понедељак, 30. децембар 2013.

Torzioni talasi, prenosioci ljudskih misli i osećanja!

Torzioni talasi, prenosioci ljudskih misli i osećanja!

TOR poljeDipl. inž. Goran Marjanović: Jedno je sigurno: Teslina zaostavština je potencijal jedne potpuno nove nauke, potpuno novog shvatanja prostora, vremena i energije, koje je dublje i od relativističkog i od kvantnomehaničkog, kao i od onog kosmološkog zasnovanog na teorijivelikog praska“.
Danas gotovo niko više ne sumnja da nismo sami u Svemiru. Sa druge strane – uprkos brojnim neidentifikovanim objektima, fenomenima i/ili pojavama i ponekom «kontaktu» – komunikacije sa vanzemaljskim bićima ipak nema. Zašto?
Po mom mišljenju razlog je krajnje jednostavan: razlika u našim znanjima i tehničkim mogućnostima isuviše je velika. Dakle, oni od nas nemaju šta da nauče a ako im nešto treba, dođu, uzmu to i odu dalje svojim putem … Ipak, što se tiče nivoa svesnosti, rekao bih da smo tu mnogo ravnopravniji, međutim, svesnost nije «pamet», znanje, obrazovanje, inteligencija. Naime, ono što ljudsku vrstu odvaja od životinja je inteligencija, odnosno sposobnost shvatanja koja proizilazi iz tri osnovne osobine našeg uma: sposobnost za sintezu, analizu i sposobnost pamćenja. No, ako iskoristimo tu svoju mogućnost mišljenja i malo bolje razmislimo, mi «zemljani», toliko ponosni na svoja visoka naučna i tehnička znanja koja smo do sada stekli kao civilizacija – ipak moramo priznati da naša dela, globalno naravno, ne odgovaraju našim umnim potencijalima. Sa jedne strane stvorena su zaista veličanstvena naučna i umetnička ostvarenja a sa druge – civilizacija je stigla do ruba samouništenja. Svi postojeći eko-sistemi Planete Zemlje su narušeni prekomernom eksploatacijom od Boga nam datog … Ukratko, realnost u kojoj živimo govori o korelativnosti naše pameti i naših dela sa jedne strane ali isto tako i o njenoj velikoj neusaglašenosti sa trenutnim nivoom svesnosti ljudske vrste, koji bi nas trebao karakterisati kao ljudska bića 21.-og veka.
Eksperimentalna realnost svetskih laboratorija i istraživačkih institucija najvišeg naučnog nivoa ali i sve brojnija istraživanja niza nekonvencionalnih istraživača ukazuju nam da su naša znanja, koliko god visoka, zapravo minorna i u odnosu na znanja prethodnih civilizacija. Ono što je najzanimljivije je činjenica da su sve te civilizacije, uprkos velikim znanjima kojima su ovladali i, po svemu sudeći, visokim tehničkim mogućnostima – ipak završile u samodestrukciji. Zašto? Gde su pogrešili i da li možda i mi idemo sličnim putem? Postoji li rešenje?
Ukoliko odgovore potražimo u okviru naše vekovima građene logike mišljenja – dobićemo ih naravno kao tumačenja niza naučnih disciplina. No, istina je uvek relativna pa je svako, koliko god bilo naučno, tumačenje samo (prostorno-vremenski) ograničeno tačno. Problem, koji je zapravo ključni, je u tome što je sve, nekada novo, ali sada već proživljeno, proučeno, viđeno i analizirano od strane drugih daje samo iluziju smisla jer institucionalizacijom stečenih znanja i iskustava samo uži krug pojedinaca dobija monopol na neku «filtriranu» istinu. Izgrađena pravila logičkog mišljenja, dobro ukorenjena ljudska vezanost za čulno-materijalni segment realnosti  i naravno fizička i mentalna lenjost – osnovni su razlozi našeg pristanka, počesto i nesvesnog (što i jeste glavni problem), i prepuštanja drugima da nas vode i upravljaju nama: državi, medijima, okruženju i društvu uopšte uspostavljenim normama i pravilima. Većina, nažalost, nije svesna u kolikoj meri su misli koje smatramo svojima – zapravo tuđe. Retki su oni koji su se usudili da skrenu sa sigurnih i dobro utabanih staza (trenutno) važećih naučnih istina, zakona i postulata. A baš tu se nazire rešenje – i to vrlo jednostavno – porast svesnosti, pojedinca i celine – tj. civilizacije. Transformacija našeg (predominantno) nesvesnog u svesno življenje kako je to govorio P.D.Uspenski (Gurđijev) i umesto besmislenog repliciranja bezbroj puta ponovljenog u smisleno stvaranje nečeg sasvim novog i originalnog.
Zapravo, smisao stvaranja, kreacije nečega istinski novog, nečega što još niko nije napravio, izmerio, osmišljavanje teorija koje ne postoje ni u jednom udžbeniku, trebao bi biti «put kojim se češće ide» jer taj put, iako neuporedivo teži od dobro osvetljenog, utabanog i sigurnog puta kojim su već hiljade prošle, nepogrešivo vodi ka porastu svesnosti, i pojedinca i civilizacije. Naravno, Kosmos funkcioniše po Božijim principima i zakonitostima, nezavisno od naših spoznaja.Jabuke su padale sa grana i pre nego što je jedna od njih pala Njutnu na glavu. Evidentan porast nivoa svesnosti znači da je taj proces podržan Promišlju Božijom i to je ono što daje nadu u istinsko bolje sutra. Ipak, pre nego što postanemo deo onoga što bi se moglo nazvati “galaktičkom zajednicom živih bića”, moramo ostaviti varvarstvo iza nas i pokazati da smo u stanju da brinemo o sebi i našoj planeti.
Jedan od onih za kojeg sa sigurnošću možemo reći da je metafora borbe pametnog čoveka i uspešnog pronalazača sa kultom novca, jedinog merila uspeha na zapadu, je Nikola Tesla. Ovaj nesumnjivi intuitivni genije radio je po dvadeset i više sati dnevno ali nikada zbog sebe i lične koristi, već isključivo za dobrobit celokupnog čovečanstva. No, savremenici ga nisu razumeli. Neki nisu mogli a neki nisu hteli ili smeli. Baš kao i danas.
Radim za budućnost“, govorio je svojevremeno Tesla, “moji savremenici me neće razumeti, ali jednoga dana preovladaće naučni zakoni prirode čije sam tajne otkrio i sve ć́e se izmeniti, kao dlanom o dlan, sve će se promeniti. Nastupiće nova era čovečanske mudrosti čije će ključne karakteristike biti razumevanje vremena, otkrić́e neograničenih izvora energije i oblikovanje materije po volji naučnika“. Teslina intuitivna genijalnost je očita. Naglašavanjem potrebe razumevanja vremena ukazao je na značaj budućih otkrića dr. N. A. Kozyreva koja će uslediti nekoliko desetljeća kasnije …
Tesla 01Nažalost, Tesline  ideje su bile su toliko napredne da je i dan danas malo onih koji veruju izvornim Teslinim rečima. Za većinu vodećih fizičara, kako onda tako i danas, Tesline ideje o ne-hercijanskim talasima, longitudinalnim elektrodinamičkim vibracijama, luminoferoznom etru, bile su i ostale samo san jednog zanesenjaka koji nije baš najbolje razumeo to što radi. Na svu sreću, u poslednje vreme sve je više onih koji uviđju da su eksperimenti za dokazivanje etra bili zasnovani na neadekvatnom shvatanju tog pojma. Nelogičan pogled na strukturu “prostor-vreme” navela je već́inu da misli da se delovanje sila na daljinu može dovoljno dobro objasniti i bez potrebe za etrom. Izgleda da su svi propustili, ili su namerno ignorisali činjenicu da je još 1920. godine i sam Ajnštajn rekao: “Prema Opštoj teoriji relativnosti, prostor bez etra je nezamisliv!” (May 5th, 1920, at the University of Leyden, Germany).
Jedno je sigurno: Teslina zaostavština je potencijal jedne potpuno nove nauke, potpuno novog shvatanja prostora, vremena i energije, koje je dublje i od relativističkog i od kvantnomehaničkog, kao i od onog kosmološkog zasnovanog na teorijivelikog praska“. Sva moja istraživanja govore u prilog Teslinih izjava da su njegovi «Ne-hercijanski talasi», energetske vibracije «sasvim druge vrste» od tzv. Hertzovih talasa, transverzalno-vektorskih EM talasa, tj. onih kojima ga je navodno nadmašio Markoni. Prema postulatima Modela KGE, Teslini (Ne-Hercijanski) talasi su dimenzino bogatija i složenija elektrodinamička energetska forma od klasičnih (Hercijanskih) EM talasa (http://users.beotel.net/~gmarjanovic/). Očekujući oblik Teslinih talasa nastao je sintezom nekoliko opšte-važećih kosmičkih zakonitosti (Walter Russell, P.D. Uspenski, E.Šire. H.Hese …), kao rezultat mojih opažanja tokom niza učinjenih, pomalo nestandardnih eksperimenata zasnovanih na Teslinim tehnologijama. U osnovi, Teslini talasi su longitudinalne elektrodinamičke oscilacije, ali u suštini to su višedimenzionalne energetske vibracije (4D “disanje”), koje postojeća aparatura i metodologija nemože registrovati direktno osim u formi njihovih «senki» tj. nižedimenzione projekcije u “našu” (3D “prostor” + 1D “vreme”) (kvazi) realnost a koja je najsličnija naizmeničnim, rastuće-opadajućim, ciklično-opozitnim, spiralnim (vortices) strukturama.
Fenomen spiralnih energetskih tokova, tzv. Torziona polja, poznata su savremenoj nauci ali tu energetsku formu, barem zvanično i koliko je meni poznato, nauka nikada nije povezivala sa Teslinim Talasima. Naprotiv, sa aspekta zvanične nauke, Teslini Ne-Hercijanski talasi ne postoje kao poseban entitet. Oni  su samo poseban oblik klasičnih EM talasa, tj. površinski talasi (Norton, Zenneck…) u bližoj zoni predajnika …
Jedan od retkih koji je Tesline «talase sasvim druge vrste» doveo u vezu sa helikoidalnim strujanjem energije bio je Andrija Puharić. Opisujući složenu strukturu Teslinih Ne-Hercijanskih talasa Puharić je pominjao i specifične signale, «superluminalne lidere», koji propagiraju spiralnom putanjom («poput vadičepa») u obliku rotirajućih magnetnih polja, kreirajući neku vrstu tunela kojom onda struji energija u obliku elektron-pozitron parova – bez otpora, dakle potpuno analogno principu kojim savremena nauka tumači superprovodne procese i što je tek nedavno predloženo kao ideja – da se čestice razmenjuju kao helikoidalne spirale …
Prvo istraživanje i otkriće “uvijenih” energetskih tokova (tzv. «vorteksa» /vortices/) vezano je za otkriće “pete sile” – torzije – u kasnim 1800-im od strane ruskog profesora N.P. Miškina. Ajnštajnov kolega Dr. Eli Cartan prvi je nazvao ovu silu “torzija” 1913. godine obzirom na njeno “uvrtanje” tokom kretanja kroz tkivo prostor-vremena. Tokom 1950.-ih ruski naučnik dr. Nikolaj Aleksandrovič Kozyrev  (1908-1983 ) u svojim pionirskim istraživanjima definitivno dokazuje postojanje ove energije, pokazujući da ona, kao vreme, teče u svetom geometrijskom obliku spirale.
