pomaže i inspirira milijune ljudi širom svijeta. Njegova knjiga «Razgovora s Bogom» stekla je ogromnu popularnost i pri tome ostala čak dvije i pol godine na listi non-fiction bestselera New York Timesa. Uz pisanje serije knjiga o svojim kontaktima s Bogom Walsch je još našao dovoljno vremena za osnivanje neprofitne organizacije ReCreation koja sponzorira predavanja, programe, seminare i radionice za sve osobe koje su zainteresirane za duhovni i osobni rast.
U vrijeme dok je bio student na sveučilištu u Wisconsinu Walsch je briljirao u predmetima koje je volio – engleski, govorništvo, političke znanosti, glazba, strani jezici – i istovremeno potpuno zanemarivao ostale predmete. Zbog takvog pristupa bio je prisiljen napustiti svoje akademsko školovanje. Kao devetnaestogodišnjak pronašao je stalan posao na radio stanici u Annapolisu, a već s dvadeset i jednom postao menadžer za produkciju. Vremenom se prebacio na posao vezan uz novine. I tu je brzo napredovao. Započeo je kao reporter i fotograf i dogurao do urednika.
Nakon novinarstva Walsch je neko vrijeme radio unutar lokalne političke uprave, a zatim se preorijentirao na školstvo. Tu je ostao punih deset godina, sve dok nije počeo volontirati kod dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. Preko nje je po prvi puta došao u kontakt su duhovnošću i stekao dragocjena iskustva u radu s ljudima. Sam Walsch kaže da ga je Kubler-Ross vratila natrag Bogu. Njezini govori o Bogu i njegovoj bezuvjetnoj ljubavi su ga se jako dojmili.
Vrativši se u San Diego Walsch pokreće svoju vlastitu agenciju za oglašavanje i odnose s javnošću. Iako određenog uspjeha Walsch se osjećao duboko nezadovoljan i počeo svoje razdoblje lutanja u potrazi za sretnijim životom. Selio se iz grada u grad i doživljavao sve veće neuspjehe i udare sudbine. Vatra mu je uništila sve što je posjedovao, brak mu se raspao, a u automobilskoj nesreći je slomio vrat. Nakon što se oporavio, ostao je nezaposlen i bio prisiljen stanovati u šatoru, skupljajući limenke soda vode i piva kako bi preživio. Obuzela ga je depresija i bio je uvjeren kako je ovo kraj njegovog života. I onda je došlo do prosvjetljenja. Obratio se Bogu i dobio odgovor. Kasnije je isticao kako su mu ta teška vremena dala priliku da nauči najvažnije lekcije i postane sposoban prenositi drugima Božje poruke.
Što vas je navelo da počnete pisati svoje knjige o razgovorima s Bogom?
Svoje razgovore s Bogom sam započeo prije oko 12 godina, ili možda čak 15. U to vrijeme se moj život počeo raspadati. U njemu ništa nije funkcioniralo i ja sam očajnički pokušao doznati zašto je to tako. Počeo sam dozivati Boga iz dubine samog sebe, tražiti ga za pomoć jer ja sam nisam razumio. I u jednom trenutku te večeri 1990. godine primio sam inspiraciju, ili, ako želite, poruku, primio sam… savjet. Poruke koje su slijedile dolazile su u obliku razgovora kojeg sam mogao čuti u unutrašnjosti svoje glave. Postavio bi pitanje i odgovor bi dolazio istog trenutka. Vremenom sam počeo zapisivati svoja pitanja i odgovore koje sam primao samo u svrhu moje vlastite evidencije, za moju vlastitu upotrebu. Nije mi uopće padalo na pamet da ću jednom stvoriti knjigu. No, kasnije, za vrijeme tih razgovora bilo mi je rečeno da će to jednom postati knjiga. Tada sam shvatio da poruke koje sam primao nisu bile namijenjene samo meni, nego čitavom čovječanstvu. Ja nisam preuzeo ulogu pisca, nego sam uistinu postao sekretarica koja bilježi ono što joj se kaže. I to je bio moj posao. Moj posao je bio da postavljam pitanja i nakon toga bilježim ono što mi se diktira kao odgovor. To trenutno činim preko 10 godina, pružajući drugima informacije u seriji knjiga nazvanoj «Razgovori s Bogom». Ima ih ukupno deset, a zadnja od njih je upravo izdana i zove se «Kod kuće s Bogom». To je posljednja knjiga u seriji «Razgovora s Bogom».
