среда, 25. март 2015.



golden-twin-rays-twinflames-soulmates[We resonate with this timely information yet as with all things there is a mixture therefore use your own levels of discernment.]
Many of us have journeyed long and far to reconnect with that one complete half of whom we are. For the experience of duality we split in two separate spheres of light and now it is time to once again complete the divine union between our male and female God-self. As all beings are created from the source substance, we are all a part of mother/father God. In the grand oneness of source there is creation upon creation of sparks of light. You my friends are one of these sparks. Each particle of the vast light we know as God is one part male and one part female. The truth is always as simple as that.
There are many sequences of patterns and families of spirit moving through creation, however the fact remains that all are part of a positive/negative polarity. For the inception of duality we began to move through the universal core as a team of light beings. Together in vast consciousness we blended our light for the building of the house we live in.
We start this explanation from the Great Central Sun in this universe, for creation moves way past this level and we shall have a great time together rejoining with every facet of our being.
A time came when the energy you know as self formed into a vehicle of expression and with wonder you came to a certain life form, praising the two of you as one. To move down through the galactic streams many came through an Archangel or other grand being of life. Many of you understand this being to be your father. And yes they gave birth to your essence into the galactic realms, while some were birthed through the solar level of light. All are children of the one. Some of us simply birthed through an energetic life stream and agreed to step down in vibration. A twin ray coupling, pulling from the one source of all created others. The duality took all on earth through the solar level eventually. Until this time all were experiencing together and aware that we were one being of a male/female nature, working with the forces of creation and birthing many new ideas. All are part of the grand entity we know as mother/father God. The bliss and the ecstasy of two hearts joined as one is beyond any human concept.
At the galactic levels we started with ease and grace the separation process through several dimensions. This ensured there would be no harm to our light vehicles. For most of us the memory of disconnecting is still painful at a deep cellular level. This will become part of the clearing process if one is brave enough to commit to this relationship on all levels again.
Earth is the pivot point for the entire universe for the end of duality. We are at a blessed time when the twin ray couplings can start the slow process of reunion. Your twin ray is the ultimate experience of your God-self in every facet. It is who you are and for this we are extremely grateful. At this time the twin ray reunions are happening on a massive scale. If you feel your one half is not here, you are correct dear ones. To blend heaven and earth we are in different dimensions. However as the earth party moves up and attains the Christ vehicle, the upper dimensional party can commune at a certain dimension. Whatever dimension is up to you and your twin ray. No ascended master will step into a lower than high fifth dimensional field of light. For two reasons, one being the safety of both parties, and the other being that the earth party has got to do their inner work to ascend. The upper dimensional being cannot do it for you.
What is the difference between a soul mate or twin flame, or divine complement? I will give you the step by step process one has to integrate and clear before becoming one again with themselves. This also coinciding with achieving the male/female balance within. This balance along with other work must be completed before union can take place. While going through the reconnection there will be much inner work accomplished. It takes trust, faith and a strong determination to become one again.
Now one might ask why all this when we are supposedly androgynous beings. The term androgynous applies to the balance of the male/female within, and eventually of the complete balance with your twin ray, where one is a complete extension of the other and vice versa. Creation is always a blending of energies on many levels.
It is also time we slowly begin to fuse into the earth's consciousness the story of man and woman. One cannot be without the other; it simply is not done. The seven-step earth pyramid of male/female relationships is as follows:

Twin Ray | Twin Flames | Twin Souls | Twin Mates
Divine Expression | Soul MatesDivine Complement

Divine Complement

#7 Divine Compliment We will start with step seven. A divine complement is someone who shows you the exact mirror of where you are living. This person could be anyone at any given time the higher self sends to mirror your exact image. Often times it reflects our negative vibrations, while other times you are blessed with seeing the beauty that is you. A complement could come in and out of one's life, or stay around for a while completing many lessons for both parties involved. This would be a very good reason why marriages on earth shift all the time. People change with age and move on. Many times this does not happen together, and so two partners end up going their separate ways and rightly so in this kind of environment. Remember relationships on earth are in preparation for moving you to a higher level of being. [IS YOUR MATE YOUR DIVINE COMPLEMENT? GET YOUR PERSONALIZED PSYCHIC READING HERE]

Soul Mates

#6 Soul Mate A soul mate is one who is previously set up before coming into incarnation. Your cycle of life will take many turns and at the perfect time a soul mate will enter to teach you in a strong way about yourself. Many would like to think they are married with a soul mate, but truly not as many as would like to be are living this relationship. It is a special meeting and one that will most likely alter your life. This could be positive or negative depending on where you stand in self. Also a soul mate in this lifetime could be different than in another lifetime. There are instances when one travels in several lifetimes together. Your soul family is quite large and for purposes of learning at times you may work or set up a connection with a soul mate from another soul family. So in that instance they would be your soul mate.
Also a soul mate could be the exact gender or opposite depending on what you came to experience. Often times a romantic relationship is not in the life plan, because everything at this level is about clearing up with self. We have spent some lives in dear soul mate relationships, while others are meant for the souls study and advancement. [IS YOUR MATE YOUR SOUL MATE? GET YOUR PERSONALIZED PSYCHIC READING HERE]

Divine Expression

#5 Divine Expression A divine expression in short is one that comes in and makes a large impression on one's life. If one is not moving in the exact direction intended a divine expression would move in to bring out the deepest inner angst and leave you pondering the facts of life. This is good, as the intention of a divine expression is exactly that. It will feel not quite pleasant in a lot of instances, but to open a blind eye spirit will take on many forms to assist. At this time many beings are experiencing a divine expression simply to move them forward. They are actually a gift from your guidance and one to take heed so the truth can face you head on. So many try to make something work that is not in the cards for their enlightenment and this is where trust comes in. If you feel strong about a being at this time, you will want to consider that your twin ray is hanging around and this is actually what you are feeling. [IS YOUR MATE YOUR DIVINE EXPRESSION? GET YOUR PERSONALIZED PSYCHIC READING HERE]

Twin Mates

#4 Twin Mate A twin mate is part of a group of beings you are connected to for earth, solar and galactic work. A twin mate is someone not usually linked to romantic liaisons, as these souls are a connection of a like-minded unit of servers. All are connected to at least 144 twin mates. In the paradigm of creation the numerical value of 144 makes for the perfection of manifestation, as it works on a higher frequency of energy. In the galactic core all twin mates were set up together. Some are here on earth and some are in the galaxy doing other work. When we say we are one and the same it is because units of congregated light do not separate themselves from one another. We are indeed together for many reasons throughout our experiences. This connection will continue until we complete this cycle of creation into the birth of the new millenium. Here we will advance and the units move and work with different wavelengths of light. So together in the birthing we re-evaluate and shift energetically our streams of light depending on where everyone resides in consciousness. Some of your twin mates are not waking up as yet, but we hope all do, as time will soon run out for the opportunity at hand. As you connect hearts with many beings several will stand out and the recognition of a twin mate will show itself. [IS YOUR MATE YOUR TWIN MATE? GET YOUR PERSONALIZED PSYCHIC READING HERE]

Twin Souls

#3 Twin Soul A twin soul is a very like vibrational frequency. Each individual has twelve twin souls. They are part of the twin mate grouping, however these twelve are extremely close to your earthwork. Some of you will be blessed to have a few of these beings close to you on earth. You will feel as if you have known and worked with one another forever, and truly you have. This is likened to the twelve ascended masters you will link up to on your climb to the Christ Light. A very few of you are twin souls to the twelve masters that are on your line-up awaiting your arrival. This is for instructing purposes as you are a teacher of magnitude and your energy is linked to this consciousness of light. There have been many blessed romantic encounters with this group of beings. The ratio of male/female on each grouping is dependent on lessons and/or experiences one needs to attain for advancement into the higher realms of light. [IS YOUR MATE YOUR TWIN SOUL? GET YOUR PERSONALIZED PSYCHIC READING HERE]