Torzija u suštini znači “uvrtanje” i podrazumeva spiralnu (helikoidalnu, vorteksnu) formu. Dakle, delovanje statičkih torzionih polja ostvaruje se propagacijom torzionih talasa koji se kroz prostor kreću spiralnom putanjom. Torziona polja su generisana spinom i/ili ugaonim momentom objekta koji rotira. Čestica ili bilo koji objekat koji se vrti u mestu ili tokom kretanja proizvoljnom trajektorijom proizvodi torzione talase i poseduje svoje jedinstveno torziono polje. Po nekima, torzioni talasi su karika koja nedostaje u potrazi za konačnom “teorijom svega (Theory Of Everything)” i jedinstvenom teorijom polja (Grand Unified Theory).
Obzirom da torziona polja utiču na stanje spina, torziono polje nekog objekta može biti promenjeno pod uticajem spoljnjeg torzionog polja. Kao rezultat tog uticaja, nastaje nova konfiguracija torzionog polja koja opstaje kao metastabilno stanje (kao polarizovano stanje) i može ostati nepromenjeno čak i ako se izvor eksternog torzionog polja premesti u drugi deo prostora. Osobina rezidualnosti, tj. sposobnost samostalnog opstanka ove energetske forme je osobina potpuno nesvojstvena klasičnim, hercijanskim EM poljima. Zbog ovog neobičnog svojstva torzionih polja, neki fizički ili biološki objekti mogu “zabeležiti” (pamtiti) torziona polja određene prostorne konfiguracije. Najbolji primer za to su molekuli vode. Istraživanja su pokazala da je voda veoma dobar medijum za skladištenje statičkih torzionih polja. Svojim radom iz 1988. godine, francuski imunolog dr. Jacques Beneviste iznenadio je nučnu javnost pokazavši da voda ima sposobnost pamćenja sastava hemijskih supstanci sa kojima je bila u kontaktu. Homeopatija koristi to znanje u izradi lekova i prenošenju informacija na pacijenta. U daljim istraživanjima pokazalo se da karakteristike supstance takođe mogu biti prenete iz jedne posude sa vodom na drugu jednostavnim postavljanjem tih posuda zajedno. Izuzetno efektnu ilustraciju sposobnosti vode da registruje i pamti misaone i emocionalne strukture dao je dr. Emoto Masaru svojim snimcima kristala leda, nastalim pod uticajem različitih misaonih obrzaca.
Naučnik koji je zasigurno dao najveći doprinos u istraživanju nekonvencionalnih energetskih oblika je dr. Nikolaj Aleksandrovič Kozyrev. On je bio izuzetan naučnik, dobro poštovan u Rusiji, ali praktično nepoznat na zapadu. Implikacije njegovog rada, i rada svih onih koji su ga pratili, bile su ogromne. Nažalost njegova istraživanja bila su skoro u potpunosti prikrivena od strane bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza, ali padom gvozdene zavese i dolaskom Interneta, konačno smo dobili pristup “najbolje čuvanoj ruskoj tajni”. Temeljna istraživanja hiljada stručnjaka, doktora nauka, zasnovana na radovima Kozyreva, rezultovala su novim spoznajama koje su potpuno promenile naše razumevanje Univerzuma.
Život Kozyreva bio je izuzetno težak. Najnesretniji obrt desio mu se 1936. godine kada je bio uhapšen pod represivnim zakonima Jozefa Staljina. Od 1937.g, narednih 11 godina provodi u koncentracionom logoru, gde je podvrgnut strašnim torturama trpeći strahote poznate samo onima koji su ih preživeli. Ipak, i u tako teškim uslovima on je duboko razmišljao o misterijama univerzuma, obraćajući pažnju na sve moguće postojeće životne obrasce. Ono što je uočio bilo je više nego interesantno i neobično – svi ti toliko brojni i različiti organizmi pokazivali su znake asimetrije i/ili spiralnog rasta tokom svog razvoja. Na osnovu svojih zapažanja Kozyrev je smatrao da su svi oblici života samo vanjski “otisak” (slika) nekog nevidljivog, unutrašnjeg izvora spiralne energije, koji utiče na njihov razvoj kao što svoja uobičajena svojstva stiču i kroz energiju koju primaju jedenjem, pijenjem, disanjem, fotosintezom …
TRAN KoziKozirev je izveo niz eksperimenata kojima je verifikovao postojanje ovog spiralnog izvora energije, a to su kasnije potvrdili i mnogi drugi istraživači.
Jedan od njih je Brus DePalma, koji je otišao i dalje pokazujući da masa i spin mogu zavisiti od mnogo stvari kao što su vibracije, toplota, električna energija i magnetizam. Kozirev je zaključio da vreme nema smisla bez kretanja pri čemu je ono spiralnog oblika tako da je spiralno kretanje nazivao “protok vremena”. Iako korektno preveden, ovaj izraz treba pažljivo interpretirati jer se lako može pogrešno protumačiti da je vreme neka “stvar” koja može da “teče”. Ipak, taj izraz je i logičan jer ukazuje na zavisnost vremena od rotacije, pa je spiralno kretanje nešto što rotaciji dodaje dalje kretanje (višu formu kretanja) tako da je rotacija = vreme, i na taj način: rotacija u kretanju = protok vremena.
Ovako je David Wilcock opisao ostvarenje Kozyreva: “Kao što smo rekli, spiralni energetski obrasci u prirodi skinuli su veo pred iniciranim očima dr Kozyreva dok je bio u koncentracionom logoru. Svojom “direktnom spoznajom” stekao je uvid u to da je spiralna energija u stvari prava priroda i manifestacija “vremena.” Očigledno, on je osećao da je “vreme”, mnogo više od obične funkcije za merenje (brojanje) trajanja kako ga mi sada tumačimo.
Krajem 50.tih godina XX veka astrofizičar, astronom dr. N.A. Kozyrev je predložio sasvim nov koncept – “Protok prostora (space flow)”, koji se sa aspekta savremene fizike može povezati sa pojmom spiralnog polja a neodoljivo asocira na Teslin luminoferozni etar. Prema tumačenjima Kozyreva, putem “prostornog protoka” moguće je ostvariti interakciju između proizvoljno udaljenih objekata Univerzuma – ODMAH, istovremeno – dakle trenutno, bez vremenskog kašnjenja koje karakteriše propagaciju Hertzovih EM talasa. Nažalost, u svojim radovima Kozyrev nije koristio koncepte kompatibilne sa jednačinama savremene fizike elementarnih čestica i kosmologije pa su njegovi radovi potisnuti od strane savremene naučne misli.
Za dokaz postojanja protoka prostora Kozyrev je realizovao niz astronomskih i laboratorijskih eksperimenata i merenja. Naravno, eksperimenti trenutnih snimaka slika zvezda i najbližih galaksija su bili najzanimljiviji. Sasvim je očito da razmišljanja Kozyreva o protoku prostora podrazumevaju – mada to nigde nije rekao direktno – prisustvo signala, relativno bržih od svetlosti. Ovo je direktno suprotno osnovnom postulatu Ajnštajnove teorije relativnosti, temelju savremene fizike, postulatu o konstantnosti brzine svetlosti, po kojem ni jedan objekat sa realnom masom mirovanja nemože dostići – a kamoli prevazići brzinu svetlosti. Obzirom na to, sasvim je razumljivo što radovi Kozyreva nemaju adekvatnu podršku oficijelne nauke.
Osnovne karakteristike protoka vremena koje je razmatrao Kozyrev zasnovane su na razlikama u rotaciji objekta u smeru kazaljki sata i u suprotnom pravcu. Preciznije rečeno, u pitanju su koncepti asimetrične spirale koja se može detektovati na osnovnom nivou, prvenstveno
u fizici elementarnih čestica ali i kod makro objekata. Na osnovu svojih teorijskih i praktičnih istraživanja Kozyrev zaključuje da se desna i leva rotacija i spirale svih tela moraju razlikovati. Upravo ta asimetričnost, prema Kozyrevu ukazuje na spiralna svojstva vremena, odnosno da je ova osobina povezana sa osom (axis) vremena. Iako je razmatrao i mogućnost uvođenje koncepta spirale kroz prostorne koordinate, kao krajnju formulu Kozyrev je definisao brzinu kretanja duž ose vremena ili brzinu protoka vremena koja ima spiralne karakteristike a koja odgovara celokupnom prostoru.
Jedno od možda najkontroverznijih otkrića dr. Kozyreva je da ljudske misli i osećanja generišu torzone talase !!!
Ova činjenica je od izuzetne važnosti za savremenu nauku jer nudi mogućnost “fizičkog” shvatanja i tumačenja svesti a time i mnogo kompletniji model stvarnosti. Kozyrev je bio u stanju da izmeri fizičke efekte izazvane naglim psihičkim promenama uključujući i njegova vlastita stanja. Svojim eksperimentima je dokazao da je svest (svesnost) povezana sa vibracijama unutar fluidnog eteričnog medijuma koji prožima sve. U svojim genijalnim eksperimentima uočio je trenutne promene u psihokinetičkim sistemima, nastale delovanjem nepoznate energetske forme koju je teško detektovati i za koju je verovao da je – saamo vreme – i koja objedinjuje sve oblike postojanja u jedinstveno polje, povezujući sve stvari u realnom vremenu, promovišući tako princip nelokalnosti (“trenutno delovanje na proizvoljnoj udaljenosti”), što je ključni koncept i prilično diskutabilan fenomen moderne kvantne fizike.
Svojim brojnim merenjima Kozyrev je pokazao da promene u mehaničkim sistemima proizvode suptilne promene u gustini vremena, eterskom medijumu, kao i gravitacija, gromovi, promene godišnjih doba, promene u gustini materije itd. Isto tako, Kozirev je utvrdio da svest takođe utiče na gustinu vremena. Pri tome emocije (emocionalne misli) proizvode mnogo veće efekte na njegovu opremu nego što je to slučaj kod intelektualnih razmišljanja. Emocionalno uzbuđene osobe imale su posebno snažan uticaj na merne sisteme. Dr. V.Nasonov, kolega dr. Kozyreva koji je prisustvovao njegovim merenjima, tokom svog izlaganja na Moskovskom univerzitetu 1985. godine ispričao je publici sledeće: “Na primer, on [Kozirev] je bio u stanju da pokazivač torzione vage skrene za 40° ili čak i više kada je čitao svog omiljenog “Fausta” (Tesla/obrtno magn.polje!). Međutim, matematički proračuni, po pravilu, uopšte nisu izazivali otklon pokazivača …”. Brojni eksperimenti koje je izveo u svojoj laboratoriji uverili su Kozireva da naše misli mogu promenti gustinu vremena. Njihovo svojstvo nelokalnosti nudi nam mogućnost objašnjenja niza psi-fenomena iz oblasti metafizike pa i ezoterije na zaista racionalan i naučno prihvatljiv način.
Svi savremni aparati kvantne medicine i uopšte – komplementarne metode lečenja, zasnovane su na transferu (transdukciji) bio-informacionih polja putem Torzionih talasa. Sposobnost supstance, posebno vode, da “očitava” i registruje Torziona polja, uz njihovo svojstvo rezidualnosti koje ona i inače poseduju sama po sebi, kombinovana sa njihovom mogućnošću trenutnog tranfera informacija izuzetno su vredna saznanja koja čovečanstvu nude neslućene mogućnosti!