Koja je vaša uloga u snažnim promjenama koje zahvaćaju čitavi svijet?
Što se tiče moje uloge, ona je da, koliko mogu, probudim čovječanstvo, jer ono je kao jedan ogromni mjesečar koji hoda u snu. Mi ignoriramo znakove i signale svojeg vlastitog uništenja. Uništenja okoliša, političkog uništenja, financijskog uništenja, fizičkog uništenja preko vojnog djelovanja i terorizma, pa čak i duhovnog uništenja, jer koristimo naša suprotstavljena mišljenja o Bogu kako bi uništili jedni druge. A ono što ja nastojim učiniti je da probudim čovječanstvo, ne samo da ga probudim kako bi uočilo probleme, koje, da budem iskren, svi mi uočavamo i znamo, nego da ga probudim i za traženje mogućih rješenja kojih je to čovječanstvo nesvjesno. Mi tih rješenja nismo svjesni ili jednostavno ne želimo da ih prihvatimo. Dakle, moj posao, ili kako vi kažete uloga, u svjetskim događanjima je da probudim čovječanstvo i da vidimo da li možemo promijeniti vremena i preokrenuti tok ljudske povijesti prije nego što to bude prekasno.
Razumijem vas. No, čovječanstvo nije lako probuditi.
Da, nije nimalo lagano. To je, dapače, vrlo teško jer većina ljudi spava i poput mjesečara prolazi kroz svoje živote, hipnotizirani i nesvjesni. Nije nimalo lagano. Slažem se s vama da je sve to vrlo komplicirano.
Pokušaj buđenja čovječanstva sliči mi na plivanje nasuprot struje.
Da, to je kao plivanje uz rijeku. Slažem se s vama. No, tokom ljudske povijesti bilo je ljudi koji su upravo to činili. Ljudi koji su plivali nasuprot struji. Mi se sjećamo tih ljudi jer su oni promijenili smjer struje. Oni su promijenili smjer i tok ljudske povijesti. A to su učinili upravo zato jer su bili spremni krenuti suprotno od struje. Ti ljudi iz drevnih vremena kao što su Isus, Buda, ili Muhamed, ili iz onih modernijih, kao što su Gandhi ili Martin Luther King, bili su ljudi koji su krenuli protiv struje i rekli: «Ne tim putem, nego ovim.» To što je teško samo znači da je vrijedno, jer da nije teško, onda se zbog ničega ne bi trebali brinuti i ništa ne bi trebalo učiniti. U pravu ste. Teško je, to je plivanje nasuprot struje, no netko to treba učiniti i to treba učiniti u odmah, a ne za 25 godina. Ako to nećete biti vi, ili to nećemo biti mi, onda je pitanje tko će to uopće učiniti.
Možda se može uzeti pozitivnim znakom što tolika količina ljudi iz različitih kultura čita vaše knjige?
Da, to je pozitivan znak, no to nema neku veću važnost ukoliko ih oni čitaju na način bježanja od života. Oni bi trebali prihvatiti istinu. No, ukoliko ih čitaju samo na način uživanja u stvarima koje vole čuti, onda to nema nikakve koristi. Ukoliko čitaju tako da se prosvjetljuju i postaju više svjesni, te prenose u svakodnevnu aktivnost ono što pročitaju, tada činjenica da tako velika količina ljudi čita moje knjige može biti prekrasna. Vi ste u pravu, moje knjige su prevedene na 32 jezika i objavljuju se širom svijeta unutar vrlo različitih kultura. To je točno. No, ja neću biti zadovoljan sve dok ne vidim promjenu u ponašanju i načinu na koji čovječanstvo doživljava život.
Primjećujem da jako puno ljudi u svijetu razmišlja i razgovara o duhovnosti i Novom dobu, no situacija unatoč toga nije nimalo blistava. Svuda oko nas su ratovi i siromaštvo. Ljudi jednostavno ne žive sretnim životom. Koji je razlog tome?
