среда, 15. мај 2013.

Sophia love

Oneness answers every inquiry we have posed. You and I and the trees and our “enemies” are One. What I do to you, I do to myself. We cannot escape the consequences of our thoughts, words and actions. We, in every sense, are One. We know this now.

The core that unites us is our Eternal Heart. This is a place we’ve forgotten, where in unison, we love. You are there still and remember while you dream. Soon, these and other memories will ignite for you these truths – who you have ever been, all you are capable of doing, why you are here, where you are from and what was your plan.

We have come to this time now equipped with the truth of our power, our beauty, our brilliance and our unity. I believe we have helped each other get here so that someday soon, we could help others when they ask. I believe they will ask. We are light workers. Our earth is in need of our light.

Trust and know that all answers are within. I cannot predict our future, yet I can see what’s ahead. We’ve opened our minds and our hearts and there is no closing them now.

Believe in the knowing you come to yourself – trust your truth. As we consciously live the fullness of our transformed DNA, we’ll be giddy with our own magnificence.

Know this. The game of duality is ending now. We are embarking on a new journey. This one we will attend with full awareness and absolute knowledge. Secrets, lies and confusion are not welcome. Truth, transparency, agape and freedom are the hallmarks of this moment.

I feel you, I feel us. We are beyond ready to move to the new. Here, all of us are leaders, answer givers and truth tellers. That is why the Quest has come to completion. It is time to lead ourselves. You know what to do. What are you waiting for?

You are the One.

I love you.

It has been a privilege.


source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=367983619977973&set=a.102418389867832.4715.100002990136227&type=1&permPage=1

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