субота, 28. децембар 2013.

My Christmas Message Forever

My Christmas Message Forever

Dearest Embodiments of Love,
              Wish Each and Everyone of you a Merry Christmas. Wish You the taste of Christ Consciousness. The consciousness that is all-encompassing; the consciousness that expresses itself only through Unconditional Love, Compassion beyond gender and species barriers, kindness that transcends time and space, profound, unbending selflessness rooted in truth of existence and beyond any man-made barriers. I wish you that. This was the stature and state of Jesus whom the world adores today. But, do we take the time to merge into the consciousness that he represented at all?

If we do, there cannot be any wars in the world. There cannot be any torture, killing, possessiveness or even manipulation of any being of any species on earth. There can only be peace, love and kindness in this world. Please do consider this point, as we toast in the name of Jesus and wish everyone abundantly.
Whenever mind trips and falls into fake behavior patterns, pretensions, untruth, selfishness, greed, possessiveness, anger, hatred and emotions that are negative in nature, may you have the power to think and consider who you actually are and what consciousness is available to you, at your disposal at all times! You are embodiments of love. You do possess the Christ consciousness. It is the same as Krishna Consciousness, Buddha consciousness and the God-consciousness.
Jesus Consciousness
All negativities are just acquired masks from this existence. They are not the real you. They can never be you because negativities bind you and inflict suffering on you and others. You are one with your father – the God-consciousness. The potential for the kingdom of the supreme father is within you. That kingdom is God-consciousness or God-head. The God-head is within you. God-head is not outside of you. Consider this truth deeply and contemplate on it. Remember this always.
When you become one with the consciousness of the father, fears disappear and peace descends into the core of your existence. Confidence and conviction take the place of fears and anxieties. Karmas disintegrate.
External negative elements can only destroy the temple (body), they cannot lay their hands on the deity (the soul). We are the soul, wearing this body for a specific duration. We are just acting the role of whatever we seem to be in this world. This role is temporary. Even this will pass.
This conviction and the unity consciousness with God will make you powerful, invincible. Your conviction will help you endure all calamities of life. Nothing else becomes any more significant than this truth that you experience, that you and God are ONE.
You and God are ONE
You and God are ONE
I wrote a blog on the conviction of a purpose-bound soul, a while ago. Perhaps it might be interesting for you to go through it, once again – Enjoy…http://pkmohan.wordpress.com/2009/10/24/conviction-passion/

