понедељак, 13. мај 2013.

Thoughts May 13, 2013 – Catherine Victoria

Thoughts May 13, 2013 – Catherine Victoria

Thoughts May 13, 2013
I see myself in other dimensions, other roles, other lives and experiences. All is one. All is NOW. What is real, what is not. Nothing is real, and everything is real.
I don’t get time anymore. It’s so tiresome and I don’t want to be bothered with it. I feel I can live without time. I don’t need it. I feel instead. I don’t use time anymore. Of course I check time because of yoga and ballet classes, or occasional appointments that may be, but other than that not really. I love living without time. I love the feeling of freedom. Of limitless space. Just being. It is fantastic. Every moment is endless.
It has been difficult to manage the last months, mostly because I have not fully been living from the heart, and the brain and mind tries so hard to understand and make sense of everything that has happened, when there is no logical explanation, or perhaps no explanation at all. Now I don’t care, but appreciate everything that comes to me and all the memories and others things that come up. Both in society and within me. Now that I feel my heart fully opening and I am “living” connected with Source and Oneness in every moment, I react from my heart and not from the ego or the mind. I only use the ego to experience the person I am as “Catherine Victoria”. Now that I can control the mind and not let the mind take over and try to analyze and “understand” everything, I can fully appreciate and enjoy this experience. Every moment I just am. I am free. I am light. I am energy. I see and feel myself in other dimensions, lifetimes, as other personalities and beings. I love being able to experience what I do in other dimensions. It’s so varied and I love every experience!
I am glad I finally am able to fully allow, trust and just be. Living from the heart is the most wonderful, amazing thing. Living from the heart allows me to live from my soul and all that I am. In every moment I am connected. There is no fear. There is no judgement. Everything and every being is free and I love how we are all responsible for our own experiences in this dimension. There is no one we can blame, because everything that happens, happens because of us.
I wonder how I will move forward from here. I know there is more to accomplish and I know my “time” here is not over yet, but sometimes I feel I am done here. Done with this dimension in a way. Or “earth school” as some call it. Any earth-lesson could be thrown at me, and it would be okay. Because I have done it, gone through it or experienced it in other lifetimes. It doesn’t matter what it is. So much has changed lately. Everything is just kind of melting into one. Other lifetimes and other aspects of my soul – everything is happening all at once. Right now. In a way, I see myself from spirit; it is like I am my over-soul or higher self or whatever it is, and I see these different projections of “myself”. It is just experiences, and I can feel them all at the same time. Experience them all at once. Now, in this physical existence, I still experience myself as the person and personality Catherine Victoria, but at the same time, I see myself purely as another projection, and I can also choose to experience any other person or being that I am in every moment, that is also another projection. I am no longer me as in the mind and ego that controls me. It doesn’t affect me. I don’t experience myself from that perspective anymore. It is liberating and I feel so free.
I don’t know if this makes any sense. It is difficult to explain or describe. All I know is that it is absolutely the most incredible, liberating, wonderful, amazing, fantastic thing I have ever experienced. Now I only need to master levitation and telekinesis and this experience would be even more perfect! =)
Love and blessings,
Catherine Victoria

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