To je zato što ne znamo istinu o tome tko smo mi. Ne znamo se odnositi jedni prema drugima i stalno stvaramo probleme. Isto tako ne znamo tko je Bog i kakav je njegov odnos spram nas, što je život i koja je njegova svrha. Sve dok odbacujemo stare istine o tome tko smo mi, tko je Bog i što je život, mi ćemo biti nesretni. Ideja koja izaziva svu našu patnju ideja da smo odvojeni. Jedni od drugih. Da smo odvojeni od Boga i da smo odvojeni od života. Stalno insistiramo na toj odvojenosti, a to stvara većinu bola i patnji u svijetu. Ukoliko uspijemo prihvatiti ideju da nismo odvojeni i da smo svi jedno, ili da smo barem pripadnici iste porodice, većina naših patnji će nestati. Nikada nećemo tretirati pripadnike naše porodice kao što tretiramo ostatak svijeta. Nikad ne bi dopustili da oni budu gladni ili da ih ubijaju. Nikada ne bi dopustili da 400 djece umre dnevno zbog gladi na našem planetu. Nikada to ne bi dopustili ako bi sve ljude doživjeli kao pripadnike iste porodice. No, mi ne prihvaćamo činjenicu da svi pripadamo istoj porodici, štoviše smatramo kako smo bolji nego pripadnici neke druge porodice. I tako, smatramo da su kršćani bolji od Židova, Židovi bolji od muslimana, ili muslimani bolji od kršćana i Židova, ili Rusi bolji od Hrvata, ili Hrvati bolji od… tko da zna od koga. Ha, ha. I tako mi ne samo da imamo ideju da smo sami i odvojeni, nego i ideju da smo bolji od ostalih grupa. Muškarci su bolji od žena, ili žene bolje od muškaraca, bijelci su bolji od crnaca, ili crnci bolji od bijelaca. Hinduisti su bolji od muslimana, ili muslimani bolji od hinduista. Ili bilo što, bilo što. I mi ćemo prije ubiti druge nego što odbacimo ideju da smo bolji od ostalih. Ideja da smo jedni bolji od drugih je ideja koja nas ubija. Mi ćemo prije ubijati jedni druge nego da priznamo da nitko nije bolji od drugog i da smo svi jedno. I mi to činimo. Ubijamo naš okoliš, ubijamo planet Zemlju odbijajući da spriječimo globalno zatopljenje… I činimo to i s dušom čovječanstva koja je sada na velikoj kušnji.
Postaviti ću vam pitanje o zlu. Mislite li da ono postoji?
Zlo postoji u srcima i umovima ljudskih bića, no ono ne postoji empirijski kao statična funkcija univerzuma. Zlo se može stvoriti idejama i aktivnostima koje izlaze iz onog što nije istinito. Zlo je živjeti unatrag, umjesto živjeti prema naprijed. Na taj način stvaramo nešto što je potpuno izobličeno. Nije nimalo čudno što se na engleskom zlo kaže evil, što je obrnuto od živjeti (live). Ukoliko pokušate ići ulicom natraške, neće biti nimalo čudno što ćete se sudarati s ljudima i zidovima. Mi se trebamo pokajati, što uistinu znači preusmjeriti svoje kretanje i pogledati kamo se ide. To je izazov 21. stoljeća. On je povezan s uništavanjem okoliša i političkim razlaganjem institucija, te vojnim uništenjem ljudi koje se povećava tolikom brzinom da će u idućih 5 do 15 godina dovesti do kraja onog što možemo nazvati ljudskim eksperimentom. Život u nama poznatom obliku će prestati postojati na ovom planetu. Imati ćemo i dalje život, no ne onakav kakvog smo do sada poznali. Živjeti ćemo u skloništima, ako ne pod zemljom. To će uistinu biti stravični život Georgea Orwella iz «1984.». Ono što je on predvidio se već počelo dešavati. Špijuni su u zraku i kamere svuda po zgradama. U Londonu postoje kamere posvuda po krovovima zgrada i po javnim svjetiljkama. Isto je i u Chicagu. Ako prođete središtem Londona, biti ćete fotografirani 300 puta tajnim kamerama koje vas prate sa svih strana i prate vašu aktivnost. Na Trinidadu postoje dva velika balona koja lebde u zraku i 24 sata stalno snimaju što se dolje dešava. Kažu da tamo ima toliko kriminala da je potrebno oko koje gleda s neba kako bi bila spriječena ilegalna aktivnost. Ovaj svijet iz noćne more neće biti izliječen preko politike, novca, a sigurno ne i preko bombi i ostalog oružja. Problem čovječanstva je povezan uz nešto drugo, on je duhovni problem i jedino na taj način se može riješiti. Trebamo promijeniti način na koji razmišljamo i u što vjerujemo. To su fundamentalna vjerovanja o Bogu, životu i o nama samima koja trebaju biti promijenjena. Ako to ne učinimo, uzrokovati ćemo potpunu destrukciju našeg planeta.
