четвртак, 15. октобар 2015.

Mayan Kin



Tzolkin, meaning the ‘Count of Days’ in Yucatecan, is the Sacred Mayan Calendar that was utilized by Mayan priests for ceremonies, rituals and divination purposes. This sacred calendar was followed by several Mesoamerican cultures and, although expressed with different names, they all consisted of a combination of 20 symbols by 13 numbers. The Cholq’ij, its name in Quiche, is still in use by the Day Keepers in Mayan communities of Highland Guatemala.
The 20 symbols or glyphs are energies or archetypes represented by names, called in their modern term as Solar Seals. The 13 numbers are expressed in dots and bars and are known as Lunar Tones. Both, glyphs and numbers, have a correlation to the Human body (twenty fingers and toes and thirteen joints), and the entire 260-day cycle also relates to both human gestation (pregnancy) and corn cultivation cycles.
Each day has a unique combination of energies that affects a specific part of our Being. Getting in tune with the energies is a wonderful way to reconnect with our essence, feel part of the web of life and live in harmony with all existence!
The modern version of the ancient Mayan Tzolkin is known as Natural Time 13:20, called as Dreamspell by Dr. Jose Arguelles. Each day of the 260-day cycle is known as a Kin, which is a combination of a Solar Seal (glyph) and a Lunar Tone (number). All 260 kins create a matrix known as the Harmonic Module or Galactic Spin. And, based on the day you were born, you will have one of those kins or position within the matrix.
Each Kin and its supportive energies conform an Oracle. Becoming familiar with your Oracle of Birth allows you to know yourself better while you open up to a path filled with amazing opportunities of self-discovery and unfoldment of your true potential. ‘Energy flows where Attention goes‘… Once you become aware of your own energies and you follow the cycle, you will be living in the present moment and start experiencing increasing synchronicities and magic in your life!
The following section contains a general overview of the Tzolkin components. If you are interested to learn more about it, as well as other features contained in the Dreamspell by Dr. Jose Arguelles, please visit www.lawoftime.org.

Galactic Signature

Oracle LayersAn Oracle Reading involves several layers of information, each representing energies that have an influence on who we are. It is commonly known as Mayan Chart, Mayan Zodiac, Mayan Horoscope or Mayan Astrology.The basic level is our Galactic Signature or Kin, one of the combinations in the Tzolkin, which includes a Color, a Lunar Tone and a Solar Seal (as an example, mine is Kin 68, Yellow Electric Star).
The Solar Seals, Lunar Tone, Wavespell and Castle are contained in the Harmonic Module, while the Year is based on the 13 Moon Calendar. Knowing your Galactic Signature or Kin will help you to become aware of your own energies, how you interact with others and plan your life according to the daily energies!

Combination of Five Solar Seals and One Lunar Tone

5 Solar Seals and 1 Lunar ToneYour main energy, based on the day you were born, is called Destiny Kin and it is located in the center of your Oracle of Birth.The energy above your Destiny Kin is called Guide Power, which shows you the way, and it is always in the same color as your Destiny Kin (Red, White, Blue or Yellow).
The other complimentary energies to the right, bottom and left of your Destiny Kin are the Analog (your compatible energy), Occult (Hidden Power) and Antipode (Challenge or Life Lesson). Each will have one of the other colors.
To know your Galactic Signature and combination of energies, please visit the Daily Tzolkin.
For your Oracle Reading or private sessions, please contact me.


20 Solar Seals
Solar SealsFrom a Psychology perspective, the Solar Seals can be understood as archetypes or behavior patterns. In Western Astrology, they can be seen as Astrological signs. For the Mayans, the glyphs were vibratory energies indicating our Mission in life.
Based on your date of birth, you will have one of the Solar Seals as your main energy or sign, a specific frequency representing a genetic activation code. This energy, in combination with others (see Galactic Signature) will help you to connect with your own essence and the web of life, and to understand why you are here and what you are here to do.
We can experience the energies in two different ways. As spiritual beings, we are connected with its Light on a soul level. As human beings, we may live the Shadows on an ego level. This is why two people with the same Kin may have different attitudes towards life.
When I do an Oracle Reading, I go over your combination of energies from both perspectives identifying in which aspects you are connected from Light and Shadow. I share with you some tips and ideas and, if you are interested in coaching sessions, we can continue working together in transforming your shadows into Light.
The goal of working with our own energies is to recover balance, harmony and wellbeing by knowing ourselves better and developing healthier relationships, while enjoying the journey and creating a meaningful life!
To know your Destiny Kin, please visit the Daily Tzolkin.
For your Oracle Reading or private sessions, please contact me.