source- http://kpv.rs/?p=2934

Chi and DMT – Two Accessible Mysteries That Evade Scientific Validation

Chi and DMT – Two Accessible Mysteries That Evade Scientific Validation

October 4, 2013 | By
Flickr - DMT - HealingChimeAudioDylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times
“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.” –Max Planck,  ‘Where Is Science Going?’
There are some mysteries in life so common that nearly anyone can experience them, even though no one can fully explain them. The phenomenon of Chi, a universal life-force energy, and that of DMT, the psychedelic visionary compound produced within many plants, mammals and even humans, are integral parts of natural life that can greatly elevate mind, body, and spirit when experienced by an ordinary person.
Our society, primarily organized around labor, consumption, and the ethics of profiteering and exploitation, renders the spirit and our sense of natural wonder nonessential, for the most part. As a result, life too easily becomes unfulfilling and dull for people in our splendid, but meaningless material world, and too many of us come to find ourselves in a rut, one dull day after another, and life loses its significance.
Yet whatever toils we may face, we all do so together under the splendor of the cosmos, as individual sparks of consciousness amongst a shimmering collective, and we can choose to make ourselves available to mystery, wonder and curiosity, as not all of the riddles of this life have been solved. Inspiration is instrumental in the upkeep of morale and spirit, especially in these toxic times, and it has forever been a key motivator of human achievement. The ability to allow for mystery and to give respect to uncertainty is a source of boundless inspiration at a time when discouragement is the norm.
The personal discovery that a person has real-world access to the astounding mysteries of Chi and the life-changing effects of DMT can be a dramatic catalyst for personal transformation. It often forces a severe re-construction of one’s worldview, re-informing one of the deep connection we all have to the natural phenomenon of the earth and instigating a needed re-evaluation of priorities toward those more openly centered around beneficial and practical habits. These powerful natural phenomenon have the power, when directly experienced, to wake people up to their higher potential and to inspire a break from the ordinarily self-destructive patterns of normal life.

