недеља, 26. мај 2013.

The Divine Feminine – and Love


The Divine Feminine – and Love

Love is like a beautiful bird lighting on your shoulder….. When it is there you are loving and enjoying it….delighting in its beauty and the way it lights up your whole being – but when you try to catch it, and cage it, it becomes sad and withers away…. For it has lost its freedom of Being and expression.  It dies a slow death….
Love is first and foremost something which is eternally there.  There is not one single soul who has not got a spark of Love somewhere in its Being.  Love is essentially there in all of Creation – from the most minute and invisible particle, to immense cosmic galaxies, universe and Beings of Light.
It is human kind that get caged into the seductions that human body brings and wrong and often warped understanding of what love really is.  Often love is equated with the sexual force, when in reality the sexual force is not LOVE in its purest form.  It ENHANCES the energy of LOVE yes, but it is not love in its purest form.
The whole downfall of humanity came in the misuse and misunderstanding of the sexual energy and then in the whole misunderstanding – where Love is equated with LUST and then other human beings fall into the snares of using bodily pleasures for the wrong reasons and then not in the correct and beautiful divine way, it was intended to be.
Deep within each human being there is an essential and profound need for unconditional love and acceptance.  Thus the kind of Love which is sacred, in that it loves TOTALLY, COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY.  It is this sacred Love which most people are unconsciously seeking and then they are seeking it in the wrong places: OUTSIDE of themselves, instead of WITHIN.
All Love essentially comes from the same source;  THE DIVINE SOURCE and this is epitomized by the Divine Feminine, whose symbol is rose.  Her colors are magenta and therefore the soft hues of love in its purest form.
She embodies the virgin, the mother and the crone – for she is all three.  She also embodies the various stages of womanhood and yet she is ALL three.  When one can love all THREE as embodied into one single entity, then one has found the fountain of unconditional love, the love which is all-embracing and which is essentially a beautiful and profound nurturing, all-loving, all-accepting love – the love a mother has for her own child, even if that child gives her grief or worries.  It is also the deep and profound love only a woman can have for her lover, for she loves from deep within in, her heart and soul.
The Divine Feminine is the open heart – the heart filled with love to overflowing.  There is no space for drama here.  There is no space for nurturing and holding onto hurts and angers, resentments and fear.  For when she enters, all those are soothed away by  beautiful love and one is held in the immensity of unconditional love and acceptance which is eternally there.  It is beyond human understanding and immense.  In her embrace one feels that deep love, that deep profound caring which is beyond words and it is love such as only the feminine aspect of all of creation can express.
One is literally held within the heart and arms of love – as then manifested in the Divine Feminine.
She is all that womanhood entails and embraces, but most of all she is essentially mystery – the mysterious aspects of hidden womanhood which is also there.
She is the mystery of life itself.
I have found that the more I delve into the Mystery of Love and Life, the more she appears in all her myriad of forms and faces.  She is like a thousand petalled rose and as the petals open one by one, more of her faces are revealed, for she is a deep and mysterious as the act and reception of Creation itself is, and therefore that first moment, when she open her own womb to receive the seed of the Father aspect of God, and then went through the process of pregnancy, of growing and nurturing that seed, in order to give birth to ALL of creation.  For without here, nothing would and could have been birthed.
She is in essence the SOUL of all of creation, and she holds the soul evolution in her custody.
To shun her, is to sun the life-giving force itself.
In all of creation there is beautiful balance and harmony, and in this case the balance comes from The Father aspect of God, the male, The Mother aspect of God, the female and the Holy Spirit.  The eternal and holy trinity which forms the basis of all of life – indeed this is the essential key to life itself.
The search for Love here on planet Earth is taking on a new form, and it is the search for BALANCE.  It is the search for the perfect balance of the male, female aspects and then the forming of the holy spirit AROUND the two.  For essentially the holy spirit brings forth the fruits of the union and thus is pro-active – the radiating forth of the frequencies and vibrations of true and profound union.
A lot people want this profound and sacred union with another, for they sense that this is what they are losing out on.  Yet, what most do not understand is that, the physical body and all its functions, even sex, have a basic animal nature.  Most seek to gratify the animal within and thus just live for the lust expression of this.
Yet the sexual force if MORE than this, it is a life giving force, if entered in with HEART, MIND, BODY, SPIRIT, EMOTIONAL BODY AND SOUL.
There are  other bodies which need to be fully activated and cared for – the emotional, spiritual and mental bodies as well as the physical.  Then there is a fifth which is the etheric form.
Combined with this, there are energy centers within the body, which act as conduits for the cosmic energy centers and thus REFLECT them.
True and profound union has to be REACHED on ALL levels, before two souls can truly merge.
We have forgotten this.
The Divine Feminine aspect is coming in and being anchored in essentially to teach human kind the ART OF BALANCE.  Yet when the feminine is not balanced within herself and the Male is not balanced within himself, no true union can ever be.
In this a lot of inner work is necessary.
It does not help to go and jog all day, and spend hours at the gym, and eating the correct food, and then to totally neglect all your other bodies.  Just as much as there needs to be balance in all of life, there needs to be mastery of ALL your bodies, the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental bodies, as well as the etheric ones, and then the energy systems within your body – all work AS ONE SINGLE ENGINE.
There are masculine and feminine within each one of us.  There has to balance within our own bodies, all four of them, in order to truly advance into the higher states of consciousness.
It is not something you can buy with quick fixes.  It is something you have to work at every single day.  It is a process.
When one starts understanding this, then one also understands that the Mystery of the Divine Feminine lies deeply and profoundly in the TOTAL self-love and self-acceptance and then Self-love.  For if one is not happy in any one of one’s bodies, then one will not be happy and content without.
The Feminine Divine is deeply lit up with love from WITHIN….from the depths of her being and she thus is open and receptive to also receiving love in equal measure to what she gives out.  Thus, she embraces the whole of manhood into herself, but also gives back to man the beautiful essence and purity of love she had deep within.  Thus he gives the creative masculine power – the proactive force into her receptive active force – cause and effect.   Thus there is equal given and receiving in equal measure.
What human kind has also forgotten is that in ancient and true sexual practices, the male in holy and sacred union, never spilled his seed, but rather used this energy to feed his own God-force within, like the female would use the energy for feed her own Goddess-force within – neither ejaculating.
This was because of the understanding that this energy created between male and female during the sexual intercourse was so sacred and sanctified that is helped to create the God and Goddess within and thus was used in intense CREATIVE way.
When two people thus with immense inner unconditional love, first for themselves, and then in sacred and sanctified union, come together to share this beautiful and unconditional love for each other, and then consciously striving to bring this into a beautiful and sacred creative force for one another, create immensely powerful loving energy which is truly like igniting the Tree of Life itself.
Yet, if the man and woman, do not do the inner work on themselves, all of this is nil and void and therefore of no use whatsoever.
Love can never be used for selfish reasons, or for ego gratification in whatever form.
Love is essentially sacred and sanctified, as epitomized by the Divine Feminine.
And only those who wish to delve deeper and deeper into the Mystery of Love and Life itself will ever truly understand the depth, the beauty and the immense power of the Feminine Divine.