Twin Flames

#2 Twin Flame A twin flame is a being you have worked extremely closely with from the galaxy on down into a third dimensional life form. This was set up long ago and you have kept the same twin flames for eons. There are seven twin flames you are connected to. Besides the twin ray this will be your closest bond to an entity. Whichever level of light one is at, you will have the ability to reconnect with the mighty seven. It will assist to further your own enlightenment. These are integrated before reaching the level of the twin ray. Needless to say that many twin flame relationships are of great remembrance and love to all. They are also both genders. For instance this channel has three female, and four male twin flames. Three twin flames are on earth; four are in the upper dimensions. There is a special bond between twin flames and you will forever be connected at the heart, as one does not ever forget the special love a twin flame will share. It moves beyond human sexuality and into the purity of devotion for working together through these cycles. You have been through much and after the twin ray split the first relationship one enters into is with a twin flame. At the level we split there was not yet time to learn jealousy, we just created and experienced in the love of our source. We knew there would come a time when reunion would once again join our beloved ones heart forever. I can honestly tell you there are sad memories from this parting of two hearts which all will clear before moving into the divine embrace of a twin ray. [IS YOUR MATE YOUR TWIN FLAME? GET YOUR PERSONALIZED PSYCHIC READING HERE]

Twin Ray

#1 Twin Ray The twin ray is the ultimate. There is no need to look further for source as this is experienced with one another. The joy at this time as we have prepared long for this event is overwhelming even for the many ascended masters awaiting this reunion. You are the same Godspark that came from the loving embrace of mother/father God. It is quite a gift that we are coming into harmony with the one other half of ourselves. There is much disbelief with this event, and I can only tell you that it is well worth the wait. For those who refuse to accept you only prolong your advancement as many ascensions are tied into the reunification with the twin ray. After working to reconnect and taking the time every day and night to complete the energy work necessary, your twin ray is then known as the Consort. Both of your missions are one and the same. The responsibility is held equally by both of you. At this point you have proven yourself worthy of the title as together you have both conquered the densities to return as one love, one life, one entity.
Each person will have a unique situation and therefore all twin ray couplings will occur differently, as there is closure necessary from many experiences learned by both parties. In addition to ascending the twin ray merge will take a daily conscious effort. So many of you feel that deep inner knowing, but have not been able to express this as the earth consciousness has not allowed for divine relationships in a long time. There have been some instances when you have traveled together on earth. Some twin rays of earth partners are on a galactic star, or perhaps your twin ray is a universal being. The last scenario is the rarest. [IS YOUR MATE YOUR TWIN RAY? GET YOUR PERSONALIZED PSYCHIC READING HERE]
Also some of you will electromagnetically connect with the perfect mate here already on earth. This would be a soul mate, twin flame, or twin soul. Some twin rays in the upper dimensions are not ready to reconnect. This comes only by the approval of one's higher self. So many different situations, yet each one is perfect for the individual. Whichever level you intend to reconnect with, there will be shifts in your life and spirit will not give you what you cannot handle. For instance, if one is happily married on earth you can commit to a twin ray at an energetic level while working here. This for the time being is perfect. No twin ray will interrupt a harmonious environment. This being only wants the highest and best and is willing to wait for divine time. There are many classes that will educate on this subject. I would encourage one to take advantage of the gift and learn about this wondrous twin ray information.
There are many masters who have contacted and been in the reconnective process for over a year now. I, being one of these masters. We are learning first hand as this is quite an event and together we are creating the most effective way to make this happen. Because there has been so much preparation all are ready to move. Finally at this time many are willing to accept the information as truly we are all as one. To find out more on the subject trust your intuition and meditate about the process. Ask if you are one to make the merging of the dimensions happen with your twin ray. If you have been feeling emotional and that old familiar energy is around you, this could be your twin ray coming in from the higher realms attempting to contact you. Won't you sit and allow this energy to come through.
In the Christ Light and Love,
I AM Sananda: Sananda is another Light level aspect. This being is connected to the one called Jesus the Christ. He comes to us with universal love. His messages are timeless and joy-based. Sananda is also a part of the divine, the great I AM, and our brother.


Content except certain images Copyright © 2014 Deidre Madsen. All rights reserved.
deidremadsenDeidre Madsen
Imagery Consultant,
Author, Lecturer,
Life Coach, P.I.
Psi Specialist

As a tenured Imagery Consultant
Deidre works body, mind and spirit
whole-brained holistic retreats and
sessions with clients worldwide
and assists in opening to your

source: http://www.deidremadsen.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=186&Itemid=309