Chi – The Life-Force of Chinese Medicine

Chi is the common term used in Chinese medicine, martial arts and internal energy arts for the universal life force which permeates all things. It is a broad concept used to identify a wide range of meta-physical and spiritual concepts that play in the balance between life and death in our universe. Chi, as a philosophical concept, offers a complex and subjective cosmology which seeks to illuminate the inter-dependent relationships among all living systems, big and small.
For some, this concept presents an uncomfortable paradox in our logical world, and the experiential evidence of practicioners of these arts is incongruent with a scientific denial of the authenticity of the many phenomenon associated with Chi. Many millions of people regularly experience exceptional health and wellness, as well as mystical experiences, as a result from dedication to these arts, but only recently have these concepts begun to gain credibility in the Western mind.
Acupuncturists and studios offering training in Tai Chi, Qi Gong and meditation can now be found in most American cities, and there are growing enrollments in Western schools for the regulated professional medical science of Chinese medicine. As a healing modality for therapy of pain and recovery from injury, Chinese energy healing continues to gain credibility among Western medical disciplines. While it is difficult, however, for the concept of Chi to be immediately understood and appreciated by most Westerners, the effects of Chi training are numerous, beneficial and eye-opening. According to John Vervaeke, Ph.D., a cognitive scientist and student of Qi Gong, some of the phenomenological properties of the direct experience of a dedicated practice cultivating Chi may include:
  • Synesthetic properties – experiences which bridge the cognitive and the physical aspects of life.
  • The sensation of a magnetic force or some guiding or leading force moving within and without the body.
  • The accompaniment of a ‘liquid’ intelligence, a fluidity of thought and action, a feeling of being in the ‘zone’.
  • Projected and extended feelings of mentally and physically operating outside of the body.
  • Mystical experiences, often inducing ineffability, as they are difficult to articulate but generate happiness.
  • A feeling of resonating and of oneness.
  • A feeling of seeming to be dynamically connected to the environment.
  • The marked ability to see deeper into reality.
  • The interplay of polarity, such as the dynamic between intense concentration and absolute effortlessness.
  • Mystical experience leading to permanent changes in personality and a sense of openness.
  • Enhanced cognitive properties like insight, mind-sight, and foresight, such as picking up on people’s mental states.
Although the Chinese have been studying and developing a system of holistic medicine around the concept of Chi for thousands of years, the scientific evidence to support the existence of chi is still largely limited to the experiences of those who practice and work with Chi, meaning that, as an actual science, it has yet to even become a fully-developed hypothesis. Skeptics are keen to argue that personal, direct experience with Chi is most likely a response to expectation conditioning and a repeated anticipation of response, but this explanation is unacceptable given the vast numbers of people who experience practical results by following proper training guidelines. Who feels it, knows it.
Part of the confusion over Chi is the magical language traditionally involved in Chinese martial arts training. For example, the colorful metaphors and visualizations that are a part of the advanced integration of mind and body, which is a main focus of Chi training, are rather poetic and mystical, frequently drawing on nature and the characteristics of animals in order to explain relationship and form. For example, the simple movement of raising the hands above the head may be referred to as ‘pulling down heaven’, or the posture of lifting one leg and the opposing palm upward in a balanced stance may carry an elegant name such as ‘golden rooster stands on one leg’.
In Chinese medicinal philosophy, Chi travels throughout the body along meridians, which are looked at as vessels for energy that are not directly associated with cellular tissue. These meridians cannot be seen, but can be sensed with such certainty that a commonly-accepted map of the body’s meridian lines and acupressure points is widely utilized by acupuncturists and healers as a scientific expression of the body’s energetic system.
The closest Western scientific concept similar to this is bio-electricity, which involves viewing the passages of the nervous system and other body tissue as conduits for the low-voltage electricity that is produced within the human body. The study of bio-electricity is practical and is aimed at many of the same goals as the energy meditation practice of Qi Gong, such as maintaining optimal health and a swift recovery from injury. The US Army has even developed bandages that cover wounds with a material that creates pathways for bio-electricity to flow around the wound, greatly reducing the pain of severe injuries and shortening healing time.
Still, there is no repeatable experimentation that translates the concept of Chi into the measurable electro-magnetic spectrum of material science, and, therefore, it remains a mystery and food for skeptics.
In spite of this, there are many accessible methods of training for the cultivation of Chi and its employment in optimal health, wellness and longevity. There are competent schools and teachers of many forms of the Chinese energetic arts in most areas. Additionally, one can begin to develop a personal practice starting with the straightforward Taoist meditation techniques of Mantak Chia, or begin learning from the more elaborate instructional programs of medical and sports Qi Gong offered by Dr. Jwing-Ming Yang of the YMAA, author of The Root of Chinese Qi Gong.

DMT – The Spirit Molecule

DMT, or dimethyltryptamine, the visionary chemical compound found in abundance throughout the plant kingdom and in many mammals, is naturally produced inside the human body. It is most plentiful in the pineal gland, which is considered to be the potential biological locus of human consciousness and the seat of the soul. The pineal gland is known as the third eye, or the point source from which consciousness manifests itself in the human body. It is suspected that, when a persona falls asleep, DMT is released into the brain from the pineal gland to induce dream states of consciousness, and also that, when a person dies, a flood of this chemical is released, accounting for the consciousness-expanding effects of near-death experiences and for the movement of the psyche into realms beyond waking life.
The molecule itself is simple in structure and can be synthesized or extracted directly from plants. Dubbed the ‘spirit molecule’, by researcher Dr. Rick Strassman, this commonly-found compound baffles modern science because of the effects it has on human consciousness.
Although the substance is naturally occurring and apparently a necessary part of conscious life, at present it is listed by the United States Federal Government as a Schedule I controlled substance and is illegal to produce, distribute or possess. The suppression of DMT, a substance so commonly found in nature, is construed by many as a sign of an established ‘war on consciousness’. Speculation exists that visionary states reached under the effects of DMT are intentionally kept out of reach of the masses because the lasting psychological effects of the DMT experience can have a markedly culture-busting and paradigm-shifting result. Causing people to question primary cultural narratives and mainstream societal programming, psychedelic transformation with DMT is dangerous to the status quo; if too many people experience these effects, then our cultural bias towards exploitation and annihilation would be redressed.
There is growing popular interest in the psychoactive effects of this drug, especially after the work of Dr. Strassman, who clinically observed the mysterious similarities among the psychedelic visions of over 400 subjects during his legally-sanctioned exploration of this chemical in the 1990’s. Given the large number of subjects who vividly described having life-altering spiritual experiences that seemed to dissolve the ego and support the idea that all life forms are inter-connected at a common spiritual level, DMT has acquired the popular nickname ‘the spirit molecule’. Many of the individual experiences recorded in Dr. Strassman’s experiments exhibit unexplainable similarities to each other, leading to the question: Does DMT bring human consciousness into attunement with spiritual dimensions that exist in parallel to our commonly-shared material world?
The proper use of this substance has traditionally been the domain of Amazonian shaman who for thousands of years have been drinking the thick and unpleasant-tasting psychedelic brew Ayahuasca. This ancient concoction of at least two common Amazonian plants is widely accepted in South America as a tool in shamanic healing practices. It allows experienced healers to mitigate the individual suffrages of one’s psyche occurring between the physical and spiritual realms while also radically purging the body and psyche of latent negative energies.
The process of healing and cleansing through the use of Ayahuasca is legal in South America. It is also legally accessible to Americans domestically through commitment to the church of Santo Daime, which regularly serves this brew to its parishioners in ceremonies taking place in many major cities throughout the US, including New York and Washington, DC. There is also a growing popularity in tourism that brings Westerners to ceremonies with legitimate healers and shaman who are trained in the usage of Ayahuasca and where ordinary people can experience firsthand the potent and life-changing effects of this medicine.
The author and consciousness explorer Daniel Pinchbeck has helped to bring recognition of the transformational aspects of Ayahuasca and concentrated DMT, rationally advocating them as a means of reconfiguring one’s psyche so that a re-prioritization of values can occur, ultimately alleviating a dependence on cultural norms, which contribute to exacerbating world calamities. In his epic and thoughtful account of some of his harrowing journeys with psychedelics, Breaking Open the Head, Pinchbeck makes the rather compelling case that the powerful and paradigm-shifting effects of Ayahuasca have found a rightful place in our modern society as a tool for drastically recalibrating our relationship to the earth and for re-thinking our societal institutions and the purpose of our culture.
Jonathon Miller-Weisberg, enthno-botanist and conservationist, presents in his book, Rainforest Medicine, the fascinating cosmology of an Ayahuasca shaman from the Sequoia tribe in Ecuador. He makes the case that Ayahuasca is a celestial consciousness that is currently working to introduce itself to as many Westerners as possible as a means of self-preservation in the face of an overwhelming ecological assault on the Amazon, its indigenous people and traditions. In his book, Weisberger describes in colorful detail the cosmology and mythology woven into the mystique of Ayahuasca medicine, while also offering to Westerners practical and critical advice on respecting and honoring the sacred importance of this visionary experience.
The effects of DMT on human consciousness can be profound and permanent, and many vocal proponents of this experience, such as Terence McKenna or Graham Hancock, attribute profound psychological and philosophical awakenings to this experience. Perhaps the greatest benefit of experiencing DMT may be the reintroduction of the sacred into contemporary consciousness and into ordinary life. It also has the curious side-effect of inviting mystery and inspiration that can powerfully renew daily life.
In the world of interesting and unexplainable phenomenon, the curious examples of human Chi and the visionary effects of DMT stand out as two mysteries that have been influencing human health and well-being for thousands of years, but still defy logical explanation. The greatest barrier to the experience of these phenomenon is the preclusion that they don’t really exist, just because they are yet unexplained by science. These are mysteries that lie in wait of scientific explanation, not mysteries that owe an explanation to science.