Happiness Is A Natural Phenomenon

Happiness Is A Natural Phenomenon

May 25, 2013 | By
Waking Times
Happiness is a natural phenomenon.
Happiness is man’s nature. You need not worry about happiness at all, it is already there. It is in your heart — you just have to stop being unhappy, you have to stop the mechanism functioning that creates unhappiness.
But nobody seems to be ready for that. People say, “I want happiness.” It is as if you go on saying, ‘I want health’ — and you go on clinging to your disease, and you don’t allow the disease to go. If the doctor prescribes the medicine, you throw away the medicine; you never follow any prescription. You never go for a morning walk, you never go swimming, you never go running on the beach, you never do any exercise. You go on eating obsessively, you go on destroying your health — and again and again you go on asking where to find health. But you don’t change the mechanism that creates unhealth.

Health is not something to be attained somewhere, it is not an object. 

Health is a totally different way of living. The way you are living creates disease, the way you are living creates misery.
For example, people come to me and they say they would like to be happy, but they cannot drop their jealousy. If you can’t drop your jealousy, love will never grow — the weeds of jealousy will destroy the rose of love. And when love does not grow, you will not be happy. Because who can be happy without love growing? Unless that rose blooms in you, unless that fragrance is released, you cannot be happy.
Now people want happiness — but just by wanting, you cannot get it. Wanting is not enough. You will have to see into the phenomenon of your misery, how you create it — how in the first place you became miserable, how you go on becoming miserable every day — what is your technique?

Because happiness is a natural phenomenon — if somebody is happy there is no skill in it, if somebody is happy it needs no expertise to be happy. 

Animals are happy, trees are happy, birds are happy. The whole existence is happy, except man. Only man is so clever as to create unhappiness — nobody else seems to be so skillful. So when you are happy it is simple, it is innocent, it is nothing to brag about. But when you are unhappy you are doing great things to yourself; you are doing something really hard.
Osho, Zen: The Path of Paradox, Vol. 2, Talk #6

source:  http://www.wakingtimes.com/2013/05/25/happiness-is-a-natural-phenomenon/?utm_source=Waking+Times+Newsletter&utm_campaign=f48c957266-Waking_Times&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_25f1e048c1-f48c957266-54325629

субота, 25. мај 2013.

An Introduction to Spiritual Change

An Introduction to Spiritual Change

May 23, 2013 | By | Reply
Flickr - Awakening - jeronimoooooooo (Away - On a Trip)Belsebuub, Guest
Waking Times
If you want spiritual change, you need to see and understand yourself.
While the conscious spiritual ‘you’ may wish to awaken, there are also subconscious parts of the psyche that are contrary to spirituality and work against your awakening.
Their roots are unknown to most, yet they exert an unseen grip and control over everyone who has not freed themselves from them. These subconscious states are opposed to spiritual transformation. If you want to awaken, you will have to see, understand and remove them.
If you don’t see them, they will have control over you beyond your comprehension.
If you don’t understand them, they will likewise ensnare you regardless of what you think about them.
Although you may be aware and relatively quiet in the present moment for a short time, the various psychological states, such as fear, pride, greed, lust, anger, depression, worries, stress, tension, and so on, which are referred to as egos, will arise to rob you of your awareness and quietude.
Some of these are disabling and unpleasant. If you want to make inner spiritual progress and change, you need to be able to observe and get rid of them, which is a slow and gradual process, but as you do, you are fundamentally changing within.
Everyone has different kinds of circumstances within their life, with many psychological challenges.
To see how you respond to the events and challenges of life, observe within, look inside, and see what’s going on. Get to a point where you are just aware, clear, and have no psychological problems. Unpleasant thoughts, feelings, and emotions are obstacles to love and inner peace.
Although many promote the virtues of positive thinking, that in itself is of very little value if inside, one is fundamentally full of evil.

Destructive Inner States Cause Destruction in the World

Looking at a landscape I passed through recently, it’s devastated. It isn’t beautiful and full of life; it’s sparsely populated with dead trees and is a barren wilderness. What is it within human beings that causes such destruction to take place? We can have food and produce from the land and keep it healthy and beautiful, but in most people the sense of beauty is lacking; with this sense life can be perceived clearly and beautiful things appreciated.
Those who don’t have that sense don’t value beauty, they value something else, so that something else replaces the beautiful things and from this comes a world full of ugliness and destruction. If you change inside you change what you do in your life and the way you view it.
Unfortunately, those who wish to change fundamentally are small in number, but imagine if people were changing inside, and that sense of beauty, which is dormant, was awakened, at least partially. Then, there would be a much better world.
Unfortunately there are negative elements inside each individual which bring about destruction upon themselves and upon those around them, throughout the whole of their life.
Many live in terrible conditions. In some places it’s difficult to find anything natural. But so many people are not concerned, they don’t mind, because their values are not in those things nor in things which have beauty and life in them. Their values are in other things—just getting a bigger house, a new car, playing sports, whatever it is, their values are in those things, and therefore their energy and their input goes into that.
If you’re practicing the correct spiritual exercises and are changing, you begin to perceive life in a superior way, because the psychic faculties such as those which give a sense of beauty increase.
The world really needs people who develop their consciousness. But for the world to get this, people need to be able to understand how to achieve it in themselves, and then to tell others about it. If you don’t tell people about it, how will they know? If you have knowledge and keep it to yourself, don’t you then have a part in all the destruction and negativity which happens in the world and in your life?
For those who value truly good things, there’s a responsibility to pass on this information to others, so that they too can appreciate what is valuable and can bring about positive changes.
Those who stay preoccupied with their own worries and concerns will never be able to properly help others.
Each day brings a great opportunity for self-discovery, to be able to look inside and see the various emotions and thoughts that arise. It is a pity to miss these opportunities – when they’re gone, they are over.
People not only miss the opportunities for learning, but exist in foul inharmonious states that they are not even aware of—from this comes destruction.
If someone is in nature in inharmonious states, even the animals can pick up on it and run from them in a way they wouldn’t do if they were peaceful.