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 24 March 2015

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 24 March 2015

AishaNorthAs you have perhaps already noticed, this ongoing redistribution of the energetic masses is not about to subside anytime soon. For this is not something temporary, this is a permanent shift away from the old and into the very new spheres, the ones that are far more lofty than what you have experienced so far. And so, this shift will make the very ground beneath your feet appear as impermanent as everything else, and rightly so, for this is not about changing merely the appearance of something, but a transformation that goes all the way to the core.
For this is a dramatic shift that is under way in your entire energetic environment, and that is something that is far more profound than anything you can see from an outward perspective. And as such, it will be as if the very ground upon which you walk will feel less secure because your physical vehicle has yet to fine tune itself to these new ground currents that are being reinstated on your planet. And these are currents that covers it all, not just on the surface, but all the way to the very core of your inhabited sphere.
For this planet you live upon has now changed her frequency in such a way, it will affect all. And the ones that will notice this the most, will be those that will fall into tune with it most easily and those who fall furthest from this new frequency. In other words, this shift will be hugely beneficial to all those who have chosen to align themselves with the new energetic landscape around them by electing to take in these new frequencies from the very beginning. For all of you heeded the preliminary calls that came, and as such, you all stand poised to ride the highest crest of the wave that will be arriving on your shores in a very short time from now. While for those who chose to literally turn a deaf ear to the call to awaken from the slumber, the dissonance that will be engendered because of the discrepancy between their base frequency and the one that your planet is vibrating to now will be a powerful on indeed.
So once again we say expect the unexpected to arise, and know that the unexpected comes in all shapes and forms, and in every single nuance of the bandwidth of energies that currently prevail on this little sphere of yours. For now, as the frequency is being changed from the ground up so to speak, the number of different frequencies may seem to be interfering with each other in such a way, it can be difficult to keep a steady outlook on it all. So know when to seek shelter from the storm, and know when to stand fast, and know that at all times, you will find that slow and steady rhythm that will show you the true beat to follow whenever you take the time to go within.
For that is where the true north will be found at all times when this wildly fluctuating array of frequencies you may be exposed to at any given time will seem to blow you off course. For as long as you stay tethered to that inner course, you will never lose your bearings, and you will never lose your momentum either. For there will be instances in the time ahead when you will all at one stage or the other feel as if you are merely threading water without any form of forward propulsion whatsoever. But know that this is not the case, it is merely an understandable outcome of this overlapping of frequential layers.
So stay focused and stay calm, and know that you are fully connected to this very new frequency at all times. And know that any confusion and disruption that may arise in your personal field is merely a temporary one, caused by the swells of the old frequencies dying out around you. So heed the call from that new beat, and you will find your feet and indeed the entirety of your being not just picking up more speed, but also picking out a very new way forwards. For these incoming winds will fill your sails up so that you will be lifted aloft out of the still churning waters that others will try their hardest to stay afloat in.
But also know that if you venture to try to hold out against these new prevailing winds, your journey will be one fraught with some unnecessary challenges indeed, for this will be more than trying to go against the wind. For by now, you have all been elevated to a level of energetic vibration that is so finely balanced, any voluntary downsizing to the denser vibrations will be like putting a spanner in the finely tuned workings of a clock. So do what you are here to do; allow the incoming flood of light to lift you ever higher, and then, you will succeed in what your true task here on this planet really is, elevating ALL by elevating yourself as swiftly as possible by renouncing on any ideas of holding on to the old. For only a total surrender of the old will help you to fulfill this task, and so, we ask you all to stay focused on the horizon that awaits you, not on the remnants of the old that is already fading away in your wake.
For know this: you can go out into the world carrying with you this very new vibration, and no matter where you go, you will find a reciprocal energetic boost coming your way from the Earth herself at all times. That is, as long as you do not insist on trying to step your own energy down to match the one that others may be carrying with them. For you are not here to be a chameleon, one who changes his or her energetic appearance the better to blend in amongst the masses. No, you are here to stand out clear and bright within the full powers of your light. Yes, this will attract attention, and yes, you might find that somewhat intimidating at first, but still, this is why you are here. So stand tall and stand clear of the old ideas of diminishing yourself to make others feel better about their own stature, for even if the idea may seem tempting, any actions defined by such ideas will not benefit you nor anyone else. Rather, it will be detrimental to all.
So once again we say know that your light is of the highest importance, and now, you have for the very first time a new energetic environment that will support you at every single step of the way, and as such, you no longer need to lack of anything at all on your continued journey. But know also that this energetic support will only act as a boost if you continue to keep your own energetic tune true and do not try to tamper with it in any way. For then, you will also begin to feel the dissonance between you and this new and prevailing tune that your planet has begun to hum to. So if you at any time feel at odds with anything, the advice will once again be to go within. Then, you will know if it is merely a superficial reaction to all of the colliding energetic movement that is going on, or if it is a deeper reaction to any decision to try to step down from your new elevated stature. For the difference is indeed loud and clear, and even if you will all feel more than a little flummoxed by these conflicting movements from time to time, you will have no problem in separating between the reaction and the causes at any given time, for by now, you are all well tuned to your own inner voice.
So listen well, and this new phase of the journey will be a less strenuous one than if you choose to disregard the inner calling and step across the lines that have been set up as a guidance to you and to everyone else who have the task of being the forerunners in this process. For you are the ones who will need it most at this time, for you are the ones who must keep a clear eye on the proceedings, and the only way to do that, is to ignore the outer confusion and seek the inner guidance at any time any disruption seems to arise. That way, you will all be sure to navigate these by now more than choppy waters, and that way, you will all find more than ample reasons to rejoice. For then, you will all feel the increased momentum these incoming waves will give you, and you will all feel how you are being supported in every single step you take so that every single decision you make will be a divinely inspired one. For then, it is your inner knowing who will set the course, and so, you will all do what is yours to do; you will choose what will benefit the most, not just for a short time, but in the long run, and then, it will all come about as it has been planned for eternity.
So allow that inner light to light your way, and know that you will be going in the right direction at all times when you do just that. For when you heed that inner calling, every step will be the right step, even when it takes you in a very surprising direction. For surprises will arise for all, but if you listen well, they do not hold any surprises at all, for then, you will just know what to do, for it will all come naturally. After all, that is your gift to All, the ability to go where no man has gone before, and to do so with an inner knowing that defies any attempts at being waylaid.
So go forth fully knowing that you already know who you are and what to do, and know that you have even more support at your disposal at any given time now, should it be so needed. But even so, you will all find it all within you. For you are already complete, and now, you will complete what it is you came here to do, and you will do it in a way that will defy any speculation. For you have already proven your prowess, and you have already proven your steadfastness, and now, you will begin upon the lap of honour, the last part of this monumental task of righting what has been wrong, and of lighting what has been dimmed down for such a long time. And for that, no words are enough, but still, we offer you this on behalf of All of creation; thank you.
Aisha North series 10 - 3
Dear family of light! Tomorrow my sister and I leave for our month long journey, so I do not think I will be getting any new messages from the CCs until late next week, in time for the April Gathering around the Pond we have coming up on Sunday April 5. I want to thank you all for all the light, the love, the insights, the joy and the compassion you so generously sprinkle over this Pond. You are the ones who make it shine as brightly as it does, and it is such a blessing to have you all in my life and on my journey. For you will all be by my side wherever I go, and I hope you will feel my presence here at the Pond even when I am away. I wish you all Godspeed for this next part of our collective journey, my wonderful brothers and sisters of the light!
With all my LOVE – always
Aisha <3 <3 <3
www.aishanorth.wordpress.com / link to original article


