недеља, 30. август 2015.

How to Heal the Second Chakra

How to Heal the Second Chakra

The second chakra “wheel” of our main seven energy centers is in the area of the sacrum, the triangle-shaped bone at the Sacral-Chakrabase of our spine. It is responsible for sexual energy, sexual organs, emotions, desires, polarity, sensuality and money.
Mainly, this is where we maintain ambition and intimate relationships. People balance this chakra by tackling issues with identity and sexuality, a world-wide phenomenon.
Ask yourself these questions to tune into your second chakra:
  • Do you hold anger towards your partner because of their choices related to sex?
  • Do you allow others to manage your money?
  • Do you feel free or stifled with your money and/or sexuality?
  • Alternatively, check the health of your ovaries, testes, kidneys, urinary tract, gallbladder, spleen and skin.
Furthermore, we get dysfunction in this emotional center from rejecting gender, holding anger or sexual guilt, not accepting our age, or believing we are “bad”.  A lot of beliefs society holds onto is because of the programming we got from our environment, which has tried to control us in the past. For instance, religious institutions alongside the governments have decided what is acceptable, similar to population control regimes.
sacral-chakraUltimately, our sexual energy (often mentioned with “kundalini”) is connected to our life-force. When our kundalini rises as a result of kundalini yoga or tantric practice, it is said to bring bliss.
If this life force is cut off, we will have issues transforming life-force into spiritual energy. Simply put, energy moves up the spine to heal the higher auric layers.
On a physical level, a woman who is coping with internalized pressure from society to be a mother, for example, will produce more cortisol.
This decreases progesterone, which affects embryo implantation in the uterus as well as oxytocin (the stress hormone). The following increase of norepinephrine and epinephrine suppresses sex hormones. In men, anxiety creates sperm impotence because the adrenals produce more cortisol and less testosterone.
Taking a look at society, we suffer from lack of nourishment to the lower back area, where we are supposed to receive our sexual energy, love from home/community, and financial support. To heal this, we must be willing to feel and express emotions, love ourselves, take responsibility and support our passions.
On a belief layer, we have to know that having money does not equal materialism, and having sex does not solve abandonment problems. On the other hand, we cannot put ourselves in a deficit to support a partner, nor can we deny our sexual fantasies.
It would be a good idea to get in touch with all of these things, communicate with our lovers, or seek someone whom we trust who can work with this sacred part of our bodies.
Gentle love and self-acceptance will get us faster towards a bright, beaming, light-filled svadhisthana.

-Krista Raisa

source- http://thespiritscience.net/2015/08/29/how-to-heal-the-second-chakra/

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