Izgleda da svijet u kojem živimo ima u samom sebi problem, neku vrstu greške. Koji, po vašem mišljenju, izvor te greške?
Korijen te greške je ideja da smo odvojeni od Boga. Ideja da smo protjerani iz raja i da se nekako moramo vratiti do Boga. Ta praiskonska greška je praiskonski grijeh. Religije jedna za drugom prenose tu praiskonsku grešku, od jedne generacije na drugu. Mi trebamo novu ideju, novu kulturološku priču, priču jedinstva a ne razdvojenosti. Ta kulturološka priča može izliječiti ranu koja postoji u psihi čovječanstva.
Što mislite o svjetskim religijama?
Svjetske religije imaju dobru namjeru, žele najbolje, ali to ne čine. Zbog svoje nepotpunosti one su opasne. Većina postojećih religije su postale opasne jer hrane naše sustave vjerovanja koji uzrokuju međusobna sukobljavanja. One su zamišljene da bi liječile rane čovječanstva, no one ponovno otvaraju te rane i pri tome ih povećavaju. Iz tog razloga kažem da je većina njih opasna. Istraživanje koje je prije 18 mjeseci provedeno u Ujedinjenim narodima pokazalo je da 69 posto Amerikanaca vjeruje da je glavna prepreka svjetskom miru upravo religija. I to je istina. Zbog svojih vjerovanja mi se sukobljavamo i ubijamo jedni druge. One su stvorile svijet razdvajanja.
Učestvovali ste u stvaranju filma o indigo djeci. Kako gledate na njihovu ulogu u budućim svjetskim previranjima?
Mišljenja sam da veliki broj mladih ljudi u ovom svijetu razumije puno više nego kad smo mi bili djeca. Njihov dolazak je prirodni dio procesa evolucije. On nam donosi sve svjesnija bića. Svaka nova generacija je svjesnija od onih prije. Na djelu je prirodni proces evolucije koji na naš planet dovodi djecu i mlade osobe koja su puno svjesnija što je istina nego većina ljudi iz prošlosti. Indigo fenomen nije misterija nego prirodni dio evolucije vrste. Jedino pitanje je da li će to biti dovoljno da se spasi čovječanstvo ili ćemo i dalje ostati zatvoreni za nove ideje. To je jedino pitanje. Moja je nada da će indigo djeca i indigo ljudi biti u stanju djelovati dovoljno brzo da donesu promjene. Trenutno smo uključeni u trku s vremenom.
Imate li kakvu poruku za vaše hrvatske čitatelje?
Da, probudite se! Ha, ha.
Vrlo jednostavna poruka.
Da, probudite se. Pogledajte što se dešava i procijenite što možete učiniti obzirom na iskušenja s kojima se suočava svijet. Probudite se i postanite veći. Morate postati širi i proširiti svoj vidokrug izvan granica svoje porodice, svog stola, svoje dnevne sobe… iskoračiti u svijet i uspostaviti kontakt sa svojim višim dijelom koji će nam prenijeti Božansku ideju što znači biti ljudsko biće. Moramo pozvati ostatak svijeta, jednog po jednog, da se izliječi i promijeni svoje ideje, kako bismo mogli promijeniti smjer povijesti. Ja sam kreirao grupu koja se naziva «Grupa 1000». Tražim tisuću ljudi širom ovoga svijeta koji se sa mnom slažu da je vrijeme da se poduzme akcija, i koji su spremni da tu akciju provedu zajedno sa mnom. Uvjeren sam da na taj način možemo promijeniti svijet u manje od deset godina. Zato sam kreirao tu grupu, i pozivam svakoga da dozna više na web stranicama http://www.thegroupof1000.com/ koje su namijenjene čitavom svijetu.
- Razgovarao: Igor Ognjenović
source: http://alternativainformacije.com/2013/08/15/interview-s-d-n-walschom-moj-posao-je-probuditi-covjecanstvo/