Dear, Twin Flame; To Move beyond Illumination Leave the rest Behind

Dear, Twin Flame; To Move beyond Illumination Leave the rest Behind

Published December 14, 2014 by acceleratedascension
Barbara Longue
You may not understand how everything is connected, but it is. You must go from the smallest lesson before you can build in consciousness and move onto the next. Everything is Unified and the Universal truths reflect that. Unity is what you are after, so do not miss a piece, or the whole that you are looking for, can never be. Everything is important and when you see it that way, you will move through each lesson and stage much faster. You will travel through space and time at a much faster rate and things will seem to unfold seamlessly and at the perfect moment in your time. When you are walking through life in alignment with all that is, all that is becomes you and you become it. Your life will reflect that. All of the things that you need, without exception, will be provided in a way that is easy for you and in perfect time. It is only holding onto the old and not trusting, which creates difficulty for you and that is what we want you to overcome. Your soul mates, you have many of them, are here to assist you in your growth, but in your invalidation of them, you are tied to the Union which represents a part of yourself which you would like to outgrow, but you cannot move beyond it if you do not move beyond it! Relationships with soul mates should not be ended prematurely. That is not what we are saying. We are saying for you to cherish everything that you see within the soulmate union. Cherish it and do not belittle it or look at it like it is not what you need. If it is there, you need it. It is only when you have learned to create harmony within a soulmate relationship, yet, you are still seeking for more, beyond what the relationship can provide, that it is time to move on. So many of you are needing to hear this right now. So many of you are facing this challenge around your Twin Flame experience because you feel that you are tied to your soulmate connections that you have outgrown. The Universe would never, ever, ever expect you to hold yourself back from continuing to grow. This is not what any of this is designed to do. You must be strong to move forward. That is your mark of readiness and that is the point in it all. So, you all know if it is time to leave a soulmate relationship for the sake of your growth. Do not hold back anymore. You do no services or provide any justices to anyone in the matter, when you remain inside a stagnant relationship which no longer serves the growth of those involved. Stagnation. This is the opposite of what love does. Let your love grow, even further, so that you can see what the most loving action in your situation actually looks like. When you focus on loving all involved AND when your focus on love is inclusive of yourself  and your spiritual needs and your journey through this life, you will then know what to do. There are no exceptions. When we say “harmony”, we understand that you cannot force another into a state of harmony. But that only you, yourself, can conjure a state of peace that allows you to see clearly and lovingly and therefore, to make the right decision which is in alignment with your journey of spiritual growth, love, and self-discovery.
We are here to open your eyes to a new world. A new way of being. A new life. A new kind of love. Greater and greater than ever before. You will be able to experience more emotion than ever before, more kindness, more beauty and this beauty will never get old. You can never get tired of that which you are, for that which you are never expires, it only becomes more, better and improved. Your reality reflects that. The newest gadget is always the most popular. You see the value in becoming. We want to tell you that since this is all new, and new ideas and information on this topic of eternally becoming will be coming though this channel from now on, we are done with the 3rd dimensional concepts. We are ascending, you are ascending and our point in being here is to assist you as you are rising. To guide you and to lead the flow. To give you a way to answer questions that arise. For, we will be answering them, often, and every time you read, you will see that solutions are coming faster than problems. We are now solution oriented. Forward moving and forward thinking. We want you to be grounded, so we will still use grounding examples to help you bridge this connection between your 3rd dimensional world and the other dimensions that your consciousness is becoming into. But we are not teaching 3rd dimensional reality anymore. We are beyond that and if you want to learn, you will have to rise above those concepts too. We are going to move very fast, so keep up your vibrations and read on. We are going to take all of you with us and we want you to take everyone with you that you know and love. So share these concepts, share the love, leave not a soul behind. Because this wave is strong. This wave of love is awesome and everyone who is here, on this planet today, wants to be swept up in this incredible, leading edge experience. It is why you have incarnated in this place today. Make no mistake about it. There is no such thing. Look at a child. They want to be on the leading edge of excitement, and so do you. That is what we are helping you to accomplish through these messages. We want you to learn to experience your excitement all of the time and shed the rest. leave it all behind, in the dust. aengusogNothing else matters but you. Nothing else matters that is outside of your happiness. Do you not realize how important this is to feel love and be happy. It is the entire point of existence! JOY! Joy and love are one in the same. Every time that you experience joy, you are hooked into Source. Tuned in, Tapped in, Turned on. That is what Abraham Hicks has been teaching to you for the last 30 years. Getting you ready to receive these messages today. All of you who are receiving these messages will recognize the messages of Abraham within it. There is a reason for this. They have been preparing you for these times. Paving the way and priming the pump and giving you endless examples and making it believable. They never grow tired of assisting you to become. Never, not even once before, they love it. Every last member of the collective of Abraham has been reveling in your becoming because, as they have told you before, they see what is in your Vortex, and its magnificent. It is HUGE. You have been asking for so very long for all of these wonderful things to come to you and there is only one way that you can receive them. We will now tell you how. You must channel your passion at all times in order to receive what you are wanting at all times. It is a system that was created, all that is created is love and these systems work. They all work. This system we are explaining to you is real and readily applicable for you in your dimensional reality. It is how everything is created. We are all united and the systems that work together in harmony are another reflection of that. All that is will always reflect itself.
The mechanism goes like this:
As you decide to follow your joy, you create an intention. You create a desire. In that instant, the desire exists in a form which can be readily achieved by you in the physical. There used to be more of a time lag, but the time lag is disappearing, quickly, as the thinning between the dimensional realities and the time and space phenomenon is slipping away and becoming more and more malleable. Unity is the New theme and all that is will reflect that more and more. Once you create the intention and set your desire, you must set your point of attraction to match it. This is where all of you have been getting stumped. It’s almost as if you thought you had no choice in the matter, when it comes to choosing your vibration. This trouble that you have been facing is only a result of not fully, experiencing or knowing who you truly are. This is the problem we are tackling now, but we are teaching an easier way to go about it, because you are in a place where you can reach for these concepts now, and the Twin Flame Phenomenon speeds up your ability to reach these higher states of consciousness. That is why we are targeting you, Twin Flame, because you, specifically have decided to be first on the leading edge of consciousness. It is much easier to get the most developed group up to speed and then to have them teach others. This is the fastest way to go about it, so all of you have a responsibility to grow and to share what you are learning by fulfilling your purpose and that is exactly why you will be channeling your passion. It is not so different from reaching Illumination. It is really the same thing. You are just realizing that. Terminology is a factor for all of you to understand. Your words are creative. We want you to channel Source in any way that you can. This is exactly what happens when you are feeling joy. You are connected. Locked into Source energy and you are one with the Universe. All of you have a talent that you are meant to Channel. When you are feeling love about something, you are on the right path. It does not matter what you feel love about. Find what you love and do it all of the time, as often as you can. This Channel loves to write and she sees her life and her consciousness changing rapidly as she participates within this, so she is doing it all of the time, and we are supporting her, because this is her purpose in the Universe right now. We want ALL of you to be doing the same thing. When you are channeling your passion, your world will open up to you, support you and since you are locked into Source Love, you will be attracting the things that match it, the things that you want. This is the mechanism and how it works. This is the whole package and it always will work this way. Remember, because love sticks to itself. It is the very fabric that holds all that is together. The magnetic pull that you feel towards your Flame is only as reflection of that. Of how magnetic love is. Be love. Channel your love by doing your passion and you will be infinitely supported. Just know that you are. Become absorbed in your purpose and the old will fall away. You will be supported into a position that facilitates you to create more love because that is exactly what the entire Universe wants! The Universe has set this up for you so that you can have what you want! Twin Flame, we love you, realize the magnitude of this and there is absolutely nothing that will stop you from creating exactly the reality that you desire and you will not have to lift a finger beyond your passion and inspiration and feelings of love. Gratitude. Realize all the little ways that you are supported and focus your energy there. Then play. Channel you passion. Do it now, do it always. When the old falls away, participate in the unraveling and keep moving forward with positive momentum. Allow the old to fall away and do not hold on at all. Surrender completely and the path will Lighthousebe paved for you. Now is all that is. Not the future. Do not go there. Not the past, do not go there. Being in the now is how you will become more of what you are and the best way for you to be in your now is to Channel your passion as fully as you can, as often as you can. There is nothing that can hold you to the past that you do not allow to hook you to it. And there is no hook formidable enough to surpass the greatness of love.  When you come to a place of surrender, illumination, passion and you can be in your now, absent of worry. In full trust, you will be ready to move on and it will happen and you will be ok. It is the Universal code of love. Love is attracted unto itself. Participate in it and love will find you. Twin Flame, this is what it is all about. If you want your love to find you, you must be a beacon of that which you want. Be a lighthouse of love, light and truth and shine on. Be in the state of Illumination and remain in that state as fully as you can. As often as you can. Inspiration and clarity will flock to you and you will find solutions much, much quicker than any problem that may arise. Love will run to you from every corner of existence and your Twin Flame will not be too far behind to get to you. Trust love, be love, attract love. We love you so very much. There is nothing that can stop us from sending you these loving messages and the Universe wants for all of you to know that you are truly, infinitely supported. We are sending out examples for you to see for yourselves. As we have done for some time. Do not be afraid to follow. For, you are all part of the same Universe and the laws apply to all of you equally. Leave the rest behind. Be passionate, illuminated and channel love forevermore. That is all that is required for you to be eternally happy. follow Your joy and you will access the energy that creates worlds. Your world will open and more joy will follow. Twin Flame, this is your answer. We love you eternally and we are exceedingly greatful for all that you are and that you are here, part of the greatness of all that is. All that is love all that is good and all that is true. We love you.
If you would like a Twin Flame Reading, you may contact the Channel via her Facebook page or AcceleratedAscension@yahoo.com
OldLighthouse-long goodbye

The Stages of Twin Flame Relationships: How They Were Developed by Jenna Forrest

The Stages of Twin Flame Relationships: How They Were Developed by Jenna Forrest
Breath of Love drawing by Jenna Forrest
Neither of us had heard of twin flames before, but at first meeting, The Recognition was mutually and powerfully felt. Within a few months came Testing and Crisis fears, after which both became Runners. My desire led me inward for months to clear confusing emotions that this dynamic had brought up, as his purpose was to run further. By connecting to the Christ Heart, my soul moved toward Surrender.

Former study with an enlightened teacher helped me to know my soul and therefore view my instincts about this relationship with dedication and faith. By this stage of Surrender, my profession was full time counseling sensitives and empaths internationally by Skype. My heart was weary, but inwardly encouragement arose that this path was necessary to the desired end – an outcome that was for the benefit of the heart of humanity.