13 Lunar Tones
Lunar Tones
The 13 Lunar Tones are numbers known as the Tones of Creation and are represented by dots and bars:
Lunar Tones Dots and Bars
Each day has a specific energy or creative power, which indicates the vibration and action to take:
Magnetic Tone (1): Tone of Purpose and Attraction (starts a Wavespell)
Lunar Tone (2): Tone of Challenge and Polarity
Electric Tone (3): Tone of Service and Bonding
Self-Existing Tone (4): Tone of Form and Measurement
Overtone Tone (5): Tone of Radiance and Empowerment
Rhythmic Tone (6): Tone of Equality and Balance
Resonant Tone (7): Tone of Attunement and Inspiration
Galactic Tone (8): Tone of Integrity and Harmonization
Solar Tone (9): Tone of Intention and Realization
Planetary Tone (10): Tone of Manifestation and Perfection
Spectral Tone (11): Tone of Liberation and Releasing
Crystal Tone (12): Tone of Cooperation and Dedication
Cosmic Tone (13): Tone of Presence and Transcendence (ends a Wavespell)
Any process can be accomplished within these 13 steps!
To know your Lunar Tone, please visit the Daily Tzolkin.
For your Oracle Reading or private sessions, please contact me.


The Year is determined by the Kin that corresponds with July 26, which represents the beginning of the 13 Moon Calendar. It always coincides with one of these four glyphs or energies.
09 MoonRed Moon
14 WizardWhite Wizard
19 StormBlue Storm
04 SeedYellow Seed
Each Year is divided in 13 Moons of 28 days each and a Day out of Time. The 28 days per Moon are divided in 4 perfect weeks of seven days each. If you want to learn on how to follow the 13 Moon Calendar, please visit Law of Time. Note: If you were born on July 25th (Day out of Time), the Kin of your Year of birth corresponds to July 26 of the previous year.
To know your Year of birth, please visit the Dreamspell.
For your Oracle Reading or private sessions, please contact me.


Harmonic Module
Harmonic Module Tzolkin MayanKinThe Harmonic Module, known also as the Galactic Spin cycle, is the matrix that contains the Tzolkin’s 260 combinations of 20 signs by 13 numbers.
On the left side, you will find a reference column with the 20 energies or Solar Seals from Red Dragon to Yellow Sun.
The 13 columns contain the 260 Kins from Kin 1 on the top left corner down to Kin 20, continuing on the top of the second column and so on until your reach Kin 260.
The Harmonic Module has 52 green cells called Galactic Activation Portals (GAP), days when the energy is more intense.
The Central Column, known as Mystic Column, contains the Core Days and it represents the middle of the cycle. In the heart of the Tzolkin, between Kins 130-131, it is when we are closer to Hunab Ku (Galactic Butterfly), the Supreme Creator, “One Giver of Movement and Measure”, visually represented in modern times with this symbol:
Galactic Butterfly
Using it as a daily synchronization tool is easier than it seems! I invite you to check Guidelines in the Daily Tzolkin to learn how to read and practice it.
To use the Harmonic Module and follow the daily energies, please visit the Daily Tzolkin.
For personal guidance on how to use the Harmonic Module for planning purposes based on your Oracle of Birth, please contact me.


Mystic Column

Mystic Column MayanKinThe Mystic Column, highlighted in a darker green just as a reference, is the seventh column representing the middle of the Harmonic Module or Tzolkin matrix.
It contains the 20 Core Days as a period of attunement and for being fully present in the moment, while going within, resting and taking care of oneself.
This column symbolically represents our spine, which keeps us straight, aligned and centered. It is located in between the two GAP-day columns and, although it is also very intense, it gives us ‘a little break to breath’ during the Blue Castle of Transformation.
To know if you were born on a Core day or see when the next Mystic Column is, please visit the Daily Tzolkin.
If you are interested in learning more about it in private sessions, please contact me.


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