The Alternatives – Inner Silence, Peace and Enlightenment

These negative states are completely out of place if you want to be silent in nature. If you have a moment of silence, then you see that negative ego states can have no part in it. If you are aware and in a moment of silence, and the ego states are absent, even if it is just for a moment, there is clarity, and you are here, aware of life in the present moment. In this you can find a sense of peace, a silence, even if it’s momentarily, but it is also possible to have that silence during the activities of daily life.
For those who reach enlightenment, that peace becomes permanent and multiplies unimaginably.
If you want enlightenment you need to make sacrifices, to do whatever it takes, sacrificing lower states for higher ones, and sacrificing some time to help another. Then you get the due rewards. Something lower is always sacrificed for something higher to take place.
The rewards of higher things sometimes may not be as you may expect, and may be hidden from the view of everybody else. No one can really see the truly spiritual, nor is it really valued by society. What’s valued are material things, good jobs, fame, prestige, celebrity, comfort, entertainment, pleasure, and the like.
People usually don’t appreciate the respect, goodness, and love that is given to them because they live in an animal state. They regard those qualities as weakness and even look down on them, when in fact those qualities are amongst the highest ones and they belong to higher, spiritual realms.
As a society, real spiritual things are not valued, but individuals can find out the true value of spirituality by taking the journey to enlightenment.
In the beginning, you can start with the practice of the different spiritual exercises. If you have a moment of silence, you may see something of value there—it is a better way to be than to be full of negative states.
Pleasure brings pain, but inner silence brings nothing negative; it is in itself of great value and is a far better way to be than to be in ego states.
The silence you find in the beginning is just a tiny thing, but it becomes a spark of light that guides you toward the all-encompassing light.
Living a spiritual life and awakening is difficult, which tends to make people back away and look for something else. When you go to advance spiritually a step has to be taken in the dark where you can’t see what’s ahead. It’s inevitable that sacrifices have to be made, but many stop and leave the work to awaken when they need to make sacrifices and things get difficult. It’s inevitable that spirituality has its cost just as everything does.
One of the first spiritual exercises to learn is self-observation. It is a faculty that can be developed by applying it in daily life. This enables you to see what’s happening within yourself, which in turn allows you to change what you see. Inner change is necessary to be able to live a truly spiritual life. A person may be able to astral project, but if they don’t change and become more spiritual, then they won’t meet the criteria for getting more advanced knowledge and wisdom. Change is absolutely vital – without it, the attempt to live a spiritual life is destined to fail.

Q: I can feel emotions like anger when I’m talking.

Belsebuub: Learn to use the word and observe yourself when you speak. If you are forceful that is a form of anger, although you don’t perceive it in that way. Anger is being fed in a subtle way through aggressive ways of talking. It’s better to speak clearly and give your opinion without pushing.

How do you budge an ego?

You need to strip the ego to the bare and raw awareness. It is simple awareness versus egos.

How can dreams help us to understand ourselves?

When you look into dreams, you are mostly looking into your subconscious, although some dreams are teachings and real experiences of different realms of existence.
When you wake up in the morning, look back over the night’s dreams. Lie still, go back over them, and see what you can remember.
Most of what is happening in dreams is, for most people, usually the effect of the subconscious. They show what each person really is inwardly. Someone may say that they are not an angry person, but in their dreams they can be reacting with anger. Or to give another instance, they may be stealing, even though they don’t steal here. It’s because those emotions, those states are within the subconscious, and when there is no physical body to bring someone back to “physical reality,” they stay with just what’s in the subconscious.
If you’re observant during the day, you’ll catch those states and thoughts. And, as you observe them, you’ll begin to understand them more and more, and by dying to them, they will disappear from your behavior and eventually from your thoughts. By doing so, they will start to disappear from your dreams as well. So you are clearing these states during the day, and clearing them from dreams as well; eventually you can gradually clean yourself of the negativity of all the egos of different kinds.
When you are immersed in beauty and love, when you feel life permeating every cell of your body, when you feel that you are resting in peace and you feel this peace wherever you are and in whatever you are doing, you know that this is worth fighting for.
~ A talk by Belsebuub given in Australia, 2007
About the Author
Belsebuub is the author of a number of books on out-of-body experiences, dreams, self-knowledge, and esoteric wisdom including A Course in Astral Travel and Dreams which became a bestseller in its genre. His book Gazing into the Eternal was finalist in the Best Book Awards 2009 in spirituality, and he has appeared on over 60 radio and television programs internationally.
Belsebuub is the name of his spirit/soul/consciousness, everyone has their own unique spiritual name, it’s a matter of knowing it. Please visit his excellent website, Belsebuub.com.

source:  http://www.wakingtimes.com/2013/05/23/an-introduction-to-spiritual-change/

понедељак, 20. мај 2013.

A message for this time….

A message for this time….

Let there be peace in your heart, and mind and understanding…
Let there be a ceasing of striving, pushing, moving forward….
Let it rather be like the mighty flow of a river, which will find its way around boulders and rocks and cleave a way forward, but just FLOWING…. Not so much pushing, and striving but FLOWING….
Such is it with the Cosmic River of Life which is now descending upon Planet Earth. It is a might flowing into of energies and therefore not to be resisted, or pushed, but rather to ALLOW this to flow in a constant stream and then to become immersed and ATONE with the flow.
It is best to learn to integrate them, by learning to channel the flow and open up to the most immense activation of the energy centers in the physical body.
Yet, more than this, the true activation of the physical energy centers can only happen when the clutter within is cleared away – the debris, and emotional pain, and charges…. And then there is room for more energy to come in and work in these centers.
As most of you are living with one foot in the 3D now and one foot in the 5D and higher, it is becoming more and more difficult to sustain life in the 3D form.
It will make you ultra sensitive when you in crowded areas, such as shopping malls, or junctions where there is a lot of traffic and noise.
As your frequencies and vibrations are rising so will your sensitivity to all that jarrs, and is discordant, for as your bodies and being are being transformed and therefore getting purer, you cannot operate properly where all is discordant and jarring and therefore disruptive.
It is best then to seek out the soothing healing balm of nature and as often as one can. If in the city get out of it and then seek the sea, sand and surf, the wide open spaces, even if it is in a public park. Go and seek out the healing power of trees in forests and water. Crystal clear running water of mountain streams and unpolluted rivers are the best – yet mankind is failing to understand that in polluting its rivers and waters and air and earth it is only adding to the pollution of self.
Seek calm, seek peace, and seek the quiet guidance and voice within.
You are being carried on the wings of Angels, Archangel, the Hierarchy of Masters and the Divine. It is time now to understand that you have never been alone and never will be. All along you have been surrounded by thousands upon thousands of Beings of Light who have been assisting this planet this is first was created.
The Divine never can be separated from that which HE/SHE created for the Divine is present forever more within each particle it has ever created and birthed – such is Cosmic Law.
Be then in the knowing and growing in Love and grow in the heart-centered Beingness. When the heart and soul are pure, then the intention is pure and then whatever flows from there will be pure, for it can be no other.
In fifty years time, you will look back at this phase of evolution of mankind and this planet in awe and wonder and where glad that you were blessed to have witnessed and have lived through one of the greatest moments of transformation this planet has ever experienced.
Most of you are volunteer souls, and have been involved with the first settlements and the first civilizations on this planet – now having returned to assist with creating the new, without repeating the self-destructive patterns of the past. You promised yourself, that this time round this will be a new creation and the Golden Age will be anchored in.
You are now pulled into action more and more and therefore this is now your own soul contracts kicking in and it is your soul commitment at this time, to step up into its highest soul mission and therefore rise into its true greatness in being….. and stepping up in mission then, so to speak.
You are Divine in your very essence and therefore you have all the tools within to do this work. Do not shrink Little Ones, for it is time!
Be blessed then and allow the rain of Blessings to fall upon you!
You are loved beyond any concept you have of Love.
And you are held in the palms in the hands which created you – you can fall over, but never out of those hands and those hands are carrying you through!
Go then and be!
(Judith Kusel)
source: http://judithkusel.wordpress.com/author/judithkusel/