About the Author
Dylan Charles is a student and teacher of Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Qi Gong, a practitioner of Yoga and Taoist esoteric arts, and an activist and idealist passionately engaged in the struggle for a more sustainable and just world for future generations. He is the editor of WakingTimes.com, the proprietor of OffgridOutpost.com, a grateful father and a man who seeks to enlighten and assist others with the power of inspiring information and action. He may be contacted at wakingtimes@gmail.com.

source- http://www.wakingtimes.com/2013/10/04/chi-dmt-two-accessible-mysteries-that-evade-scientific-validation/

A Flame By Any Other Name

A Flame By Any Other Name

Twin Flames, Language, and our Expanding {Evolving} Consciousness

There has been a lot of talk — and I mean a LOT of talk — about the concept of twin flames lately, coming through the dozen or so blogs and sources I trust and look to on a regular basis. Many of the viewpoints corroborate each other, some are particularly constraining, and others have a bit of wiggle room for varied interpretation. For my part, with apologies, I always thought the notion was a bit silly. I am no stranger to soul mates — both in the abstract, as well to my great joy, at certain special points along my personal timeline. But “One Twin” has seemed to me a bit far-fetched. Who is making and keeping these rules of deportment, arranging who can be siblings or not? Recently this whole notion has been knocking a bit more loudly at my door, not only in the various blogs and facebook postings, but also in my own life. I am quite sure I am in good company on this one.

Language {and the New Age …}

I love language. In addition to wearing various other “hats,” I have been employed in and was brought up around the advertising trade. I see semantics and branding in everything, and I see it in this question as well. “What is it exactly you are saying? What is your perspective and experience?” It is well known that human language was designed to approximate greater truths while remaining within a distorted and limited framework. Our definitions of soul mates, soul family, twin flame, higher beings, greater self, ascension, you name it, are all stabs at expressing the inexpressible. It’s no wonder most of us are a little confused from time to time!
We are all at this time moving from a world of very tight concepts, with its fast definitions and proscribed structures, into one that is more dynamic, where we write the script {as long as it is in keeping with the good of our fellows}, grounded in Unity Consciousness. Yes, there is a new Framework, and it has its Rules. Still we are All One — a thing we can feel inside us at times, from our current perspective, and at other times a concept that just makes sense to us, somehow. So why shouldn’t we be aligning more closely with our mates?
Now, it can be very easy to choose what writings and videos resonate with us, and say, that is Truth. And indeed, that is what we are all guided to do — not just those of us who spend time thinking about such things. In this transitional phase on Gaia and in our already-created world, we are encouraged to seek and express our truth — and have also been doing so for quite a while, by virtue of the soap-box mentality so common to Earth humans.

Soul Mates vs Twin Flames? Our Androgyny is the Key

There was a piece I read recently about not being dismayed by encountering many, many soul mates in these days. It is from Méline Lafont, who conveys a Message from MahaChohan Ragoczy. They write: “… That’s the reason why all of a sudden many soulmates are finding each other in this life and even more than one soulmate because each of you has multiple soulmates. … Also included is the connection with the one and only Twin Flame because firstly connections will be made with the parts of the joint aspects that someone shares with a soul mate as it functions as a kind of merger in consciousness by coming together one way or the other in your current incarnation. … Don’t be afraid when multiple soulmates enter your life rather than just one as you have many soul aspects of yourself and your Twin Flame, that are hiding, as it were, in those soulmates.” ❥
I used to have dreams about a good friend of mine. I would be distressed about something {in the dream, and presumably in life at that point} and he would show up wherever I was, on a travelling train, or in a house full of things needing to be cleared — he would have a beer in hand for me, and we would sit and talk for a while until I felt grounded again. This is how our friendship was in this life when we were living in the same circumstance. I consider him to be a close soul mate and treasure his presence. Some time last year there was a new dream of visiting him and his wife in this life — who is also a close beloved of mine — and there was a moment of meeting where the energies rushed through us and everything aligned and grounded for me. Much better than that delicious beer….
More lately there was another dream which I thought was this same fellow: I entered our shared space {in the dream — presumably on ship} and announced I was going out for the evening and was looking forward to seeing him later. He told me he was traveling for a few days, leaving soon, and I was like, oh, then come here now. It was not sexual, but again energetic with the kind of rush one can get from sex, but about connection and alignment. I felt completely recharged and learned something when I woke up and remembered the dream. This same energetic movement I relate to Kundalini activation which I have been reading about regarding Twin Flames — and experiencing these past months, after engaging {switching “on”} with my wonderful, somewhat enigmatic new companion. {I will post links at the end of this article to postings describing the phenomenon. I will NOT be divulging private secrets! ;) }
My old friend’s energy signature in those dreams is very similar to what I am experiencing here today in my current possibly-twin-flame encounter — and I believe that he, my friend from years ago, is a component of our larger group Self. And so when viewing it from a Twin Flame perspective, it makes some extra sense.
Our Greater Self is our Source and is androgynous. Our manifestations on this Earth today are generally male and female, and when they come together in life or dreams, we balance the whole expression in support of this greater mission at this time of shift and ascension — of collective evolution. As we re-integrate all the parts of our Soul — and before we achieve true energetic androgyny on our way back to source — the “parts” of the Self can coalesce into male/female aspects and this manifests/shows as Twin Flame. Seth insists: “There are no divisions to the self.”
To that, there is one other individual in my past experience that I used to confuse in the dream state with the old friend described above. All of these people I have had past lives with and we come from Source together. I believe the confusion is instructive: It IS the same soul, and we are all connected, we are all ONE. We choose expressions that line up with our chosen mission or path, and depending on the specific energies, we will align with one or another as “soul mate” for that time. Generally the same friends will realign this way together — although occasionally there is someone from more “outside of” the core {as expressed in the moment}, who will come into clear focus for a good reason.
We are all growing toward our unified soul and an androgynous state. It is just for this incarnation that it gets so confusing.

Counterparts: Other and Concurrent Incarnations

If I have a parallel incarnation in, say, India in this timeline and time frame, also as a woman, and I happen to “meet” myself — what happens? Do we explode? Certainly not. We are ALL “one” and we meet ourselves constantly through our “other” embodiments, every time we have an exchange with anyone — anyone at all. From Way of Mastery — Twin Souls: “In a very real sense, ALL beings we encounter are our ‘soul-mates’. Jeshua refers to this as ‘Friends of the Heart’ “
By the same token, let’s just say that our so-called twin flame also has more than one incarnation {facet, aspect, expression, avatar …}. “They” may abide on a ship, or have manifested in a person you may have met in your youth. If they are an alternate incarnation of your twin flame, and you meet when you are in your 20s, is it less valid than meeting at age 48, “during ascension”? You are each presumably somewhat more mature by then…. Continuing the example, if you “meet later” in the 7th dimension, does that negate your meeting today? And yet.. you are different expressions at each of these times, because the soul grows continually, and its expression in every focus is JOINED to that focus. In that sense, it is all illusion.
I can say with absolute certainty that my prior encounters with other close aspects of my own Soul, {named by their own individual names/manifestations}, have been very intense on a heart-soul-recognition level, and have led us ALL forward, into where we are now.
I have also read it implied that some choose to incarnate as twin flames per se, where presumably others have soul mates but no twin flame. There are of course more than one soul mate for everyone, no matter what the choice is. I had not believed in twin flames until my recent Kundalini activation. This information may be valid for many readers. From Wes Annac: SanJAsKa and the Pleiadian High Council: Pure Love Creates and Sustains your Realities ”Many twin flames have incarnated on your world and physically separated despite the fact that at a spiritual level, they are aligned and united. Pure Love Creates and sustains your realities and when we use the term Love, we do not use it in the hollow sense many on the Earth have been accustomed to.” I may be misinterpreting this message, and am open to growth and new understanding.