Some spiritual and universal laws

Some spiritual and universal laws…
The Law of Oneness:
The Law of Oneness helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think and believe affects others and the universe around us.
Every Soul, living and discarnate, is connected at the level of the collective unconscious, deep within the Higher-Self. We are all part of a great energy gestalt called God, and because we are part of God, we are God. It is the goal of the gestalt to move the energy forward, creating more energy. So, in living harmoniously, we each increase our vibrational rate and intensify the vibration of the entire gestalt. When we are disharmonious, we decrease the vibration of the entire gestalt, because we are one, everything you think, say and do, affects every other Soul.
The Law of Vibration:
This Universal Law states that everything in the Universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular patterns. The same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires, and wills in the Etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself.
“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates”. The whole universe is but a vibration. Science has confirmed that everything in the Universe, including you, is pure energy vibrating at different frequencies.
The axiom that “like energy attracts like energy”, upon which the Law of Attraction is based, has its foundation in this Law. Everything that we experience with our five physical senses is conveyed through vibrations. The same applies to the mental realm. Your thoughts are vibrations. All your emotions are vibrations where “unconditional love” (in the sense of love for another) is the highest and most subtle of the emotional vibrations and “hate” is the densest and most base. You can learn to control your mental vibrations at will.
The Law of Action:
The Law of Action must be applied in order for us to manifest things on earth. Therefore, we must engage in actions that support our thoughts, dreams, emotions and words.
The Law of Correspondence:
This Universal Law states that the principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world – energy, Light, vibration, and motion – have their corresponding principles in the etheric or universe. “As above, so below.”
There is no separation since everything in the Universe, including you, originates from the One Source. The same pattern is expressed on all planes of existence from the smallest electron to the largest star and vice versa. All is One. The Ancient Greek Temple of Apollo at Delphi was referring to this great Law of Correspondence in the inscription “Know thyself and thou shalt know all the mysteries of the gods and the Universe”.
The Law of Cause and Effect:
This Universal Law states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. Every action has a reaction or consequence and we “reap what we have sown.”
“Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause.” In accordance with this Law, every effect you see in your outside or physical world has a very specific cause which has its origin in your inner or mental world. This is the essence of thought power. Every one of your thoughts, words or actions sets a specific effect in motion which will come to materialize over time. To become the master of your destiny, you must master your mind for everything in your reality is a mental creation. Know that there is nothing like chance or luck. They are simply terms used by humanity in ignorance of this Law.
Your Intentions are Instantly Created: The Law of Cause and Effect applies on all three planes of existence – the spiritual, the mental and the physical. The difference is that on the spiritual plane cause and effect are instantaneous such that they appear inseparable, whereas on the other planes our concept of time and space creates a time lag between the cause and the eventual effect. Know that when you focus on your chosen goals with intention using creative visualization, that which you want to create in the physical world is automatically manifested in the spiritual world, and with perseverance, practice and continued concentrated thought, it will also come to materialize in the physical world.
The Law of Attraction:
This Universal Law demonstrates how we create the things, events, and people that come into our lives. Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn, attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies.
“Where your attention goes, your energy flows.” You attract what you are and that which you concentrate upon. If you are negative, you draw in and experience negativity. If you are loving, you draw in and experience love. You can attract to you only those qualities you possess. So, if you want peace and harmony in your life, you must become peaceful and harmonious.
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy:
This Universal Law states that all persons have within them the power to change the conditions in their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change.
The Law of Polarity:
This Universal Law states that everything is on a continuum and has an opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations.
“Everything is dual, everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree”. It is also the first of the mutable or transcendable Universal Laws. It means that there are two sides to everything. Things that appear as opposites are in fact only two extremes of the same thing. For instance, heat and cold may appear to be opposites at first glance, but in truth they are simply varying degrees of the same thing. The same applies to love and hate, peace and war, positive and negative, good and evil, yes and no, light and darkness, energy and matter. You can transform your thoughts from hate to love, from fear to courage by consciously raising your vibrations. This is what in the ancient Hermetic Teachings is called the Art of Polarization.
Rising Above the Law of Polarity: This Principle of Duality may appear to be very real in your life but it operates only in the physical and mental realms, not in the spiritual realm where All is One. As it says in the Bhagavad-Gita, “God is Above the Opposites”. By always placing the all-powerful, all-knowing Great Spirit of which you are a part behind your every thought, statement and action, and by always focusing on the “good”, even when things appear to be going “bad”, then in time you will rise above the Law of Polarity.
The Law of Rhythm:
This Universal Law states that everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God’s universe. Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting too excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness.
“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” This principle can be seen in operation in the waves of the ocean, in the rise and fall of the greatest empires, in business cycles, in the swaying of your thoughts from being positive to negative and in your personal successes and failures. In accordance with this Law, when anything reaches a point of culmination then the backward swing begins almost unnoticeably until such time that any forward movement has been totally reversed, then the forward movement begins again and the process is repeated.
The Law of Gender:
This Universal Law states that everything has its masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) principles, and that these are the basis for all creation. “Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles”. This mutable Universal Law is evident throughout creation in the so-called opposite sexes found not only in human beings but also in plants, minerals, electrons and magnetic poles to name but a few. Everything and everyone contains both masculine and feminine elements. Among the outward expressions of feminine qualities are love, patience, intuition and gentleness and of masculine qualities are energy, self reliance, logic and intellect. Know that within every woman lie all the latent qualities of a man, and within every man those of a woman. When you know this you will know what it means to be complete.
The Law of Reflection:
This Law says that the traits you respond to in others, you recognize in yourself, both positive and negative. It has four primary manifestations:
1.That which you admire in others, you recognize as existing within yourself;
2.That which you resist and react to strongly in others is sure to be found within yourself;
3.That which you resist and react to in others is something which you are afraid exists within you; and,
4.That which you resist in yourself, you will dislike in others.
 source: http://spiritualconnectedness.wordpress.com/2013/08/13/some-spiritual-and-universal-laws/