Where is the kingdom of God? The answer is – it is well within you. You are creating heaven and hell though your thoughts, words and actions. Even through thoughts, if you create agony, it stays as a potential calamity for the future, in the canvass of existence. Thought is the first level of creation. When you argue, vent emotions and fight, those words lead to decay in conscience. Insensitivity, sadism, cruelty and violence of all kinds lead to sorrows. They lead to illness, and disappointments. Collective consciousness of society, especially if it is predominantly negative in nature, brings forth such effects. When corruption, contamination, greed, lust and selfishness wreak havoc in the minds of common men, calamities happen in society. A selfish society creates selfish rulers. Selfish rulers exploit the selfish society. This is the vicious cycle that we are experiencing today. Greed is ruling.
Christ and the Apostles
Christ and the Apostles
A saint is crucified because he tells the truth and truth hurts many. It pricks the conscience of many minds in society. The selfish society is more worried about with whom the saint slept with, instead of the truths he revealed or the positiveness that he delivered to society. (Perhaps a book contemplating on whether Jesus slept with Mary Magdalene or not may sell much more than a book on the truth that he stood for!!!) Anyone who delivers positiveness into the society is indeed an angel of God. They need to be supported, nurtured and respected. In today’s society, when negativity is the norm of life, anyone and everyone who brings positiveness and liberation to anyone and everyone should be nurtured, respected and preserved. Generations have consistently destroyed the good and noble ones and have been “hell-bound” in destroying them and manipulating their teachings to their own advantage. Message of truth when manipulated becomes message of untruth. No master can control it. What liberates is true and what binds is untrue. Liberation is the message of God. Manipulation, fear and binding are negative aspects of man. It has nothing to do with God. Torture, destruction of materials and beings as well as killing can never be the message of God. Kindness, tolerance towards all species and Love beyond all barriers are the true messages of God.
Kindness, tolerance towards all species and Love beyond all barriers are the true messages of God.
Kindness, tolerance towards all species and Love beyond all barriers are the true messages of God.
The human species is just one species in this world. We are responsible for all species on earth because we predominantly use our intellect for our existence. All species are interconnected, seemingly or indirectly. Inflicting pain, agony and death on any beings of any species is not an act of God. God-hood never allows such acts. Such behavior is definitely a detachment from God-hood. Selfishness and greed has nothing to do with God and have everything to do with the ignorance of man. This must be clearly understood. This must be emphatically conveyed to every society. Non-violence in thought, word and action clearly amounts to being one with God-hood.
When a problem is accepted with equanimity, it cleanses the individual.
When a problem is accepted with equanimity, it cleanses the individual.
Those who are suffering, sick and victimized are certainly the children of God. They come closer to God and God comes closer to them. Ego identification is the biggest barrier between man and God. Agony dissolves the ego and brings man closer to God in surrender. Unconditional, non-judgmental God loves them, especially when they surrender their happiness, sorrows and agony to God and accept their reality without complaints. When a problem is accepted with equanimity, it cleanses the individual. When we curse and complain, the emotion binds the situation to our subconscious and that arranges a repetition of the same agony. Rather than defending a situation, when total acceptance happens, liberation begins inside. God-hood descends on us. “Let it be Thy will, not mine” is a perfect example of total surrender to existence.
Jesus Christ
“Me and my father are one” We are truly the cosmos.
When you surrender your whole life to the mission of truth, irrespective of who you are, irrespective of your strengths and weaknesses, you will become extremely powerful from within. Everything external of us disappears sooner or later. Inner strength takes us through everything and establishes us in our own God-hood. Then we realize “Me and my father are one”. And, that we are the same consciousness that created the universe, that maintains the universe and dissolves the universe. We are truly the cosmos. We are truly one with the galaxies and all the beings of every plane.This truth cannot lighten up our awareness if it remains only as external knowledge. It can be ours only when we are kissed by this awareness from inside. Then, you become one with the Christ consciousness. This is individualistic.
World does not need converters, world needs transformers.Transformation is essential from mankind to kind man. Nobody can convert anybody into anything. Conversion into any religion never guarantees any stature. It is only a change of tag. It is just an external facade, just like changing a dress. It is foolishness to believe that changing a religion can hasten your lead to God. God is not bound by any religions. God is omnipresent. All manifestations have come out of one God.
All manifestations have come out of one God
All manifestations have come out of one God
God is the same for all beings, all species. There is no higher or lower God. You and I are the children of the same God. Children of the same father. There are beings with higher and lower awareness. Those who inflict pain and suffering are certainly of lesser awareness. Those who spread warmth, positivism and kindness are of higher awareness. Violence is a product of lower awareness. Non-violence amounts to higher awareness. Dare to exercise non-violence at all times. It will get you closer to God-hood. This is for sure.
The world does not need those who convert others to any religions. How can it change anything? Inner peace and quiet are more important and that has nothing to do with any religion. The world needs those who transform people and their lives for the better. This needs love in the heart, not greed and private agendas. The world needs those who bring peace in the hearts of generations, not calamity. The world needs peacemakers not hatred mongers. The Christ consciousness is your choice. Unconditional Love is the path.
Wish You the taste of Christ consciousness. May you always remain happy and free.
Wish You LIBERATION from all the conditionings and bindings of earth.
M in SA, blessing
Love You Always

source- http://qawithmohanji.wordpress.com/2013/12/25/my-christmas-message-forever/

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