My Story Today

I am currently in the process of “breaking up” with one of my close soul family. We’ve been together for almost eight years, as such. Our families have been friends for 4–5 generations, and our dads were best friends at about age 14–15 — I’ll say they were/are soul mates {they have both passed on now}. The legacy of love and affection between these two families is strong and true. Any of my family — either family — who might chance on this article, will be having an eye-widening moment: my pen-name-cover utterly blown. :)
The “breakup” or moving apart I am going through {and by the way, thanks Ron Head and Creator for some important perspective…!} was catalyzed by my partner’s need to grow and expand in his own space — to live alone — and is essentially symptomatic of what we are all experiencing at this time: namely the “breakdown” of the old 3D. Some aspects of our couplehood were based on fairly brittle habits of interaction learned through our parents and early encounters, etc. Our love and friendship experienced some slight turbulence during the active part of the “breakup,” but has otherwise sailed through the first two months, and bodes fair to remain as strong and rewarding as ever, going forward — perhaps with some minor adjustments.
As if I weren’t happy enough to see our good friendship not only survive, but actually begin to thrive again, here is where the magic happened for me in particular: Unbeknownst to either of us, my friend’s “shutting the door” immediately popped open a sizeable window for me, and this is the experience that is now really quite twin-flame-ish to me…
I am in a bit of tailspin, trying to grapple with a delicate and complicated situation. {Dare to Meet Your Twin Flame: “When Twin Flames come together, they often encounter enormous challenges. Though compatible in every regard, they’ll find themselves in drastically different circumstances.” This article also mentions our current state of amnesia.} There is very much love behind our coming together, and the strength of it is bracing. With my growing trust in my own intuition … well … suffice it to say I am getting more and more information whispered in my ear these days, usually backed up by synchronistic “signs,” and generally upon request: One morning after a somewhat tortured evening, I awoke to “he is your soul, twinned.” I had not been thinking of him this way!!
Prior to the catalysing breakup, I had been having occasional dreams about my twin-like friend — who it is safe to say had been hiding in plain view — where we would work aligned together in larger group endeavours and enjoy a closeness that feels almost like we are the same energy signature. In one of these dreams, my soon to be ex was also present, and not paired up with anyone, as everyone else was — but carrying his share of the collective “load” upon singular, broad shoulders.
After asking for truth messages from my higher self and/or from my Flame — and to feel better in the loving truth — I had a dream of a reassuring encounter with him as a Pleiadian figure with his current 3D face in front, like a mask, saying: this is the face you know me as. ~My friend Laura writes: “I could not see his face though [in the dream], he had decided not to show his face to me.. [...] I did recognise a distinctive energy about him though, and it was not one that i have felt in 3D before.. [...] having said that, his energy/ vibration is SO SO similar to all the soul mates that i have met in this life time and to be honest, he can be any of them.”
Laura is right: it doesn’t feel the same at all to the normal experience. I confide to a friend: I saw “a side of him that was totally new to me and also really familiar.” I also remember months earlier mentioning to Méline how the dream world was beginning to manifest for me in a semi-solid state and merging with the world I have been familiar with. As in: every now and then I wake up and know that what I have dreamt is more real than what I am about to condense and begin for the day. So after that very real dream of working together closely with this individual, this beloved — I commented on her blog link on fb {The Arcturians ~ This reality is litterally cracking in on itself and it is not quite clear for us how much longer this illusory reality can be maintained}: “I watch as my dreaming self changes and merges into my waking life.”

Mission, and Second Phase

We are all entering our second phase of life plan for this incarnation, now that the planet is shifting, and so these partnerships are starting to reveal themselves — it keeps us growing in love. As for our topic, again from Dare to Meet Your Twin Flame: ”The only reason that Twin Flames come together in the same lifetime is to fulfill a shared mission.”
Yet furthermore, no outcome is foreordained. There may be a plan, a program, a job to do, an alliance, an allegiance — yet we are still each ourselves, twin flame or no. Our mission may indeed include much time apart in addition to the exquisite togetherness, including working in close conjunction — still tending to our other loves as well, including all our treasured family members. To be sure, others in the larger group will undoubtedly move aside a smidge or more in honour of what is emerging between their friends. I still believe the question of Twins is seen, forgive me again, quite a bit myopically {near- or tunnel-sighted}. If you were born a physical twin, you would not dismiss the rest of your family or your connection to your group. I expect my experience to be remarkable, miraculous, magnificent. Yet neither will I forsake my other soul mates. And what of when our mission is complete? Energetic beings evolve and grow, morph, etc. …. At some juncture we may say, job well done, love, I take your support and inspiration with me to the next endeavour. It may be two years or twenty, or two thousand — who can say? Change is the only universal constant. But rest assured that a soul alliance, even those which have “now” seemingly gone by the wayside, is as eternal as anything else.
Even more germane to the topic is this: We each hold Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine inside our selves, our souls, each our incarnations. The point is, to merge and balance these Within Ourselves. At times the talk of Twin Flames is way too literal. If we hold our true androgynous energy, and the totality of our soul’s balance within our incarnation — that is the feat! Twin Flame is a CONCEPT that seeks to embody the balance within a particular incarnation. Some bear this concept out more literally than others. The truth is in our Souls.
Little of this is consolation to those yearning for reunion, or an answer to the confusion that can arise with yet another soul love, or to a conflict surrounding the circumstances of a recently discovered true friend or mate. My advice: Live from your heart, practice your version of serenity and truth, have tolerance for others even if you are at a loss to understand them; and your friends, mates and flames will come flocking — bringing your mission into clearer view as they emerge. In fact, they may already be there in your theatre, just hiding in the wings for the time being. The right time — or “no time” — will reveal them, wherever they are.


I think one of the reasons we are all thinking and reading and experiencing this broad concept of Twin Flames right now is that All on the Earth are currently balancing Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, which have been out of balance for a long time. Both “genders” are equal as our true nature is androgynous. Or: without form, gender and sexual expression is moot. Thinking of your Divine Twin is one way to bring these energies into balance within You, and that is part of what is happening right now. Don’t sweat the details! All is in Divine order. You are loved beyond measure.

Kundalini Activation and Twin Flames

Dare to Meet Your Twin Flame “You will likely experience an explosive inner awakening unlike any other, also known as the Kundalini awakening. The Twin Flame connection is not a relationship. It’s a union.”
Emme’s Path: The Journey To Finding My Soul ”The more bonded and deep the connection between the twin flames becomes, the more deep and intense their Kundalini experiences will become… as their Chakras and energies merge.”
Kundalini Rising ”Meeting with your twin flame will most likely coincide with a kundalini awakening which itself if you don’t know what is happening will leave you thinking you’re losing your marbles. Kundalini is an energy force that lies dormant at the base on the spine, however once activated it starts the process of climbing the central nervous system up the spine and clearing the chakras on its way up.”

Other Links

The Golden Age is returning to Earth a Message from Mother Sekhmet through Elizabeth Trutwin, December 15, 2013 “The Twin Flame is the other part of ourselves. We are created first as a Plasma Ball of Light. As we incarnate into the Physical we divide as a cell divides into Twins, exactly the same, except One is Female and One is Male. We are separated by the Physical Body alone. There is no other form of separation.”
Universal Mother Mary Discusses the Law of Completion and Continuity on Heavenly Blessings, December 3, 2013 ”And I give you practical examples: you meet with me, you meet with loved ones, you fall madly, passionately in love, you choose sacred other, and you think ‘This is it. This is the ultimate.’ And it does not matter — it can be with a child, a partner, a job, a mission, an avocation. And then after a while you turn to me and you say ‘Mother, I am bored. What else is there?’ I know you.”
The Comet Ison and Disclosure… Linda Dillon: “People who said they did not want sacred partnership or didn’t want to do certain jobs are finding themselves in wonderful partnerships, madly in love, and that started with Mary, Mother Mary saying, ‘I want you to fall madly in love with each other’ and boom! everybody’s falling in love, everybody’s getting into sacred partnership if you haven’t been there before. And of course, a sacred partnership with yourself being the most important part.”
Blessings and Love,

source- http://joinedupwriting.ca/flame/#.UsHRQfu58tw

субота, 28. децембар 2013.

My Christmas Message Forever

My Christmas Message Forever

Dearest Embodiments of Love,
              Wish Each and Everyone of you a Merry Christmas. Wish You the taste of Christ Consciousness. The consciousness that is all-encompassing; the consciousness that expresses itself only through Unconditional Love, Compassion beyond gender and species barriers, kindness that transcends time and space, profound, unbending selflessness rooted in truth of existence and beyond any man-made barriers. I wish you that. This was the stature and state of Jesus whom the world adores today. But, do we take the time to merge into the consciousness that he represented at all?