The Shift of Time and Energy!

YOU Are the Living Energy of Shambhala Creating…

collectives creating
LIFE!!  What an extraordinary experience!!  Life is so filled with absolute diversity and commonality all at the same time.  The field of readings have become so diverse I am not even sure how to string them together to form an ongoing story, yet, I know, somewhere within it all, there is the commonality that ties it all together.  Finally, in the early afternoon yesterday spirit gave me a way to share what is happening now.
We have often described life as a massive puzzle and each one of us, an intricate piece in the living puzzle.  From what I was shown yesterday, In July we came and laid down our last connective puzzle pieces to “that” story, finishing that puzzle board of expression on a collective whole… our collective.  As July ended, we started to lay down the backboard that will hold the next brand new puzzle.  This backboard was formed by our collective desires, pure emotional energy that will give ongoing life to our next great puzzling adventure.
From the beginning of August thru now, we have been moving between charging up our core energy within the new platform of life (that backboard) and then moving off the platform to what I would call our outer life to begin the construction of the new outline of this amazing puzzle.
As spirit showed me the framework or border of a brand new puzzle yesterday, I had to contemplate the fact that we put together the energy and tapestry of our outer life before we even worked on our heart field, or inner life.  This morning I get a second way to view this… Birth.  When a baby comes into created life, the framework is already set up.  The parents, the place to live, the initial birth experiences… that is already done before arrival into creation.  Once the baby arrives, the center energy moves and changes around the border already set up.  Altho the border itself is set, the outline, viewable, it is what happens in the center of the puzzle, the energy and color variations, the quantumness of it all that really becomes the unlimited expression of each piece.
Now, let me bring back a word and make it much clearer… collective, namely our collective.  There are so many collective’s that abound on earth.  Collectives are groups of energy or thought forms that link together to form an area in which information is shared and expressed thru those who resonate and express in that area.  For example, there is still packets of fear collectives where power and money is the sole focus of their life agenda.  There is the awakening collective, where many folks are waking up from the deep illusion that anything in life is real and seeking to know and experience more (and even this, gives birth to other collectives as the experience takes these minds to higher experiences.)  All of these collectives eventually give rise to what many people call the Christ consciousness, which too, is a collective of energy that realizes all life starts and ends within their energy field and begin to live in that way in earnest.
Self Aware does not mean Self Mastered.
Beyond the Christ consciousness are more pockets of collectives, where those who became Self aware move into area’s of their own mastery.  Again, mastery has nothing to do with what we are capable of doing (example: psychic readings, energy work, telekinesis, bi-location, astral travel, etc) all of that is available to us at birth and for many, already developed the ability to do any one or several of those fun and very useful skills in other lifetimes.  That has nothing to do with Mastering the emotional body, no more than a 3-year-old who sits down to a piano and plays like a well-trained pianist, or 5-year-old who can paint like Picasso.
The only true and life changing mastery is the mastery of our emotional body…. ALL OF IT!
Beyond the Christ Consciousness is the vast energy field I call Shambhala.  Where we, as a living spiritual human, have the ability to bring in the fullness, the vastness of the pure energy we call Heaven, or the other side of the veil.
The collective energy of Shambhala consists of purifying the emotional field.  Where the energy of peace lives without any disharmony at all.  To tap into this beautiful collective is to join together with all the other energies purifying the energy of peace and day by day, applying it to their life and being the living expression of “that.”
What I am finding in the many readings that have taken place over the last couple of weeks, is many here on the ground have mastered at least three elements within their emotional body.  I have not been privy to know which emotions they are, spirit is still very good at keeping secrets, but I am beginning to see a bigger picture, and my God it is exciting.
To fully rarify three emotions and blend them into one, a complete wholeness of the once separate emotions that now form a an alloyed emotion, something new and bigger than it ever was singularly lays our true place of absolute power.  Conscious Creation.
We have developed so many exciting pockets of growing collective Shambhala energy, of purity that it truly is now coming alive within our personal lives and we are expanding it, together.
If one is busy trying to save the world, or the earth, or the sun (none of which needs saving at all, but that is a whole other collective) then one is exhausting their internal resources that will one day, change the world.  Gandhi has always had it right, change yourself and the world changes with you.  It cannot happen the other way around.
So these times we are in, these amazing and amplified times are asking you to focus on your Self.  Your Self expression, your Self mastery, Your complete and utter Self awareness in the recreational field called your life.  Become aware of any discordance within any aspect of emotion within and purify it.  Don’t even think about how… tell your Self, I am ready to purify this… whatever this is.  Let me assure you, the experiences will present themselves to you almost immediately and usually appear in the distortion field, or that emotion’s opposite.  Example, if you are working on non-judgement, instantly you will have many things you judge surrounding you… giving you the living tapestry to change that feeling within.
There is so much more to share, now that I am understanding the huge significance of this total and complete shift we are in, but alas, that must wait until tomorrow.
I love you all soul very very much.  Thank you for Being the living expression of Light in our evolving world.
((((HUGZ)))) of Living Love made manifest to ALL!!
Lisa Gawlas   www.mysoulcenter.com/energy_readings.html