Spirals of Consciousness

Spirals of Consciousness

Personal and collective evolution move along a spiral. For understanding matters I’ll address it as if it was going up and down even if it is definitely not a linear spiral and up and down have no sense out of a space-time continuum.
Being familiar with the Fibonacci sequence can help this understanding so if you’re not familiar with those numbers you might want to give them a look here.
Lets say that there is a “Special Zero Point” where two spirals meet, one that goes up starting from “Zero” and one that goes down starting from “Zero”. The one that goes “down” is in a separation path, the one that goes “up” is in a Union Path. Other similar “small zero pints” are found at every Jump Node, where in order to move from one ratio (consciousness field) to the other something must happen first.

There’s no right path. There’s only experience, but understanding it’s quantum field might help in understanding the way our experiences happen and evolve, weather in one way or in the other.
Now lets say we start from the Zero Point in between the two spirals. That is a Big Choice point where one can ponder in which direction it wants to move on. That is also a Point Humanity reached in the Big Unified Consciousness as so many choose the “upward path”.
From there on the way consciousness evolves is in a way that is encrypted in the Universal Law, which means one can choose to go “up”, “down” or move in circles, but it is not allowed (in our Universe at least) to break this Golden Rule.
From Zero Point on, once the decision of where to go has been taken, the Uni-Verse moves in order with that choice and provides the Being with the needed experiences. Once the experiences have Been Lived and understood a “jump” happens and the Consciousness moves to the next level.
Now comes the interesting part of it. The way Consciousness moves on is by following the Golden Ratio (or Divine Ratio), one of the reasons the Fibonacci numbers are so important and found everywhere in nature and in the Uni-Verse.
This being said, in order to move from one level of Consciousness to the other one One needs to… lets say add or integrate (for lack of better words) the two previous states. Consciousness does not follow a linear path as it goes not from 1 to 2 to 3 and so on. It spirals following a Divine Ratio. In the beginning of a Consciousness path lessons are mostly immediate and follow one another in a seemingly fast rate, insights follow insights and things seem to move on fast. From 0 to 1 and then again to 1 (just to make sure one’s choice is the wished one!) and from 1 to 2 and then to 3 and 5 is more often than not fast. Look at newly awakened how fast they integrate the first steps! Things become interesting when 377 and 610 need to be integrated to “jump up” to 987… For in order to make a shift there’s a need to integrate the current state with the previous one so that a “new” one can be reached.
What does all of this imply? Simply that experiences and lessons become deeper and deeper, things seem to come up over and over again and this does not happen because issues were not addressed before but simply because in order to enhance Consciousness those issues need to be taken care of in a quantum way and not only in a linear one. A spiral is an eternal movement of a wave that is lets say bent to form a so called 3 dimensional spiral pattern (it’s a bit more complicated than that but words really pose a limit in expressing these concepts). So any issue that has already been addressed in a lower state can be re-addressed in a higher state as conditions have changed. These will eventually stop when the ratio has been fulfilled in a quantum state.
Of course it can also happen that one gets “stuck” into a ratio and starts “going in circles instead of up/down”, at that point the Uni-Verse will provide all that is needed for a Being to understand the issue and move on. These are what are called “difficult and persisting situation!” -smile-
Though the “jump ratio” does not change, the perceived distance from one level to the other one seems to increase enormously as one moves on and there’s a perception of all happening at once, as if information came in from all directions! Well in a strict sense it is, as there’s no more a usual space/time environment. This is another reason why that what used to work in the previous level seems to not work at all in the new one. And also a reason why two levels need to be integrated before another “jump” can take place.
The same Law applies to the “down” spiral and it is probably now easier to understand why those that are walking on that spiral get more and more lost. They are moving the other way round but it’s laws do not change, so one that learns separation increases separation more and more until the direction is not changed.
Good news is that even though we all have our own Divine Spiral we move on, we also have lots of collective spirals and One Big Unified Consciousness Spiral and they all influence each other. So if all go “down” moving “up” becomes more difficult and not in tune, same when all start to “go up”. Those that become less in resonance with the “One Big Spiral” get more intense and profound experiences as the Uni-Verse wants to make sure they’re really willing to stay there. This also happens in both directions as for the Uni-Verse there’s no right or wrong, there’s only Energy. And if most of the Energy resonates at the same level is gets more intense to try to resonate at a different level.

All the spirals eventually reach the same point. Be it in a working group, political group, family group, soul group… Those that resonate at the same ratio get along together, those whose ratio is too far away from one another follow different paths. Until eventually all spirals will, again, merge into One. Then… well then it’s time for a complete new chapter in God’s Book :-)
Stay tuned! -smile-
PS: there’s another, well kinda spiral… and that is One that lets say… gives overall direction… exists in every time and in all space and is ever present at once. It’s the Great Director. It’s your instinct… it’s your intuition… it’s what all long for and it’s so big it’s everywhere and so small it’s in all of US.
Love, you.
source: http://dream1dreamer.wordpress.com/2013/03/23/spirals-of-consciousness/

For a lack of trust…

For a lack of trust…


Even while trying to find a fitting image for my blog today I was speechless about what trust is considered to be. A bad thing to have! Unless it’s given to some god out there in that case one is allowed to blindly trust and accept all suffering as it’s a god-given suffering and thus a right punishment for our sins. I got shivers!! 