If we do, there cannot be any wars in the world. There cannot be any torture, killing, possessiveness or even manipulation of any being of any species on earth. There can only be peace, love and kindness in this world. Please do consider this point, as we toast in the name of Jesus and wish everyone abundantly.
Whenever mind trips and falls into fake behavior patterns, pretensions, untruth, selfishness, greed, possessiveness, anger, hatred and emotions that are negative in nature, may you have the power to think and consider who you actually are and what consciousness is available to you, at your disposal at all times! You are embodiments of love. You do possess the Christ consciousness. It is the same as Krishna Consciousness, Buddha consciousness and the God-consciousness.
Jesus Consciousness
All negativities are just acquired masks from this existence. They are not the real you. They can never be you because negativities bind you and inflict suffering on you and others. You are one with your father – the God-consciousness. The potential for the kingdom of the supreme father is within you. That kingdom is God-consciousness or God-head. The God-head is within you. God-head is not outside of you. Consider this truth deeply and contemplate on it. Remember this always.
When you become one with the consciousness of the father, fears disappear and peace descends into the core of your existence. Confidence and conviction take the place of fears and anxieties. Karmas disintegrate.
External negative elements can only destroy the temple (body), they cannot lay their hands on the deity (the soul). We are the soul, wearing this body for a specific duration. We are just acting the role of whatever we seem to be in this world. This role is temporary. Even this will pass.
This conviction and the unity consciousness with God will make you powerful, invincible. Your conviction will help you endure all calamities of life. Nothing else becomes any more significant than this truth that you experience, that you and God are ONE.
You and God are ONE
You and God are ONE
I wrote a blog on the conviction of a purpose-bound soul, a while ago. Perhaps it might be interesting for you to go through it, once again – Enjoy…http://pkmohan.wordpress.com/2009/10/24/conviction-passion/

Where is the kingdom of God? The answer is – it is well within you. You are creating heaven and hell though your thoughts, words and actions. Even through thoughts, if you create agony, it stays as a potential calamity for the future, in the canvass of existence. Thought is the first level of creation. When you argue, vent emotions and fight, those words lead to decay in conscience. Insensitivity, sadism, cruelty and violence of all kinds lead to sorrows. They lead to illness, and disappointments. Collective consciousness of society, especially if it is predominantly negative in nature, brings forth such effects. When corruption, contamination, greed, lust and selfishness wreak havoc in the minds of common men, calamities happen in society. A selfish society creates selfish rulers. Selfish rulers exploit the selfish society. This is the vicious cycle that we are experiencing today. Greed is ruling.
Christ and the Apostles
Christ and the Apostles
A saint is crucified because he tells the truth and truth hurts many. It pricks the conscience of many minds in society. The selfish society is more worried about with whom the saint slept with, instead of the truths he revealed or the positiveness that he delivered to society. (Perhaps a book contemplating on whether Jesus slept with Mary Magdalene or not may sell much more than a book on the truth that he stood for!!!) Anyone who delivers positiveness into the society is indeed an angel of God. They need to be supported, nurtured and respected. In today’s society, when negativity is the norm of life, anyone and everyone who brings positiveness and liberation to anyone and everyone should be nurtured, respected and preserved. Generations have consistently destroyed the good and noble ones and have been “hell-bound” in destroying them and manipulating their teachings to their own advantage. Message of truth when manipulated becomes message of untruth. No master can control it. What liberates is true and what binds is untrue. Liberation is the message of God. Manipulation, fear and binding are negative aspects of man. It has nothing to do with God. Torture, destruction of materials and beings as well as killing can never be the message of God. Kindness, tolerance towards all species and Love beyond all barriers are the true messages of God.
Kindness, tolerance towards all species and Love beyond all barriers are the true messages of God.
Kindness, tolerance towards all species and Love beyond all barriers are the true messages of God.
The human species is just one species in this world. We are responsible for all species on earth because we predominantly use our intellect for our existence. All species are interconnected, seemingly or indirectly. Inflicting pain, agony and death on any beings of any species is not an act of God. God-hood never allows such acts. Such behavior is definitely a detachment from God-hood. Selfishness and greed has nothing to do with God and have everything to do with the ignorance of man. This must be clearly understood. This must be emphatically conveyed to every society. Non-violence in thought, word and action clearly amounts to being one with God-hood.
When a problem is accepted with equanimity, it cleanses the individual.
When a problem is accepted with equanimity, it cleanses the individual.
Those who are suffering, sick and victimized are certainly the children of God. They come closer to God and God comes closer to them. Ego identification is the biggest barrier between man and God. Agony dissolves the ego and brings man closer to God in surrender. Unconditional, non-judgmental God loves them, especially when they surrender their happiness, sorrows and agony to God and accept their reality without complaints. When a problem is accepted with equanimity, it cleanses the individual. When we curse and complain, the emotion binds the situation to our subconscious and that arranges a repetition of the same agony. Rather than defending a situation, when total acceptance happens, liberation begins inside. God-hood descends on us. “Let it be Thy will, not mine” is a perfect example of total surrender to existence.
Jesus Christ
“Me and my father are one” We are truly the cosmos.
When you surrender your whole life to the mission of truth, irrespective of who you are, irrespective of your strengths and weaknesses, you will become extremely powerful from within. Everything external of us disappears sooner or later. Inner strength takes us through everything and establishes us in our own God-hood. Then we realize “Me and my father are one”. And, that we are the same consciousness that created the universe, that maintains the universe and dissolves the universe. We are truly the cosmos. We are truly one with the galaxies and all the beings of every plane.This truth cannot lighten up our awareness if it remains only as external knowledge. It can be ours only when we are kissed by this awareness from inside. Then, you become one with the Christ consciousness. This is individualistic.
World does not need converters, world needs transformers.Transformation is essential from mankind to kind man. Nobody can convert anybody into anything. Conversion into any religion never guarantees any stature. It is only a change of tag. It is just an external facade, just like changing a dress. It is foolishness to believe that changing a religion can hasten your lead to God. God is not bound by any religions. God is omnipresent. All manifestations have come out of one God.
All manifestations have come out of one God
All manifestations have come out of one God
God is the same for all beings, all species. There is no higher or lower God. You and I are the children of the same God. Children of the same father. There are beings with higher and lower awareness. Those who inflict pain and suffering are certainly of lesser awareness. Those who spread warmth, positivism and kindness are of higher awareness. Violence is a product of lower awareness. Non-violence amounts to higher awareness. Dare to exercise non-violence at all times. It will get you closer to God-hood. This is for sure.
The world does not need those who convert others to any religions. How can it change anything? Inner peace and quiet are more important and that has nothing to do with any religion. The world needs those who transform people and their lives for the better. This needs love in the heart, not greed and private agendas. The world needs those who bring peace in the hearts of generations, not calamity. The world needs peacemakers not hatred mongers. The Christ consciousness is your choice. Unconditional Love is the path.
Wish You the taste of Christ consciousness. May you always remain happy and free.
Wish You LIBERATION from all the conditionings and bindings of earth.
M in SA, blessing
Love You Always

source- http://qawithmohanji.wordpress.com/2013/12/25/my-christmas-message-forever/

Inner Alchemy: A Bridge Between Worlds

Inner Alchemy: A Bridge Between Worlds

December 28, 2013 | By |
Flickr - Bridge - eduardomineoChris Bourne, Openhand Contributor
Waking Times
A new paradigm of being is opening up. It is here all around us. But sometimes it’s extremely hard to balance the connection to this ‘new world’ with living day-to-day in society, especially because not everyone is yet reading from this divine ‘script’. It can sometimes feel like it’s one or the other. Integrating one into the other can seem a nigh on impossibility, but it is not. Here’s where the tactile, empathic nature of the soul – the ‘diplomat’ – comes into it’s own: intuiting and feeling the flow of ‘rightness’ in any given situation, yet molding and blending it into this material world for maximum unraveling and realigning impact. You can live your truth, honour the alternative truth of another, yet not compromise your soul…
A tall order? Yes indeed. But it is definitely possible.
Mastering this “Ray 4″ Diplomat in you, is certainly a path to mastery.

The Fuel of Inner Alchemy

It is no secret that we live in a world which is out of balance with nature and therefore out of alignment with the natural harmony of the universe.
As separation consciousness exploded outwards at the “Bigbang” and then condensed into form, so Unity Consciousness continues to destabilise outdated structures and harmonies of lower truth as it makes it’s journey back to the source. Unity Consciousness is this flow of love that is the universe’s organising energy which you can feel in your heart when you stop judging the moment or need a particular outcome from it.
Many people have now awakened and more than ever, are feeling the inner compulsion to ‘be the change’. It involves honouring and expressing your truth in every moment, not just with words, but in every physical, emotional and mental action that you take. It leads to an internal cleansing of blocked energy and out-dated, distorted behaviour patterns. This is the fuel of inner alchemy.

Indicators of “Right Action”

So after awakening, the first realignment is to connect up to this never ending flow of truth and love, realising that whatever may appear to be happening on the surface of reality, it is finding, honouring and expressing your truth as “Right Action” which truly counts.
In this sense, “Right” does not mean a judgment of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ or ‘right’ and ‘wrong’.
It means: an action which is aligned with the universal flow.
How do you know if you are in this flow of “Rightness”?
Here are some key indicators:
  • They confront, challenge and break down the ego within you and within others with whom you’re engaged.
  • Actions in rightness ultimately lead to an inner sense of expandedness, connection and openness, once you’ve broken through any tightness or resistance to expressing your truth.
  • When aligned with the flow, you tend to observe supportive synchronicity as the universe clicks into place around you.
  • When you’re in “Rightness”, it just feels right. It’s like being in love. No one can tell you if you’re in love. There’s no logic to it. You just know.
  • A choice made in rightness will feel like destiny.