At the end of the stage of surrender, my soul entered the spiritual Void of nothingness. From The Void, the only way out was by thinking “Divine Love, please enter.” This instigated the fire of the cleansing kundalini rising through the spine up towards the skull, pressurizing the energies to purify them well into the morning hours. Remnants of the burn continued for days, until a tangible Radiance of Love began to emanate from this Being. Through this Radiance, healing abilities naturally began streaming from the hands, heart and third eye.

It seemed natural to send healing transmissions to friends and soul family, who encouraged me to add multidimensional energy healing to the services for sensitives. Inwardly, a great deal about the planetary/cosmic ascension was coming through during healing sessions. It felt necessary to work at ways to divine messages as a channel, and with practice and purification came assistance from the Unified Field that all souls call their Home.

More and more, counseling and healing clients began to share their secrets about a troubling deep and soulful love relationship that they had been involved with, their sadness and shock being all too familiar. One client asked me if there were stages to this type of union. And thus came the birth of The Stages of Twin Flame Relationships.

By June of 2011, the Twin Flame Stages video was posted on YouTube. The release of this video and the resultant Twin Flame Stages Class led to extreme, malicious psychic attack on our union by what can be viewed as the Negative Polarity of Divine Love, and as a series of initiations that might be termed The Great Hall of Shadows. It could be deduced that this attack was an attempt to prevent twin souls from accessing the hinging power of Love that the twin flame stages instigate inside the higher heart.

Overcoming the attacks benefited this work by assisting in the completion of karmic lessons in financial spiritual sovereignty, which is so important to underscore to spiritual people, many of whom are still programmed with self-sacrifice, martyring, over-giving tendencies that have led so many sensitives into chronic sickness, homelessness and even terminal disease.

For us, the reinstatement of our Divine selves has been a long steady series of tricky passageways, tests and initiations. We take privacy at this time in hopes that the public sharing of our story has served a positive purpose. Advice to all twins moving forward could be to go within, to learn all you can about Emotional Mastery, especially about emotional temperance and diplomacy in communication. The emotional mastery seems to be the key to overcoming the psychic attack that can arise as Initiations as your higher dimensional selves merge within you.

With All Divine Love and Divine Power to You And Your Beloved!!! Keep purifying and devote your process towards your soul’s True North, which will lead you Home.
The Three Downloadable Classes that I’ve developed are:
The Twin Flame Soul Merge E-Book – Channeled from the Unified Field (Released 2013)
Soulmate Relating and Cosmic Law – A Video Class (Released 2014)

If you need help overcoming psychic attack, entities, shadow selves, programming of fear, shame, sexual distortions, etc. click below for protective transmissions:

The Stages of a Twin Flame Relationship
  1. Recognition and Temporary Spiritual Awakening
  2. Testing
  3. Crisis
  4. Runner Dynamic
  5. Surrender
  6. Radiance
  7. Harmonizing

Below are the original descriptions of the stages as they came to me. For those who have trouble with the use of the term God in these stages, I suggest considering my video entitled The Number 12; Distortions Around God, Jesus & Code Removal Meditations.
With everything, there are limitations. I would write the stages with different language now. For example, The Unified Field refers to the twin flame as the Beloved Sacred Other Half of Your Soul. In other words, the word twin flame is not used in the higher dimensions. This term is just a placeholder that we use until other terms or understandings begin to integrate into the Earth plane.

**The Key to getting to the final Harmonizing stage with the least amount of suffering is to bypass one’s own Testing, Crisis and Runner stages.  This can be accomplished by staying surrendered to God throughout. **

Stage 1:  Recognition and Temporary Spiritual Awakening
Characteristics of Stage 1: Both Twins recognize one another at the soul level and feel as if they have met before.  Synchronious events surround the union.  The heart chakras open and both souls quickly merge into a third unified energy.  Both Twins experience an acceleration of spiritual understanding.

The purpose of the Recognition and Temporary Spiritual Awakening Stage: To activate the memory of each soul’s life mission and to help awaken each Twin to higher levels of consciousness.

Stage 2:  Testing
Characteristics of Stage 2: The initial temporary spiritual awakening (illumination) fades. The ego (“little self”) begins to re-emerge.  One or both Twins may attempt to fit the relationship into the “old model” of Love, couplehood and relationship as it relates to their ego desires and learned belief system.  Inner conflict arises.  Twins ruminate on what they were taught to believe their beloved “should be” and how relationships are supposed to serve them. Both Twins feel simultaneously inspired and toppled by the power of the union. Doubts creep in making one or both Twins begin to view their beloved critically or suspiciously.

The purpose of the Testing stage: To cause outdated mental concepts about relationships to rise to the surface to be cleared.

Stage 3:  Crisis
Characteristics of Stage 3: The crisis of the Twin is realizing they must reject their egoic beliefs about Love relationships or reject their beloved.  Having to shed “little self” or identity-based beliefs and desires to embrace a higher expression of Love can lead to stubbornness and anxiety.  Fear can take hold, triggering many dysfunctional emotional patterns.  In staying present with the patterns, they can be witnessed and released. Despite fears, both Twins naturally come together in cycles for bonding, confession, forgiveness and Lovemaking.  These rituals cement higher levels of consciousness into the energy fields of both Twins.

The purpose of the Crisis stage: To provide opportunities for the healing and maturing of the mental and emotional bodies.

Stage 4:  The Runner Dynamic
Characteristics of Stage 4: The human ego naturally fears annihilation in the face of the Unified Consciousness encoded inside the Twin Flame Union.  The pain body rises up and old ego survival mechanisms or “bottom of the barrel” emotional and mental patterns like defiance, resistance, manipulation, anger, punishing and judgment arise. One or both Twins become emotionally and mentally flooded with deep pain from what feels like soul-level rejection and abandonment.  The unbearable soul-level pain leads one or both Twins to withdraw physically and block communication in fear and futility. One or both Twins may unsuccessfully try to re-create the original unified harmony.

The purpose of the Runner Dynamic: To propel both individuals towards God for healing and maturation of the spiritual body.

NOTE:  The temptation to engage in ego battle or withdrawal is very seductive and difficult for many to resist, which is why many Twins never reach Surrender, Radiance or Harmony. Remember, there is no room for judgment in Twin Soul pairings. Each soul learns from much walking its own path and choosing through its own will.  Your non-attached loving thoughts will be felt by your beloved in the subconscious, keeping them strong.

Stage 5:  Surrender
Characteristics of Stage 5: The direction and outcome of the relationship is surrendered to God in full faith and trust that the Union is under Divine Protection.  It is accepted that what is best and destined for the final physical harmonizing will transpire in its own time. (Both Twins must reach Illumination in order to harmonize in the physical.)

The “Runner” Twin is allowed the space and freedom to choose to evolve at their own pace in their own way. At this stage, the frequency of compassion returns and maintains itself.  The Surrendered Twin holds a heart space for their beloved while fully exploring life on the way to becoming an Illuminated human.  This may be a time of channeling Unconditional Love into art, music, writing, teaching, active service or some other creative outlet.

Purpose of the Surrender stage: To help each soul release the ego, develop regular communication with God and demonstrate their full trust in God to do what is best and when.

Stage 6:  Self Realization, Illumination, Radiance
Characteristics of Stage 6: The ego or “little self” dies and the God-force energy takes over the body.  This leads to a complete spiritual awakening, arriving at one’s fully awakened divinity. This is the stage of radiating Divine Love rather than seeking romantic Love.
At this stage, the surrendered Twin’s emotional, mental and spiritual bodies arrive at full maturity.  New creativity and healing abilities arise, which are put in service to assist others.

Purpose of the Radiance stage:
To establish an outward flow of Divine Love through one’s body and works, which vibrates at a level that uplifts humanity.