Well no wonder! Education about trusting others (yes those other fellows that walk on Earth as you do) has been massive! Do not trust others, ever!! And first time a friend or fiancé disagreed with you or did something “behind your back” or anything happened that made you feel disappointed you were told “that’s how it is, never trust anyone in your life or you’ll always be deceived“.
What would happen if instead the lesson given to a child or young girl or boy was: “forgive as they did not know better, they are growing up and learning and still don’t know how much their actions touch all within their lives, same as you do”?  What if?
So far the truth is that due to a tremendous number of fact trust has been put into the “no good” box. And even those closer to you have a constant eye on them “just in case”.
And how many times did you do something simply following your desire, intuitions, or even knowing you were getting behind that non seen but real line and BUM! what happened is someone lost his or her trust in you. What happened to you? What did you Feel deep inside? What is the feeling when someone says to you: “I thought I could trust you but I was mistaking”.
Not nice is it. It’s a feeling of self-delusion. A feeling of “I did know better!” and it does not matter how right you were in what you did that sentence hurts no matter what, does it not? But why? (get your answer!)
Now lets get back to the Present. Where does the overall “trust” go? Does it go to your Self and all you Know you can do/change/achieve and even BE? Does it go to your abilities in reaching that what you’re aiming to reach? Or do you rely on someone else who you believe is better than you in doing all this and at the same time keep an eye on him/her just to make sure it’s going where you expect him/her to go/be? If it is so then there is a problem with that. Because it would mean that you trust someone else more than your Self but then even that being is not worth full trust as it has to be kept controlled in his or her action. Which would mean that you trust your Self even less than someone you need to look closely after. That’s not a lot of trust. And here’s the point!
I LOVE Human Beings. I LOVE them all. It might not be popular right now but I do LOVE us deeply. I LOVE the way the light comes back in someone’s eyes and even how deep the oblivion can be at any given time in a being that is a sparkle of GOD. You might not see it as a miracle but trust me (grin) it is!! In a small picture there are indeed terrible things happening on this Planet, they have and they will. It takes time to change when time is present. But from a Bigger picture human beings are simply Amazing. One of the things I find amazing is that they seem to never rely on them selves. They want things to come from somewhere else but from where they are. Look at channellings… You so often prefer to rely on a channelling than on lived human experiences, especially your own! And my intent is not to take anything away from channelling! More to give it back to YOU. To Your experience to Your Power to Your Knowledge to Your Wisdom and to Your BEing. And to those of your Brothers and Sisters walking with you! For what Are You but those same being you rely on? What Are You but the same Piece of that God you’re looking for? So how can God be trusted if there’s lack of Trust in your Self? AND in any given situation you find yourself in? Giving any situation a label of god or bad means saying you do not Trust that you are in that very situation for a Reason. AND that you Can not only manage it but also Transform it if you feel it is out of balance. Instead of seeing things for what they are (opportunities to Grow and Shine finding God Inside) they’re often a reason to despair. And build an even higher feeling of lack of trust. So many want to become Masters (I prefer saying remember to be but that’s fine too) without getting into situations where they can BE that Master. Even going to live up in a mountain and far away from everything would need a whole lot of Master degree to survive and Live in Balance, being a Master in this chaotic environments called cities and countries means Mastering all situations, not putting the ones you do not like aside. They will grow. And all you experience in a given situation is nothing more you Can Master! Trust it! Trust God, the very God shining In You. Trust the Universe that is sending you exactly what you need right Now. Trust your Guides that are always there with you Now and Trust your Self. For your Self KNOWS. You Know.
Feel the word in your atoms… Trust. And then Trust what you Feel. :-) You Know!
Love, You.
source: http://dream1dreamer.wordpress.com/?blogsub=confirming#blog_subscription-2


Everything Supports Your Journey

Jennifer Hoffman – Everything Supports Your Journey – 20 May 2013

jenniferhoffman300x225This is the Archangel Uriel channeled message for May 20, 2013
Everything on your life path supports your journey from pain to joy, from fear to love, from powerlessness to empowerment, and from limitation to limitlessness. There are no challenges in any aspect of your reality that do not support your evolution. Every trial and sorrow has embedded within it the spark of your divine truth, which you can see and know when you seek the highest outcome. That is why the brightest path is often the most challenging one because it represents your soul’s call to healing. It is not the path of highest vibration, greatest clarity, or the one that is the most joyful and peaceful for you. Very often it is the one that is the most challenging and that you find least desirable. Your soul lights this path so you will follow it and in doing so, create healing and transformation. This is your journey into ascension and evolution.
The more you resist this bright path, the brighter it becomes. Your soul agreement is grounded in healing and you are the healer, as well as the healing. It all happens through you and while you have the ability to experience the pain, you also have the ability to take the journey through the pain to create joy. If you allow the pain to become the journey, you have lost sight of your soul’s healing commitment. The commitment you have with Source is to move from healing to evolution, from density to light, and from fear to love. Everything in your reality supports this journey. This is ascension and it is your mission.
You are warriors of the light and for the light, and many of you are now completing this very long journey, whose beginning you do not remember as it began with your first incarnation. The veil between dimensions, frequencies and vibrations has been lifted but it is one of several veils that are now clearing. When the veil is lifted, all that was hidden behind it is revealed and this includes the veils in your own lives. Your power and true light were hidden from you so you could fully experience the density of that which you came to heal. And this is what has become your brightest path so you can apply your power to its resolution. The time you have long awaited is now here, move forward to bring the light of truth, peace, and love to the places you know need them the most, beginning with you and your healing journey. You heal the world by healing yourself.
If you resist the pain, you are resisting the expansion of your own light. You created this path for yourselves so you could bring light to the world. Resist the temptation to judge, as it limits your ability to understand the true nature of your experiences. Everything exists to support your transformation, evolution and ascension. The most difficult challenges can inspire you to take the greatest action and while fear can create powerful inertia, you use fear as a vehicle to move you from that which you fear the most into joy. How much easier could your journey be if you recognized that fear and its emotions indicated the presence of powerful healing opportunities?
Have the courage to step bravely into the most brightly lit path, the one you fear the most. Empower and encourage yourself with the light, guidance and support that will help you transmute the fear into a greater expression and expansion of your light. Be willing to go within and find the spark of divine light that is within everything and your boldness and courage will be rewarded with the guidance you  need to take the  next step, and each one after that. Always ask to be shown the highest outcome, the most wonderful solution and the greatest peace, joy and love in every situation. Seek healing and wholeness, to be brought back to your divine center of unlimited joy, peace and love, expect to be guided and supported in each step of this journey and you will be.
source: http://lucas2012infos.wordpress.com/2013/05/20/jennifer-hoffman-everything-supports-your-journey-20-may-2013/

Soul mates and Sexual Energies…..

Soul mates and Sexual Energies…..