source:  http://lisagawlas.wordpress.com/2013/08/14/you-are-the-living-energy-of-shambhala-creating/

недеља, 4. август 2013.

Peace Portal Activation August 25th, 2013

MAKE THIS VIRAL! Peace Portal Activation August 25th, 2013

On August 25th, a very important portal will open that will bring a strong infusion of Light into the conflicted situation on the surface of this planet.
On that day, the next grand sextile astrological configuration of this summer after the grand sextile of July 29th will take place:

This configuration will be more powerful than the previous grand sextile because in addition to the grand sextile of the Moon, Jupiter, Sun/Mercury, Saturn, Pluto and Neptune, the astrological chart of August 25th also includes a cardinal cross of Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter and Venus. 
Therefore the activation of the Peace Portal will offer an unique opportunity to transform the tension of Uranus/Pluto square (intensified on that day with Jupiter and Venus into a cardinal cross) with the harmonizing effects of the grand sextile. This means that all deeply rooted conflicts on the surface of the planet can begin to finally begin resolving if the critical mass of 144,000 people activating this portal is achieved. 

This is time-sensitive and needs to go viral! We need to reach masses of people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually save human lives:


We are all doing this activation at 11 hours 11 minutes pm Cairo time on August 25th. This equals 11:11 pm in Central Europe, 10:11 pm in UK, 5:11 pm EDT, 4:11 pm CDT, 3:11 MDT and 2:11 PDT. For other locations and other time zones, you can see this link:

1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes
2. Visualize a pillar of electric blue Light, coming from the Galactic Central Sun and then descending down through your body
3. Visualize that Light flowing through your heart and then through your hands directly into the Syria conflict, the Egypt liberation process, prison camps of North Korea and all other unresolved situations on the planet, filling them with Light and eliminating all darkness which exists there
4. Ask the Goddess presence (divine feminine) to come through your body
5. Ask that Goddess presence to direct energies of peace and harmony to all those unresolved situations and everyone involved in them. Allow that energy to flow through your heart and then through your hands into those situations for a few minutes
Goddess wants peace and freedom so peace and freedom will come.

Updates about the Peace Portal Activation:

source: http://2012portal.blogspot.com/