Stage 7:  Harmonizing
Characteristics of Stage 7: By this stage both Twins have awakened.  They come together in the physical to assimilate their newly evolved energies, flowing into the new dynamic of their Unified Potential.  Both Twins integrate fully into the third energy of Unconditional Love in a way that influences others towards their own heart opening.

Purpose of the Harmonizing stage:
To fulfill the intended mission of the Twin Flame Union.

**Twin Flame relationships come into your life to help mold you to embody the vibration of Unconditional Love.**

Copyright 2011 – 2015 Jenna Forrest  This personal message of Jenna’s history is not for re-posting or re-distribution. The Stages can be shared widely, but be sure to include this copyright statement: Copyright 2011 Jenna Forrest, website: http://www.profoundhealingforsensitives.com
Hvala Ireni Bakočević i Vladanu Andriću za prevod ovog teksta u Sensi

петак, 13. март 2015.

SELACIA: Soulmates and Destiny ~ Bonds Over Time

SELACIA: Soulmates and Destiny ~ Bonds Over Time

February 17, 2015
Relationships play a key role in your joy and success in 2015, and some soulmate connections can be pivotal influences on your longer term destiny. To understand this, be prepared to expand your view of what a soulmate is and how the two of you help each other over time.
What is a Soulmate?
A soulmate is someone you bond with on a soul level. It’s a person, or even a pet, that comes into your life for a special connection that greatly enriches your life and helps you grow. This is someone who helps you see yourself more clearly and more lovingly – this helps you to progress spiritually.
Potentials for 2015
This year, with its lighter energies and more potentials for moving forward, your soulmate connections could be a significant component of your success. After all, soulmates help catalyze full expression of your life purpose. They provide helpful support in obvious and not-so-obvious ways – like soothing you after a tough day and introducing you to someone who can open new doors of opportunity. A soulmate can remind you of your good qualities too.
Soulmates are not random. Since the connection is at a soul level, the two souls are involved in orchestrating the meeting and other happenstance. It’s common for this connection to occur over a number of lifetimes, resulting in a strong bond. That’s why when you first meet someone you can feel like you are old friends – there’s a comfort level that comes from long experience. What happens is that by knowing them in different circumstances over time, you bond and help one another grow. Your strong bonds over time magnetize you together again and again.
Types of Soulmates
From a quantum perspective, we indeed have more than one soulmate. There are different types of soulmates too. The type most people think of is a romantic partner soulmate. This type usually comes from a past bond created in another lifetime. Some lifetimes, you could be with them in a romantic partnership, and then other lifetimes you might be best friends, siblings, parent-child, or business colleagues.
Some romantic partner soulmates will be in a lifelong relationship. This isn’t always the case, though. From the perspective of the two souls, their having a larger view, your romantic partnership may not be destined to last an entire lifetime – for many reasons. Sometimes your paths move in different directions, each of you needing to experience something new. In this case, each of you later on could connect with another soulmate – coming into your life at the perfect time.
Special Bonds with Each Person
Being with one soulmate rather than another does not take away from the special bonds each partnership has. In spirit’s view, there is a unique purpose to each connection and it stands on its own.
In our conventional society – with linear black-and-white thinking – there’s a tendency to think we have only one soulmate and that we can be happy with only one person.
Pets Can be Soulmates
Also, people with a linear view tend to discount that even pets can be our soulmates. In reality, the soulmate bond is not just about human-to-human. When we get on the other side and have spirit’s view, we can see this clearly.
On the other side, too, we have a higher view of why some soulmate connections involve ongoing friction and upset. In fact, soulmate romantic partnerships sometimes are quite explosive and other times the initial sizzle fades before a commitment is made. This can be quite puzzling and frustrating, to say the least!
Indeed, the strong attraction between people is no guarantee of a smooth ride. People in love often have the incorrect assumption that being with a soulmate is like a fairy tale with a lifelong commitment and no disagreements or problems. Of course, this isn’t true.
Sometimes, as mentioned, the partnering was never meant to be really long term. Also, as long as either person has unresolved issues or life plans, they will tend to get played out with whoever is closest – in this case with the soulmate.
Gifts of Soulmates
From a cosmic perspective, you are an eternal being having a series of experiences in this physical reality. Sometimes you grow the most from conflict that catalyzes a deeper inner questioning. A soulmate you bonded with numerous lifetimes could feel safe enough so that you let down your guard. Perhaps one gift of knowing that person again in this life is that he or she helps you to be more authentic and to take back power you have given away to others.
This gift may not be obvious, of course, until long after you have learned these things. By then, the two of you may no longer be a couple. The key here is to see and appreciate the gift of the relationship in the now. Then it’s much easier to let go of clinging to what was and move on.
Tip: be present and heart-centered with each person you meet. Think of each person as part of your human family. Over time you will discover soulmate bonds with a number of people. Do your best to learn from each one, listening to what your heart tells you about the connection and what it means in the current moment. Think of each soulmate bond as another opportunity to be loving – to yourself and others. Love is what matters.
Copyright 2014-2015 by Selacia – author of Earth’s Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * http://www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.
source: https://5dascensionnow.wordpress.com/2015/02/21/selacia-soulmates-and-destiny-bonds-over-time/