By Judith Kusel
Not all who are incarnated here on this planet at this time, have a TWIN FLAME… as most often a Twin does not incarnate at the same time.  Sometimes the TWIN (especially in these vital next few years) simply gets lost and forgets who he/she is, or has forgotten his/her commitment…. then the SOUL MATE will step in.  A soul mate is someone who comes from the same SOUL GROUP.
All souls form part of the GREATER SOUL GROUP of MONAD…. Each such group consists of 144 000 souls and they have different names.  Thus you will find that, when in meditation you ask for the SOUL NAME, it will vibrate on the same FREQUENCY, as your SOUL GROUP NAME.
When you are still unsure of your SOUL GROUP NAME, and have remembered your SOUL NAME, it is best to simply go into meditation and reconnect with your Higher Self, your guardian angels and ASK them to give you the same of your SOUL GROUP.  You will hear a SPIRITUALLY SOUNDING NAME, which will reflect the VIBRATION of the SOUL GROUP and the RAY it is working on.
There are many different soul groups represented on this planet at this time…. So you will find that some people resonate with you immediately as SOUL MATES/TWIN FLAMES, while others simply never seem to be on your wavelength.  This simply is TRUE:  Their SOULS do not vibrate at your frequency, and thus do not emit the same colour rays and the same tonal cord vibration as yours.
In Ancient Times, when you were born, the astrologer Priests, along with the Priests of the Temples of Higher Healing, would work with your mother (when she first conceived you) and then would IDENDIFY your soul group, and then would help you with your incarnation.  When you were born a BIRTH CHART was drawn up, which they RECORDED ON THE SPECIAL BIRTH CRYSTAL, which stayed with you all your life.  You would also always have on your person, a CRYSTAL from your GALAXY of ORIGIN, your SOUL GROUP, and THREE WORKED IN TANDEM.
When your vibrational frequency got out of synch you would be sent to the Crystal Pyramid Temple of Healing, where the High Priest/ess would use these three crystals, in conjunction with others and other methods to realign you to your soul mission and to readjust your frequency….
Please note here:  Your Twin Flame, normally DOES NOT INCARNATE at the same time, as you do…. Only on very rare occasions do they CHOSE to do so, and then only, in HIGHER SERVICE (as is happening at this time!)  Mostly they will assist you from the invisible planes to hold your combined light steady!  Not all who are incarnated at this time have their twin here too!
Your SOUL MATES were listed on the crystal and then the one that you would find most compatible as your SOUL PARTNER…. Thus, when you did meet up with this person, and you would fall in love, and decide to commit to partnership (they did not get married, as this was a SOUL AGREEMENT), they would go to the Crystal Pyramid Temple and would seek guidance from the High Priest/ess at the TEMPLE OF LOVE…
She/He would then read their BIRTH, SOUL and GALAXY CRYSTALS to read the SOUL HISTORY of BOTH SOULS.  If this formed part of their SOUL CONTRACT, they would then be allowed to commit to partnership and a special ceremony, just involving the two and the Priest, would then seal the union.
If two were not compatible, the reasons why, would be shown to the two partners, and they could then chose to casually link up, but then would not have children…. as to have children was a considered a SACRED RESPONSIBILITY.
The Ancients had other ways to deal with the sexual energy and knew that when two different ENERGIES mixed FREQUENCY DURING THE SEXUAL ACT, a certain frequency energy was released, which could either be CONSTRUCTIVE and ENHANCE the relationship or be DESTRUCTIVE and break down the frequencies of BOTH partners…
Thus you were a tat careful about whom you aloud into your energy fields and ESPECIALLY in the act of having sex!
This is something we have forgotten: with the right SOUL partner, who resonates with us, mind, body, spirit and soul and when we bond in loving union, the sexual energy is the most amazing and potent ENERGY source, which can be released!
It is a beautiful dance of the frequencies and vibrations between two lovers, reaching a CRESCENDO…. When done in the right milieu and with the right aids, this ENERGY can not only add to BOTH partners physical wellbeing, but also their spiritual, mental and emotional health…. It can also lead to amazing other energies being generated from this union….
Yet, do this, with the WRONG PARTNERS and either one will always feel that something is missing.  In the moment of having sex, that might be a moment’s gratification, but then the feeling of emptiness remains…. That is why some people start looking for the next and next person… for one night stands, always in search of gratification of the senses, and then somehow feeling that something or other is dreadfully missing… IT IS!
In Ancient Times, the High Priestesses of the Crystal Pyramid Temple of Love, once they had given permission for two people to commit to partnership, would first take the two into separate initiations, so that they would step into higher frequency states and be initiated into the full use of the sexual energies (which went far beyond the mere union… it was used for other purposes as well….)
In these next few years, if the twin relationship falters, the SOUL MATE will step in, so that the SOUL GROUP AS A WHOLE can advance and evolve… This is because of the CHALLENGE of Twin Flame, and sometimes one of them forgets or gets distracted from his or her ultimate mission….
As the love between the soul mates in a soul group is so closely bonded, the SOUL MATE will step in and this union is often easier to deal with, than that of the Twin Flame relationship, and is blessed in manifold ways…
source- http://judithkusel.wordpress.com/2012/02/11/143/

среда, 15. мај 2013.

Sophia love

Oneness answers every inquiry we have posed. You and I and the trees and our “enemies” are One. What I do to you, I do to myself. We cannot escape the consequences of our thoughts, words and actions. We, in every sense, are One. We know this now.

The core that unites us is our Eternal Heart. This is a place we’ve forgotten, where in unison, we love. You are there still and remember while you dream. Soon, these and other memories will ignite for you these truths – who you have ever been, all you are capable of doing, why you are here, where you are from and what was your plan.

We have come to this time now equipped with the truth of our power, our beauty, our brilliance and our unity. I believe we have helped each other get here so that someday soon, we could help others when they ask. I believe they will ask. We are light workers. Our earth is in need of our light.

Trust and know that all answers are within. I cannot predict our future, yet I can see what’s ahead. We’ve opened our minds and our hearts and there is no closing them now.

Believe in the knowing you come to yourself – trust your truth. As we consciously live the fullness of our transformed DNA, we’ll be giddy with our own magnificence.

Know this. The game of duality is ending now. We are embarking on a new journey. This one we will attend with full awareness and absolute knowledge. Secrets, lies and confusion are not welcome. Truth, transparency, agape and freedom are the hallmarks of this moment.

I feel you, I feel us. We are beyond ready to move to the new. Here, all of us are leaders, answer givers and truth tellers. That is why the Quest has come to completion. It is time to lead ourselves. You know what to do. What are you waiting for?

You are the One.

I love you.

It has been a privilege.


source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=367983619977973&set=a.102418389867832.4715.100002990136227&type=1&permPage=1

уторак, 14. мај 2013.

Ljubav ili strah

Ljubav ili strah

Živjeti u ljubavi ili strahu jedine su dvije mogućnosti. To su “stanja” iz kojih izviru sve ostale emocije. Ako zaronimo iza ljutnje, mržnje, nesigurnosti, osjećaja manje vrijednosti, zavisti, krivnje, depresije uvijek ćemo naći strah kao podlogu. Ako pak zaronimo iza radosti, davanja, bezbrižnosti, mira, suosjećanja, zaljubljenosti u nekoga ili nešto uvijek ćemo naći ljubav. Zašto ponekada “vidimo” strah, a ponekada ljubav?