The ‘Sweet-Spot’ of Life

This destiny of rightness that the soul is reading, is not so much about making a choice of doing ‘this’ or ‘that’ (although rightness does lead to right choices). It is more about finding and expressing lost aspects of your true nature. Of course there is only one being, and everything is formed of this one being. The One in you does not need a particular outcome because it already has everything…
What The One in you is truly looking for, is the nectar of life itself:
to find the fullest, grandest, most complete expression possible.
And that defines the purpose of your soul.
And there is absolutely nothing else going on. Ever!
So if you can make a point of continually working to feel this truth, flowing through the core of your soul, then you will align with destiny. With each expression of it, life will become increasing magical, mystical and simply divine. You are fulfilling true purpose. You’ve touched the ‘sweet-spot’ of life itself.

An Impossible Juggling Act?

It’s not always easy to express the soul. The soul will lead you into confrontation and sometimes even conflict as you challenge the ways of old. It’s especially not easy because of the matrix in which we live.
The matrix is a huge ‘eddy current’ within the stream. It would seem like it’s been purposefully designed to capture the flowing energy, retard it into a ‘box’ and then to disconnect from the flow of rightness, riding roughshod over the natural harmony of life in the process.
It’s like a dam has blocked up the stream, influencing, controlling and manipulating all life it catches in its net.
It has become a tremendous challenge to all those wanting to express and live the higher truth. You feel a pull beyond typical 9-5pm conditionality, but you step out of line and the matrix tries to punish you for it. With rules and regulations, appointments, deadlines and expectations, there’s every reason why not to express the truth.
Not only that, but the matrix currently owns all the resources. If you want to survive, most will have to interact with it in some way. And what about your families, loved ones and colleagues who may not be feeling this flowing connection as you are? This can be greatly influential. Sometimes expressing the flow of truth may feel like an impossible juggling act.
Rest assured, it is not.

Different Soul Ray Harmonics

This is where the Ray 4 comes in, the diplomat in you, that which helps you blend with multiple realities, that which helps you empathise but influence, that which accepts unconditionally but also catalyses. This Ray 4 is the ‘Bridge between Worlds’.
I observe that the soul is a blend of seven particular characteristics - a soul ray harmonic - and that all expressions of beingness tend to be a blend of these particular ‘rays’ of consciousness, just like sounding a note on a musical instrument. If you can find the ‘right’ expression of you which is wanting to activate in this moment, then not only does it ‘sound sweet’, but you drop into the natural flow. It feels just like heaven. And there is nothing better than this. Everything else that you may search or strive for in life is but an echo of this source sound.
I’ve also observed there is a spectrum of possible soul-ray-harmonics. On one end of the spectrum are the catalysts. They are here to ‘shake life up’. To change, unravel, unwind and metamorphosize. They’ll continually confront you with truth. You’ll simply not be allowed to rest in your lazy bed!
And on the other end of the spectrum are the empaths. These are the souls who can absolutely and unconditionally accept life as it is without judging. They can witness and feel the truth at the core of all behaviour – no matter how distorted – and not need to change it. They are that energy that helps play out a distortion so that others ultimately want to change, all of their own accord.
Now between this spectrum of catalyst and empath, each soul will be a unique blend of both. In understanding this and realising how you impact life around you, can be enormously helpful to your evolution. It will make sense of why you encounter the interactions you do, why it can be so hard to express your truth and why others may react so negatively or conversely be so inspired at different times.

The ‘Gear-Box’ That Harmonises Power With Reality

Understanding and fine tuning your Ray 4, is like the gear box that transforms the raw power of the engine, into manageable torsion to turn the wheels. But this gearbox does need to be well oiled! If you can fine tune your particular blend, then you will go a long way towards facilitating your flow through life.
So what does this mean in a practical sense?
  • Firstly acknowledge that you’re here to influence and change the nature of reality. You’re not supposed to be cooped up in a box. Even if people around you react with projection towards you, fear and anger, recognise it is their own distortion they’re activating – otherwise they’d be able to calmly accept you as you are. As you realise this in your mind, feel a waterfall of flowing calmness descend around your expression of truth.
  • Secondly, in order to facilitate the greatest amount of positive change, there needs to be open doorways through the density of the field, that may touch something deep within another. In other words, whilst we stand our ground, we must recognise and honour the truth in another. Even if you notice their’s is a lower vibrational truth, it is still their truth and real to them. If you’re given to influence, you won’t get anywhere by riding roughshod over them.
  • Catalysing and therefore unwinding means first working to recognise the ‘ancient light’ at the core of a distortion. So all actions have begun with an authentic exploration of reality by the soul. It’s just that the ego then distorted the purity. So first work to find the truth at the core of their distortion and honour this with them. Then help them see the higher truth. If you’ve done it accurately, they’ll be on your side and much more open to change.
  • Recongise that the stream will always find different pathways back to the ocean. If you try one approach and it doesn’t work or if you then feel disconnected because you couldn’t fully honour the flow, work not to judge yourself for it. Benevolence doesn’t blame you! Instead keep softening into the place you are now at, pausing to reconnect again.
  • Compromise but don’t ever compromise the soul. Yes it may seem like an impossible paradox. But it is not. How can you make your truth the most understandable, the most reasonable, the most tactile, the most accessible and without any extra energy? If you can do this, you’ll find you don’t have to compromise your truth. Increasingly you’ll be accepted.
  • Don’t tell others what you know to be their truth (this can be a big button pusher!). Instead work to facilitate an increase in realisation by asking an empowering question. One that is open ended, one that causes them to explore and feel for themselves.
  • Accept that sometimes you will be in a minority of one. It does not make your truth untruth. Know and accept when it is time to stand your ground, come what May. This will always test your level of trust in the divine. So be it. Take it as an opportunity to evolve and grow.

Is it the soul acting or the ego?

So how do you know when you’re expressing what’s really your soul (in this case the Ray 4) and when it’s your ego that’s running the distortion? When does the authentic expression of the diplomat in you actually morph into compromising the soul?
This is a powerful and important question. And there’s only one soul who can answer it – you!
Lower mind likes a ready answer. It tends not to be comfortable with open ended and abstract questions that ‘hang in the air’. But work to get used to that question… “is this the soul acting now or the ego?”
Hold it in your awareness and challenge every situation with it. Feel through your reaction/response to it.
If the ego is acting, choices are often made out of subtle levels of fear – of a need for a particular outcome. So is your response really about placating because you’re afraid of how they’ll react to you? Work to be honest with yourself. The ego will make you feel less than. It will make you feel small, which your natural body language will reflect.
Realise that ALL situations are a co-creation. Both parties have something to learn. You may be in rightness – the higher truth – so it’s not that you’re wrong, but perhaps you need to look for a more evolved expression? I find that having this in my awareness, frequently softens the burden of ‘carrying the truth’. It means I wasn’t ‘wrong’, I just need to look for a more sophisticated expression. I find it makes the truth easier to bear.

Two Worlds

Whether we fully know it or not, we’re living in two worlds at the moment. The higher paradigm is to be found infusing this lower world, working to transform it. Those who are already carrying the light, will frequently find it challenging. The old world values are so used to living in the shadows and fear the light. There’s a clinging to the easy-to-understand, in-the-box expediency and soft comfort. There’s a strong dependence on the crutch of old behaviours.
Despite this, there comes a point where you simply cannot compromise your soul a moment longer. You realise the illusion and that the only real purpose of life is the expression of you. In mastering the Ray 4 Diplomat – an interwoven aspect of your soul – it means you can still be living and breathing the higher realm, whilst acting in this one. It means you can stay in the truth.
In so doing, not only does your awakened life become more manageable, you become a powerful facilitator.
You become a bridge between the worlds.
from my heart to yours
Open (on behalf of Openhand)

About the Author
Chris Bourne – At the age of 40, I was involved in a life threatening car crash in which I thought I would certainly die. This precipitated total inner surrender and a rapid reconnection with the conscious life force through all things.
I found myself suddenly able to experience and contemplate through multiple dimensions of reality to see the deeper purpose of life itself. It was then I began to fully realise my true reason for being here.
During the crash, time seemed to slow right down and I was guided back through key moments of my life. I was realising that every moment in our lives has but one underlying purpose – to reveal an aspect of truth about ourselves to ourselves. I was beginning to dissolve every belief and value our society had conditioned within me.
This was my initial awakening to the magical unifying consciousness of the soul. Over the eight years that followed, I was guided through four other inner ‘Gateways’ of consciousness. I have since come to know the process as the five key expansions on our journey of Enlightenment and ultimate Ascension into multi dimensional living – our divine birthright.
My consciousness expansion however did not end there. It continued to blossom and expand. I became acutely aware of a highly evolved, benevolent presence, working through the weave of life since the dawning of time itself. I have come to know this Group of Nine intimately. It guides my life and is the basis of Openhand itself.

source- http://www.wakingtimes.com/2013/12/28/inner-alchemy-bridge-worlds/