JUDITH KUSEL ~ Twin Flame Reunion: The Sacred Fire 2015 to 2025

JUDITH KUSEL ~ Twin Flame Reunion: The Sacred Fire 2015 to 2025

I greet you on this the 24 December 2014, with all my heart, soul and Being and may your heart and soul be open to receive this message with great love.
For we are standing on the threshold of an immense change in the way life is going to lived as the New Age truly is not only dawning, but has been birthed. It is not something in the far distant anymore – it is here and now and with us every single breathing moment of the day and night. We are already LIVING it, whether we are conscious of this of not.
I have been called upon in the last few years to do Twin Flame Soul Readings, and I do believe that this has something to do with my own soul and what I have retrieve from the Ancient Memory banks, and from the what has been lost to mankind, with my Twin Flame in a lot of ways, the import of which will only truly reveal itself in the next years.
For I have been shown again last night, of how important the next ten years will be, in our whole human development, and nowhere will this be more felt than in the relationship areas. For the old way of relating will dissolve, as these old patterns, the way we behaved and lived since the fall of Atlantis, is leaving us now.
It is no accident that so many of us, have created patterns with our Twin Flames and those whom we had relationships with, that come back to haunt us in this lifetime.
Not all relationships were ever forged in love – some were forged in times where dowry agreements were considered more important than anything else, and women became bargaining tools for political and other alliances. It goes without saying that a lot of women were literally sold into slavery, into harems, as mere chattels, vessels to be used and discarded at will.
So, all of these relationships, then coming to haunt us, as has happened and will happen more and more in the next few years, as we have to heal deep inside of ourselves: – it is not only the women who have to find the deep love and forgiveness inside of themselves for the men who took away their dignity, their right to be the Goddess of their own bodies and their own lives, but also the men – for in that the old control mechanisms fall away, some kind of balance has to be reached, where we can relate at deep and profound soul level again and understand, that when we love at soul level, then the physical love has to manifest into form in the same way. For the soul is Divine in itself, and is innocent and pure. It can be no other in the sight of the Divine, who created the soul in perfection.
Mostly it is the deep shame and guilt that we all felt at some stage, when we incarnated onto planet earth. Most often we tended to be ashamed at what happened to us, whether we were responsible for what happened, or not. We tended to beat ourselves up for the rest of our lives, because we felt that should have had a better deal in life. Shame and guilt can be carried over, over many lifetimes, as the old negative patterns, the negative cords, attachments, and hooks that are there in our sexual area, and still keep us tied to those who entered there, even from lifetimes ago.
I believe that higher healing is now going to become the norm, as balance and sanity returns to mankind. For one moment, in Atlantis, insanity reigned – now sanity is returning and with it these deep soul wounds and scars will have to be cleaved open to the very core in order for us all to heal: – men and women.
We are all one and the same, whether we were the ones who abused their power, or who were abused …..
The true and deep lesson for the whole of humanity lies in the correct use of power – for all power at its core is neutral, it has no negative nor positive charges. It is what we do with the energy of power that has brought the destruction of mankind time and again.
We now will be forced to delve ever deeper into our relationships, not only with our Twin Flames, or other souls, but with ourselves and the Divine, we will be cleaved open to the very core. It means shedding skin after skin after skin – until there is just the naked soul in all its glory and innocence and in its true Son- and Daughtership of God and in the role of co-creator.
What is it that we wish to create with our relationships?
What is that we wish to create with our love for each other?
How is our love relationship going to serve the rest of humanity and the cosmos at large?
How are we both going to serve our highest soul purpose and calling, and still find that deep love for each other, and serve by loving each other in new and sacred ways?
How are we going to use the sexual fire for the greater good of all and in higher service?
In the Ancient Mystery Schools the soul had to go through stringent initiations into the rites of Love and the Sexual Energy. It was no joke. Both were considered the most powerful gifts that the Creator God bestowed upon his/her creation!!!! Read this again: the most powerful gifts bestowed!
It is what we do with these most powerful gifts that make or break us!
The Ancients knew this!
That is why one had to go through initiations, so that the inner strength, the inner fortitude, that inner soul self, could be trained to find that deep love inside themselves, in such a way, that that love would sustain them through life, no matter what life brought in both challenges and support. For once the soul was deeply anchored in the LOVE DIVINE, it would be able to deeply love itself, and when it deeply loved itself, it could then love the other, in the same measure as the love for self was there and the love for the Divine. The sacred Trinity!
For in any relationship there are not just two souls involved – there is the third force, and that third force is the governing force, the POWER itself.
For in true and deep union, there is a deep and profound honoring of the other. There is a deep and profound understanding that the Divine lives within that soul as it lives in the body, the mind, and spirit. With it a deep respect for the power of the sexual energy, for when it is used in the correct way, then egos have to get out of the way, and a sacred flame/fire is ignited, which will singe and burn and harm if not understood fully.
It was no accident that those men who truly had powerful life’s missions to fulfill always had a twin flame with whom to perform these ancient Sexual rites, because of the fire of the sacred flame – for the woman is the transmitter of this energy more than the man, and he can only step into his fullness of his own power and higher maturity of his mission, with her being empowered totally within. Read that again: SHE HAS TO BE TOTALLY EMPOWERED FROM DEEP WITHIN AND AT SOUL LEVEL.
With this is also no accident that true maturity, the true wisdom, and the true initiations were only considered to be fully activated at the age of 60!
Yes, 60, for then one was considered to have finally come of age, to understand the deeper Mystery and to use its power with responsibility. So all the other years were spent in initiations, so that one could then step into full power at the age of 60! If was also accident that when these sexual rites were performed within that maturity that the next fire was ignited – the fire of longevity! One literally could expand the life span, by finally understanding the deeper mystery of Twin Flame union – and all the energies involved.
If there is not balance within the male, and balance within the female, then there is imbalance, and imbalance creates immense pain and suffering in any form!
It means that he stands in his full power – but this is not brute force, but it is tempered by love, deep and abiding love and a deep understanding of the Mystery of Love and Life to which even he most bow and bend to, and be flexible within.
It means that she stand in her full power – which is there in her womb, her sacred soul self, her emotional center. She has to fully empowered by the mystery of the Spirit and Soul, and all that is Love at its deepest mystery. She can only transmit the sacred fire via her womb, if she is firmly anchored into the Mystery of the Goddess herself, for she BECOMES the Goddess in the sexual act! If she is not thus empowered, she will go off kilter and then will withdraw from the male because she is not within the supreme balance of life itself!
See, then how much of this mankind has lost.
See, then how much we have to re-member and re-learn.
Only when we truly seek with all our hearts and soul to love another, as we love ourselves, and then the Divine above all, can we experience the very depth of the Mystery of the Sacred Fire itself.
Such is cosmic law.
If one does not honor cosmic law, one will reap what one has sown, and that is pain and suffering, and destruction.
Inherently the greater return to the higher state of Balance, lies in the understanding of soul relationships and in the higher understanding of the sexual energy, as in the Sacred Fire.
Without that we cannot truly find a new and higher ways of loving each other, and finding that beautiful sacred union, that is the ultimate gift from God.
May 2015 bring this understanding to all who read this now.
This is an adventure and a deep unfolding in itself and only those who seek, truly seek with an honest and open heart, will find the keys and codes given to them to unlock the sacred fire.
Such is the importance of this time!
Let those who have ears listen and those who hear, hear!
(Judith Kusel)
source: https://5dascensionnow.wordpress.com/2014/12/24/judith-kusel-twin-flame-reunion-the-sacred-fire-2015-to-2025/

THE RAINBOW SCRIBE ~ Archangel Gabriel: ‘Metamorphosis’

THE RAINBOW SCRIBE ~ Archangel Gabriel: ‘Metamorphosis’

November 13, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as metamorphosis. Metamorphosis begins when the soul in incarnation awakens to its spiritual essence after lifetimes of immersion in matter and finds the spiritual path. They are recognizing that they are ‘spiritual beings having a human experience. Along the way, the individual who identified with their persona and their body, mind and emotions, gradually becomes identified with their Soul, their inner spiritual being. The individual undergoes a dramatic metamorphosis, emerging after great struggle as an expression of divinity in the world. Many lifetimes are required to complete the metamorphosis on their path to liberation from within the depths of their soul that culminates at the stage of their transfiguration. The light of the Soul pours down upon the outer persona and changes it permanently. There are growing numbers of individuals who are awakening to the reality that they are more than physical beings with emotions and minds.
Metamorphosis is an inner alchemical process. This process is often painful, as this spiritual work requires a blending of spirit and matter. To forge unity out of this polarity, the part of an individual that is of a material nature must be purified and refined so that it may blend with that which is spiritual. The material forces are elevated through the power of the mind, mental discipline, in the goal of transmuting these forces into spiritual energies. The individual learns to concentrate and focus their mind in order to affect the subtle forces of their threefold personality, the mind itself, the astral or emotional body, and the vital energy body that underlies the physical form. The power of focused thought is used by the individual to lift the emotional forces of their desire nature (located within the solar plexus, the stomach area) and move it up into the heart center. In the heart center, personal desire is transmuted into the magnetic energy of spiritual love. Throughout the ages, awakened individuals have wrestled with their lower natures, struggling to utilize the vital forces of their personalities into altruistic service to the world. This process requires a tremendous amount of faith and trust in the Creator as this metamorphosis takes place.
The key to the metamorphosis of one’s self is to be awake and open to the guidance that comes from within and to follow that guidance with courage and faith, surrendering one’s expectations of how things should be unfolding. It requires a daily choice to willingly surrender to the beauty of life and to operate at a different level of knowing. It requires consistent spiritual practice through prayer, meditation and contemplation. It requires one to stay firmly grounded in the Earth as well as being deeply connected to God. They must be willing to allow situations in their life to move and shift them into a higher state of awareness. It requires faith in knowing that the universe is supporting and sustaining them every step of the way. It opens an individual to the realities that there is so much more to their existence than what they see in the moment while living their daily life. It gives them the ability to develop mastery over anger, fear, doubt, deceit and other negative emotions that have held them back from living a vibrant and meaningful life. They see themselves and others through a heart of forgiveness and compassion. They acquire the ability to tap into dormant areas of spiritual knowledge, abilities and understanding that has always been within them.
Through this metamorphosis that occurs within them they accept things the way they are and who they are, without resistance. They find purpose and meaning in every situation, giving them strength and a sense of peace. There is more clarity and order in their thinking processes. They pay more attention to what they are doing. They approach situations that occur in their lives with more openness and a positive attitude. They experience a feeling of more calmness within them. They are not as reactive to situations that they might have perceived as negative before. Truth becomes more of a focus as they learn to be more honest with themselves and others. They do things with a sense of gratitude and understanding in all the things they accomplish. They take the time to let things unfold before acting and open themselves to see more options and ways to do things before making choices. This metamorphosis also helps them to look at reality in a whole different way.
Metamorphosis continues as they pray and align to their divine essence at least once a day to clear their mind and to get their body attuned with the forces of nature and with the elements as well. This alignment to their divine essence gives them a feeling of being in charge of their destiny and brings an overall sense of well-being. Each day they try to bring their spirit back into alignment with the spiritual world as this gives them much peace and comfort. They feel empowered, supported and loved by the universe and begin to feel that there is nothing that is impossible in their world. Metamorphosis is the unification between their soul and their eternal Spirit. It is a process which involves a total transformation of their body, their heart, their mind, and their vital and spiritual energies.
This change within them ensures growth and the shedding of the old before they can come into the new. This metamorphosis gives birth to new ideas, new activities, and the embodying of new qualities. These new ideas need to be shaped, formed, and developed. After this is accomplished, the new foundation is laid. Sometimes an individual needs to sit back and go deeply within after laying a new foundation so that creation will be able to come forth strongly and in a totally new light. As in the metaphor of the emergence of the adult butterfly which only emerges when conditions are right, so too, one’s ideas and activities will only flourish on a higher level when all the conditions are right. Inevitably, this metamorphosis of awakening leads one to the path of transformation, by means of which the beauty, power, and light that is inherent in the soul, one’s spiritual self, is gradually revealed.
May the power and the beauty of your own individual metamorphosis occur with gentleness, and grace.
I AM Archangel Gabriel