Zato što gledamo iz skučene verzije sebe. Zato što još uvijek ne poznajemo sami sebe i ne shvaćamo tko smo, koliko smo veliki i čarobni. Zato što nismo živjeli u svijetu bezuvjetne ljubavi, to je svijet koji trebamo tek spoznati. Iako je on stalno prisutan, za nas postoji u onoj mjeri u kojoj mi sami rastemo u ljubavi i svjesnosti o životu. Zapravo i ne znamo što je točno ljubav, mi samo imamo neke ideje o njoj, i polako kroz život upoznajemo njezine oblike. Kako upoznati majčinsku ljubav ako nemaš iskustvo majčinstva. Možeš upoznati majčinsku ljubav, ako si dijete koje prima majčinsku ljubav, ali ne i kao onaj koji daje majčinsku ljubav. Postoji beskonačno puno ljubavi; dječja ljubav, ljubav prema roditeljima, partnerima, ljubavnicima, prijateljima, prema drveću, suncu, planinama, kapljicama, poeziji, zalascima sunca, mirisu trešnjinog cvijeta, prema nepoznatim ljudima… oblici su beskonačni.
I sve je to stalno prisutno, ali ovisno o tome koliko otvorimo svoje srce i koliko raste naša unutarnja ljubav tako vidimo i volimo Svijet. Kada počnemo voljeti sebe sa svim svojim “manama”, tada ćemo moći istinski voljeti i druge, opraštati i ne biti ljuti na vanjski Svijet. Tada ćemo razumjeti da i drugi ljudi često djeluju iz straha, jer nisu upoznali ljubav i stoga napadaju ili se brane. Ali tada nas to više neće izbacivati iz ljubavi unutar nas.
Zašto se javlja strah? Javlja se kao nedostatak ljubavi i nepovjerenje u život. Javlja se zato što ljubav definiramo kroz svoja ograničena životna iskustva. Zamislimo situaciju da vas je bivši muž varao i uvijek kada bi bio s drugom ženom donosio vama cvijeće. Prvo ste bili jako sretni zbog njegove “pažnje”, međutim kada ste shvatili da je donosio cvijeće samo da bi nekako prikrio odnos s drugom ženom, zamrzili ste i njega i cvijeće.
I tako nakon rastave, ponovo ste ostvarili vezu s muškarcem koji vam se jako sviđa. Nakon nekog vremena i on vam donese cvijeće. I što sad? Hoćete li zbog prijašnjeg bolnog iskustva biti nepovjerljivi i u strahu da vas i on vara? Hoćete li ga izbaciti skupa s buketom, bez da se i trenutak preispitate ili ćete izabrati ljubav i s povjerenjem prihvatiti mirisno cvijeće? Sve ovisi o našem doživljaju, o našoj percepciji. Izbor je ljubav ili strah. Izbor je povjerenje u život ili strah od toga da nismo dovoljno dobri, poštivani, da nas netko želi iskoristiti, prevariti, da nismo voljeni i stoga se moramo obraniti i zaštititi.
Kada donosimo odluke, svaka dolazi iz ljubavi ili straha. Ako imamo ideju o tome da je Svijet opasno mjesto, djelovati ćemo iz straha. Ako vjerujemo da je Svijet mjesto puno ljubavi, djelovati ćemo puno slobodnije, otvorenije i hrabrije. Kada budemo gledali Svijet ljubavnim očima on će postati mjesto ljubavi. Da bi Svijet postao ljubavno mjesto mi sami moramo postati ljubavnici života.
Kako postati ljubavnik života? Istražuj nepoznato, ne očekuj od drugih da budu “ovakvi ili onakvi”, živi i osjećaj sadašnji trenutak, ne sudi nikada nikome, budi iskren do daske, budi hrabar voljeti, budi hrabar biti ono što jesi i živjeti punim plućima ono što želiš živjeti. Tada ćeš živjeti u ljubavi sa sobom, s drugima, u ljubavi sa životom. Strah je život u tami, ljubav je život u svjetlosti!
Put ljubavi, nema očekivanja, nema pravila, nema granica. Ljubav je neograničena i postoji svugdje oko nas ako postoji u nama. Budi ljubavnik života!
[izvor: Iva Solarević Jeličić na ordinacija.hr]

понедељак, 13. мај 2013.

Have You Achieved Enlightenment?

Have You Achieved Enlightenment?

Rene Descartes, Contributor
Waking Times
Have you achieved enlightenment?
You would know if you did. You’d know it far more easily than knowing if you’d been struck by a bolt of lightning. And that’s why you’re here in this world. That’s why you are reading all those books and this as well. Because you are still searching for enlightenment. If you had found it, you would not be on this plane, or you would be an Adept, and teaching others rather than reading books – even ancient texts.  Because you would then truly ‘know it all’, at least spiritually speaking. You would have Universal Consciousness. You would not be struggling with your self, or being self-centered or selfish anymore. You would only “Unselfishly Love.”
There are basically two kinds of people reading this (and some who are combinations of the two kinds). The first kind of person is just reading it because it is unusual and perhaps somewhat interesting reading. That includes those who are fascinated with lost civilizations, lost history, and mysterious technology. But the other kind of reader is one who is more “into” spiritual knowledge, studies, practices, abilities, etc. What some call a spiritual “seeker”.
This reminder is really addressed to them. There are those of you reading this right now, who have collected spiritual and metaphysical knowledge for many years, and been involved with various spiritual “paths”, trends, or techniques. Some of you will read this and say, “Yes, I already know,” or, “It’s redundant,” or “I have heard these things before – I already know them, so this information is of little use to me”.
 I don’t mean to offend you or belittle your knowledge or wisdom. But if you have thought such things, ask yourself the following questions before you read any more with that kind of attitude, or before you just “file these teachings away” with the rest of your knowledge.
Are you already “enlightened”, or “Universally Conscious”?
There are various definitions of enlightenment, so here’s what we mean – If you have achieved what we call enlightenment, you have taken the controlling reins of your life from your selfish separate self, and handed them over to your higher self, and the Universal Spirit. Have you done that?  Has Unselfish Love replaced selfishness in your day to day life? And if not, have you “dropped everything” and rearranged the priorities in your life with the goal of achieving these changes as fast as possible?
If the answer to the above is ‘no,’ then the next question is, why not? If you know the keys – why haven’t you used them?  If you don’t know the keys, maybe somewhere in these words something will click for you. Like we said, we don’t mean to be insulting, or to offend you, we just want to help certain readers who might benefit from this idea. So, please keep that in mind now. While there are certain exceptions, if you are already “enlightened”, it is very, very unlikely that you would even be reading this right now. You would likely have no need or interest in reading this, because you would have achieved all you need. The searching stops.
Those who have attained enlightenment, Universal Consciousness, or whatever you want to call it, generally no longer read about spiritual teachings or philosophy, because they are of no use to them – they don’t need them anymore.  And when you no longer need the things you once found in a book, you change, and your interest in them falls away. (You may still need books on plumbing, but that’s a different subject). It’s not like being a doctor or something where you have to keep up on the latest advances in prolonging life. Sure, you could say there are degrees of enlightenment, and you might read something to achieve a greater degree than you have. But there is one “biggy” to enlightenment that is like a light switch, and it’s either on or off.
So if you are reading this, and that “big” switch isn’t turned on yet, for your own good, please put aside whatever you already know, just for a while at least. Even more importantly, please put aside any ego that could “get in your own way”. This could prevent you from getting a seemingly insignificant “little piece of something” out of this that might help you become enlightened. Just have an open mind, and see where this takes you.
Even if you were enlightened, and found a book that “sounds interesting” which is certainly possible, you wouldn’t have the time to muse over it. When you become enlightened, you are very, very busy, helping others to attain the same freedom, peace, and unselfish love you have found, or you go on and ascend to a higher vibrational plane. If you stay, you “work” for the Universal Spirit, so to speak. You align your will, with Universal Will, and thus you become very busy doing your little part in the “Universal Flow”.
For example, at this point in our life, we don’t read any spiritual or philosophical books. We no longer have the inclination, let alone the time.  We did need to write this though, because it was both our “job” to do so (in the service of the Universal Spirit), and our desire to help you. Not to say that it should do the same for you, because you may have a very different path (people do have legitimate different paths). But if we had read this insight you are reading now, it would have at least been the end of the “book” part of our search. Because it would have answered our questions, and all the pieces of truth would have fallen into place as a whole.
But again, maybe these words aren’t your spiritual “cup of tea”, so to speak, and this won’t do the same for you that it would have for us.  Maybe it’s just one of your stepping stones along the way, and has some things you consider “bits” of truth. Or maybe you’re not ready for it yet. Or maybe it is right for your path, but you’re just afraid of the radical changes it would bring into your life, if you allowed yourself to realize and accept the truth – your truth. It’s certainly not for us to say. But in any case, if you are still reading this – you are probably still looking for something. And if so, just admit it.
A long time ago we discovered the hard way that it doesn’t pay to be egotistical, self-centred, or “cocky” about what you already know.  Humility never killed anyone, but cockiness has. Humility will get you to peace of mind and “enlightenment” faster than anything else. A “spiritual ego” will prevent it. So go ahead and let yourself go, and look very closely, with an open mind and heart. Spirituality is simple. Love is simple. Truth is simple. Enlightenment is simple.
It’s all basic stuff that we all really know deep inside somehow, yet most people don’t live by it, and they’ve blocked it out. An article like this helps to remind you and inspire you. If you haven’t “gotten it” yet, maybe this will help. If you think it’s redundant, what can we say?  How could it be redundant, if you haven’t “gotten it” yet? We know we needed to hear certain things over and over, until we finally really did “hear it”, “get it”, and actually change. Some of you may already know everything you need to become truly great beings who are a blessing to all, yet you don’t do what you need to do to achieve that. Why?  What’s your “good reason”?
We’ve seen them all. Some continue to cling to the lives they’ve built. Jobs. Friends. Associates. Kids. Hold on to the familiar shore. There are all kinds of excuses to avoid real change. Some people even use the search for spiritual knowledge, or “sharing” of knowledge, or even the search for a spiritual path, as a means to actually avoid change. It doesn’t matter what the excuse is. It doesn’t matter if it is clinging to a house, car, friend, lover, family, job, city, or whatever. It also doesn’t matter what you fear.
All bodies die someday, and the specifics of your life will become irrelevant. So it doesn’t matter if your reason for not “going for it” is the best reason in the world. The BOTTOM LINE is this – Whatever reason is holding you back from what you need to do to achieve “enlightenment” and Oneness with your Maker -  is not a good enough reason. This is the kind of attitude one must have. And the knowledge of how to do it is not good enough.  Knowledge can only point the way; you are the one who must actually take the journey.
“A little knowledge that acts, is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle”. – Khalil Gibran

About the Author
Rene’ Descartes is a frustrated desert veggie farmer in South Africa who ponders and wonders much about truth. Having sailed around the world on a small yacht over a 4 year period, Rene’ is now interested in healing the terminally ill and in being of assistance to the all the souls entering earth right now. Email Rene’ at Shamballa@wispernet.co.za.
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

source: http://www.wakingtimes.com/2013/05/13/have-you-achieved-enlighenment/?utm_source=Waking+Times+Newsletter&utm_campaign=2ffd457519-Waking_Times&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_25f1e048c1-2ffd457519-54325629

Thoughts May 13, 2013 – Catherine Victoria

Thoughts May 13, 2013 – Catherine Victoria

Thoughts May 13, 2013
I see myself in other dimensions, other roles, other lives and experiences. All is one. All is NOW. What is real, what is not. Nothing is real, and everything is real.
I don’t get time anymore. It’s so tiresome and I don’t want to be bothered with it. I feel I can live without time. I don’t need it. I feel instead. I don’t use time anymore. Of course I check time because of yoga and ballet classes, or occasional appointments that may be, but other than that not really. I love living without time. I love the feeling of freedom. Of limitless space. Just being. It is fantastic. Every moment is endless.
It has been difficult to manage the last months, mostly because I have not fully been living from the heart, and the brain and mind tries so hard to understand and make sense of everything that has happened, when there is no logical explanation, or perhaps no explanation at all. Now I don’t care, but appreciate everything that comes to me and all the memories and others things that come up. Both in society and within me. Now that I feel my heart fully opening and I am “living” connected with Source and Oneness in every moment, I react from my heart and not from the ego or the mind. I only use the ego to experience the person I am as “Catherine Victoria”. Now that I can control the mind and not let the mind take over and try to analyze and “understand” everything, I can fully appreciate and enjoy this experience. Every moment I just am. I am free. I am light. I am energy. I see and feel myself in other dimensions, lifetimes, as other personalities and beings. I love being able to experience what I do in other dimensions. It’s so varied and I love every experience!
I am glad I finally am able to fully allow, trust and just be. Living from the heart is the most wonderful, amazing thing. Living from the heart allows me to live from my soul and all that I am. In every moment I am connected. There is no fear. There is no judgement. Everything and every being is free and I love how we are all responsible for our own experiences in this dimension. There is no one we can blame, because everything that happens, happens because of us.
I wonder how I will move forward from here. I know there is more to accomplish and I know my “time” here is not over yet, but sometimes I feel I am done here. Done with this dimension in a way. Or “earth school” as some call it. Any earth-lesson could be thrown at me, and it would be okay. Because I have done it, gone through it or experienced it in other lifetimes. It doesn’t matter what it is. So much has changed lately. Everything is just kind of melting into one. Other lifetimes and other aspects of my soul – everything is happening all at once. Right now. In a way, I see myself from spirit; it is like I am my over-soul or higher self or whatever it is, and I see these different projections of “myself”. It is just experiences, and I can feel them all at the same time. Experience them all at once. Now, in this physical existence, I still experience myself as the person and personality Catherine Victoria, but at the same time, I see myself purely as another projection, and I can also choose to experience any other person or being that I am in every moment, that is also another projection. I am no longer me as in the mind and ego that controls me. It doesn’t affect me. I don’t experience myself from that perspective anymore. It is liberating and I feel so free.
I don’t know if this makes any sense. It is difficult to explain or describe. All I know is that it is absolutely the most incredible, liberating, wonderful, amazing, fantastic thing I have ever experienced. Now I only need to master levitation and telekinesis and this experience would be even more perfect! =)
Love and blessings,
Catherine Victoria