source: https://5dascensionnow.wordpress.com/2014/11/13/the-rainbow-scribe-archangel-gabriel-november-13-2014/

THE RAINBOW SCRIBE ~ Archangel Gabriel: ‘Magnetism’

THE RAINBOW SCRIBE ~ Archangel Gabriel: ‘Magnetism’

March 5, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as magnetism. It is the power by which individuals draw things to them. Magnetism of every kind originates in the infinite spirit. Everyone possesses this power but very few people are truly magnetic these days because they hold negative qualities such as material desire, hatred, revenge, passivity, and feelings of inferiority which obstruct that magnetic power. Each human being is a conduit through which the divine’s magnetism flows. Soul magnetism is expressed through the eyes and the hands, either weakly or strongly, depending on one’s spiritual development. Some highly developed people are able to spiritualize or heal others solely by the magnetism of their eyes. If one is distracted, thinking one thing while doing something else, their energy is divided and they have very little magnetism. Doing everything with mindfulness, will power, strong intention and one-pointed concentration greatly strengthens one’s magnetism. Some people are so magnetic as they vibrate kindness and this reciprocates love immediately by the people they meet. They are a person to whom others feel attracted to, and they feel close as someone who understands, without them even speaking or explaining anything.
To increase one’s magnetism, they have to express the magnetic qualities of calmness, centeredness, firmness, wisdom, and spiritual understanding. Wherever they go, they will radiate love and kindness and receive it in return. They let their eyes and heart be charged with the divine which lives within them. Physical human magnetism is created by the nerve force energy flowing through the nervous system, which radiates out from the body. It can be strengthened and enhanced, which develops a personal magnetism that is very helpful for spiritual development. Physical magnetism can influence other people who are close by. If positive, other people are energized; if negative, their energy is drained. Physical magnetism can be seen by some people with clairvoyant sight, who can see human magnetism energy as colors surrounding the body as their human aura. Mental human magnetism is created by the nerve force energy flowing in the brain, which radiates out from the body and can influence the mood of other people who are close by. This same mental magnetism can also transmit information from brain energy in the form of thoughts and sent to other people through the process of telepathy.
When one has developed the power to attract the highest experiences, they can easily attract all lesser things by being conscious of their own developing magnetism. They practice as they walk, feeling it surrounding them, magnetic energy flowing through them as they converse with others. They expand it to the people in their vicinity by including them in their own expanding energy field. Through the divine power of magnetism, an individual can easily accomplish the divine materialization of all their constructive ambitions in their life. One’s divine essence and its magnetic drawing power emanates from within them. If they radiate love and goodwill to others, they will open the channel for the divine’s love to come to them. Through meditation and service to humanity they develop divine love, which is the magnet that draws all that is good to them. The more one acts as a channel of blessing to others, the more they will be blessed. Their magnetism will be enhanced, and their efforts to reach and integrate their divine essence will be greatly accelerated. One can develop spiritual magnetism through will power, regular meditation, through deep breathing exercises and by emulating divine and saintly people. By visualizing and meditating on saintly people, one attracts their spiritual magnetism to themselves.
Spiritual magnetism is a drawing, uplifting and expanding power. It is a quality of the spirit. By the spiritual magnetism in their own auric field, a person draws to themselves like-minded friends and their desired mentors and also acquires profound knowledge to be shared with everyone. Spiritual magnetism and its power and presence has been within each individual throughout their life and only now in these changing times, are they beginning to recognize it. An individual who can remember words or ideas they have learned, collects much knowledge within themselves. They may be called learned, as they have within them a storehouse of all they have studied, experienced, and seen, and this gives them a magnetic influence which attracts those who value learning and the wisdom it contains. The heart within each person is the greatest magnet there is. When the heart is awakened within a person, it also awakens their divinity, radiating magnetism, for as one’s heart speaks, other hearts hear it. The language of the heart reaches others before a word is uttered. The language of the heart is louder and the words that the heart speaks are clearer than the words of any language and therefore, the more loving it is, the more magnetism it has.
When the heart is awakened and kept awake, its magnetism becomes stronger as the power of the heart becomes greater, and what it can attract is beyond words to explain. It is the heart alone which can convey its full meaning to another heart, for there are subtle waves of sympathy, there are delicate perceptions of feelings such as gratefulness, admiration, and kindness which cannot be put into words, they can only be felt through the heart. Souls who have the power of performing miracles do this through the power of the heart. Magnetism comes from allowing this quality of the heart to develop naturally. It has power in itself to grow and to expand, as long as one does not close their heart. There is no greater magnetic magic in this world than the quality of heart within each soul. Magnetism is a life substance, a living spirit. It has its own particular science. The more one knows of this science, the more one will be able to value it, maintain it, and utilize it to the best purpose. By being conscious of one’s magnetism one develops it. The spiritual quality of magnetism is the most valuable power there is, for it is the magnetism of one’s heart and soul. Magnetism is developed by its use and controlled by one’s reserve. One must know the right balance between how to develop it and how to preserve it. The power with which one progresses on the spiritual path is dependent on the power of magnetism, and the speed with which one advances on the spiritual path depends upon this power. The soul begins to shine out and spreads its light so that everyone around them can feel it – there is no earthly treasure to be compared with the magnetism of one’s soul that has been touched by the divine.
May you give expression to your soul so that the soul quality of magnetism manifests in the form of love, harmony and beauty, blessing everyone and everything around you.
I AM Archangel Gabriel

source: https://5dascensionnow.wordpress.com/2015/03/06/the-rainbow-scribe-archangel-gabriel-magnetism/